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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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I'd have to disagree. If that happened a likely course would be to go FTP. If that happened swarms of people would be making an account. I'll use Dungeons and Dragons Online as an example. It was a game that was dying out at a rapid rate, but when they went free to play tons and tons of people made accounts, got addicted and paid through micro transactions or actually subscribed to the game to unlock more content or just the content they wanted. The FTP market is no joke and they have already been proving that you don't have to charge a monthly fee to be a success. Now, on topic. Lack of ranked warzones sucks. I was hoping for it too, but there are other things to do in the game until it comes out. This won't be the first time an mmo has dropped the ball on an update, and it won't be the last.



Edit...my quote didn't come up. This was in response to what would happen if all of the pvp'ers left the game, and left very few people still subbing.

Edited by Prenavo
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Exactly. They're damned if they do and damned if they don't. Release Ranked Warzones with issues and we have another Ilum debacle. The players will complain that it's broken.


Hold it off for further testing to make it better and people will still complain that now its taking too long. I feel for ya BioWare, I really do.


P.S. Yes, I am a fanboi and proud of it. Thanks. :D


people complain that its taking too long? they said 1.2 aka rateds would be out in may. Then they postpone it to early april, now its mid april and hours before the patch is supposed to hit they get rid of rated warzones, and didnt announce it until the last second in order to keep people subbed.


they said they are "hopeful" they will be out before 1.3, that could be months from now, so no **** people are complaining, this is a complete joke

Edited by lupacob
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I'm glad that BW is taking the time to get ranked warzones done right. With the sheer amount of stuff coming in this patch, I'd rather have most of it released now and the stuff they couldn't get working the way they wanted it to put in when it's ready.


If you are so full of anger and disappointment because of what BW is doing, you're probably way too emotionally invested in the game ad/or completely burnt out, if not outright obsessed. You need to learn balance and moderation.

Edited by Arzhanin
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Here is the really frustrating thing:


We were told that 1.2 would reduce the gear treadmill, and give us more to do vis a vis PvP.


Instead we get fewer PvP options (Ilum killed), and a massive new gear treadmill.

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6 year development and 4 month live service without any meaningful PVP content cannot really be called rushing something can it?


Never said they were rushing it. In fact I'd say the opposite. They're taking their time to do it right. If it's not ready, it's not ready. They tried and it didn't work out. No big deal IMO.

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Exactly. They're damned if they do and damned if they don't. Release Ranked Warzones with issues and we have another Ilum debacle. The players will complain that it's broken.


Hold it off for further testing to make it better and people will still complain that now its taking too long. I feel for ya BioWare, I really do.


P.S. Yes, I am a fanboi and proud of it. Thanks. :D



Yes you are

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I'm glad that BW is taking the time to get ranked warzones done right. With the sheer amount of stuff coming in this patch, I'd rather have most of it released now and the stuff they couldn't get working the way they wanted it to put in when it's ready.


If you are so full of anger and disappointment because of what BW is doing, you're probably way too emotionally invested in the game ad/or completely burnt out, if not outright obsessed. You need to learn balance and moderation.


and i would be willing to bet anything rated warzones will still be buggy when they get released, the coders in this game are so bad people will queue for rateds and their characters will get deleted or something.


you honestly think they didnt know that rateds wouldnt be ready until a few hours ago?

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People need to learn patience. Yes I am getting sick of bioware/EA also but to unsubscribe because a date was pushed back once or twice, how juvenile. With that said, Bioware is doing a terrible job at making changes to this game and letting the community be involved. They basically are like, we don't care what you think we are going to do it our way in the end anyway.


You promise, then deliver. That's what builds company reputation and customer loyalty.

Repeatedly promise, and then repeatedly fail to deliver, and you do the opposite.


Bioware should never have made these promises. The should never have set a timeline without knowing whether they could meet it or not; certainly not without doing a little preliminary work on identifying the scope of the problems.


This is a business mistake par excellence. It is a textbook case of amateur business practice; poor planning; poor understanding of customer base and consumer expectations. Consequently, the focus in 1.2. has been misapplied, and the whole process botched.


To notify expectant paying customers that a hotly anticipated feature is delayed for the foreseeable future a few hours before due release is the sort of stuff that sinks games. These days people are not going to wait - Bioware needs to learn quick smart that we are not living in the bad old days when content was only ever released on CD, and people would wait for years for expansions and updates. We live in a digital age where paying customers expect efficiency and promises to be delivered.


People will not continue forking out money month-after-month without getting what they were promised. Bioware has failed, spectacularly. They will learn that word-of-mouth will warn off prospective new customers, and that existing customers pull the plug.


Bioware needs to get professional administrators and customer-service gurus onto their team to avoid making textbook business mistakes. And all within less than 12 months of initial release!

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Bit spoiled, aren't we?


Spoiled by what, exactly? Anybody who has played any previous MMO has been shafted by the developers of that game in the past in some way. I, and nobody else in this thread, have been spoiled by perfect, on-time updates in the past in any online game.


Delays and push-backs are par for the course in these games, every single one of them. I, and many of us, are offended by the shyster business practices exhibited by bioware and the complete disrespect and violation of the community. Many of us re-subbed for, prepared for this, and were ready to plunge deep into this new feature with 8-man teams. Bioware took away this feature hours before it went live.


They then proceeded to tell us they would like to have it in before 1.3. They knew this update needed much more work, months even, yet they chose to announce it hours before it was implemented. That was a violation of basic consumer trust, and there is ample evidence to suggest it was intentional. People have every right to be offended by the handling of this situation.

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its like it has been stated before, Its not that the content isn't coming out, its that It has been upsold to us for months and never heard of any problems or any delay until the day of the patch, cummon fanboiz.... use your brain. They KNEW about the problems weeks in advance, yet they CHOSE to not remove it til the day of???????


If anyone thinks this was an honest move on Biowares part is deluding themselves. It was such a dishonest move to gain more subs. That is why I am upset, They are playing it off.... like it was a last minute oh crap this isn't gonna work. cummon!!!?!!!


They knew, they didn't communicate so they could save face and get more subs, now that they have all the 15$ they could possibly get, "OHHHHH, BTW, NO RATED WARZONES." "We are so sorry for the inconvenience (while they sit counting their moneys), we will be working hard to get it out to you soon! (snicker snicker)"

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Spoiled by what, exactly? Anybody who has played any previous MMO has been shafted by the developers of that game in the past in some way. I, and nobody else in this thread, have been spoiled by perfect, on-time updates in the past in any online game.


Delays and push-backs are par for the course in these games, every single one of them. I, and many of us, are offended by the shyster business practices exhibited by bioware and the complete disrespect and violation of the community. Many of us re-subbed for, prepared for this, and were ready to plunge deep into this new feature with 8-man teams. Bioware took away this feature hours before it went live.


They then proceeded to tell us they would like to have it in before 1.3. They knew this update needed much more work, months even, yet they chose to announce it hours before it was implemented. That was a violation of basic consumer trust, and there is ample evidence to suggest it was intentional. People have every right to be offended by the handling of this situation.


Reading this makes me feel like I am frauded. :eek:

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Bioware letting us down is becoming too consistent of a trend. No open world pvp, no ranked war zones..........but if you reroll a new character to 50, they have taken time to give candy for that chase.


The priorities of the devs seem to be different than the community.


You do not speak for the entire community.

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Maybe the lack of level 50s testing rated warzones is a BIG indicator to make a char copy for the test server like MMO's with a public test server do.


I dont have time to level a toon to 50 just to test out ranked warzones and im sure there are several other people that dont have time or the desire to level on a test server. Im not paying to level a toon on a server that isnt live. Make your test server more accessible and maybe you wont have these issues in the future.

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the reason people are angry is because we cant queue up with 7 other guildies. We still gotta queue up with pug baddies that dont know how to interupt or do over 50k damage in 15 minute WZs.


Also because people resubbed just for 8 man queues and rateds and they are now finding out they wasted their money and got duped by BW.


If anything EA are very clever at draining as much money as possible from people.

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