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Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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First March.


Then "Early April".


Now "In the future".


Do the developers not realize that most of the community PvPs?




I am sure that they realize most of the community PVPs... on the pvp servers!

i am a PVE player mainly so this is totally a non issue for me with the exception of needing to find another way to heal my Gunslinger for his class quests, and another way to mitigate Noble Sacrifice on my sage...

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Congratz Bioware, you just burried this game.

We got competitor games comming out just behind the corner, quite a few of them, and what does BW do? Fails again LOL!

I had a feeling 1.2 is gonna be a fail, but now im sure lol :D


Who cares about UI customization when we have bad or no content?


RIP SWTOR, what a wrong move!

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Lots of people have unsubbed - the population of the game over the past month shows that.


So i dont think you are correct in saying 90% wont quit, they are already quitting in droves, I see no reason why 90% would say they quit when features are being fumbled and this online rpg feels like my internet has gone down!


For the record I have said I am unsubbing and I am - from my sub page:


You have 13 days of play time remaining. When your play time runs out, you will no longer be able to play. Please sign up for a recurring subscription plan or redeem a Game Time Code.


You didn't read me very well did you? I didn't say that 90% won't unsub, I said that 90% of those talking about unsubbing won't. Most who quit will just quit. Those who like to come into threads and make some big dramatic sweep of their arms are just in it for trolls and attention.


When EVE Online started to go to hell, I didn't go on the forums and cry "So long cruel world; CCP, you have ruined me, alas I have no home here!"


NO, I gave my stuff to someone else, logged out and didn't log back in.


I've seen the same people in this thread in here so many times before talking about how their leaving. People will leave, yes, but most of these people won't.

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You don't change patch couple hours before releasing.

They knew long time before that ranked WZ won't get through into 1.2 patch. They just have lied about this to hype ppl and get money from subs.


Ummm...and you know this as a fact do you? You sure they didnt want to try to get it ready by today? You sure they didnt spend every waking minute they could to get it ready? This was all about money eh? well...you people are really cynical. I think communication could be better and maybe have more details on things, but come on people, they are working on a really tight timeline.

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Testing (internally and on the PTS) was part of what led us to the decision we've had to make.

A lie! How dare you? Why we don't have character transfers? I really want to test RWZ on PTS, but my character on PTS is level 12 and I don't want to spend my time on going to 50. Give me a 50 level and I will test everything. But no, you don't want us to test, you want us to spend more time and more money. :mad:

Edited by Aradax
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Id bet you in RL that most of the community DOES NOT PvP... most MMOs have actually stated that, though the one who do are very hardcore/vocal about it, a lot of people don't PvP


Seconded. PVP isn't the biggest segment of the population, just the loudest. Further, anyone qq'ing over a decision to delay shipping of buggy pvp features should visit the forums of a certain barbarian-themed mmo to see what happens when you "implement now, optimize later." BW had to choose between fixing it in development, or patching band-aids into it after it's in production. I'd much rather see it done right, than leap into an unbalanced mess and have a toon I'd worked hard on get nerfed at a later date.


The folks that rage quit over a lack of patience are a far smaller group than the number who would quit because the game is broken.

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Ummm...and you know this as a fact do you? You sure they didnt want to try to get it ready by today? You sure they didnt spend every waking minute they could to get it ready? This was all about money eh? well...you people are really cynical. I think communication could be better and maybe have more details on things, but come on people, they are working on a really tight timeline.


Ohh yes sorry its better to make videos and hype people about Ranked PVP and 1 day before 1.2 sorry guys but there will non of this things. U know that most of people just pay to wait for 1.2 and now what. Its just a real life SCUM !!!!!.

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wonder if you will be a mod in tera or gw2 in the next 4 months :) laugh ALL you want it wont change those empty fleets :)
I am laughing because people are seriously overreacting :rolleyes:If i quit, it wont be a rage-quit over something so stupid, it will be because i don't want to waste my entire waking life on another MMO ;P:cool:
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I can't fathom this at all, out of the months of internal testing that had to go into this prior to even releasing this patch on the public test realm, not one of the internal team picked up this issue a grade A blocker?

No wonder people are annoyed, this is incompetence in pure form.

I'm a systems tester and if i let something as core as this completely slip through my fingers to the point of it being recalled on the last day before release... I wouldn't only accept being sacked, I'd hand the bloody documents to approve it.

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Wow, I thought the peeps with the short attention spans and ingame egos stayed with their fail games..... I for one am glad SWToR is taking the time to fine tune their ranking system BEFORE it comes out and makes all parties involved look like a bunch of newbs. Makes this game seem so much better than the competition..... all I can say to you folks with the complaints on the slow release is please, take the behind the screen attitiude to that "other" game.... In short, I hear WoW is releasing pandas, have fun!!:D
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While i appreciate them comin out with a big patch such as this, i do NOT like when they can not make the timelime with this ranked warzone. Thats just sad, one of the three major things ive been looking forward too :(
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I loved that movie, ok OT, do me a favor and go watch that 1.2 preview vid again, and tell me what it promises


there is no mention of rated WZ in the video which suggests they have had issues for awhile, but i honestly think they have been trying to fix issues and now know they cant be fixed intime for the patch.


Bullet bitten, lesser of 2 evils, cancel the ranked WZs and let people QQ or release it with all its bugs (keep in mind you DONT know what them bugs are) and watch people QQ.


They obviously thought it better not to release with the problems it has and i back them up with the choice all the way......


You got a issue with it then please feel free to cancel your subs and stop trollllllllllllling the forums!

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Stop crying already. Regardless of ranked WZ , 1.2 is still a major patch. Few games provide so many changes in one patch. Sure, Ranked WZ won't come this patch but if they weren't working fine then thats fine by me .


If you come here and tell us you re unsubbing ... please do so , this community doesn't need this kind of players.



Competition is around the corner? You REALLY think GW2 will be that good? Everybody seems to think that GW2 will come out flawless and be so much better than ToR.... guess again.

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There was no "issue" with the rated warzones. Nothing was broken, not working or anything like that.

There were not enough players. Have you been on the PTS? It was deserted. And most guilds who got lvl 50 were PvE guilds.

On 80% of all servers maybe on more full 8 man premades would have to play almost exclusivly against random groups. Good for the premades. Bad for randoms.

That is also the reason why they will NOT allow single queues for rated warzones.

Maybe, just maybe if cross server warzones are implemented, thel will allow it, but I doubt it.

Edited by Karenai
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Great, now content is going to be delayed they are going to have to merge all the unpopulated servers after the mass cancellation of subscriptions!


Announcing and hyping up new content and then backpedalling at the last minute is unprofessional and disrespectful to the playerbase.


It's like this game has cancer. Doesn't matter what happens to it, it's still slowly dying.


Yeah but when do you think those merges will happen? My guess is by then it wont even matter..

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everyone knows that the pvpers are the superstars, the sexiest beasts around and u don't wanna piss us off. cuase even do u hate us u need us.


we are the ones the put color on the gray boring masses.


oh ye we are also the smartest ppl around.


even do u may think I'm trollin I'm not cause it's true.

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Stop crying already. Regardless of ranked WZ , 1.2 is still a major patch. Few games provide so many changes in one patch. Sure, Ranked WZ won't come this patch but if they weren't working fine then thats fine by me .


If you come here and tell us you re unsubbing ... please do so , this community doesn't need this kind of players.



Competition is around the corner? You REALLY think GW2 will be that good? Everybody seems to think that GW2 will come out flawless and be so much better than ToR.... guess again.


i know u dont need people who dont sub for another month but lol EA and BIO care u can as big fanboy as u can but it all come to money and u know it.

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you kept those changes a secret for a single reason, because some of us had to prolongue the subscription several days ago.


im considering this method to be guerilla marketing and thereby illegal. to prevent further fraud, ive reported this to my national consumerism.

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