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When will there be a SERVER MERGE?


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Merging servers would imply that everything, including legacies and guilds get transferred. There may be some issues with name conflicts, but it's not the impossibility you seem to imply.


You assume a lot here.

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I did

Now the new server I am on begins to lose population. Do you want me to re-roll on a third one?


When you rerolled you should have went to one of the 6 heavy to very heavy pop servers. Why reroll on another server with standard pop?

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^^^ Yes, transfers should be available, but without merges, you'd get the holdouts that might be the few people left on an otherwise empty server. Also, if BW merges servers, one would hope they could do it properly to balance populations. If people just transfer, you'll get a much more uneven distribution.


Maybe, but that scenario is extremely unlikely, given how well it worked for RIFT last year. They put a message on the server that said, basically, "move it or lose it, you have three weeks, and the server's going down". That tends to motivate. :p


And that works a HELLUVA lot better than an actual merge. Merges tend to be a buggy, convoluted, overly complex way to basically do the same thing as a transfer/shut-down.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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With the roll out of 1.2 not having ranked pvp matches, and no word on cross server queues, though populations are up those who pvp is way down. Furthermore, the situation on lower populations is getting much bleaker. I love the game and appreciate the plethora of new content being introduced but I think a triage mindset must be employed and the singularity of mergers or transfers must transcend all needs at this junction.


The game made a great move with the free month, in terms of player loyalties and apologies, but do not waste that goodwill by delaying for months something that was needed months ago. Legacy, and dual spec are noise when you have nobody to play with. The crux of what makes mmos so addicting is the community they foster!


I think I speak for everybody when I say no one wants to be the best of 10 people, or log on to raid without enough people to do it with...Sometimes queueing takes longer than the games themselves or cannot start at all until later in the day. We even get accused of hacking the queue system because we will have games of 8 of us or fighting ourselves, the reality is there is nobody else queueing! The purpose of designing content that cannot be played or used is as if it was not designed at all.


We must all voice our support to focus funding immediately to save the lives of tens of thousands of subscribers wallowing away with no hope in sight, if we do not we will lose many players who would gladly love to add value to whatever server will allow them to call it home, and most likely they will never to come back. In the hospitality field its far easier to retain a current customer than attract a new one, we must make good now! Even if it you take the lowest 5-10 servers and manually start moving them to other lower servers to bolster their populations while saving the closest to death, the numbers are not huge and it was given to Asia which should be numerically within scope.


it would be a great act of generosity this community would appreciate. We need this, I hope someone important reads this and realizes that to save the game we have no choice and we must act soon....nothing matters as much as this and early summer is too late....to save the game for many servers. Please sign if you agree!


-Grimaldi, leader of bloodpact (Hedarr Soongh)

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Come on, they are playing smart... free char tansfer for some servers... and if u want to choose a server u will have to pay for it. I like it!


I hope we can transfer from US to EU! because thats my only problem! lol, im always moving from US to EU and the the timezone are like -8 or +8h hours lol

Edited by -Kelerak-
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I agree, but as long as they don't listen, it does not matter. the game is screwed unless they give a proper ETA for the mergers. I'm on Drooga's pleasure barge which is considered a standard server, but I am bored out of my mind by playing alone. integrate the light populations into the lower standard ones. i dont even care about my name at this point.
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With the roll out of 1.2 not having ranked pvp matches, and no word on cross server queues, though populations are up those who pvp is way down. Furthermore, the situation on lower populations is getting much bleaker. I love the game and appreciate the plethora of new content being introduced but I think a triage mindset must be employed and the singularity of mergers or transfers must transcend all needs at this junction.


The game made a great move with the free month, in terms of player loyalties and apologies, but do not waste that goodwill by delaying for months something that was needed months ago. Legacy, and dual spec are noise when you have nobody to play with. The crux of what makes mmos so addicting is the community they foster!


I think I speak for everybody when I say no one wants to be the best of 10 people, or log on to raid without enough people to do it with...Sometimes queueing takes longer than the games themselves or cannot start at all until later in the day. We even get accused of hacking the queue system because we will have games of 8 of us or fighting ourselves, the reality is there is nobody else queueing! The purpose of designing content that cannot be played or used is as if it was not designed at all.


We must all voice our support to focus funding immediately to save the lives of tens of thousands of subscribers wallowing away with no hope in sight, if we do not we will lose many players who would gladly love to add value to whatever server will allow them to call it home, and most likely they will never to come back. In the hospitality field its far easier to retain a current customer than attract a new one, we must make good now! Even if it you take the lowest 5-10 servers and manually start moving them to other lower servers to bolster their populations while saving the closest to death, the numbers are not huge and it was given to Asia which should be numerically within scope.


it would be a great act of generosity this community would appreciate. We need this, I hope someone important reads this and realizes that to save the game we have no choice and we must act soon....nothing matters as much as this and early summer is too late....to save the game for many servers. Please sign if you agree!


-Grimaldi, leader of bloodpact (Hedarr Soongh)


I wanted to reply and repost this entire Original post. Very well Said, and to the point. Thanks Grimaldi. I think we should keep reposting until someone important does read this:)

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A server merge alone with NOT solve the problems, this game needs CPR, quick:


3) Up the ante for doing HM flashpoints. This would add huge incentive to do flashpoints, the HM daily reward should be scaled to the difficulty of the heroic completed, and should include Rakata and Black Hole tokens as appropriate:


The Black Talon: Keep as-is, "LFG quick daily BT HM" in General Chat makes my stomach turn

Boarding Party: Add 1 Rakata token

The Foundry, Directive 7: Add 2 Rakata token

The Battle of Ilum, The False Emperor, Kaon under Siege: Add 1 Black Hole token

Lost Island: Add 2 Black Hole token



Edited by Mustelidaen
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Early summer is going to be too late. I'm gonna play out my free month and probably unsub after that until free merges are available. If they won't give me free transfers for my entire legacy I'll be done with the game. There's no excuse for this to not be available right now. We just saw them do it for the Aussies.
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With the roll out of 1.2 not having ranked pvp matches, and no word on cross server queues, though populations are up those who pvp is way down. Furthermore, the situation on lower populations is getting much bleaker. I love the game and appreciate the plethora of new content being introduced but I think a triage mindset must be employed and the singularity of mergers or transfers must transcend all needs at this junction.


The game made a great move with the free month, in terms of player loyalties and apologies, but do not waste that goodwill by delaying for months something that was needed months ago. Legacy, and dual spec are noise when you have nobody to play with. The crux of what makes mmos so addicting is the community they foster!


I think I speak for everybody when I say no one wants to be the best of 10 people, or log on to raid without enough people to do it with...Sometimes queueing takes longer than the games themselves or cannot start at all until later in the day. We even get accused of hacking the queue system because we will have games of 8 of us or fighting ourselves, the reality is there is nobody else queueing! The purpose of designing content that cannot be played or used is as if it was not designed at all.


We must all voice our support to focus funding immediately to save the lives of tens of thousands of subscribers wallowing away with no hope in sight, if we do not we will lose many players who would gladly love to add value to whatever server will allow them to call it home, and most likely they will never to come back. In the hospitality field its far easier to retain a current customer than attract a new one, we must make good now! Even if it you take the lowest 5-10 servers and manually start moving them to other lower servers to bolster their populations while saving the closest to death, the numbers are not huge and it was given to Asia which should be numerically within scope.


it would be a great act of generosity this community would appreciate. We need this, I hope someone important reads this and realizes that to save the game we have no choice and we must act soon....nothing matters as much as this and early summer is too late....to save the game for many servers. Please sign if you agree!

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They will have a server merge...right when there is about 20 people left to merge onto one server. I've never seen a company so completely out of touch with it's customer base. What has really happened with Bioware?
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Is there any discussion of merging servers or adding incentives to move players to low pop servers?


JO: No, we’re not going to. Merging servers is not something we are looking at. We have a very healthy game right now, so that is not something we are looking at in the near future. We're always going to look at ways to make sure a server is healthy. There are a whole bunch of different ways you can do that. We're discussing them. We want to make sure players feel like there are enough players on their server to play with.


right.... so that proves that he have no clue... was that rude? well probably was...

but if they even bothered to read this thread then they would see that there are several dead servers...

Acting like this it only proves to me that he is more interested in the money gained from the game than the actual players in the game...


On ludo Kressh there are never more than 20 players online on the fleet. on the republic side that is...

forming groups are a nightmare. doing anything that is based on having other players there to help are a nightmare...


So to all in BW that thinks that the game is "very healthy" game, get ur head out of the bantha back end and start look on the servers outside of the US.... it feels like playing a MSO (massive single-player online game)

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please god get me off my dead server!!!!!


Merge them or give me an option to transfer!!!




Is your server really dead? Last guy that claimed that was on the 10th most populated US server and was whining about have 17 Republic on Alderaan.

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When i started to play the game, The first character that i created was a Sith Inquisitor. A sorcerer to be more precise. The server is "Chuundar" on the EU realms. The first period of the game, it had a decent population but now that i'm level 50 for a while on that char, the server seems to be losing players by the day. Infact, it's pretty much dead now. And since i also got the legacy, i decided to make my family tree bigger by creating alts. Such as a Jedi Knight. But that's also where the problem start. You see, when you try to do a heroic quest like... "Chamber of Speech" on Tython for example or even a flashpoint like "The Esseles" on the Republic side & "The Black Talon" on the empire said and then ask for more people to join you, you don't get many people asking you to invite them because the server is pretty much dead.


So, basically you can ask yourself this:


How do we get more filled servers?


To that, there are a couple of things they can do:


1. They can merge servers so you get more filled servers instead of having tons of "empty" servers. And when those servers reach their population cap they can allways re-add new servers if they want and if it's needed.


2. They can implement a server migration so people can move their character(s) of choice to a different server. A server that has a bigger population.

Edited by SlayerNL
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So to all in BW that thinks that the game is "very healthy" game, get ur head out of the bantha back end and start look on the servers outside of the US.... it feels like playing a MSO (massive single-player online game)


Ive seen in other thread comparing this game with kotor. I started to think then if that is even possible:

You strip off pvp, oprations and flashpoints along with crew skills. Only maintain basic Dragon Age style itemization and what you get - Perfect Kotor 3 sequel with lots of planets and story to enjoy :)



Dont get me wrong i dont hate this game or dislike its opposite, but after patch 1.2 it feels like something was a miss. I didnt get it until i realized, the long waited legacy and improvements didnt live up the expectations.

Simply put pvp didnt get better, it went downhill due to expertise changes and focusing only for WZ's (ranked wasnt ready ether and Ilum got removed). PVE endgame content black hole is nice, but only few guilds can actually do something there as you need best endgame gear to even step in. We were lead to belive we dont need highend gear with augments to do that. Truth is you cant do much in new operation without good gear beforehand.

Dailys i wont comment much, on test server we could get BH commendations from solo dailys but not in live.


Ok maybe crafting? Yes we got some orange schematics and not bound crafting mats. Overall alot were hoping various schematics possibility from, RE. Turned out it is very very limited what we can get from RE and most things arent still ingame that we were lead to belive coming with 1.2 (higher level crafted hilts, barrels, mods, armoring mods so on so).

We did get first look of legacy system, but taht does not impress wide community as i can see.

Summer is ahed and its not peak time when people play behind PC's. I will not comment server population issues. Bioware IS aware but i think they were not ready for that big drop of active players (not subs im talking here).

Game can do well if they hurry now and find solution for dead servers fast. It would be crazy to bring patch 1.3 with LFG tool and still without any server merges.

Edited by Divona
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right.... so that proves that he have no clue... was that rude? well probably was...

but if they even bothered to read this thread then they would see that there are several dead servers...

Acting like this it only proves to me that he is more interested in the money gained from the game than the actual players in the game...


On ludo Kressh there are never more than 20 players online on the fleet. on the republic side that is...

forming groups are a nightmare. doing anything that is based on having other players there to help are a nightmare...


So to all in BW that thinks that the game is "very healthy" game, get ur head out of the bantha back end and start look on the servers outside of the US.... it feels like playing a MSO (massive single-player online game)


What he's talking about here is the convoluted, buggy, unnecessarily complex system of merging the economies, loot tables, software, and complete world environments of two servers into one.


Completely unnecessary.


What they're likely going to do, instead of merging servers, is allow for everyone to transfer off of dead servers and close them down. That's called a "server transfer". That's what they did in RIFT last year instead of merges, and it worked beautifully.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Alright everyone calm down, anger only leads to you looking like a monkey's arse. Let's look at this from the very very beginning:


BioWare wanted to make an mmo, based off their popular rpg franchise. They had large amounts of investments and a large player base to impress. They wanted to keep the major aspect of Kotor, which was the story. They built the MMO, and ensured that there was lots of publicity (Like any Company would and SHOULD do. For the love of all that is good, people LIVE their lives off of BioWare, of COURSE they want money. Stop damning them for it - you would too.). During the celebrated betas, there were substantially more players than their servers could handle, so they opted for the short term fix, which was to add space.


Launch hit, and people played the game like crazy. They, inevitably, found problems with the fledgling game: Bugs, lack of content, and a plethora of other mistakes that BioWare had made. Considering the fact that this game had more publicity, support, technology, and money than WoW did at it's beginning? Admittedly disappointing. Considering the fact that they don't have the years of experience and knowledge that blizzard does? Not surprising.


It was disappointing, and people left. More people hit end game and found that the story focused MMO they had loved was understandably stale after the story ended. They either rolled alts or left. Now they had all these servers from Beta but don't have the fan base to support thriving communities on all of them. There's still a large fan base, but it's so spread out that it feels minuscule to the majority. Like 95% of the internet usually does, the fans complained. BioWare was ill equipped as MMO designers to deal with the stresses in the player base, and failed, again, to impress.


They love the game and they love the player base, and they understood that the best way to foster the fragile game was to improve the community. A lot of you should realize that even though they admit that player activity is dropping, subscriptions are NOT. Which means that people still LIKE the game, they are just disappointed in it. BioWare wants to KEEP the player base while IMPROVING the community, as well as keeping a steady enough income off the game to pay their employees and continue to fund improvements and expansions that YOU ALL demand. So they decide to give the PLAYERS a choice in where their characters go, deciding that it would mulify some of the complaints the player base had. Unfortunately, they don't have the experience you all do. They don't realize that there are dangers to adding player choice transfers without considering the impact it will have on people who don't want to have to chose someplace else to go.


But you DO know the dangers, and a lot of you don't agree. A lot of you also realize that content is second to community in an MMO, but what you conveniently forget is that before 1.2, most of the complaints were about... what? Content. So that's what they gave you. But it came too late, and now you want more people to play content WITH. So they're working on it. If you disagree with there methods, instead of making hundreds of threads that are mostly complaining, offer REAL constructive criticism. Where I work and live, you aren't aloud to complain about an idea if you don't have an alternative. This is very true for Swtor. You aren't game designers. You're players. You have ideas based off how you play games. BioWare has ideas based off of how they design games. Believe it or not, while BioWare isn't the greatest at fostering communication with its fan base, you're not exactly the most sociable fans either. The majority of you act like children or crotchety old men, and the mature players who have REAL complains or rebuttals get lost in the noise.


BioWare is trying to help you. You are NOT trying to help BioWare - you're trying to serve your own individual agendas. Selfishness does not begot a friendly thriving community. Teamwork and communication does. Work WITH BioWare, not against them, and you'll see that, despite their faults and the faults the game DOES HAVE, we can work through this to improve the game for everyone, including you.


Sorry for the long post.

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Alright everyone calm down, anger only leads to you looking like a monkey's arse. Let's look at this from the very very beginning:


BioWare wanted to make an mmo, based off their popular rpg franchise. They had large amounts of investments and a large player base to impress. They wanted to keep the major aspect of Kotor, which was the story. They built the MMO, and ensured that there was lots of publicity (Like any Company would and SHOULD do. For the love of all that is good, people LIVE their lives off of BioWare, of COURSE they want money. Stop damning them for it - you would too.). During the celebrated betas, there were substantially more players than their servers could handle, so they opted for the short term fix, which was to add space.


Launch hit, and people played the game like crazy. They, inevitably, found problems with the fledgling game: Bugs, lack of content, and a plethora of other mistakes that BioWare had made. Considering the fact that this game had more publicity, support, technology, and money than WoW did at it's beginning? Admittedly disappointing. Considering the fact that they don't have the years of experience and knowledge that blizzard does? Not surprising.


It was disappointing, and people left. More people hit end game and found that the story focused MMO they had loved was understandably stale after the story ended. They either rolled alts or left. Now they had all these servers from Beta but don't have the fan base to support thriving communities on all of them. There's still a large fan base, but it's so spread out that it feels minuscule to the majority. Like 95% of the internet usually does, the fans complained. BioWare was ill equipped as MMO designers to deal with the stresses in the player base, and failed, again, to impress.


They love the game and they love the player base, and they understood that the best way to foster the fragile game was to improve the community. A lot of you should realize that even though they admit that player activity is dropping, subscriptions are NOT. Which means that people still LIKE the game, they are just disappointed in it. BioWare wants to KEEP the player base while IMPROVING the community, as well as keeping a steady enough income off the game to pay their employees and continue to fund improvements and expansions that YOU ALL demand. So they decide to give the PLAYERS a choice in where their characters go, deciding that it would mulify some of the complaints the player base had. Unfortunately, they don't have the experience you all do. They don't realize that there are dangers to adding player choice transfers without considering the impact it will have on people who don't want to have to chose someplace else to go.


But you DO know the dangers, and a lot of you don't agree. A lot of you also realize that content is second to community in an MMO, but what you conveniently forget is that before 1.2, most of the complaints were about... what? Content. So that's what they gave you. But it came too late, and now you want more people to play content WITH. So they're working on it. If you disagree with there methods, instead of making hundreds of threads that are mostly complaining, offer REAL constructive criticism. Where I work and live, you aren't aloud to complain about an idea if you don't have an alternative. This is very true for Swtor. You aren't game designers. You're players. You have ideas based off how you play games. BioWare has ideas based off of how they design games. Believe it or not, while BioWare isn't the greatest at fostering communication with its fan base, you're not exactly the most sociable fans either. The majority of you act like children or crotchety old men, and the mature players who have REAL complains or rebuttals get lost in the noise.


BioWare is trying to help you. You are NOT trying to help BioWare - you're trying to serve your own individual agendas. Selfishness does not begot a friendly thriving community. Teamwork and communication does. Work WITH BioWare, not against them, and you'll see that, despite their faults and the faults the game DOES HAVE, we can work through this to improve the game for everyone, including you.


Sorry for the long post.


Mostly nonsense.


Subs are below 400k, SWTOR is dead.

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You have proof of this statement I assume right since you are spamming in in 4 different threads.


Yes, proof was linked in the other thread.


It got deleted so if you want to see it, ask the moderators to undelete it.

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Yes, proof was linked in the other thread.


It got deleted so if you want to see it, ask the moderators to undelete it.


Well I doubt they do that but its funny your "proof" got deleted dont you think? They gave people a free month isnt even over yet. So I mean I think its way more than 400k.

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Well I doubt they do that but its funny your "proof" got deleted dont you think? They gave people a free month isnt even over yet. So I mean I think its way more than 400k.


I posted the link in the other thread. It got deleted. I don't think it's funny, no.

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