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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

why is my launcher allready downloading patch?


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I get one day off from work that i can relax and chill, and i use that time to play swtor. Now because i dont frequent forums cause i expect a certain level of quality maintenence from a game i pay money for monthly, I am forced to go back and play League of Legends for the day. I am honestly extremely frustrated and i do believe that this company should do the right thing and compensate every player with a free month considering how bad of a mess up this is. Also the responsible parties should be terminated and replaced with more competent individuals who wont ok the server to dispatch the patch before the selected day. If I wasnt already so invested in this game, this would definitely make me stop playing. That is all.
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You people are aware that:

1: The game has only been out for 4 months now, this is not a huge issue. It is the equivalent of losing you money in a coke machine.

2: This is the first MMO from BioWare

3: It's not the end of the world

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The problem is that patches are dealt with horribly in this game. They are merged with the old assets so if a patch goes wrong there is absolutely no way to return to the previous patch without starting from scratch.
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Error's happen but if they give you an option than don't throttle the download speed of the 11gb. I don't care about the money, i care about the lack of costumer feeling with this company.


I stopped the download and indeed go and do something else, but as other that are affected i wanted to buy some things that aren't ingame any more when 1.2 goes live.


But how can you complain about the customer service before we even know what they're going to do? Maybe in a few hours we hear that they'll make those items available. Kinda gotta wait to see how the rest of the situation is handled, right?

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I sure Hope Somebody is getting FIRED!


If someone was fired because you couldnt 1. download the client again or 2. wait until tomorrow --- I hope they dont have a family and kids to feed. People make mistakes and it sucks... but hoping someone loses their job over this is selfish and lame. Hope you dont get fired for a mistake someday.

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I dl the patch wasn't even paying attention, now I'm dl the 12gb. Hopefully it works after that. Also those who don't think they have a cap on their ISP BW should look into that again, guarantee you do. ISPs don't make the info readily available but its there, Comcast has a 250gb cap for example, after 250gb it seems they charge you extra.
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But how can you complain about the customer service before we even know what they're going to do? Maybe in a few hours we hear that they'll make those items available. Kinda gotta wait to see how the rest of the situation is handled, right?


Sure, but looking back at there costumer support or communication to the community in the past time. How they handled Europe/Asia and the red zone players. I bet that we will see squad from them only an apologise and that's it.

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Man.. if a game company could have good customer service, and a decent game.. They would go so far.. Considering every company out there blows so far.. Really hoping for arenanet to perform well with guild wars 2. Bioware, aka EA, aka Worst company in america.. Your customer service so far, sucks.. Edited by mjwalsh
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I guess you are screwed... unless you want to reinstall the game, in which case you're not screwed. Either way, there are a lot of people acting like this is the end of the world. It's not, and this is just a game. Is some ephemeral trinket that exists only on the servers belong to BW really so important that you are going to act like a 2 year old because Murphy's Law kicked in and an error occurred?


It's no wonder that MMO gamers have such negative stereotypes associated with them.


you are a very forgiving person, the perfect lemming consumer, im sure you are perfectly ok with this problem, either because you arent experiencing it since you are forum trolling at work, or because you have no backbone. either way, this is poor customer service end of story, compensation is required out of sheer etiquette.

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But how can you complain about the customer service before we even know what they're going to do? Maybe in a few hours we hear that they'll make those items available. Kinda gotta wait to see how the rest of the situation is handled, right?


thats very true it just suck for the players that get one day out of the week to play n got to dowload the game again .... and the download is very slow no one can deny this

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Well, from their own words it's just a small number of subs right? Well then, it wouldnt take much to put forth a bit of good will and compensate those of us who were affected. I mean, its only a small amount of the player base right?


I've heard suggestions of a free day, but I dont think that quite says "We're sorry". I would prefer something in-game that takes say, 24 hours worth of playtime to achieve. Since it's its only a small amount of ppl this will in no way unbalance or unfairly "reward" a group of players.




I fully expect this level of incompetence from any blizzard based game.

Whats the deal Bioware? Only a small amount of your subscribers seem to be affected.

From what I've seen of the servers populations , that means a majority of your active subscribers are being affected.


Please don't follow in the footsteps of Blizzard and sweep us under the rug.

I don't mind having to wait until Thursday to be able to play or loading from discs.

Others from what I've been reading are very upset (ya , I sugar coated that one).


Take accountability for your mistake , make it right with all subscribers.

Take the extra effort to please your subscribers. You will make a good game into a great one!

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You guys need to get a dev on this ASAP, and come up with a set of instructions for people to "delete X", "rename Y", etc. so that we can revert this patch quickly and with minimal re-downloading of client data.


The lack of accountability here is, frankly, quite disgusting.


To me the better solution would have been when this was caught would be just do tomorrows maintenance now and release the damn patch instead of making people either wait or re-download the whole client again only to have to download the patch yet again tomorrow.


A mistake was made but these happen which I have no problem with.Biowares handling of it is an issue.


I for one did not download the patch as they already had caught it and stopped it before I tried to log in.I just think they should of handled it a bit better.

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What do you all expect to be done about 2 hours after the mess anyway? 50 cent deposits in your bank account for a day lost playing? Oooo... half a day actually. 25 cents. Maybe they should call you personally and tell you they'll take you out for ice cream to make up for it. Its done... move on and play tomorrow.
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Hey everyone, sorry for the brief confusion. Here’s what happened and how it affects you.


Some patch-related changes were mistakenly deployed early. Luckily, these changes only affected players for a very brief (less than 15-minute) window. We corrected this unintentional change very quickly.


Here’s how it affects you:


If you started or completed the patch download, you have two options:

  • If you want to continue playing today, you will need to restart your client and re-download the client
  • If you want to wait until tomorrow and play when 1.2 is deployed to the servers, you can close your client and restart it tomorrow after the patch is deployed (approximately 8AM CDT).


We apologize for the confusion, but only a very small number of players were affected by this unintentional change. Thank you for your understanding.


Since my dl ratio dropped from some MB/s to some kB/s it is to assume that there are more than only a small number of players who were caught by this issue.


Since you are doing the update tomorrow at best european playtime this - alas for me - costs 2 complete days of playtime. No very funny as u might be able to imagine.


And ... the suggestion to wait with playing until tomorrow ... you dont mean this serious, dont you?


IMHO there is more needed than a simple apologize.



Edited by Leicester
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So BW, any word on allocating more bandwidth so we can actually re download the game?


Agreed, i have just done a fresh install via the game discs and i'm trying to patch the game now but i'm stuck with a download of 64kb :(

Edited by Darth-Reaver
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I assume there are 10's of thousands of people attempting DL the game client and or patchs to play. This did not just affect "Some players". BioWare you might as well just bring down the servers and start the 1.2 update. Because you basically screwed most of the community out of playing anway.


UNLESS you have a solution that lets us log in?


But all these post's are doing no good besides letting people vent. We already are very aware the BioWare is ill equiped to handle the customer service side of this game.

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To me the better solution would have been when this was caught would be just do tomorrows maintenance now and release the damn patch instead of making people either wait or re-download the whole client again only to have to download the patch yet again tomorrow.


A mistake was made but these happen which I have no problem with.Biowares handling of it is an issue.


I for one did not download the patch as they already had caught it and stopped it before I tried to log in.I just think they should of handled it a bit better.


This man has the right idea.

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