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Inquisitors/Consulars... we all OK being the only pair to lose our level 46 ability?


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Force Mask


I would like to see an ability that you can target a mob/player and make yourself appear "Friendly" to them. On players it would be purely cosmetic it would change the color of your name plate or if they don't have name plates enabled it would hide it. So if you are going to hide in corner and heal yourself you pop "Force Mask" and people on the other team will not see you as a target. If they click on you and attack you it would still work but you wouldn't -look- like a target.


For mobs you could just become a friendly of the type you had targeted. So if you are in a bunker full of rebel scum you can target one, put on a happy face and stroll by him, click your quest item and stroll right back out if you do it fast enough.

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Brain Storm:

When used it doubles the energy/force/whatever of abilities for 10 seconds vs players and 30 seconds vs mobs.

Not sure if it would work on bosses since they are all scripted but it's an idea.


Or could give us a "Mana burn" like ability. You know, if you want to be -more- like WoW.

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I'd like to see Force Pull spread across assassins/shadow. 45 second cd, no threat. Then the tanking talent for it could be changed to reduce it to 15 seconds with the threat component.


As for Sorc/Sage, add the effect of Force Armor/Static Bubble to their friendly grip ability instead of the threat reduction.

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What would you put in its place? We might not replace it with anything (or at least not any time soon), but I'd still like to hear suggestions.


Next ability is instant cast and costs no force. Fixes all the problems. Helps both advanced classes.

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Deception: Create a series of "Force Duplicates" that run off in random directions taunting mobs. A taunt-splosion if you will, this will allow you time to escape with your force speed and drop agro.


Force Bulwark: A toggle ability that lets you increase the armor value of your armor by X% at the cost of Y energy per second.


Force-Suspension: You suppress your life force bringing yourself to the brink of eternity, dropping all agro and appearing dead. You gain immunity to all attacks/damage for 10 seconds. Allows the healer to recover the wipes faster in the new content. Also helpful for the non-healers when they pull too much.


Dark-Vision: Toggle ability that puts a purple/gold overlay on your screen removing all other colors but also allows you to see stealth characters as if they where not stealth.


Abyss: You summon forth the power of the dark/light side to create a ball of force that is invisible to the naked eye but when it makes contact with a player or mob that player or mob is trapped in place for 3-4 seconds?


Force Echo: Cast on a player the ability "Echos" heals done to the player to any players around them for 10 seconds?


Death Echo: Cast on target, whatever damage is done to them is reflected back to the attacker for half damage, threat counts as the threat of the person you cast Death Echo on. So it helps tanks hold agro.


EMP: An instant cast AOE droid stun centered on the caster, because when isn't emergency CC handy?


Eruption: When you are killed, and you will be killed, a LOT playing a sorc/sage the force contained inside you erupts and does your life total in damage to everything in 5 meters. Yes, you die, but you get the friggin loot.


Life-in-Death: A buff you cast on yourself at the start of a fight. For 10 seconds after you die you walk as a ghost in the force able to cast spells like normal. You have a full energy bar when you become a ghost. After your time expires you die again and can be rezed normally.


Force-Wrench: Rip the buff off of targets. Boss has enrage? F---- no beeaches, I have enrage!

Buff returns to it's normal location after five seconds.


Guidance: Channeled ability that creates an illuminated path between you and the target player in your raid. AKA: "We're over here!!!" (Put that path finding technology to the test)

Edited by Coyotecalls
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I agree with the poster who mentioned that the replacement skill have some lightsaber component to it. I don't even keep the melee attacks on my bar, the lightsabers, as they are now for sorcerers are simply to pad your stats.


i used unity a few times, but never had much difficulty soloing content.

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Force Presence: This ability when activated grants the user a damage/healing critical chance buff that is 2% for every tier of Dark/Lightside they are. So if you are Dark 4 you get 4x2=8% critical damage chance for 10 seconds or Light 3 would get 3x2=6% critical healing chance. If you have reached Dark 5 and Light 4 when you activate the buff you get 10% crit and 8% healing. This would REALLY encourage players to get both sides to 5.


Life Theft: Take 2% life from your target, add that amount to your next healing or damage spell.


Lightning/Force Rod: We really don't use our light-sabre as much more than a decoration when we play as Inquisitors so you could use the Jedi animation for putting on their buff, and put some particle effects on it where it calls down lightning/a bolt of force to do an instant cast force attack on a cool down. Might help with trash mobs. Could blind weak mobs for a few seconds or something.


Transfer wounds: Select a friendly player/companion and transfer your life deficit to them. No practical use I can think of but it would be a nice way to get a self-heal while being a total douche.


Force-Grace: You fall to the ground without taking damage from any distance, can be cast on other players, lasts 10 seconds.

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Awesome: When activated you appear to be a level 50 character to mobs for 20 seconds. When activated you count as a Champion to players for 20 seconds.


Force-Slash: A wave of force that streaks out and breaks the bonds restricting other players allowing you to break the CC holding other people/companions, but not yourself.


Distraction: Select a target area, A glowing ball of light will appear and all mobs in the target area will look at the light instead of seeing you. So you can walk right past them while they look at the pretty-sparkly. Does not trigger combat.

In PVP it makes a glowing ball that counts as a "Player" with 5000 HP and does nothing but sits there looking pretty. It is stationary and lasts for 2 minutes. To make it interesting.. it can catch the huttball.


Adept: When activated you, or your target, is infused with a surge of force power increasing parry/dodge chances by 5% for 20 seconds, or something like that. I'm not sure how the Parry/Dodge mechanics work number wise.

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Force-Wall: Using a rectangular targeting reticule you create a wall of darkness or force waves. Instantiates a collider so mobs/players will have to shoot/move around it. Lasts 6-10 seconds.


Volley: Target enemy is shot directly up into the air then falls back to the ground taking fall damage. Of course this acts as an interrupt.


Control Beast: Tames a target beast to be your companion and fight for you for 30 minutes. Because, dude, pet Rancor.. just sayin.. o.o


Fated: Casts a Dot spell that ticks until it is dispelled or until the mob/player reaches 20% life. For every tick it builds a debuff counter called Sealed Fate. Once the DoT goes off the target takes 200 damage for every stack of sealed fate. There is no limit to the stack size of Sealed Fate.

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I've noticed a good quantity of people are making suggestions based primarily off the point of view of a sorc/sage DPS or Healer. A slim few have made comments from the DPS Assassin/Shadow perspective, but as of yet there hasn't been a post from a Sin Tank. So I figure I might as well fill that gap.


--Wall of Text Warning-- (To skip boring example/explanation stuff, just scroll down and read the blue text)

I'm going to warn anyone willing to read this right now....I don't pvp. Never have, never will. Not even in any other mmo. So I will avoid that topic since I would be speaking with no experience on the matter.


That being said, I do believe we should get an ability to replace the one which was removed. It's only fair. I also agree that it should not require a companion to be out in order to use it. This is based off of the fact there are other classes which have abilities that unlock around the same level as Sacrifice/Unity which don't require a companion to be out.


However, I can see how complicated it could be for the devs to give a new ability to the base classes without unbalancing either of the advanced classes.

Example: Sorcs feel they need another heal to bring them back up to snuff with the rest of the healers, but that means that Assassin dps and tanks would get a heal/self-heal too since this is going to be a base class ability. Would I like a completely straight up heal/self-heal? Yes! Unfortunately, it would make Assassin Tanks the definitive optimal tanking class in the game, leaving the other two classes in our wake (causing a torrent of nerdrage). The same thing would happen with another defensive cooldown.


I've seen a few comments about another CC or stun. Sorc's currently have an in-combat CC and Sins have a stealth-only CC. We both have electrocute. This would give us another one. Why? We have one now and it works. Adding another will likely make many people mad. I'd predict many threads based off the comment: "we already have that, why did you give us something we already have?!".


Another thing I saw being suggested was a threat dump. Simple answer, it would be an absolute waste on tanks. The opposite would be true as far as Assassin tanks wanting another taunt. Sorcs would never use it because they don't want to have threat, so it would be a worthless ability.


Now things are starting to get tough. I've ruled out heals, defensive cooldowns, threat based abilities, CCs, and stuns. People playing as these classes will agree that we already have enough dps abilities, so adding another one to our already bulging skill-set would just cause issues with GCD. Honestly, the only thing I can think of is a change to one of our already existing abilities. Something both advanced classes have and which will not break the class.


Of the available options, I was actually thinking of Tumult (no idea what the Republic equivalent is). It has a 45 second cooldown, does moderate damage, costs no force, and adds a bit of flair to the class.


How about snipping off the "only usable on incapacitated targets" and making it available to use whenever its off cooldown?


I think both Sorcs and Sins would get some use out of it whether they were healers, tanks, or dps. But that's just my opinion....I may be completely wrong.

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I've noticed a good quantity of people are making suggestions based primarily off the point of view of a sorc/sage DPS or Healer. A slim few have made comments from the DPS Assassin/Shadow perspective, but as of yet there hasn't been a post from a Sin Tank. So I figure I might as well fill that gap.


That's because they are amazingly over powered. But many of my suggestions have had them in mind. I don't think you've actually read the pages of posts or perhaps the title of the thread before replying.

Edited by Coyotecalls
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I don't think you've actually read the pages of posts before replying.


Actually, I read them all. I read all of your suggestions in particular. Most of them fell into the category of a heal, defensive cooldown, or CC. Of the ones that didn't, the first few were just PVP stuff that you really couldn't say was directed towards any advanced class. The mind trick refocus on the tank stuff was just garbage. (Tanks have their own taunts, if they don't know how to manage them then that is their fault. It's not the healer's or DPS's job to help the tanks hold threat.) Some of the DPS abilities seemed interesting but they were all too complex for the dev's to actually be willing to sit down and design them. (I figure we were more likely to actually get a replacement if we suggested a quick change that wouldn't really involve much work on the part of the devs.)


The rest sounded like a crybaby Sorc with stealth envy. Either way, none of your mentioned suggestions stated anything which would lead me to believe you had "this would be useful for Sin Tanks" in mind. On the off chance you did, good for you.

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What would you put in its place? We might not replace it with anything (or at least not any time soon), but I'd still like to hear suggestions.


Suggestions (from a Sage pov, but i think Shadows might find them useful as well):


  1. Ability to instantly (or very quickly) regain Force (something like the Smuggler's Cool Head ability)
  2. Ability that instantly removes all negative effects and makes the target immune to negative effects for X seconds
  3. AoE Force Stun -- maybe with the Consular throwing the lightsaber and having it spinning around the AoE axis, stunning each target therein
  4. Ranged lightsaber attack that deals significant/moderate damage (single-target /AoE), that does NOT respect the GCD

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I've never used it...


I found many uses for this ability solo but especially in FLASHPOINTS when I get a companion via crew skills as seen in Athiss.


A useful ability that you never used is still a useful ability.


I agree with the OP we lost something useful (for those who don't know it was a 40% heal at the cost of companion HP) and it was never replaced.


What would you put in its place? We might not replace it with anything (or at least not any time soon), but I'd still like to hear suggestions.


I love this game but its seriously lacking skills that are fun and useful. I believe WoW did this best with the following abilities:

Mind Vision (Range: 50,000 yrds / Instant cast + Channeled) - it changed your camera view to that of your targets so you are in one place but can see another instantly. In any pvp match you could have defended one area until you have no more attackers then decide where to go next by using Mind Vision on an ally that is defending another area to see if those areas need help. You could also Mind Vision an attacker to see where he and his friends are going and warn your WZ in chat.


Mind Control (Range 20 yrds / Cast Time + Channeled) - Players take control of the target if its a npc then you control it for up to 60 seconds (with a chance of it breaking out of your control increasing by how far away it is from you). When you have control of the npc you can use some of the skills it has. You use this in many creative ways while playing WoW's version of Ops and Flashpoints. In pvp you could only control a player for 9 or 10 seconds and you could only swing your weapon no skills. It was still useful to CC players. (Walking someone into the fire in Huttball or off the bridge in Voidstar sounds fun too!)


Available for Consular/Sorcerer equivalent classes in WoW. I don't miss WoW at all but I miss abilities like this tremendously!!

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Why not just a simple ability like:


Jedi Consular: Force Reversal

Sith Inquisitor: Force Deflection


Ability would be the same, just different animations.


"When activated, the next 2 movement impairments, stuns, or knock backs are instead applied to the one attempting to apply it to you."


Or even just simply negating the next 2 movement impairments, stuns, or knock backs. (Though in my opinion it would be more fun to see a Knight/Warrior Force push himself off a cliff)


The only exception to this would probably be the Warrior/Knight/Powertech/Vanguard jump to ability. (As it wouldn't make sense because of the way the mechanic works).


The reason being is actually kind of simple:

The consular and the inquisitor are both "Force" heavy classes. Yes, the Knight/Warrior are also "Force" users, but they are not "Force Heavy" users. They simply use it as a supplement to brute force. Whereas, the Consular/Inquisitors are reliant on using all aspects of the force.


In my opinion, the best example of a Consular is Yoda. And in the movies, we see Yoda constantly using the force to do things whenever he is fighting, one of those being, negating Dooku's force lightning without a lightsaber, but his bare hand. So in that aspect, why not give the class something with a bit of spunk to it, hell, even if you just change it to being the "NEXT" cc, instead of the next 2, that is still something I would gladly trade for the loss of the Sacrifice/Unity ability.


It's simple, small, and it would not be a drastic, major game changer. Just something to spice up and make people think twice when they want to CC a Inquisitor/Consular.


In reference to WoW, this is similar to the Reflecting ability that Warriors had, minus the ability to reflect damaging abilities as well.


Every class in the game has multiple methods of CCing another class, be it through stuns, snares, knock backs, etc, what's one more going to add to that, especially if it is on a 1 minute or 2 minute cooldown?

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Unity was pretty worthless, I've only used it maybe a dozen times.


I'd like to see a new FREE ranged instant attack, that we could cast while moving. That didn't have a CD. Basically a Hammer shot for the consular/sorc classes.


Basically a ranged option instead of our tatically, almost useless, saber attacks. It would use the same base for damage as the free saber attack. I'm not sure about an animation or name for this ability. And I can understand why saber throw is kind of off the table. Maybe it cold be something like a much smaller version of disturbance for the consular, & a single bolt of lightening for sorc? Maybe it could just use a shrunken & modified animation of disturbance?


Getting a ranged free & mobile cast attack would pretty well make up for changes to noble sacrifice as well.


Keeping in this them I'd like to see the project animation replaced with an effect similar to disturbance, that would represent a projected telekinetic impact, rather than some random piece of junk. Maybe just a larger and more dramatic looking version of the free cast attack. Something that looked like it originated with the character model, instead of being a rock conjured out of a deck plate, or a droid carcass conjured out of floor of a cave.

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I liked using it to complete heroic 2+ quest solo but that only applies to leveling.


I do miss using it in open world PvP though on Tat. I was also mad they took something away but gave me nothing. I don't understand that at all. :mad:

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skills that can be cast while moving.......whoever thought a assassine is a caster is obviously deluded.


cc that doesnt fill an entire resolve bar with one hit.....like most of the repuublic seems to have....or are those just the hacks that dont officially exist?


the ability to cloak at will with a decent timer that isnt 3 dam minutes


lastly....non positional attacks.......since we cant cc for crap...our positional attacks are worthless


as a non tank assassine...madness many of our skills are less than uselful in pvp....and some simply are piontless.


did ya ever see darth maul....standing stilll casting his spells?...hell no he was a gunslinger with a saber...a whirling dervish of sith destruction

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I'd like to see something that lets us regain Force without killing ourselves. Since the patch I've been in lots of situations in Ops and HM FPs where I'm out of power 1/2 way thru the fight....and I was watching my consumption of force very carefully. Maybe something that allows us to DRAW force from an enemy?
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Lightsaber throw would be cool to have at level 46.


Agreed, would like to have an ability like this so that my saber isn't just a pretty thing to look at, pad stats, and deflect the occasional blaster round. Or maybe instead of a throw, a saber 'shield' or small knock back?


Either that or make Tumult available in PVP and I could care less about another ability!

Edited by AdamGe
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What would you put in its place? We might not replace it with anything (or at least not any time soon), but I'd still like to hear suggestions.


First off the ability just requires to much time to use in a rush manner. This is the biggest problem.


It needs a fix not a replacement.


How you fix Force in Balance is to have it steal life from the targets to the player that way he does not need to do these steps:

1. Hit Force in Balance.

2. Move to targets and use it.


A. Targets move so the entire process is useless as you hit nothing.

B. You hit minimum targets so was a waste of time.

C. You have to reposition so often you never get it off before you drop dead.

D. You get interrupted while you are doing all this.



The target currently selected has a radius of 30 meters and all targets lose life that goes to player using Force in Balance. This would fix the ability and be quick to use.

Edited by Metalmac
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A reflect type ability would be fantastic! It could have like a 2 minute cooldown or something. That or an immunity ability where we cannot take damage of any form, but must focus everything to maintain so no other abilities are possible.


Why not just a simple ability like:


Jedi Consular: Force Reversal

Sith Inquisitor: Force Deflection


Ability would be the same, just different animations.


"When activated, the next 2 movement impairments, stuns, or knock backs are instead applied to the one attempting to apply it to you."


Or even just simply negating the next 2 movement impairments, stuns, or knock backs. (Though in my opinion it would be more fun to see a Knight/Warrior Force push himself off a cliff)


The only exception to this would probably be the Warrior/Knight/Powertech/Vanguard jump to ability. (As it wouldn't make sense because of the way the mechanic works).


The reason being is actually kind of simple:

The consular and the inquisitor are both "Force" heavy classes. Yes, the Knight/Warrior are also "Force" users, but they are not "Force Heavy" users. They simply use it as a supplement to brute force. Whereas, the Consular/Inquisitors are reliant on using all aspects of the force.


In my opinion, the best example of a Consular is Yoda. And in the movies, we see Yoda constantly using the force to do things whenever he is fighting, one of those being, negating Dooku's force lightning without a lightsaber, but his bare hand. So in that aspect, why not give the class something with a bit of spunk to it, hell, even if you just change it to being the "NEXT" cc, instead of the next 2, that is still something I would gladly trade for the loss of the Sacrifice/Unity ability.


It's simple, small, and it would not be a drastic, major game changer. Just something to spice up and make people think twice when they want to CC a Inquisitor/Consular.


In reference to WoW, this is similar to the Reflecting ability that Warriors had, minus the ability to reflect damaging abilities as well.


Every class in the game has multiple methods of CCing another class, be it through stuns, snares, knock backs, etc, what's one more going to add to that, especially if it is on a 1 minute or 2 minute cooldown?

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