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Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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i really do not think you are gonna see many people quit of such a thing, and the people that do qit are not people worth having because if they quit over them not releasing broken content then they are not good players and on top of that, they would jsut quit becuase their broken skill from their FOTM was fixed.



THey are not going to lose any decent sub over this they will lose FTOM re-rollers and QQers


they knew this content was broken a long time ago but decided to not tell us until the last minute in order to gain more subs

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more people woulda unsubed if they kept the buggy patch. I mean, yes, I am SUPER bummed, but otherwise, I'm happy! i don't want a buggy patch. PLUS, I'm all over pvp, I love it, one of my fav parts, and I don't want tht getting screwed up in a patch.


SERIOUSLY- anyone who unsubed is stupid, WOW dorks who never signed up, trollers, or are just waiting for the ranked wzs to come out later.


Whatever, I can't wait for all the OTHER FEATURES COMING OUT. and I'll be enjoying it.


1 question, what makes you think whatever they release in 2-3 month won't be just as bugged? I mean the trend isnt really suggesting they are holding back content for bugfixing so far. ;) Perhaps today a new era has started! :D

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Why did they wait until a few hours before the patch to tell us though?


This seems like sheisty business here.



Well it could be them really being on the fence about including it or not, but that seems unlikely since they are going to let ppl download the patch in a few hours. I am sure it was just yet another example of EA and BW bad business being good finacial business for them. Crap on the consumer and keep counting the money. They are extremely lucky they have the rights to Star Wars, if this was a new brand nobody would put up with it.

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they knew this content was broken a long time ago but decided to not tell us until the last minute in order to gain more subs



Marketing ploy is a marketing ploy. This seems to be exactly what happened. Get people resubbing for 1.2., then we will drop the bombshell as close to the live date as possible.

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The players are not stupid EA/Bioware


We realise that removing an entire part of the patch is not something you can just tick a box to un-include.


You knew about this for at least a week prior to announcing 1.2. And left it untill now to announce it in an attempt to have players not hate you as much because "theyre just happy to get 1.2 regardless"



May i start saying we should follow in the foosteps of Eve players?? CCP now jumps thru hoops at the players command, employed a truckload of more staff to keep up with expectations of their players, and now they have a flourishing buisness once more.


Start up a mass unsubscribe thread, have all unsubscribers post in it. List our demands, and a reasonable timeframe. If they are not met, the unsub is permnant.


The players need to take a stand because at current, companies are in the state of mind they can do what they want in terms of service and quality to the customers with no repercussions. Therefor they will continue to do whatever they wish at our expense. We're paying for a game We want to play. Right now not only are we peeved we've been following a carrot on a stick for months, but now a large reason of why we held on for so long is out of the picture with an unannounced ETA.


I hear Terra/Guild Wars 2 is in open Beta now anyway, should they choose to laugh at our stand. We'll win either way.


P.s - wonder how long this'll last before Censorship Squad arrives.

Edited by HurrDurrCur
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Every little change? This game has NO endgame for those of us who dont feel like doing RP or PVE. This is a huge change, a change thats gonna cost Bioware dearly.


Then quit. Why complain if you're not happy? It's obviously not going to get you what you want. Might as well move on.

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noooo!!!, please say it's some stupid joke, my whole guild was waiting for it what I'm gonna tell them now? "please subscribe another 1 or 2 months and then we will finally be able to queue in full 8 man team"? Edited by rkopczak
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All you guys that unsubbed, good for you for following your principles, even if I do not agree with them. You feel duped, mislead, lied to, and responded by unsubscribing.




Now stop posting here. You're not part of the community anymore, now go away.


We still have gametime that we paid for, so quiet....

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Over the past month the activity in my guild has been abysmal and most of us have been holding back from unsubbing for the sole reason that there will be some type of competitive pvp. In my mind today I had multiple thoughts of reactivating my WoW account and playing it, which I am very sure numerous other people have been contemplating.


I am hopeful that this will be resolved very soon, but my patience has been dwindling this past month.


Just voicing my concern as a subscriber from a competitive pvp guild.

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for those of you saying its nice not to have buggy content:


bioware had 2, maybe 3 MONTHS to work the kinks out of Ranked Warzones. another development cycle is not going to help them produce a bug free update.


they literally wasted all this time. either they are incompetent at testing, or did no testing

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People are really complaining this much because they wont have a number beside their name declaring them to be better than another at Huttball? You are still going to play the same amount of war zones regardless of whether you have a rating or not. You are still going to grind to War Hero gear.


Most of you have already decided to just rant and rave whenever BW makes a mistake (Big or Small). Can't wait to read next weeks big QQ topic. I'm gonna vote that people are going to rage that they don't get to hear their ship bots' voice anymore.

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You know they need your $ so they are gonna postpone alot of contents for later usage to keep you paying. :o


Anyways, yet another game company which I have lost faith to, not because they are lack of contents, but they never keep their word. Well done. :mad:

Edited by matekwong
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And every one of you who's pissed off/"unsubbing"/etc would be the same group that would be pissed off/"unsubbing"/etc because it's not 100% operational.


Good call BW.


You need to understand, people isn't demanding the broken patch to be released, they demand the ranked PVP announced months ago which was pulled 7 hours before the patch went live.


See the difference? Probably not, but i tried. ;)

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Then quit. Why complain if you're not happy? It's obviously not going to get you what you want. Might as well move on.


I have unsubbed, however till my gametime runs out I am a valued costumer of biowares. And I will complain .. 8 more days :)

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more people woulda unsubed if they kept the buggy patch. I mean, yes, I am SUPER bummed, but otherwise, I'm happy! i don't want a buggy patch. PLUS, I'm all over pvp, I love it, one of my fav parts, and I don't want tht getting screwed up in a patch.


SERIOUSLY- anyone who unsubed is just waiting for the ranked wzs to come out later.


Whatever, I can't wait for all the OTHER FEATURES COMING OUT. and I'll be enjoying it.


amen to that

Edited by Arzhanin
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The players are not stupid EA/Bioware


We realise that removing an entire part of the patch is not something you can just tick a box to un-include.


You knew about this for at least a week prior to announcing 1.2. And left it untill now to announce it in an attempt to have players not hate you as much because "theyre just happy to get 1.2 regardless"



May i start saying we should follow in the foosteps of Eve players?? CCP now jumps thru hoops at the players command, employed a truckload of more staff to keep up with expectations of their players, and now they have a flourishing buisness once more.


Start up a mass unsubscribe thread, have all unsubscribers post in it. List our demands, and a reasonable timeframe. If they are not met, the unsub is permnant.


The players need to take a stand because at current, companies are in the state of mind they can do what they want in terms of service and quality to the customers with no repercussions. Therefor they will continue to do whatever they wish at our expense. We're paying for a game We want to play. Right now not only are we peeved we've been following a carrot on a stick for months, but now a large reason of why we held on for so long is out of the picture with an unannounced ETA.


I hear Terra/Guild Wars 2 is in open Beta now anyway, should they choose to laugh at our stand. We'll win either way.


P.s - wonder how long this'll last before Censorship Squad arrives.




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Then quit. Why complain if you're not happy? It's obviously not going to get you what you want. Might as well move on.



Because we're still the kind of people who will ask nicely, in an attempt to get our message across before going the extreme rout of giving up something they obviously love because its being thrown into an ever deepening hole by the very people who created it?

Edited by Arzhanin
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