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Maras underpowered


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If you were looking for a one-button mash wonder should have just rolled a grav round/tracer missile spammer.


Just because a class is powerful, and yes maras are powerful, it still might require a modicum of skill, which I am given to understand is a requisite for sents and maras to be effective. How you rectify this, I cannot help you with but updating the bios in your sound card sounds like the best advice so far to me.


i think you mean a smash spammer

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I see your problem. You have chosen to only faceroll... As we discuss a lot in the Marauder sub forum this is not the proper technique. There is a rotation.


first - Play normally and get wtfpwned by pub trooper gangs in a wz hopefully you'll get gravshotted 2-3 times, get hit with their massive knockback then more grav and die - This is a rage builder.


Second - Use that big rage builder to fling the mouse across your desk and with both hands hit your keyboard 3 times. Fists are better but open palms will work to. this is like a Gore, deadly saber, or smash set up


Third - you Faceroll from right to left while screaming. The consensus is that at least 2 right to left rolls are required for max effectiveness.


Some debate is still in progress as to if its better to leave the keyboard on the desk for the faceroll or to pick it up and use your hands to rotate the keyboard for an effective faceroll. Right now the answer is - whatever your play style is go with that.



Lastly- look up, or put the keyboard down, and you will see that everyone on the other team has been completely destroyed.

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you sure are very bad in all classes... i don't waste my time proving you the lack of sentinel utility if u can't get it after 3 month of game it wont be me making u smart out of sudden... obviously Sentinel is op if u sux so bad that cannot use your skill and dont see other DPS utilities the problem is you.


play a sentinel if it is so strong and show me how you make a team win an hutball match with ur tons of utility


Predation and the only heal debuff in the game would like a word with you :rolleyes:

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i think you mean a smash spammer


IF only you could spam it.


Sorry Mr. grav/tracer fanboy, but an ability with a a CD like smash + a needed set up before its even effective = not a spam


HOWEVER doing a rotation like the one i found on a super secret trooper pvp guild(not really) IS spam:



1 = grav tracer

2= that railshot or whatever is it you say you spam tracer to make more effective.

3= probably the massive KB you have


sdfikjadfvnaqgvjn = annihilation marauder interrupted you & you Rage how OP marauders are.


you = all trooper/BHs

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oh true because a healing debuff help you cap or score a goal or defend a carrier how i forgot our healing debuff helping removing/putting bombs! it's really the utility that everyboy need! yep yep you hit it on the head...


you probably understand nothing about pvp and only care about killing your 1vs1 or 1vs2 enemy (look at the healing debuff comment) I bet you are one of those Arena guys...


way to prove my point you sux at warzone


pulling/pushing/stun/slow/AOE those are Warzone king now count how many of those Sentinel has and how many of those other class has...


then come back once u did ur homework.


we had one very decent utility in huttball before 1.2 it was the invulnerability 99% usefull to run thorugh the fire that combined with a well aimed leap and our lame speed boost was our way to score "few" goal (3 of our major cooldown to score 1 goal yeah we rock!)


now they removed only 50% inv so we cannot actually pass the fire while resolve is on with our bubble it :D yeah no more score for us unless the other team is incredible terrible


now from situationally usefull in hutball are going down to rarely usefull.... thank god we keep our situationally usefullness in Civil war with our half decent group/speed boost and we keep beeing rarely usefull in Voidstar where our single target damage it's a ticket to one way distraction while they cap behind our back.


If there were an Arena probably we would shine in that one... but last i check they are all objective based PVP and doesn't favor sentinel

Edited by Pekish
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IF only you could spam it.


Sorry Mr. grav/tracer fanboy, but an ability with a a CD like smash + a needed set up before its even effective = not a spam


HOWEVER doing a rotation like the one i found on a super secret trooper pvp guild(not really) IS spam:



1 = grav tracer

2= that railshot or whatever is it you say you spam tracer to make more effective.

3= probably the massive KB you have


sdfikjadfvnaqgvjn = annihilation marauder interrupted you & you Rage how OP marauders are.


you = all trooper/BHs


sorry mr smash fanboi but you just admitted you have no idea how bh works. #1 tm is a buffing ability for hsm and rs and procs unload, all of which do more damage than tm. #2 if you think all arsenal mercs use is tm, rs, and jetboost then i want to duel you cause i will kick your teeth in


i found a rotation from a super secret rage pvp guild and it goes like this:








looks familiar doesnt it?


anni marauder? stack bleeds > spam annihilate. seems pretty op huh? i have no problem taking on ANY marauder as an arsenal merc, sounds like you have a little chip on your shoulder for bhs. lose much?

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sorry mr smash fanboi but you just admitted you have no idea how bh works. #1 tm is a buffing ability for hsm and rs and procs unload, all of which do more damage than tm. #2 if you think all arsenal mercs use is tm, rs, and jetboost then i want to duel you cause i will kick your teeth in


i found a rotation from a super secret rage pvp guild and it goes like this:








looks familiar doesnt it?


anni marauder? stack bleeds > spam annihilate. seems pretty op huh? i have no problem taking on ANY marauder as an arsenal merc, sounds like you have a little chip on your shoulder for bhs. lose much?


You seem to have taken my post personally, but you are correct i don't know the ins and outs of a BH but you clearly don't know how a Warrior works either.


First...you can't spam annihilate either, it has a base 15 second CD, and it has the largest resource requirement of any marauder ability.


Secondly, the real point is that a BH has compare to all other classes had less player skill needed to match the preformance of others classes with a much higher skill curve.


The Devs seem to completly agree with that too as the reason for a large majoritoy of the changes in 1.2 for BH/troop was so that ' to encourge much more active game play " - pharaphrasing of course.


but IE... a lot of troops/BHs spam grav and tracer and get the same results as someone that has to use more skill and more tools to get the same effect.


Lastly, you'd need at least something like this if you want to minic a marauder rotation:


=-1shift+7 8 1 1 ctrl+= 3 ctrl+0 2 F C 0 2 0 shift+d - shift+7 8 shift+w 3 = - shift+7 8 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 f shift+f Shift+2 - 0 4 0 shift+1 = - shift+7 8 1 0


And to answer your question. No, I don't "lose much"



I hope you will not take this post as personally as you did that last.

Edited by Dacer
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Hello. I am a sith marauder and i hit lvl 50 a little less than a month ago. I am now in top end gear and i am still getting owned. This is not what i was promised. The forums said that this was a faceroll class but no matter how many times i roll my face across my keyboard.. nothing is dead when i look up. i have tried every possible angle and still nothing dies. i am a maurader. I should be marauding stuff.. but at this rate the only thing that i will be marauding is my face. Please help.




The OP tells the truth, it is time the designers see this and give Mara a 12k DPS ability with 60m range that hits every enemy within 100m of the target.


With the suggested above change Mara may be competitive again.

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I wanna see Marauder players try Sorcerers / BH, and get jumped by a competent Marauder.


They will see how it's actually harder to survive with them, making Marauders easier to play.


Thats why its called a counter class. We are a counter to sorc just as a sniper is a counter to a sentinel. Welcome to MMO PvP.

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I wrecked a marauder so bad yesterday on my gunslinger. I got hit by a lightsaber throw and dats it. Underpowered class is underpowered.


Sounds more just like a bad Marauder. Or one who got caught with both Obfuscate and Force Camo on cd. I know my beating snipers relies heavily on Force Camo at least.


Force Choke is also a big deal when going against snipers.


I haven't had a chance to go against any amazing snipers/'slingers on my server, but the win seems to be cd dependent. And I'm a pretty dang good Marauder if I say so myself.

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You seem to have taken my post personally, but you are correct i don't know the ins and outs of a BH but you clearly don't know how a Warrior works either.


First...you can't spam annihilate either, it has a base 15 second CD, and it has the largest resource requirement of any marauder ability.


Secondly, the real point is that a BH has compare to all other classes had less player skill needed to match the preformance of others classes with a much higher skill curve.


The Devs seem to completly agree with that too as the reason for a large majoritoy of the changes in 1.2 for BH/troop was so that ' to encourge much more active game play " - pharaphrasing of course.


but IE... a lot of troops/BHs spam grav and tracer and get the same results as someone that has to use more skill and more tools to get the same effect.


Lastly, you'd need at least something like this if you want to minic a marauder rotation:


=-1shift+7 8 1 1 ctrl+= 3 ctrl+0 2 F C 0 2 0 shift+d - shift+7 8 shift+w 3 = - shift+7 8 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 f shift+f Shift+2 - 0 4 0 shift+1 = - shift+7 8 1 0


And to answer your question. No, I don't "lose much"



I hope you will not take this post as personally as you did that last.


  1. you must be a hipster. "im too cool to care about anything". by replying to my post you obviously do care or you wouldnt have written half a page, try again
  2. arsenal mercs use whats given to them. sorry that we dont get 5 defensive abilities, thats 4 less buttons we get to press. that makes arsenal easy how?
  3. if i wanted to mimic a marauder rotation i would.........wait i cant because i dont get a million defensive cds and i can only use what i am specced for or i will generate too much heat. must be nice to not have any restrictions on your class
  4. you wanna try something hard? play an arsenal merc and get focused by someone and try to get away with no defensive cooldowns or escape from combat abilities but you wouldnt know about that as you are playing BWs pet class right?

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I have tried a different technique on my merc. I call it bumroll: i sit on my keyboard while i f ap and fart loudly. Pressure, movement and heat makes sure i spam hard Tracer Missile.


Also, i have a free hand so i can eat nachos with cheddar & jalapeños

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  1. but you wouldnt know about that as you are playing BWs pet class right?


So 2 months ago the inquisitor was BW's pet class. Now its the marauder? Hmm I wonder whats next.


Ignorance be bliss. Keep being bad Mr. baddie.

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So 2 months ago the inquisitor was BW's pet class. Now its the marauder? Hmm I wonder whats next.


Ignorance be bliss. Keep being bad Mr. baddie.


point out where i said inquisitors were bws pet class?


point out where im bad?


im surprised you know how to work your keyboard with that logic

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