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Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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The reality is if they had added 8 man ques which should have been in there from the start most of the pvpers wouldn't mind the rated being delayed. For all the people they employ who are gaming experts and all the listening they do to the community they don't grasp the simple flaw of having an 8v8 wz without the ability to field 8 players of choice... it's simple logic that is lacking and they way it was handled 12 hrs before launch is only a sign of disrespect and as you can see the community is acting accordingly


They don't really want this feature in the game for the same reason they don't want to allow us to CHOOSE which warzone we queue for: They know that the "random idiots" who go for medals rather than victories will never be invited into groups, AND they know that Huttball would effectively be removed from the game.


I think the 8 man group was why they pulled them. I also predict that when they add them the ability to queue as a group won't be part of them...

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ITT: A bunch of 12 year old brats crying about their 1st world problems. I'd hate to see what happens when something important goes wrong in their delicate little worlds. Get a life... Edited by Scerion
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Guys! Its all cool! We got Legacy! Which noone can tell me what is so great about it.


Yeah, if making family trees of your characters is now the main feature of the game the LEAST they should do is let us play dress up barbie with them and change their hair styles, colors, etc...

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No, it means warzones are the same as before, you are forced to group with random idiots instead of being able to group with people who know what they are doing. Which was what we WANTED, which was by far the BEST feature of ranked warzones. The ability to do this is what would have made warzones (which are a lame form of PVP) at least TOLERABLE.


Where it is NOT the same as before is that Ilum is now only a place. The one open world system we had IS GONE FROM THE GAME. Here yesterday, gone today.


You realize they've already said, repeatedly, that they are bringing it back in the future, polished & improved so that it isn't a pointless buggy timesink? I'd much rather it be gone until it's fixed, and not have to waste time there now while it sucks.

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You realize they've already said, repeatedly, that they are bringing it back in the future, polished & improved so that it isn't a pointless buggy timesink? I'd much rather it be gone until it's fixed, and not have to waste time there now while it sucks.


I'd rather have the broken SOMETHING we did have than NOTHING but future promises. Anyone who ever played SWG can tell you that the odds of those promises ever becoming reality are approximately 8,720:1.

Edited by Wildcat
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You realize they've already said, repeatedly, that they are bringing it back in the future, polished & improved so that it isn't a pointless buggy timesink? I'd much rather it be gone until it's fixed, and not have to waste time there now while it sucks.


Yes wasting time on the same old thing is way better I'd just like to point out how often the future is pointed to when dealing with monthly subscriptions lol not a bad ploy unless the problems are big enough to push away the customer base

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You realize they've already said, repeatedly, that they are bringing it back in the future, polished & improved so that it isn't a pointless buggy timesink? I'd much rather it be gone until it's fixed, and not have to waste time there now while it sucks.


You do realize they have said repeatedly the are going to add rated warzones with in patch 1.2.

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Back to that other game till something else catches my attention. All these people who say good leave to us who are saying this need to realize when we are gone there game will be a ghost town. An to actually let a company get away with these things is not right at all. If we let them then so will the next one. Stand up and get what you pay for imo.

Good luck to you all. Was a well interesting few months.



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4/12/2012 : 1.2.PvE

TBD : 1.2.PvP


The patch was not ready


Yep. If ranked warzones weren't ready, 1.2 wasn't ready. It was, other than legacy (which has little) the most advertised feature.


It's like selling someone a car and then 12 hours before delivery telling you that you are getting it without wheels "for now" because they "weren't ready", and they decided to pull the feature "very late" in the car delivery process.

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Not everyone on Fatman is a troll, but it is pretty much the only server left at this point.


Making legacy the flagship of this update will surely will cost a few of the brass their jobs. The saying "you will never make everyone happy" only works when you can satisfy more than a few

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So do you believe that 12 hours notice is reasonable to yank a central feature from a major patch?


This is hardly a central feature. It's a feature

They looked at the way it was progressing, they said no, it doesn't work right, as it is, and they put it on hold. THAT is how things should be.


Nothing in life is ever perfect, and rage quitting simply because they didn't add your favorite feature into the game is a joke in and of itself.


As they've said, the feature WILL be added, you just need to have something that gamers aren't known for..... patience. It will be added, and when they do it will be working properly (hopefully), rather than all bugged out like it is now. Until then, there's plenty of other features for this game.

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Yep. If ranked warzones weren't ready, 1.2 wasn't ready. It was, other than legacy (which has little) the most advertised feature.


It's like selling someone a car and then 12 hours before delivery telling you that you are getting it without wheels "for now" because they "weren't ready", and they decided to pull the feature "very late" in the car delivery process.


You forgot to add that they hope to still sell you winter tires

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A lot of this would go away if they simply explained the real reason why they are withholding the patch. I suspect there is more going on here than what they are explaining. Doesn't anyone see that they moved up the patch two weeks for no real particular reason at all? Tera is being released soon and while not a HUGE game, will inevitably draw 10% or so of the subscriber base.


I suspect that when rated warzones go in, there will be another highly anticipated feature implemented as well that would also address some potential short comings with queuing for rated warzones.


Ask yourself this question: If they implemented rated warzones on servers that have been virtually abandoned, would anyone care? Answer it and you might have the answer for the delay.


This is pure speculation, but this is what I optimistically hope is the case.

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This is hardly a central feature. It's a feature

They looked at the way it was progressing, they said no, it doesn't work right, as it is, and they put it on hold. THAT is how things should be.


Nothing in life is ever perfect, and rage quitting simply because they didn't add your favorite feature into the game is a joke in and of itself.


As they've said, the feature WILL be added, you just need to have something that gamers aren't known for..... patience. It will be added, and when they do it will be working properly (hopefully), rather than all bugged out like it is now. Until then, there's plenty of other features for this game.


Every company that makes their money on a monthly basis would preach patience haha hardly a central feature? if they had their ear to the ground they would know otherwise please go raid and let people vent their frustrations or better yet go work on this issue sinc eyou probably work for bioware

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The moment they put up on the site 1.2 was going live on the 12th...I immediately let out a big sigh. I knew 1.2 wasn't ready to go live. I just knew it! I think I even started a thread saying it wasn't, only to have it deleted in a short amount of time.


Sure enough, here we are. 1.2 is live. Was it ready? Well, without ranked wz's I don't think so.



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Making legacy the flagship of this update will surely will cost a few of the brass their jobs. The saying "you will never make everyone happy" only works when you can satisfy more than a few


I've been playing MMOs since 2004 (SWG). In all that time and in all the MMOs I've played, I've experience almost every disastrous mistake in industry history, from the NGE to the shenanigans in EVE. I can't think of one time anyone got fired for anything.

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