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When will there be a SERVER MERGE?


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unsubbed due to my server being dead. cant find groups for flashpoints regardless of the time of day and WZ queues take a year to pop. less than 40 ppl in fleet yet my server is still listed as standard



will be back if and when devs implement server merge/transfers

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Though I'm not in a low pop one, I'm on a mid pop server that could use a lot more people around, and I do believe merges are the way to go. Having half as many servers (or even less, 30-40% could be) would mean most people would be on healthy servers, if not everyone. Then if the game starts getting lots and lots of new people, start reactivating old ones.


Come to think of it, it's not only better for the players but also for Bioware - Less servers to maintain. MMO population drop 2-3 months after release is inevitable, so it doesn't speak badly of the game or its devs if servers are consolidated. What does speak badly of a game and its devs is having 40 servers online out of which at most 10 have healthy populations. It gives the impression that nobody plays the game.

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Well...server merges are coming? Its about as accurate as "we are SOON going to create a civilzation on the moon so that everyone who wants to go can do it"


I believe that we need to have an official statement about WHEN (ie a date...or at least a date for a date) it will happen.

Merges will result in naming collisions for guilds and characters etc, meaing you have to choose another name - If thats what BW is afraid of then thats a price I think many are willing to pay in order to get back and enjoy the game.


My server has about 15-25 Empire players online fleetwise during prime time (Republic side is totally dead), you PvP with the SAME people ALL THE TIME if you can torture yourself enough to wait in the queue, its impossible to get a group going to a Operation, you cant run any Flashpoints, you are lucky if you see any players out when questing so you cant do H2+ or H4. All you can do is run this MMO game...solo style, which is horrible.


BW say they have so great plans for things that are coming but people in the sitution above wont care a rat a'*s about it until they can get back and play in a community again, not running SWTOR in single player mode.


Shape up!!!

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Takes me forever to get into a Warzone on a PVP server. I seriously hope this is near the top of Bioware's to-do list.


If it was it would have been fixed by now. BW is just milking this game for all they can, they have no intention on retaining subscribers. BW has officially gone over to the darkside, and its name is EA.

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Did a little quick lookup on the server with Heavy population in the EU farm at 00.30 during the night.


On Hutta, there were 45 players online, on Ord Mantel 33 online. both fleets had over 200+ on each side. Activity was bustling. More servers like this please...not SWTOR single player servers.


Would have been nice to see some forum Polls about this.


NDiggy you are probably very right about that, BW has secured a good amount of subsribers that will stay with them makeing sure they have the income they need to stay afloat. The rest is expendable.

Edited by Rashanda
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How could Bioware not have had a plan to do something if all those tons of launch servers started dying off??


They had to have known once the hype wore off and peeps got bored their million servers would need to be trimmed back and yet here we are 6 months into the game and nothing has been done about this issue, people wasted countless hours creating toons only to end up on dead servers.


Atm for the US servers it's basically Fatman for east coast and Harbinger for west coast with Fatman being the only one that can get full....kinda lame when 99% of the servers won't even get to "heavy" even in peak, primetime hours.


The Legacy has bought you a LITTLE time Bioware, but rerolling constantly and basically playing a single player game gets old fast.

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i play on Niman, and have been on a total of 3 times in the last month.


last time i played i had a lot of spare time, so played about 6/7 hours straight.


i was on the rep fleet, nar shadaa, and tatooine.


over the 7 hour or so period, max players on were:

rep fleet = 11

nar'shad=2 (including me)

tat=2 (including me).


for an "MMO" that is appalling. that IS single player basically, and out of all those players online, didnt bump into a single one on my running paths. also did not see a single empire player zooming about.


i came online because i was rewarded with 30 days free for being an active member - another worrying fact since i hadnt logged in for about 1 and a half / 2 months?! im one of the active ones really??! :rak_02:


Niman is pointless from what ive seen, i had an urge to go on earlier, then i suddenly remembered how nobody plays my server and considered a WoW re-sub...sigh....something i thought i wouldnt do..


*queue the "go back to your pandas" - however i really wish that wasnt the case. maybe if they merge and the servers are populated then i will come back. fingers crossed! :confused:

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How could Bioware not have had a plan to do something if all those tons of launch servers started dying off??


They had to have known once the hype wore off and peeps got bored their million servers would need to be trimmed back and yet here we are 6 months into the game and nothing has been done about this issue, people wasted countless hours creating toons only to end up on dead servers.


Atm for the US servers it's basically Fatman for east coast and Harbinger for west coast with Fatman being the only one that can get full....kinda lame when 99% of the servers won't even get to "heavy" even in peak, primetime hours.


The Legacy has bought you a LITTLE time Bioware, but rerolling constantly and basically playing a single player game gets old fast.



I think they knew it was going to happen not though that it would happen so quickly or so fast.

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You have no clue how it will be rolled out.. You have no clue how the populations will be controlled. You have no clue how the transfer system will be structured. You have no clue if they will even charge for the service. Trion didn't, Bioware could very well make it a free service as well.


You are complaining just to complain. Transfers allow the player to make the choice. Forced mergers take control away. But my guess is that you'd find a way to complain if your ice cream was to cold.


Well if people do uncontroled server transfers in this state of the game we have compltly empty servers on the one side and way overloaded servers (so imense queues) on the other so best they do is first do there server merging that they need and then add personal transfers once the servers are somewhat balanced


otherwise the force wont be long with us anymore

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When Bioware does do their server transfers, they should take the opportunity to close down a lot of the dead servers and beef up their remaining servers.

Upgrade the hardware so we can have actual MMO type server populations. Maybe it would also speed up the terrible loading times too.

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Im another one who doesnt like his server's situation... :mad:

Come on bioware :D ! im a bioware loyalist .. but im afraid i will stop paying for this game if this goes on like this.:confused:


Why not re-roll on a better/more populated server?

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Why not re-roll on a better/more populated server?


Because some of us actually do things other than SWTOR. After spending months getting several characters to various levels, I have no plans to completely redo everything because of BW's lack of action on server merges.


It's understandable that they started a large number of servers when the game launched. Now, that they have population numbers, it's time to merge 2-3 servers into 1, and eliminate all the others. Then, as the population grows, they add servers and offer free transfers from high population servers to new servers.

Edited by Valakhnarr
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Because some of us actually do things other than SWTOR. After spending months getting several characters to various levels, I have no plans to completely redo everything because of BW's lack of action on server merges.


It's understandable that they started a large number of servers when the game launched. Now, that they have population numbers, it's time to merge 2-3 servers into 1, and eliminate all the others. Then, as the population grows, they add servers and offer free transfers from high population servers to new servers.


You act like it is just oh so simple to do. What about people's legacy names? What about guilds who will not just be destroyed but lose their name and anything they have paid for like guild bank unlocks? What about people who dont want to have to fight 100 people trying to ninja their quest mobs etc? If you dont like your server you have a solution. Reroll or wait on server transfers.

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You act like it is just oh so simple to do. What about people's legacy names? What about guilds who will not just be destroyed but lose their name and anything they have paid for like guild bank unlocks? What about people who dont want to have to fight 100 people trying to ninja their quest mobs etc? If you dont like your server you have a solution. Reroll or wait on server transfers.


Reading these posts from clueless extreme fanboys has become more fun than trying to play an mmo with 12 people on your server.

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What about people's legacy names? What about guilds who will not just be destroyed but lose their name and anything they have paid for like guild bank unlocks?


Merging servers would imply that everything, including legacies and guilds get transferred. There may be some issues with name conflicts, but it's not the impossibility you seem to imply.

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Why not re-roll on a better/more populated server?


Because can't spend another 20 day's in game played time to get everything I have on my main char, and other 6 on my alt. And things like white crystals, titles and other things are not available anymore. Time is what i can't afford for leveling other toon on other server. It is same for most of the players playing on dead servers.

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You act like it is just oh so simple to do. What about people's legacy names? What about guilds who will not just be destroyed but lose their name and anything they have paid for like guild bank unlocks? What about people who dont want to have to fight 100 people trying to ninja their quest mobs etc? If you dont like your server you have a solution. Reroll or wait on server transfers.


100 people won't show in one area. If you played on populated servers, you would have known there are zones for selected amount of players. if there is too many, they would play in other zone. And still , you can transfer between those if you want to group up with someone else. So no, noone would steal your mob.

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Merging servers would imply that everything, including legacies and guilds get transferred. There may be some issues with name conflicts, but it's not the impossibility you seem to imply.


Actually, that's possible with transfer/shut-downs, too. No need to "merge".

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^^^ Yes, transfers should be available, but without merges, you'd get the holdouts that might be the few people left on an otherwise empty server. Also, if BW merges servers, one would hope they could do it properly to balance populations. If people just transfer, you'll get a much more uneven distribution.
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