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When will there be a SERVER MERGE?


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You are wrong about Rift transfers. They locked the very heavily populated servers from transfers to them when they released the server transfer process.


As time went on, and the high pop servers were no longer over packed, they opened them up to transfers as well.


One thing the Rift approach demonstrates is that giving players choices in where to transfer (even if not every server is eligible) works. Further, their transfer process has worked well as populations declined over time and has allowed them to avoid dead servers.


And Bioware has said there will be free transfers, to encourage server balancing, They will offer less restricted (if restriced at all) paid transfers later. You can call it lame all you want, but it's what WoW has done for years and it works quite well.

Newsflash we didn't create the problem of dead servers why should we have tom pay a single dime to fix it.

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I bet most standard servers have guilds like the one I am in. There are tons of guilds on darth bandon with similar if not more people. You have to be social in this game. Im used to it coming from LOTRO where there is nothing fun you can do at end cap without a full group of at least 6. Finding groups without a guild is near impossible. One thing that would probably fix things is if they had a globally broadcast lfg channel similar to lotros. No matter where you are in lotro you can talk in a global channel to look for groups.


Say what you want but this game is dead..... I'm also on a standard server and we average about 30-40 tops during prime hours on the space station.... Playing on my alt there has been times i'm the only person a planet.... even during prime hours leveling i don't see more then 15-20 people tops on a planet and thats mostly besalvis or Ilum because the 50's are doing their dailies.... I've gone through 4 guilds because each one has died off from players leaving.... So your situation is definitely the exception to the rule, but for most people the servers are dead even IF your social and try to make new friends.... Most guilds who are stable with regular players are not taking in new members because their OP's rotation is to crowded as is...


Go log into a random standard server and see how fast you can find people to do stuff with....

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You're not understanding: It's already been proven to WORK in an MMO! Especially with X-server PvP queuing coming, you're entire point is moot.


You appear to lack understanding in what I'm saying, perhaps you should read slower and take it on board. :)


It might be proven to work in MMO's but they thought 1.1 and 1.2 worked before they had to be patched soon after.


So you're saying that a WZ community won't be split up by character transfers when members of said communities guilds choose different servers thus Splitting them? We don't even know when X Server is coming and whether or not we'll be put into X Server groups which means even if members of a community do get split, if they will be allowed to play each other.

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You appear to lack understanding in what I'm saying, perhaps you should read slower and take it on board. :)


It might be proven to work in MMO's but they thought 1.1 and 1.2 worked before they had to be patched soon after.


So you're saying that a WZ community won't be split up by character transfers when members of said communities guilds choose different servers thus Splitting them? We don't even know when X Server is coming and whether or not we'll be put into X Server groups which means even if members of a community do get split, if they will be allowed to play each other.


To assume that only one server has a robust PvP community, especially given that all active servers will be filled, is fallacious at best, incredibly unrealistic to boot.

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To assume that only one server has a robust PvP community, especially given that all active servers will be filled, is fallacious at best, incredibly unrealistic to boot.


I'm not just talking about people that play in WZ's... I'm talking about the social aspect of the game, you know, what the friends list is for.


Anyone can play in a warzone but to build a community where you know the ins and outs of the game, know who will have your back and protect you and then team up/chat with them after about an epic win against an imp premade is great fun, we wave, we natter about films, we talk... you know.... being all social! :)

Edited by Satans_Puppet
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I'm not just talking about people that play in WZ's... I'm talking about the social aspect of the game, you know, what the friends list is for.


Anyone can play in a warzone but to build a community where you know the ins and outs of the game, know who will have your back and protect you and then team up/chat with them after about an epic win against an imp premade is great fun, we wave, we natter about films, we talk... you know.... being all social! :)


Help me understand here...


My friends list is quite large. Was in Rift, too. Prior to transferring, I let every person in my friends list know what server I thought would be best. Most went to that server, some didn't, but those some were quitting anyway.


Now, why would you NOT communicate with people you call "friends" to let them know or coordinate where you want to go?


Your scenario just did not happen on a large enough scale to even matter in Rift...

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Help me understand here...


My friends list is quite large. Was in Rift, too. Prior to transferring, I let every person in my friends list know what server I thought would be best. Most went to that server, some didn't, but those some were quitting anyway.


Now, why would you NOT communicate with people you call "friends" to let them know or coordinate where you want to go?


Your scenario just did not happen on a large enough scale to even matter in Rift...


Let me break it down into Bitesize chunks for you since the last set of posts seem to have confused your narrow view.


1. People skip around merrily in their guilds having fun but they also have fun with people outside their guilds.

2. Server transfer list comes along from BW...

3. People have to choose.

4. You tell your friends outside the guild that your guild wants to go here...

5. OH NO their guild wants to go to a different server and since they're IRL friends, they have to go with the crowd.

6. You try and convince your guild that we should follow the crowd but they're IRL friends with you and oh no, they're not changing their mind.


Result... split community, one way or another through server transfers.


You can communicate yes but it doesn't mean everyone from one server will end up on the same server. It's not rocket science. We all know character transfers work, they've been around a long time in other MMO's BUT this is a widespread issue with servers suffering from low population, it's not a few servers, it's a hefty number of servers.


BW should bite the bullet do a PR Spin and say "We've checked the stats and the servers who love PVP and PVE equally will be rolled into one, those servers that like PVE content will be rolled into one, thos who love WZ's will be rolled into one to ensure the content those servers loved can be played on a regular basis. Worry not true believers because we'll also have an option in the new LFG tool to enter FP's and WZ's in a X Server Capacity"


Merges at this juncture would do the dwindling community a bigger favour than character transfers.

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Let me break it down into Bitesize chunks for you since the last set of posts seem to have confused your narrow view.


1. People skip around merrily in their guilds having fun but they also have fun with people outside their guilds.

2. Server transfer list comes along from BW...

3. People have to choose.

4. You tell your friends outside the guild that your guild wants to go here...

5. OH NO their guild wants to go to a different server and since they're IRL friends, they have to go with the crowd.

6. You try and convince your guild that we should follow the crowd but they're IRL friends with you and oh no, they're not changing their mind.


Result... split community, one way or another through server transfers.


You can communicate yes but it doesn't mean everyone from one server will end up on the same server. It's not rocket science. We all know character transfers work, they've been around a long time in other MMO's BUT this is a widespread issue with servers suffering from low population, it's not a few servers, it's a hefty number of servers.


BW should bite the bullet do a PR Spin and say "We've checked the stats and the servers who love PVP and PVE equally will be rolled into one, those servers that like PVE content will be rolled into one, thos who love WZ's will be rolled into one to ensure the content those servers loved can be played on a regular basis. Worry not true believers because we'll also have an option in the new LFG tool to enter FP's and WZ's in a X Server Capacity"


Merges at this juncture would do the dwindling community a bigger favour than character transfers.


So, you're saying that Rift was so successful with it because it doesn't have community? Why can't you see that? It has already worked! Your speculation is MOOT!

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So, you're saying that Rift was so successful with it because it doesn't have community? Why can't you see that? It has already worked! Your speculation is MOOT!


Oh good god.... :eek: Your right... Rift did an awesome job, I see the error in my ways... I also think Final Fantasy XIV was so much better than XI.

Edited by Satans_Puppet
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There will be mergers once they find a way to spin it positively. Something like this:


"We have increased optimization of our servers and are now able to allow more accounts per server. We can now accommodate the same amount of accounts on half as many servers. Taking this into account, we are going to merge some of our less active servers to enhance the player experience of those populations. We will continue to optimize our servers to accommodate more players as our population grows."

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Server transfers are a great option for people who may wish to move to a server where IRL friends play, however, for guilds who are struggling to recruit due to lack of population and want to stay together as a guild, server merges are the best answer.


Bioware can see the populations of the servers and merge optimally where as we as players cannot really judge this with any degree of certainty.


Moving a whole guild cross servers also leaves you with issues regarding the guild bank that cost thousands to setup.


IMHO this needs to happen quickly as I see more an more players getting fed up with low population servers, struggling to get groups for HMFP's and just generally suffering with a horrendous economy and GTM shortages.


I really hope they can sort this soon, before they lose another 25% of subscribers, just due to their own complacency. If that happens it will be the beginning of the end imho, which is a real shame, as the content and gameplay is one of the best of any MMO's I have played.

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I have been directed to this post for discussion. This post is about brand identity but a moderator insists that I place it here so here it is...




11 Days Left On My Free Month


Why I Haven't Logged In Since A Long Time Ago


It isn't that the game is bad. The leveling experience is fun, despite the repetitive world designs. It is not for a lack of content. Though my preference for world PvP keeps me out of the warzones, I still have yet to clear any of the new content nor have I finished any nightmare modes. This is not because I find most of the boss fights dull and boring, tho I certainly do besides like the occasional gem like Mentor or Soa. It is not because I lack access to these for I found my way into a guild that runs everything. It is because the server is dead, and I expect a massive multiplayer experience.


I know some do not believe these dead servers exist. This belief is factually incorrect. These are the most recent headlines;


EA's The Old Republic Sees Sharp Drop In Subscribers -Forbes

EA loses Star Wars users, shares tumble – Chicago Tribune

Star Wars: The Old Republic's subscriber numbers fall -BBC

Last Call: Electronic Arts, Star Wars and a disturbance in the Force -CNBC

Electronic Arts's cuts to cost 40 million -San Francisco Chronicle

Electronic Arts Drops as Forecast Misses Analyst’s Views -Bloomberg




There is a factual observable drop in subscription numbers.


The single most important issue is the loss of players, and we know this is due too few people spread across too many servers. This is worsened by the verbal attacks of those playing on full servers who are not suffering from any debilitating issues and the lack of any true forum moderation. Compounded by a lack of concrete information on the when-and-where of server mergers and/or transfers, it has lead to a gut wound of a 400k loss in subscriptions. (see references)


There are two relevant guilds on my server, and there is only one for the republic. This is unacceptable for a game sold as a Massively Multi-player Online Game. This is false advertizement. Nowhere did Bioware or EA preface that the MMO experience would be limited to a few unmarked servers. This is the single issue plaguing the game, and without an immediate response I fear it will do irreparable damage.


As a long-time Bioware customer, this is how I feel....


I have purchased every game since Baldur's Gate 1 with the exception of Mass Effect 3 and Dragon Age 2. The lack of deep character creation turned me off to DA2, and my experience with SWTOR has barred me from purchasing ME3 or any future Bioware product. This brand use to mean something. It use to mean quality, but the only thing left that seems to be of any quality is the writing. I don't mind the cloned WoW game mechanics for it is fun, but it is not innovative and not exactly indicative of the quality I once expected from the brand.


However, where I am most disappointed is the lack of customer service. Bioware should remind people that the forums are for everyone, not just those who entirely love the game as it is, since their own server is full and their personal experience is good. When others report the factually accurate presence of dead servers, the moderators ignore the verbal abuse levied at the critic and lock the thread. This behavior severely disappoints me. The lack of information on a definitive date for the transfer and/or mergers disturbs me. The lack of any details as to how or where these population shifts will be directed unsettles me even further. When I combined this with the previous over-all customer disservice in the form of excessive DLC content, I find myself less enamored with the brand I had grown to trust.


Is Bioware dead?


A great single-player experience, due to the hard work of a good group of writers, is not enough to save a game billed as an MMO. They get you through the single-player RPGs, but the expectations are different now.


200$ x 2 people for two collectors edition boxes

15$ per a month x 2 people x 4months



That is 520$ dollars for a game. I expect more than a single player RPG. I am a paying customer and I have been since this company first started making RPGs. All of your customers, people just like me, deserve more information than you have currently given. We deserve more than to be left in the dark for who knows how long. If I and the person I bought this game to play with do not get an MMO experience at the end of these 11 days or at least some definitive information when that said experience can be expected, I doubt in my ability to remain loyal to this brand and resubscribe. You are asking for too much on faith. I'm sorry.


This brand has 11 days to give me more than Early Summer, for once I am gone I doubt my return, and If this game fails, I will never view the brand Bioware the same way again.

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Oh well i have 35 days left due to the free month, but i am going to let it sit and not re-up i am completely fed up not having anyone to group up with. At max there are only 37-40 people on fleet now at primetime on Anchorhead. It may sound like whining but i am not going to pay $15 a month to do mostly single player game at all. I am sometimes lucky if i even get into a group for a FP. Not to mention why in the hell does BW have 123 U.S. Servers? It makes no sense at all(yes i actually counted the amount of servers). Edited by Soullessone
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to bad its all over...... transfers/merge will come to late...... RIP swtor....


According to swtorstatus 50% of the players left/or are not playing since late april ( but they do count as active players cause they are still paying....

Edited by dutchmania
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Zaalbar is just plain out dead. You see it say standard and think. Oh this might have 100 ppl on fleet... No we have like 30-40 people at any time, and the pop is constantly dropping everyday. The only thing anyone wants are transfers or mergers, but you seem to think more content is what we want. We dont give a damn about more daily's or BH commendations. All we want are the damn mergers so we can actually group up, and do something in the game. The game is Great, but this is going to be the death of SWTOR if you dont fix it before the summer. I thought it would take months to lose all the people on the server, but instead we lost them all in a few weeks, and now no one will re-sub, because they all know their servers are dead. There are tons of different threads about this. Thousands of complaints or more, and still all we know is "Sometime this summer" for transfers.... Can you at least tell us What month/week/day. Or do we all gotta sit here getting more dissapointed to see this great game die
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Let us play a game.


Guess the day that Early Summer means, and then guess the day the poster above you unsubscribes.


Transfers Come: July 8th


Above Poster Unsubs: May 15th:) I think he is fed up.

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Transfers are going to destroy servers, every one will transfer to 2-3 heavy pop servers...


Yeah great idea!!! Hey as long as $$ is involved...


And what am I spinning? that's a direct quote.


They already said FREE Transfers to certain servers, WHICH MOST PEOPLE WILL TAKE this option.


2nd Option was PAID transfers to the server you want specifically, please read before you comment.


Only thing I'm concerned about is the time frame, BW has been SHOCKING with time frames thus far, early summer? More like late summer. If it isn't done by the time I get back home in 2 weeks the unsubbed game will stay that way for me, I'm over waiting, this should have been done 5 months ago, it is beyond a joke.

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:rak_02: I am in complete agreement with the other posts.


I had 11 50's on my server (Infinity Gate) at 9:30 pm. We use to have 45-55 easy every night. Pvp ques are a joke, cause the same 14 people are the ones fighting each other, IF they are all on at the same time. WHEN ARE YOU GUYS GOING TO WAKE UP???? People are going to leave this game for other MMO's, you either catch the wave... or get left treading water!! Toons are starting to drown out there with out parters to game with!! :mad:


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no they need to force the merge on servers. doing it where people choose is stupid. who hear played WAR? remember how that all went down. Empire went to one, and Chaos filled another and caused more balance issues. force it...
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