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Queue growing and growing and growing...


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I got dc'd from The Swiftsure and i don't plan on waiting two hours just to get back in. Guess it's time to go to bed and hope to God when i try to play after waking up i don't have to wait 3 hours to see my character screen. :(


i feel your pain... guild was doing a run of Taral V and we wiped testing out the first boss. had to release to med center and we all got booted there was over 1900 people in front of us, had to wait 3 1/2 hours to get back in.


i really hope BW takes notice of servers like these and allocates additional resources to them so that the average gamer can play when they have time


i know we have a number of older players that are busy with work, and children who only get 3-4 hours to play and wasting that time in que really takes away alot from our guild when the majority of them have to waste their time waiting in a que, then finally log in and are like well i ran a lap around the station time to log.

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So it looks like it boils down to two options:

1) Give people the option to leave to a different server.

2) Remove them by force.

What do you do with the guilds that were assigned to the server as part of the guild program? Many of these guilds have a lineage of 10 or more years with players who have used the same character names for just as long.

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Yes Please LOCK DOWN new character creations on Servers where u have queue's on for fckn 4 hours idiots!



The problem with this is, I'm on swiftsure, Which seems to have the longest queue, our guild has people that didn't pre-order so that would not allow them to play with us. What they need to do is increase the population cap of the server, that can be online at once.

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Half the servers haven't had any queues at all..


People are just being stubborn and not willing to reroll while it's still early, if I was sitting on one those servers I would have rerolled by now.


Been playing on Saber of Exar Kun, PVP east - we have a great population with 0 queues so far.

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The Swiftsure as many have said is really bad...


I queeued for 3 1/2 hours then got a server error and then was queued again for 1 1/2 hrs..


Hope this is sorted out as it was said early access wasn't a stress test... so far not seeing a great launch will most of my time spent queued...


The Swiftsure and The Harbinger are unofficial oceanic servers and I see this must have had a massive impact...


Please help!

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Half the servers haven't had any queues at all..


People are just being stubborn and not willing to reroll while it's still early, if I was sitting on one those servers I would have rerolled by now.


Been playing on Saber of Exar Kun, PVP east - we have a great population with 0 queues so far.


So what do the pre-placed guilds that have 100+ people, many who didn't pre-order so they're not in yet, do in this case? It's easy to re-roll elsewhere if you're solo, but when you have large guilds, like mine, that were placed on the servers that incidentally have terrible queues, the logistics problem of moving them is not trivial. And the frustrating part is we didn't choose where to land, Bioware did it for us with the pre-placement for guilds. So this problem was imposed on us, we just want solutions for big guilds that really shouldn't have to coordinate a 100+ character move and re-roll with pre-determined names for guilds and toons.

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Half the servers haven't had any queues at all..


People are just being stubborn and not willing to reroll while it's still early, if I was sitting on one those servers I would have rerolled by now.


Been playing on Saber of Exar Kun, PVP east - we have a great population with 0 queues so far.



this has got to be the dumbest message ever


whats stubborn got to be with not being abe to play with friends and guild m8s why should a guild group of 50+ people all have to move to play with each other when the guild management system put people on such crap servers


if we didn't want to play with our guild friends etc then yeah sure its easy to move but its a MMO not a single player game the social aspect is everything..

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Half the servers haven't had any queues at all..


People are just being stubborn and not willing to reroll while it's still early, if I was sitting on one those servers I would have rerolled by now.


Been playing on Saber of Exar Kun, PVP east - we have a great population with 0 queues so far.


Please explain what you would do with guilds that participated in the guild program, established a guild name, ensure enough people preordered the game ahead of time so their guild would be placed, and were ultimately assigned the server they are on? How do you move them? How do you ensure they get to keep their guild name? How do you ensure players of those guilds get to keep their names? Were you even aware there was a guild program and how it worked?

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I should suggest this:


BioWare give some guilds the change to switch a server so we can all split up over all the servers and there will be no server that is always full..


How it goes now on Tomb of Freedom Nadd is realy bad. Queue's all over the day and over 1000 of people are in that Queue... It's realy sad if you are coming from work/school and had a bad day and would like to play some SW:TOR, the first you are going see if your guild was assigned a full server is a queue for like 5 hours. After the 5 hours you're in and you can log out because tomorrow you got a busy day again.

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Did BW set up these "Official" queue threads so those with legitimate complaints can be attacked by other "fans", so BW wont have to respond themselves?


It would seem that way.



Anyway; One thing that would sort of "solve" the QUEUE issue would be to


a) Let you QUEUE from the Launcher, so you didn't have to have the game running, and that way have more system resources available to play other games or do other stuff while queued.



b) Let you QUEUE for one server while playing on another. This way you can actually spend your paid subscription time playing the game, instead of paying to queue. Heck, this way you might even get people to migrate to other servers naturally, as they find out the game experience on their 'backup server' was more enjoyable.


Once the queue on your "Primary" server is up, just have a notification in the game saying "Tomb of Freedon Nadd is ready to play. Click YES to login to this server".


This way; Everybody wins, and its such a simple thing to implement.

Edited by AlexanderB
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That's really frustrating. Playing one hour ends with a bluescreen. Login again takes 50+ minutes. So ingame playing a few minutes, bluescreen. :-) Yeah thats a lot of fun. I hope the queue problems will be solved AFAP. An active subscription for 6 month and so long queue times, no thanks.


Idea: Detect client crashes and allow those people to login really fast.


Under 5 Minutes to reboot and going ingame. ~40 seconds on my machine. Already thought about the wasted energie? I use my PC only for gaming while doing all my other stuff on a Mac.

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Please explain what you would do with guilds that participated in the guild program, established a guild name, ensure enough people preordered the game ahead of time so their guild would be placed, and were ultimately assigned the server they are on? How do you move them? How do you ensure they get to keep their guild name? How do you ensure players of those guilds get to keep their names? Were you even aware there was a guild program and how it worked?


Actually in regards to this I would do two things, I would establish oceanic servers so our Australian friends are moving to the correct servers and split the servers like The Swiftsure moving all members of existing guilds to one server or the other.

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To behonest they might aswell get rid of the French and German servers for pve, they are all ways light. It seems everyone is jumping on the E.U English servers for some reason.


I can understand other nationalities having to use E.U servers, but why no love for the Germans or French. The E.U English servers seem to be unfairly loaded.

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Tomb of Freedom Nadd already full at 0900 and now with 90 min Q time already !!!


Seriously we are expected to either wait to play with our friends or go play solo elsewhere ?


I feel those who were then seemingly lucky getting in on the first few waves on day one are now being punished for the current server situation BUT and a BIG BUT this is early release so I am not going to go that nuts BUT come the 20th when I am paying for this service I expect zero or a max of 5-10 min wait maximum !!

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But yes... come on BW... clearly there are issues, yet there has been no visible resolution!


It is 1106hrs, and had a 45 minute queue at 0950hrs... however, an hour and 20 minutes later, I am still in the queue and just hit double figures.


Please at least sort out the estimates times! As currently they are way off, and ususlly end up being double!

Edited by Mabelode
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