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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

When will there be a SERVER MERGE?


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I am all for merges and transfers. I work 3rd shift, so my playing time is around 0600 in the morning. The other day I was 1 of 5 ppl on my servers fleet. But I did read in this weekd Q&A that free server transfers are coming, according to that post sometime in the summer.


I am wondering will it be a choice of which server to go to or will there be limits, such as my server, Death Wind Corridor, you are only able to transfer to server choice 1, 2, or 3. Or do I get to pick the one I want. I remember at launch Iron Citadel was over a 45 minute wait to get in. Now I rarely see it as a heavy.

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I am all for merges and transfers. I work 3rd shift, so my playing time is around 0600 in the morning. The other day I was 1 of 5 ppl on my servers fleet. But I did read in this weekd Q&A that free server transfers are coming, according to that post sometime in the summer.


I am wondering will it be a choice of which server to go to or will there be limits, such as my server, Death Wind Corridor, you are only able to transfer to server choice 1, 2, or 3. Or do I get to pick the one I want. I remember at launch Iron Citadel was over a 45 minute wait to get in. Now I rarely see it as a heavy.


It will be a well-planned choice, or you can pay to go anywhere you want. The reason for this is a good one: don't want people having the knee-jerk reaction of moving to a Heavy or Very Heavy before thinking about it. Because if they do think about it, it's wiser to move to a "Standard" to avoid causing queues.


My server is a Standard, and there is usually about 30-40 on at 6am, over 150 at peak.

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I love the game, but I do not love low population servers. This subject is so hot I had to cross many threads to find the one that hasn't been closed yet for exceeding the number of posts, and yet this is a low priority for the developers?! We won't see transfers until early Summer?!! They've already done transfers for Pacific players, how hard can it be for the rest of us? Early summer is very disappointing.


Since I live in Japan, I've always had low populations during the hours I play. But since the free transfers to the Pacific servers (for which I was not eligible), I can literally go hours as the only person on any world or fleet I visit. Even on weekends, the fleet will have between 9 and 22 people (each planet has between 1 and 4), and when I am lucky enough to get a couple warzones, I see only the same people over and over. My server, Krayiss Obelisk, needs to go away, and the 50 players currently active on it need a free transfer to a server of their choice. The same should be true for any other server that cannot sustain some appropriate number of players.


Additionally, why do the Pacific servers also have to come down for maintenance at the time of the U.S. servers? That is peak play time for us, so can't those servers be staggered to a time more appropriate for those who live in the Pacific region?


Thank you for your consideration. I sure hope someone who works for the companies listed at bottom is listening.

Edited by Stoicist
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I really don't understand why BW is so unwilling to merge servers. I know a few of us will have to rename chars and choose a different legacy name if that happens, but i rather have that than sit in the fleet for hours trying to find a group for some Flash Point.


Cross Server PvP will still not fix the issue of low population.


I do not see it as a sign of failure to merge servers.


Please consider it.

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I really don't understand why BW is so unwilling to merge servers. I know a few of us will have to rename chars and choose a different legacy name if that happens, but i rather have that than sit in the fleet for hours trying to find a group for some Flash Point.


Cross Server PvP will still not fix the issue of low population.


I do not see it as a sign of failure to merge servers.


Please consider it.


If you read the Q&A this week you will see that they are going to offer free transfers that focus on combining low pop servers and paid transfers to your choice of servers in early summer.

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Arymono: When will character transfers be available for everybody?


Dallas Dickinson (Senior Producer, Live Services): We will be rolling out our Character Transfer Service in early summer. First we’ll have some targeted free transfers from/to specific servers, but that will be followed with a broader system where you can either take advantage of free promotional transfers to specific servers or paid transfers to the server of your choice. We know everyone has more questions about character transfer, and we’ll reveal more details closer to the launch date.


Sounds like we will be given a decent amount of options. Time is of the essence at this point and has been for some time.


DrakeAssaShin: What is being done to address low population servers?


Dallas: The Character Transfer Service, as mentioned above, will be offering free transfers from/to specific servers. This should allow the most motivated players to get onto a higher population server.


Which is all anyone's really wanted for months. Server balance and the sheer amount of light pop servers is unacceptable. To not be able to pvp or pve on your server due to lack of players in an MMO at any hour of the day... no excuses quite cut it anymore.

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?? Are you even reading my posts? I said that what will likely happen to servers like that one is a server message saying "move it or lose it, server's being shut down" thus ALL players on that server will be moved to a Standard or Heavy, then closed. NOT a server merge.





it is like you don't even read your own posts.


"Population in an MMO is "fluid". If you just merge servers, the problem of "light" and "heavy" will still be there. In fact, some servers will still be empty while others will have queues. That's obviously bad for the game."


and your observation still doesn't prove anything relating to transfer. we don't have enough hi-pop servers to attain a healthy balance. i would have thought that would be obvious at this point.



Edited by Goyaate
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I can explain you why i wont wait when merge service will be availble. Guys im just crafted my WH armoring and took all mods from BM and input them to WH. Problems is my friends has told me when you taking back all BM mods and input them to WH you cant buy with empty BM normal WH items. I contacted costumer service and they said - it was disigned corretly so it is not bug. Also when you put back mods to the BM it still cant exchange. I didnt know it, and now i need to farm my all BM. it will take me many hours.


one more reason why - my server is empty when i asked or i can transfer my character they said its unvailable at this time. How i supose to farm all BM when at fleet 20 ppl?


I left the game at valor 84 and i wont wait until SUMMER ( summer means until end of July or august) sorry but its too long for me.


One more reason if i want to transfer my character to special server i need to pay money. What? i paid for deluxe edition 60 subscription cost good money as well + transfer are you crazy? This game eat only money now they made half price in origin because is not enough subcribers? ye true why not. february population was 1.7 millions now it droped under 1.2 or less they farming money because the project price was 200millions budget. they didnt expect such us problems and they didnt expect they will lose players pretty fast only at 1 month at my server lost 40% players. I cant see good future of SWTOR.

Edited by Algaaa
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You only get the que for a WZ once there are enough players to fill it. The reason why matches start with less than full is because people walked away from their computer and the que had to countdown. One the counter expires it goes back to the next person in line and sends them and invite, then they have to accept.

So blame the people on your server for not accepting the WZ invite.


no blame bioware for auto join WZ queue after your done with a warzone.

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If you read the Q&A this week you will see that they are going to offer free transfers that focus on combining low pop servers and paid transfers to your choice of servers in early summer.


I am quite aware of that, but that is not what i am talking about. I am talking about Server mergers. So you have people transfer from one server to the other.. what happens to the ones that become even more empty?

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it is like you don't even read your own posts.


"Population in an MMO is "fluid". If you just merge servers, the problem of "light" and "heavy" will still be there. In fact, some servers will still be empty while others will have queues. That's obviously bad for the game."


and your observation still doesn't prove anything relating to transfer. we don't have enough hi-pop servers to attain a healthy balance. i would have thought that would be obvious at this point.




I don't have to prove my observation. Trion already proved it a year ago.

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announcement it means promise. They promised and im not agree with you.


Really? So when a friend tells you, "I'll meet you in about a half an hour, but I'm On Call for work, so I can't promise anything" and when he gets called in for work then tells you, "Hey, I got called in, not going to be able to meet you" you get angry and say "BUT YOU TOLD ME!! THAT MAKES IT A PROMISE!!!!"


No? Then why do that here?

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Really? So when a friend tells you, "I'll meet you in about a half an hour, but I'm On Call for work, so I can't promise anything" and when he gets called in for work then tells you, "Hey, I got called in, not going to be able to meet you" you get angry and say "BUT YOU TOLD ME!! THAT MAKES IT A PROMISE!!!!"


No? Then why do that here?


i dont need detail explanation of you about friends mums and dads. Im sayng whats going on now in game and SWTOR is in critical condition. They promised 8 ppl queue and server merge in summer now well lets see it because they confirmed those news.

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i dont need detail explanation of you about friends mums and dads. Im sayng whats going on now in game and SWTOR is in critical condition. They promised 8 ppl queue and server merge in summer now well lets see it because they confirmed those news.


I have a feeling we're not communicating...


My post was an illustration that paralleled what you're doing...

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Right now: Sunday evening 9 PM, top gaming prime time of the week.


My server and factionside: 22 people online, 0 50s, 0 on fleet.


Check it out yourselfes server is senator contispex.


This i getting absolutely redicilous.

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Right now: Sunday evening 9 PM, top gaming prime time of the week.


My server and factionside: 22 people online, 0 50s, 0 on fleet.


Check it out yourselfes server is senator contispex.


This i getting absolutely redicilous.


lol and JeramieCrowe just said in other post Bioware confirmed 1.7 million players :D:D:D

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Out of curiousity i checked the numbers on the other faction of my server.


47 online there according to /who 1-50


Making it a total sever pop of 69 people. On a sunday evening 9 PM:rolleyes:


you are so lucky to have 69 ppl. gratz mate i wish to be in your server ;)

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Read it for yourself. It's not my fault you don't know the difference between sub numbers and concurrent playtimes.


nah i dont want to discuss about it it will take ages all what i want to say the game losing ppl many servers are died. real in game changes can take long time... they already said it -Additionally, Erickson responded to criticisms of BioWare being slow to create new endgame content. He said because The Old Republic is a fully voiced MMORPG, creating quests takes a big longer, though he said, "We're getting sprier all the time."


well lets see how the game change in next 3 months just give them a bit time...


and i recomend you to read coments in this link http://uk.gamespot.com/news/star-wars-the-old-republic-not-losing-subscribers-says-dev-6373226

Edited by Algaaa
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