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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

When will there be a SERVER MERGE?


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nah i dont want to discuss about it it will take ages all what i want to say the game losing ppl many servers are died. real in game changes can take long time... they already said it -Additionally, Erickson responded to criticisms of BioWare being slow to create new endgame content. He said because The Old Republic is a fully voiced MMORPG, creating quests takes a big longer, though he said, "We're getting sprier all the time."


well lets see how the game change in next 3 months just give them a bit time...


and i recomend you to read coments in this link http://uk.gamespot.com/news/star-wars-the-old-republic-not-losing-subscribers-says-dev-6373226


Ok, I'm going to try this again:


At launch: 1000 people on server, 110 logging in every 2 hours and playing for 12 hours at a time = appr. 660 people on at any given time, most of them in starting areas.


After launch surge dies: 1000 people on server, 110 logging in every 4 hours and playing for 4 hours at a time = appr. 110 people on at any given time, spread throughout the planets, many playing alts instead of 50s. You'd see less than 10 on Fleet, probably none on Ilum, pretty much what you're seeing, but still 1000 on the server.


The population appears to have dropped down to 1/6 of what it was, and then some, when actually only the concurrent time has.


There are still 1000 people to move.


(My math is approximate, but you get the gist. And it's an EXAMPLE.)


This is why server transfers are needed and are the best solution.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Ok, I'm going to try this again:


At launch: 1000 people on server, 110 logging in every 2 hours and playing for 12 hours at a time = appr. 660 people on at any given time, most of them in starting areas.


After launch surge dies: 1000 people on server, 110 logging in every 4 hours and playing for 4 hours at a time = appr. 110 people on at any given time, spread throughout the planets, many playing alts instead of 50s. You'd see less than 10 on Fleet, probably none on Ilum, pretty much what you're seeing, but still 1000 on the server.


The population appears to have dropped down to 1/6 of what it was, and then some, when actually only the concurrent time has.


There are still 1000 people to move.


(My math is approximate, but you get the gist. And it's an EXAMPLE.)


This is why server transfers are needed and are the best solution.


the peak time as you know 21;00 in almost all servers. in the morning less ppl playng the most only at evening. you making example too complicate for yourself and others go to the http://www.torstatus.net/ and you wont do any examples it says everything in there.

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TORstatus does NOT show sub numbers, it shows who is playing concurrently.


Sub numbers didnt break 1.7 millions as you know it. the sub numbers doesnt mean anything for me. whats the point to play in dead server when in guild is 68 players and only 3-5 playng oftenly others is gone. as you know game price 200 millions and if they made 1.7 subscribers they still didnt break the game price i guess. the most peak time they had when they made free trial and half game price also add 30 days to keep playrs playng.

Edited by Algaaa
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Sub numbers didnt break 1.7 millions as you know it. the sub numbers doesnt mean anything for me. whats the point to play in dead server when in guild is 68 players and only 3-5 playng oftenly others is gone. as you know game price 200 millions and if they made 1.7 subscribers they still didnt break the game price i guess. the most peak time they had when they made free trial and half game price also add 30 days to keep playrs playng.


My point is that what is happening on the servers happens in EVERY MMO and always will. It's normal. Nothing to get so upset about. And, as is also normal, server transfers are coming to deal with the typical drop in concurrent playtimes.



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My point is that what is happening on the servers happens in EVERY MMO and always will. It's normal. Nothing to get so upset about. And, as is also normal, server transfers are coming to deal with the typical drop in concurrent playtimes.




ye true coming but i paid money not for waiting and see empty server it is true as well. i just didnt expect it will drop in short time so many good players because i playd with them a lot. many ppl who i know just disappeared

Edited by Algaaa
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ye true coming but i paid money not for waiting and see empty server it is true as well.


It's also coming in the normal average time after launch, 4 to 6 months. If you're new to MMOs, get used to it. If you're not new to MMOs, why act like this is something new?

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It's also coming in the normal average time after launch, 4 to 6 months. If you're new to MMOs, get used to it. If you're not new to MMOs, why act like this is something new?


ye im new to MMOS i did playd wow a bit but didnt like it most time 4 years spend on diablo 2

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Ok well I am in the other boat where my server is one of three APAC servers and before the free server transfers Master Dar'Nala and the PVE server were at Heavy on peak playing times and standard for most of the off-peak times I think the third server was around standard on peak times and light on off-peak times.


Since the free APAC transfer has gone through we have seen our server and the PVE server hit FULL and there are now up to 30 MINUTE Queue times to log into the game, the third server is running at heavy.


I just think that the whole issue could of been handled better by putting another three servers in for the APAC region and only allowing the free transfers to go to these servers, by doing so I would think that these new servers would be in the standard to heavy range and none of them would have any queue times when you log in.


Dont get me wrong this is not a QQ about queue times. I am just trying to give some feedback on the server transfer as we have turned three APAC servers into a big old bottleneck. And really there needs to be something done.

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Ok well I am in the other boat where my server is one of three APAC servers and before the free server transfers Master Dar'Nala and the PVE server were at Heavy on peak playing times and standard for most of the off-peak times I think the third server was around standard on peak times and light on off-peak times.


Since the free APAC transfer has gone through we have seen our server and the PVE server hit FULL and there are now up to 30 MINUTE Queue times to log into the game, the third server is running at heavy.


I just think that the whole issue could of been handled better by putting another three servers in for the APAC region and only allowing the free transfers to go to these servers, by doing so I would think that these new servers would be in the standard to heavy range and none of them would have any queue times when you log in.


Dont get me wrong this is not a QQ about queue times. I am just trying to give some feedback on the server transfer as we have turned three APAC servers into a big old bottleneck. And really there needs to be something done.


This is precisely why a free-for-all transfer system should NOT happen...

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While reserving some names on other servers, I just noticed that there are 75 people on Ord Mantell on the Fatman right now vs the 30ish people on the Fleet on Helm of Graush. The "Massively" part of MMO is not happening on Helm of Graush right now.


I would love to see some consolidation of the low pop servers into the standard ones

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This is precisely why a free-for-all transfer system should NOT happen...


As long as people can roll on said servers transfer or no transfer won't matter, you want to force people that re-rolled on a populated server to abandon their previous mains or pay transfer fees just because you don't want queues, people will balance it over time if given free transfers as some want the full server and some are more happy on a medium one.

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4 times this week I logged into Fleet at peek time, spent roughly 90 minutes each time looking for a group [as a geared up healer] to ANY Hardmode Flashpoint or any operation. Each time I didn't get a single response from anybody because [even at peak] people are too spread out. I feel like I wasted 6 hours this week trying to play a game I paid for that just isn't worth paying for anymore. . .Really wish they would merge servers.
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Ok, just a warning im so *********** angry. ALLOW TRANSFER OR MERGE ALREADY. I'm so sick and tired of login into an empty server, where I see the same people PvP'ing. The same server that has 3 guilds that can even do 16 man raids, 2 of which can clear NMM and won't accept new players, because they are full and want to be that guild that pushing content on the server.


Its ******** that us players on smaller servers have to put up w/ this crap especially when a new content patch is coming out. Players on small servers are going to be left behind.




It's been nearly a month but apparently they don't care. My server is dead

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This is precisely why a free-for-all transfer system should NOT happen...

So these BW people allow you on the AP servers who live in the selected AP countries to select to transfer in to heavy pop servers? Wow. Has anyone at BW worked on an MMO before?

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I think what frustrated me is that anyone who has been involved in mmo communitys over the last 10 years KNOWS what is needed when a game launches.


The game ether A) needs to be instanced in such a way that cross relm play is possible to get around population issues or B) needs to have the ability to migrate people ASAP when the initial influx of players normalises to levels where the population is going to be longer term.


The problem with not having the latter in place in the absense of the prior is that you WILL hurt your own population. People on empty servers that would otherwise stay will leave because they cant get geared, or have fun in a community.


Take my situation. Right now i have a level 49, its taking litterally 40 mins to cue on my server for a pvp game. i only have a couple of hours a night to play.


I appreciate that "server transfers are comming", but not having them in place at the start we beyond stupid - mmo companys need to learn that in the absense of cross server play (instances or pvp) the ability to keep communitys together is paramount. its a tragedy we can be this far down the mmo road and developers dont know about community management beyond giving some forum mod that title.

Edited by trindermon
spelling stuffs
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Word for word what I saw last year on the RIFT forums. Yet it wasn't too little too late there, either...


Agreed, RIFT managed quite well on a handful of servers after transfer and I'm sure SWTOR will do the same.

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Agreed, RIFT managed quite well on a handful of servers after transfer and I'm sure SWTOR will do the same.


RIFT only have couple of tens servers now and its in standart population. At Steam you can see the number of players playng the game or at Xfire and its couple thousnd ppl. To keep TOR going well, they need at least 500 000 ppl as they informed at news.

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RIFT only have couple of tens servers now and its in standart population. At Steam you can see the number of players playng the game or at Xfire and its couple thousnd ppl. To keep TOR going well, they need at least 500 000 ppl as they informed at news.


There you go again. Sub numbers have absolutely zilch to do with the decrease in concurrent playtimes. The pattern is exactly the same, despite that RIFT has always had less subs than TOR.

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There you go again. Sub numbers have absolutely zilch to do with the decrease in concurrent playtimes. The pattern is exactly the same, despite that RIFT has always had less subs than TOR.


Subs is NOTHING for me the game earn money only from REAL TIME PLAYERS


One more RIFT price was much more less then SWTOR. So just remind you to keep going game need at least 500 000 players and subsribers dont means nothing its can be millions they mostly will earn money from Hradcore SWTOR gamers.

Edited by Algaaa
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Subs is NOTHING for me the game earn money only from REAL TIME PLAYERS


One more RIFT price was much more less then SWTOR. So just remind you to keep going game need at least 500 000 players and subsribers dont means nothing its can be millions they mostly will earn money from Hradcore SWTOR gamers.


Wrong. The game earns money from subs regardless of how often and for how long they play. If half the players subbed, but never log in, BioWare still gets the money.


Subs =/= concurrent play times.

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