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When will there be a SERVER MERGE?


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Yes but I have a guild but I also have a seperate group of friends in WZ/PvP who I play with regularly what's the liklyhood everyone is going to stay together? Pretty slim. What the poster was saying is that transfers will split communities instead of adding to existing ones which would be the better option for an MMO community as a whole :)


Not really. It's hard to believe a claim like that when the alternative has already been done and proven to work. Again, the proof that transfer/shut-downs work much better than merges is already in the Rift pudding.

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I'm starting to wonder what the heck BW is using all their time on, don't they have hundreds of devs working on TOR? The critical LFG tool and server transfers sure is taking it's sweet time. TOR is slowly burning because of dead servers, lack of people to play with makes even more people quit. TOR can be turned around to grow but BW better get their act together.


To be honest, Transfers/Merges should have been announced as being ready the day before Diablo 3 release, I know plenty of people heading off to that which will only make the situation worse on Hidden Beks... :( Buuuuuuuuuuut someone in PR/Community planning is dropping the ball by not taking comments back to devs/creative teams.

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I'm starting to wonder what the heck BW is using all their time on, don't they have hundreds of devs working on TOR? The critical LFG tool and server transfers sure is taking it's sweet time. TOR is slowly burning because of dead servers, lack of people to play with makes even more people quit. TOR can be turned around to grow but BW better get their act together.




I don't know about you, but my server has gone from 240 people on the fleet at it's high point to less than 80 on average at prime time in 2 months.


That feels pretty rapid to me, most of the guilds with 16 mans have since been reduced to 8 mans.


It's actually getting to a point where it is impossible to even maintain a raid group for some of this game's content. Add to this the fact that the devs have completely hidden inside of their turtle shells, this game is RAPIDLY burning, not slowly.

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Not really. It's hard to believe a claim like that when the alternative has already been done and proven to work. Again, the proof that transfer/shut-downs work much better than merges is already in the Rift pudding.


So people get a choice and they're all going to go to the same server? Really?

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Once you reach 50 and on one wants to run a HM because theres only 60 people on the server and half are lvling alts, what is there to do? I'm sick of soloing dailies and I want to play in a MASSIVE MULTIPLAYER game. The game feels dead!!
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Do people who like to play with each other not communicate in your world? Yes, they go to the same server. Really.


Yes but most are in guilds and will go with their guilds... guilds don't communicate with guilds, people communicate with people. Guilds could choose totally seperate servers thus splitting up a very viable PvP community on some servers.

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Is there an official developer response to any of this? I searched and don't see one, and our server is always "light" mode and Warzone ques take forever to pop, and then it's only 6 people on a team against 8 on the other side, which of course leads 1-2 people to quit before it starts because they know they are outnumbered, so then it's 4-5 versus 8, and you know how that ends.


So, on our server if you que and get a full group of 8 you almost always win because the other side will usually only have 4-5 players.

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13 ppl online at Fleet. Been standing in Warzone que for about 30min and it's a bloody sunday. Soon uninstalling and unsubbing. Hurry gw2 plz.


Meanwhile, the rest of us started new characters on Fatman or other servers and are having a blast! lol at you!

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Yes but most are in guilds and will go with their guilds... guilds don't communicate with guilds, people communicate with people. Guilds could choose totally seperate servers thus splitting up a very viable PvP community on some servers.


You're not understanding: It's already been proven to WORK in an MMO! Especially with X-server PvP queuing coming, you're entire point is moot.

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Is there an official developer response to any of this? I searched and don't see one, and our server is always "light" mode and Warzone ques take forever to pop, and then it's only 6 people on a team against 8 on the other side, which of course leads 1-2 people to quit before it starts because they know they are outnumbered, so then it's 4-5 versus 8, and you know how that ends.


So, on our server if you que and get a full group of 8 you almost always win because the other side will usually only have 4-5 players.


Yes, there are several. The latest one just a day ago right here.

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I just keep thinking about how Bioware execs responded, over a month ago, to concerns of dwindling populations. They were pleased because subscription rates were high, and players logged long hours when they did play.


Well, we now know that subscriptions were actually plummeting, and they needed to give away a free month just to play pretend that they've only lost 24%. The transparent untruthfulness and deception is almost cathartic - you just don't see that kind of flamboyant villainy outside of EA anymore.


Anyways, it will be interesting to see how many Bioware employees end up with EA management titles and fail upwards within the organization. I didn't think I would ever see a game outflop Warhammer Online. Lo and behold, EA took many of the same failures from Mythic and gave them a larger budget and IP that's likely hundreds of billions more valuable. Look upon their works, ye mighty.

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Wait till tuesday (the 15th).


You think your servers are low pop NOW? Bwahahha.


Bioware, do you want this game to last several years and rake in a healthy profit? Server merges THIS MONTH. I know it sucks, but thats why you guys make the big dollars you videogame dev rockstars you. Time to put on your big girl panties and crunch out a solution to this problem. Your community is telling you what the issue is, too many players spread thin over 280+ servers you have coupled with the fact that no one wants to log into ghost towns anymore and you are HEMORRHAGING players.


Transfers arent going to do it, it players a on server b move to server c, and players d on server c move to server b, youll still have low populations.


Fold up your servers and merge them NOW or be remembered as the second studio who had a no fail prints money IP that screwed everything up from the word go.

Edited by AODbadkarma
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If they actually cared about this problem, server transfers and cross server PvP would have happened two months ago.


Well, then, how did you take the news that BioWare actually had server transfer software ready since before launch? That QA let slip some last-minute changes to Legacy that broke it?


Still think "they don't care"?

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Well, then, how did you take the news that BioWare actually had server transfer software ready since before launch? That QA let slip some last-minute changes to Legacy that broke it?


Still think "they don't care"?


Since when is failure not still considered failure? Either the problem is solved or it isn't. Bioware is taking all the time in the world to solve a problem that will make or break it. Such nonchalant actions make sure any remaining players know how little Bioware considers this an issue otherwise it would be solved.

Edited by Noviru
borderline IC
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80 some people in the republic fleet. 47 people online in the guild.

lies... there have NOT been that many on Republic fleet since the 'early' days...


Tell us which server and let us see for ourselves. Until then I'm pressin darkside choice for BS

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RIFT did server transfers last year. Worked really well. They put a server message up that said "move it or lose, we're shutting 'er down", let the players move where they wanted (within reason, obviously not to heavy servers or there'd be queues) and culled some servers. Worked very well with the added benefit that no one really complained because it was their own choices where to go.


I'm willing to bet BioWare does the same thing.


Another unfounded worry I see pop up here is that guilds will disband. No need for that to happen. If BioWare can move entire guilds onto servers during launch, server transfers are a cinch.

First off nothing worked in rift it has 250 k players 2nd rift offered free transfers anywhere unlike bioware who is charging people money how lame is that.

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First off nothing worked in rift it has 250 k players 2nd rift offered free transfers anywhere unlike bioware who is charging people money how lame is that.


You are wrong about Rift transfers. They locked the very heavily populated servers from transfers to them when they released the server transfer process.


As time went on, and the high pop servers were no longer over packed, they opened them up to transfers as well.


One thing the Rift approach demonstrates is that giving players choices in where to transfer (even if not every server is eligible) works. Further, their transfer process has worked well as populations declined over time and has allowed them to avoid dead servers.


And Bioware has said there will be free transfers, to encourage server balancing, They will offer less restricted (if restriced at all) paid transfers later. You can call it lame all you want, but it's what WoW has done for years and it works quite well.

Edited by Andryah
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There are still quite a bunch of people but they are just spread out across various realms.

If they made it so that all those people would play together on 1 and the same realm, the problem would be pretty much solved.


Now with a "Server Transfer", people can migrate to whatever server they want where as with a "Merge" they could just combine like 2 servers into 1.


I mean, for example let's say you have 1 player, a Jedi Knight named Qui'gon on the server: Chuundar

and he's currently on the planet Coruscant which has only 1 player on it at the moment. so just him.

Then there's another server named: Anchorhead, and there's a Jedi Knight named Obi'Wan. He's also on Coruscant at the moment ironically, on that server, there's also just 1 player on it. Just him.


Now if they combine those 2 servers, they could play together.

And the best way to do that is by merging those 2 servers. Or at least in my opinion.

Now, some of you may wonder "Why?" well, simply put:


1. You get to keep your legacy and therefore you don't have to start all over again.

2. You don't have to leave your guild and lose your current friends as they practically go with you in 1 time unlike with a server transfer.


I'm sure there are plenty of more reasons but i feel that these 2 i mentioned above, are the 2 main reasons.

I feel that alot of people out there don't wanna start all over again and farming for legacy.

Because not only will that consume even more time but it also cost money.

As they say: Time = money


As for myself, i'm originally a World of Warcraft player which i played for many years. Day in, day out. lots of people were online and it was allways great. Now don't get me wrong, l loved the Star Wars movies and the concept of this game but sadly, i can't say the same about SWTOR. As i said, i played World of Warcraft day in day out for several years straight mainly because it was a fun and active / widely populated game where as SWTOR is not. Or at least not anymore / at the moment. There are even whole days that i don't log into the game at all anymore simply because i know that the servers are dead.


So, basically my point is this:


BioWare needs to take action with immidiate effect if they wanna keep this game alive and keep their jobs

Because by now, many people out there who played this game have unsubbed and left. Because they can't find people anymore to do a variety of content. Group content that is.


All they can practically do is just sit / stand on the republic / imperial fleet and do absolutely nothing but talk to the remaining people that are still there. Most people won't pay for that. and quitte frankly, i can't blame them.


And if BioWare keeps that up. Not responding to people on both the forums and in-game, not doing anything about the population issue, many more will quit the game too. That would mean less money for BioWare. Less income for them. And the more money they lose, the more employees they have to fire because they can't be paid then.


Remember BioWare: We are your customers, we pay you with real money and if people quit the game, you won't get any more of that money. and that will eventually be your demise. Seriously BioWare, is that what you want?


So BioWare, here's a friendly piece of advise:

I'd suggest you make haste with the server merge (or whatever you have planned to adress the population issue)

Because most of us, waiting up to 5 months is just un-acceptable for most of us.


To some this may sounds like i am 1 of those whiners and i don't want to sound offensive in any way to anyone but deep down inside you know that all this (what i just wrote above) is how the situation is. Deep down inside, you all know that this is the truth.

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