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why is my launcher allready downloading patch?


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While I am as frustrated as most people about this, let's be real to those of you saying "you are missing a day's paid game-time".


Assuming you do a $14.99 monthly subscription, that's about 50-52 cents per day based off of a 31 day month. (48 cents before tax). FIFTY CENTS. And it's even less per day for the 3 month and so forth.

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10.51gb left after 1.5 hrs??... that one person that posted it would take 15 mins to download, should take his shoe off and insert his foot into his/her mouth and leave it there till they finish elementary school
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If them can't make a patch remover then just put out a new patch (1.2a) and restore the game to the files to its old state.... I can't believe BW have not done this solution...


this would be a good idea except that patch would be basically the entire game plus all the patches....which is what they're doing. at least that's my understanding.

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FYI, if you reinstall from the disc, the patch dl speed is down to 12kb/s, it may take just as long to dl 180mb as it would normally to dl 11gb.



Edit: it stalled and went down to 2kb/s and then hit network error and retried and came back at 120kb/s, which is still very slow since my normal dl speed is 10x that.

Edited by Hammar
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You guys aren't downloading the patch. They had an error and "accidentally" leaked some of patch 1.2 stuff out for about 15 minutes. Everyone affected by this is now required to redownload the entire game client (11.3 GB) or not play till 1.2 is released. I personally read this and went and ended my subscription. They mess up and I gotta pay for it on my day off? I dont think so... They aren't gettin my money just to screw me!
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The launcher now stops downloading at 10.01GB remaining. Terminating the launcher and restarting doesn't help. Rebooting the computer and restarting the launcher also doesn't help. The launcher is stuck at 10.01GB remaining.


UPDATE: launcher now continues to download past 10.01G remaining.

Edited by nerfling
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Choices/actions have consequences. IF they have terrible internet AND they buy digital version only THEN they get to waste alot of their time every time they have to reinstall.


They can learn from the lesson and get a box, or get better internet, or just flail about and call people on internet trolls, they have a "darn right to do whatever they want." However some responses would be more productive than others.


Or BW could provide an option in the launcher to save a backup of the downloaded client. How hard could that be.

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Oh geez, it's one day people. Life goes on.


At least you have your health!!


Seriously... pick up a book, go see a movie, call up a friend, go find a nice patio. I know going outside can really suck when you spend the vast majority of your time indoors, but its only one day. Relax.

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Or BW could provide an option in the launcher to save a backup of the downloaded client. How hard could that be.


Or a user could learn to actually use their computer and just reload their last windows backup. Dang that sounds pretty hard, definitely the developers fault for not backing up your files for you.

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Seriously... pick up a book, go see a movie, call up a friend, go find a nice patio. I know going outside can really suck when you spend the vast majority of your time indoors, but its only one day. Relax.


You think I'm going outside with that big bright yellow thing? No way man

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A more logical explanation would be that their update server is optimized to deploy 1.2 patch, and they had no way of anticipating any significant amount of users having to re-download the entire game.


Yes I agree that they did not anticipate the "over use" of their sever, but when you yhave to stop and start the download every 5 minutes because of "Network Errors" , they need to put more servers online for the "small amount of people affected" by their mistake. was I clear on that?

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just a handfull ....... its not important ..... REALY BIOWARE


Dude. Have you ever made a mistake? Ever? It happens. They fixed the problem as quick as they could, and unfortunately, there's some collateral damage. What do you want them to do about it? They can't magically make a "fix it" program by tomorrow. They apologized, and told everybody what the situation is.


Ok...accept and move along. I'm sure you'll get your 50 cents credit.

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No answer in my latest thread and now it's closed.

So I'm asking again here:


I planned to play today and buy the items that tomorrow will be no more available, so:

- How about my Battlemaster commendation?

- How about my Champion/Centurion commendation? (I wish buy pet's equip)

- how about colour crystal?


I can't re-download the whole client 'cause it takes hours and hours..


Someone said that in the terms and conditions you saved your a** writing that you are not guaranteeing the service all days, that's ok.


So, just say to us this:

"We are sorry but you lost the opportunity to buy things that tomorrow will disappears thanks to our mistake"


I hope I can see this in yellow, written by someone of Bioware.

I want to be written explicitly that for this mistake we will LOST the chance to:

- Buy battlemaster with commendation

- Buy equip with Champion and Centurion

- Buy colour crystal unique


Stop going around with "sorry" and "apologize". Let us know what we are loosing with this fail.



Take your role on this.



edit: To ppl who said "errors could happens" I just want let you know that we are paying for a service, it is not like a child how didn't make the homework. This is another fail.

The only way to fix this is to NOT REMOVE the opportunity to buy Colour Crystal, Battlemaster with commendation, Centurion and Champions sets tomorrow!

Edited by xArtemiSx
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While I am as frustrated as most people about this, let's be real to those of you saying "you are missing a day's paid game-time".


Assuming you do a $14.99 monthly subscription, that's about 50-52 cents per day based off of a 31 day month. (48 cents before tax). FIFTY CENTS. And it's even less per day for the 3 month and so forth.


It's not about the money it's the way they are communicating and give you 2 options. Re download or wait.


I choose re download but that is being throttled by Bioware. Guildies are waiting for some people that got affected to raid 16 man. I only ask for some kind of compensation in game or a client fiks for the people that where affected. Again costumer support is again meh

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bEST THING TO DO IS Give (AS A GIFT) every active account one (SOon to be removed) Top Level SPeeder car and 1 White Crystal (Neither is game breaking) in an offer to say "Sorry sometimes even BW can make a mistake". But this will appease your customers...show that a company actually cares about their subscribers...and is a WIN/WIN..

Customers are happy, company is happy(No loss in revenue), and for the first time will show that BW is willing to be giving...

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Seriously... pick up a book, go see a movie, call up a friend, go find a nice patio. I know going outside can really suck when you spend the vast majority of your time indoors, but its only one day. Relax.


that isnt the point. people were finishing things like spending the last of their champion and centurion comms, grinding the last little bit they needed for a white crystal..... any number of things that will not be available tomorrow... now we are told, sorry YOU cannot finish, you are screwed.....

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My thought is this. I have a very limited time window in which to play. When I first tried to log in I had no idea it had anything to do with 1.2. I was unable to play my game and when I tried to log back in it's now dl'ing 11gb and I have a huge red message telling me to check the forums. I pay for this service and now because this dl is going to take forever and a day, My limited time to play is gone. All I wanted to do was to play the game I pay for. I didn't want to download part of tomorrow's patch by mistake. I just wanted to play my game. I think the small number that have to re-install the client should be compensated for their time, especially since it wasn't our mistake, it was Bioware's. I'm not saying a free day or anything but just some kind of compensation for the inconvenience. This wasn't our fault, it was theirs.
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I fully expect this level of incompetence from any blizzard based game.

Whats the deal Bioware? Only a small amount of your subscribers seem to be affected.

From what I've seen of the servers populations , that means a majority of your active subscribers are being affected.


Please don't follow in the footsteps of Blizzard and sweep us under the rug.

I don't mind having to wait until Thursday to be able to play or loading from discs.

Others from what I've been reading are very upset (ya , I sugar coated that one).


Take accountability for your mistake , make it right with all subscribers.

Take the extra effort to please your subscribers. You will make a good game into a great one!

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Or a user could learn to actually use their computer and just reload their last windows backup. Dang that sounds pretty hard, definitely the developers fault for not backing up your files for you.


And some of us have disabled system restore because we normally don't screw up our systems, besides I'm pretty sure system restore, restores the SYSTEM files..not program files. Do you really think your entire hard drive is backed up regularly?

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Do you think right now one guy is getting hit over the head with a newspaper by his boss repeatedly?


Well I'm not one to complain over every little thing. Nor any "big" thing if it is solved within a reasonable timeschedule.


But erm in this case....leave the paper and grab a baseball bat!

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It's not about the money it's the way they are communicating and give you 2 options. Re download or wait.


I choose re download but that is being throttled by Bioware. Guildies are waiting for some people that got affected to raid 16 man. I only ask for some kind of compensation in game or a client fiks for the people that where affected. Again costumer support is again meh


I'm talking about the people complaining about how they paid money to be told they can't play for a certain amount of time. Hence why I said that in my post. In the context of my post and its meaning, it is about the money.

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If it was just a day without play, I would be fine with that. My concern is I have champ tokens I was planning on getting gear with tonight.


If I am unable to download the whole game and get installed tonight after work and before servers shutdown I will never be able to get that gear that I have played for and earned.


Other concerns that some people will have is they will miss out on the crystals, speeders, or extra exotic mats from raiding tonight.


I'm sure many people planned on finishing this stuff up tonight before 1.2, and they may now miss out.

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*** is this ****, Just started re-downloading the game and guess what!!


100 Kb/s, after a couple minutes an error occures saying : Network Error while downloading patch....Of course EA/BW refuse to admit this is their fault and are closing threads regarding this issue.


Yeah like if my internet suddendly crashed from downloading 4 Mb/s to 100 Kb/s.


Weird thing everything else I want to download is doing fine. But yeah, thats not their fault, of course!

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