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Everything posted by AlexanderB

  1. I suppose I never really saw myself as subscribing to this game after what I saw in beta, but I decided to give it a chance with CE, Early Access and the "Free Month" (Which is technically not free, but anyway). Alas... through the combination of what I've experienced while leveling to 50/RR52, the 6 hour login queues on Tomb of N that basically made the entire early access period meaningless (due to transferring server), the huge sith:jedi ratio imbalance, and what my experiences have been with other MMOs (both at launch and later)... and ultimately what Patch 1.1 and how they totally messed up with Ilum , it has clear that this was never the game for me. I did think about writing a .. laundry list of sorts.. of all the areas with the game I thought they needed improvement/changes/options, but from what I've gathered, Bioware are not interested in feedback or gathering "Impressions" from other MMOs that have tried (and failed/succeeded) at various things. Which is pretty apparent from how the game was released. Sure, Bioware have their vision for the game, A Singleplayer game with MMO elements at a 14.95 subscription fee, but that is not my vision. And I wish them good luck with it. So, having given away 915.000 credits earlier today I say farewell to yet another Star Wars MMO. May the force be with you, cause you'll need all the help you can get
  2. 2 days since their "We are monitoring it" post. Are there plans for BW to post an update on the situation? How far are we from having a patch that allows us to crash without having to requeue. Already had to leave a early-access char due to the 1000+ player queues... so that was a big waste of time.
  3. From my experience there is no rewards for world PVP so there is no reason to do so. If it dropped xp/valor/coin/gear/Mercenary Commendations there would be a reason.
  4. So after spending 5 HOURS IN THE QUEUE I login, queue for PVP Get DISCONNECTED Now I'm at the BACK OF 1515 person QUEUE AGAIN!
  5. They just opened a new PVE and PVP server for EU. Awesome. Now if they could just move a 50/50 population of Empire/republic to the PVP server and we'd be all set. Course, they wont do that. So who will be scrapping their level 30-something characters and their 100+ guilds and friends to move to the new servers? Position in queue: 269. Wait time: ~5 hours.
  6. Cant blame you. Have fun with other games :-) Maybe the next big MMO will have a more innovative solution. Mine is better. I wake up, login to the queue, then I celebrate the birthday of 3 of my closest family members, have the 4th of July, Thanksgiving and Xmas, and then, BOOM! I'm ready to play.
  7. @TopGeeza: Based on what Jeff wrote in his short "tweet" you can be pretty sure that he is so far removed from reality that this is the best he can do. The alternative would be that he simply didn't care or take it serious, so I am giving him the benefit of doubt. Any Live team leader worth his lick would surely have said something like the following: - Telling us that they are aware of the problem - Telling us what the problem is, with numbers - Telling us that it is their #1 priority right now - Telling us that they have some suggested plans already, and are working on others - Telling us what those plans are - Promising to keep us updated every day with the progress on what those plans are - And following through on this promise We are not interested in knowing how "Sorry you are for any inconvenience caused", unless it caused you physical pain every time a customer had to queue we couldn't care less. We are interested in SOLUTIONS and FACTS, not UNDERSTANDING and APOLOGIES. Monitoring the queues is what we the customers are already doing - for hours every day - cause we are stuck in them. Telling us to create characters on lower population servers, where no other guild members or friends are located, for an MMO isn't a solution, its an insult.
  8. Think WOW introduced a grace period in 2005, because it had the same issues beforehand where you'd get DC'ed then have to queue to get back in. I'm sure a lot of things have changed in the world of technology since 2005, but I am pretty sure that REGRESSION isn't one of the things. Based on what I've seen in SWTOR it would seem that they hired people who had never ever played an MMO, or they had a comparison chart between SWTOR and other MMOS and decided to remove any features that were listed in other modern MMOs. Hence why when you get DC'ed and try to get back in quickly, you might find yourself looking at the 6 hour queue. But as Jeff has told you -- you can play on a different server, your 100+ guild will surely follow you.
  9. Position 531 in Queue. Waited 4+ hours. Good thing I didn't have to enter CC details, but a shame I used my CE code when I could have sold it instead. ... enjoy indeed.
  10. Waited around 4 hours and 30 minutes so far. Still have another 600 people ahead of me in the queue.
  11. Doesn't matter if you offer free transfers if the option is going from a heavy population server to one without any players on it at all. And republic players are rare enough already. And you'll have to get your 100+ player guild with you, not to mention their allies and whatnot. Since the game does not have x-realm PVP/Dungeons, playing on an empty server basically means you wont see any PVP, especially outside of peak times. I forgot which game did it, but they basically cloned everything onto a new server, so it would be much easier to decide to switch server for those who opted for that route, that way you at least didn't have to organize a migration with 100+ people. Unfortunately, you still have the same risks -- going from a full server to an empty one, and one that remains empty. Chuundar which was a pre-launch server for a lot of russian guilds forced everyone else to moved onto other servers. I think it is still low-medium. It is probably a nice place to level to 50 on, except if you wanted to level through PVP. If the game had x-realm PVP, it would be a viable server to level on, but since there is no information on server transfers either, you cant level there and then opt to transfer to a better server at 50. So; GG Bioware, massive #fail there. I doubt Charlie Sheen will say you are #Winning anytime soon, even though you got all our money already.
  12. Tomb of freedon nad Current time: 6:34PM (CET) Position in queue; 987 Eta: 2h10m Logged in at around 3:40 with ETA 2h10m and 1970 queue
  13. If only the game client didn't take up 900MB and taxing video card/cpu while it is stuck in the queue, I could at least play something else. When I started queuing I was 1970. The estimated time was 2h10m. I have now spent 2h20m in queue, and I am 1092.. The stimate is still 2h10m. So we are looking at a minimum of 4hours 20 minutes in queue. Whoever designed this should have his paycheck cut. Also; why doesn't your http://www.swtor.com/server-status page show the queues?
  14. The problem isn't so much the queue as the fact that we can not play the game while we are queued for our guilds server. If they would let us at least play on a different server, while queued for our main one, we could at least spend the game time playing -- instead of queuing. Not only would this at least make some customers more happy - and help with customer retention, it would cut down on the number of forum posts and CSR incidents, thus saving your company money in the long run. Alternatively, you can continue "monitoring" the situation until your customers leave the game and return to WOW.
  15. The UI is the bare minimum of what they could get away with. And if this was 2004 before EQ2 and WOW was released, the UI would probably be deemed adequate. The Keybindings aren't even stored on your computer, so you cant copy them. Some of the .. very limited settings (chat windows/colours) can be copied and renamed, but there is hardly a point to it, as the limited configuration you could do in game would take just as long as finding - copying and renaming the file. That said; I wouldn't mind being able to EXPORT a profile from character 1, and IMPORT It on all my other characters.
  16. Well, can you really blame them for doing so. If I waited 6 hours in queue before I could get back onto Tomb, I would seriously contemplate means of not going afk as well. With the queues being the way they are, I will have to start the game before going to work, and then remain afk for 9 hours so I could get some game time when I got back home. The alternative would be to never get to the play the game at all, since by the time I finish the queue it would be bed time. Then the next logical step would be to cancel the game. And hope others followed suit. When rift started losing customers they opened up free migration and introduced a LFD system. For many, it was too little and too late.
  17. Well, they've let their fans rip into those who complain about queues, and also put all the complaints into one thread, so make the game look more appealing to anyone who casually browsed the forums. Mitigation 1: Let us queue from the launcher. Mitigation 2: Let us queue for one server while we play on another Mitigation 3: Let us play our character on any server, lock the guilds to a specific one.
  18. I wish they'd come out and say exactly WHAT they are going to do about it, or what they are CONSIDERING to do about it, or what they are PLANNING to do about it. "Monitoring" the situation isn't really helping at all. There are several solutions to this problem, but Monitoring the queues isn't one of them. Those of us who are in the queues ARE monitoring them.
  19. When I checked rested XP at level 29 I noticed I got around 1 rested xp per 1.5 second. How about, when we are in QUEUE we get bonus rested XP, so that the time spent in queue directly benefits us if we eventually get in game, by saving us the same amount of time (in terms of grinding levels) as we wasted when we were stuck in queues due to the horrible 1990s era implementation you picked? Also; considering it looks like half my "game time" will be spent in queues, will that get 'deducted' from my 30 days "free" game time so I will get 15 days extra?
  20. How about this; Have your character UNLINKED from the servers and let you pick where your characters want to play. Have the GUILDS tied to the servers, but let players play other servers as well. That way we can level to 50 anywhere and then return to our guild server, for example. While we are visiting other servers just list them as Playername@Tomb... <Guildname@Tomb of Long Name> Position in queue: 1612 - ETA: 2h10 (Probably will be closer to 4h20m)
  21. Let us play on one server while we are still queued on another. That way people can actually play the game, and eventually get onto their server of choice.
  22. An even easier fix: Let you play on one server while you are queued on another. Then ask if you want to switch to that server, when the queue is gone. This way you might even get more republic players on the PVP servers AND you might even 'naturally' get people to switch servers to lessen the queues on their primary one. 3:46PM - CET Queue: 1969 ETA: 2h10m 4:20PM - 1729 QUEUE
  23. Sunday 18.12 3:46PM - CET Queue: 1969 ETA: 2h10m 4:06PM - CET Queue: 1800
  24. Saturday 17.12 - 10.12PM (CET) - 1585 queue, ETA >1h40M 10.23PM - position 1462 in queue... 10:48PM- 1249 11:08PM - 1084 11:30PM - 886 11.51PM - 714 Sunday 18.12 12.03AM - 594 12:22AM - 397 12:40AM - 216 12:53AM - 75 01:00AM - 15
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