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Queue growing and growing and growing...


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That's really frustrating. Playing one hour ends with a bluescreen. Login again takes 50+ minutes. So ingame playing a few minutes, bluescreen. :-) Yeah thats a lot of fun. I hope the queue problems will be solved AFAP. An active subscription for 6 month and so long queue times, no thanks.


Idea: Detect client crashes and allow those people to login really fast.


Under 5 Minutes to reboot and going ingame. ~40 seconds on my machine. Already thought about the wasted energie? I use my PC only for gaming while doing all my other stuff on a Mac.


this would be awesome!

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To behonest they might aswell get rid of the French and German servers for pve, they are all ways light. It seems everyone is jumping on the E.U English servers for some reason.


Nope, that's because the light servers are new servers.

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As stated by BIOWARE


We are aware of long queue times on some select EU English PvP servers. If you are attempting to enter an EU English PvP server and are encountering a 2+ hour queue, we strongly encourage you to select a different EU English PvP server. Many of these servers do not have long queue times, and you’ll be able to get in-game much faster. We expect populations across all of these servers to remain very healthy, so please do not hesitate to select a server that has a shorter queue time to begin enjoying the game faster!


I agree with everything said by other posters , the ques are really frustrating and if we are going to be paying a monthly sub and bought the game .. would anyone expect to wait over 2 hours to play even if they are paying. we are customers not cattle.


The statement above is so not a good thing.. so BIOWARE is suggesting that anyone been playing EA and has characters in the higher lvls of the game to agree and think i know i wont play my lvl 35 i agree with BIOWARE and creat a new character and start again .. without my deployed guild etc.. great idea BIOWARE





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I don't see the fuss- this'll all die down.


Frankly, I still had half hour queues an entire year after WoW's launch- not every day, but it would happen at peak times on peak days or after big patches. WAR was launched completely broken, and endgame still was a buggy mess half a year later when I quit. AoC was launched without a game past Tortuga- mind boggling that one. Aion's queues make this childsplay in comparison.


I wasn't in Rift's launch, I did hear that was a smooth one.


Regardless- I saw a queue on most servers from perhaps 8-12pm, and it was generally 5-10 min (though yes, I did see particularly from 9-10ish, a fair chunk of the big servers were well past an hour). Before that time, only a few servers had queues- that's not really a big issue that people are playing during the launch time. Consider if they start pumping out new servers- in a month, people leave as always, and those that stay are playing way less than they are now- if you keep opening servers, you'll have numerous empty servers- this technique gets used alot and has pretty much always backfired and always ends with merged servers.



That said... for 'full' servers, the areas I were in didn't seem that full. Even at high peak times I pretty much never had competition for kills, my framerate didn't so much as sputter (well, a bit in the imperial fleet), and I never felt the place was overcrowded... which makes me wonder why the servers are full. I guess it's nice that they're putting out a lag free game- very nice for launch- but I think BW is selling what their servers can do short- and I think people are willing to live with a bit of lag and kill competition if it means no/lesser queues.

Edited by fungihoujo
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My question is, Legions of Lettow is completely jammed. At the moment the usual is to wait 40~80 minutes to enter, it's unacceptable.


Is BW going to do some kind of improvements on this server (and other crowded servers)?


Because I don't feel like leaving PC on 1 hour before I ever think to play.



Kind regards


What is so special about this server?

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As stated by BIOWARE


We are aware of long queue times on some select EU English PvP servers. If you are attempting to enter an EU English PvP server and are encountering a 2+ hour queue, we strongly encourage you to select a different EU English PvP server. Many of these servers do not have long queue times, and you’ll be able to get in-game much faster. We expect populations across all of these servers to remain very healthy, so please do not hesitate to select a server that has a shorter queue time to begin enjoying the game faster!


I agree with everything said by other posters , the ques are really frustrating and if we are going to be paying a monthly sub and bought the game .. would anyone expect to wait over 2 hours to play even if they are paying. we are customers not cattle.


The statement above is so not a good thing.. so BIOWARE is suggesting that anyone been playing EA and has characters in the higher lvls of the game to agree and think i know i wont play my lvl 35 i agree with BIOWARE and creat a new character and start again .. without my deployed guild etc.. great idea BIOWARE






I have to agree, that sort of response is no response at all. People don't need to be told to do this, if they were willing to do so they would have already done it instead of sit in queue. The fact that they are shows how attached many of us already are to our characters and the time and effort we've put into them. So considering that issue was in no way caused by us I really do believe Bioware needs to shoulder the responsibility to make sure we have REASONABLE access to our characters (nothing is perfect and we are willing to wait but 4+ hour wait times in a pre-launch phase is not acceptable by any means).

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11 am and 1h queue on Lettow. I hope server capacity can be increased still. The popular servers on EU/PvP (Lettow, ToFN and BW) will remain popular after release. It's not an Early Acces phenomena, people will still roll on these servers when they get their retail copy the 20th.


That said, I'm fine with queue'ing. Done it most of my playtime in AoC, WAR and WoW in the early days, months, years. But I can't recall ever having to queue in the morning.

Edited by Dekadez
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As stated by BIOWARE


We are aware of long queue times on some select EU English PvP servers. If you are attempting to enter an EU English PvP server and are encountering a 2+ hour queue, we strongly encourage you to select a different EU English PvP server. Many of these servers do not have long queue times, and you’ll be able to get in-game much faster. We expect populations across all of these servers to remain very healthy, so please do not hesitate to select a server that has a shorter queue time to begin enjoying the game faster!


Seriously BioWare??? I am NOT gonna create another character on another just because you don't do your job... Don't you guy have no shame? How can you even say "we strongly encourage you to select a different EU English PvP server" without even hesitating, this is beyond me...


The problem is on your end BioWare, I strongly encourage you to fix it...

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Been in "The Swiftsure" que for over 2 hours now.


Wish Bioware would just designate some oceanic servers or something, the que length is pretty silly, and I don't want to roll on a non oceanic server...


Rift, Aion, WoW, age of conan and others all had long queues at early access/launch.

This sorted itself out when people have had their fill of "new thing to discover" and return to real life.


Atm people take time off work to play SWToR nonstop, there's also alot of people who spend their free time checking the new MMO out. Thus the queue is longer than normal.


Once the initial hype goes down and people return to real life the queue's will also go down.

Then add players who'll quit because they didnt like the game.


Rashly adding new servers just because the game cant handle it initially is silly. Aion and age of conan both added new servers and offered transfers relatively fast (atleast aion did), the result was empty servers with low population when the hype went down. Server populations was merged and the ones that wanted to play the game for longer periods of time suffered for the measures taken by demand of "wanderer players".


Suffer the queue's now, it'll get better once people return to real life.

Or simply wait til things calm down.



Also, i trust Bioware will know if its really needed with server transfers, when to block servers from gaining new players and when to add 1 or 2 more servers if needed.


I'd rather have the queue's now than having to server transfer, keep track of people, when queues stabilise and the population normalizes. I'd rather have a fuller server, than having to wait a month for transfer to become avaible when some servers could become desolate.


Think long term, dont think short term. Stop being selfish, This isnt a problem caused by Bioware (nor EA) its caused by the players, and how population and amount of players playing at the same time explode at launch/early access then flatten out is something players cause. Suck it up.

Edited by Aryndelin
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Bah..12:00 GMT, and already 30+ min queue on Frostclaw. This sucks big time.


How BW first can make such a fuss about pre-launch guild deployment etc (which basically binds players in a guild to a specific server), and then tell people "oh, your server is full and it takes hours to queue? not our fault, just pick another one" is totally beyond me.

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May I remind you that the game has not officially been launched yet

These are most likely soft caps (look at how many instances your world map has; during the beta stress test there were up to 5 or 6; now the max I have seen is 2) - the servers are artificially being held low to encourage EGA's to spread around the servers.

Also; you are not really paying for the game yet; so really, you do not have any right to claim you should get access. Line up in queue, do something useful with your time, and then play.

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May I remind you that the game has not officially been launched yet

These are most likely soft caps (look at how many instances your world map has; during the beta stress test there were up to 5 or 6; now the max I have seen is 2) - the servers are artificially being held low to encourage EGA's to spread around the servers.

Also; you are not really paying for the game yet; so really, you do not have any right to claim you should get access. Line up in queue, do something useful with your time, and then play.


indeed. now shush everyone and leave it, if you dont like it roll on a low pop server, this is common for almost all bigger releases.

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i'm really really dissapointed that they moved this to general as opposed to it's actually place technical support.. anyhow.. still haven't heard back on my ticket or emails to support on the issue as well as in regards to compensation for the game time lost.


Hopefully this new patch (which btw removes the run in to a wall anti/afk thing =P hidden changes) will have handled the problem. 3 days with no fix would be a really bad sign.

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Noon, and 2 hours queue on Bloodworthy. Officlal queue says 60 min, but even those cant calculate correctly :) Maybe its BW's way of downsizing the problem? People thinking the massive queues are shorter than they actually are :).


Kinda misleading indeed. Yesterday it also said the queue was 1 hour 30 minutes, around 3 hours later i was in.

This way people will keep joining the server and the problem will persist.

Edited by Finalbarry
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