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1.2 *sigh*


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I can't believe 1.2 is already going live....


They are not even close to going live with this update. The pvp gear changes are simply outrageous. If I'm understanding it correctly, they are being made so fresh 50's have an easier transition. How ludicrous. I hit 50 and realized how incredibly gear dependent the wz's were at that level. Did I cry for the makers of the game to change everything to cater to my inability to catch up? LOL no....I set out to grind a set of gear of my own so that I might compete. It took me a week. This is just pathetic. Nothing else to say about it. 1.2 may be the end of my SWTOR experience.


To BW:


Cramming massive updates through without proper testing, feedback from players, etc. is no way to run a game. You guys seriously need help managing this game. Why in the world would you negate two sets of gear a couple months after launch? Many players put a lot of time and effort in to obtain this stuff....now your just handing it out. Pathetic. May SWTOR go peacefully by the wayside (the way of WoW).


To the Community:


You guys let this happen. Stop crying so much. Man up. Simply amazing...

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my biggest problem with 1.2 is that bioware put the class changes on PTS, and then asked for feedback regarding whether or not they were good changes.


a ton of evidence was presented that proved biowares changes to be completely ridiculous, yet the devs never posted a response to any of it, and those changes are being forced to live.


if bioware doesnt want to test their game, thats fine. but when the players DO test it, and find it to be improperly implemented, the devs need to listen, communicate, and work to make things right

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I worked for like a whole week on my PvP set and i need advantage to beat enemy cuz i feel its fair, and i spent a week getting this gear and now new 50's spend like 5 days getting it.


In all seriousnees my favorite part was how you told a million dollar company the way to run stuff.



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I can't believe 1.2 is already going live....


They are not even close to going live with this update. The pvp gear changes are simply outrageous. If I'm understanding it correctly, they are being made so fresh 50's have an easier transition. How ludicrous. I hit 50 and realized how incredibly gear dependent the wz's were at that level. Did I cry for the makers of the game to change everything to cater to my inability to catch up? LOL no....I set out to grind a set of gear of my own so that I might compete. It took me a week. This is just pathetic. Nothing else to say about it. 1.2 may be the end of my SWTOR experience.


To BW:


Cramming massive updates through without proper testing, feedback from players, etc. is no way to run a game. You guys seriously need help managing this game. Why in the world would you negate two sets of gear a couple months after launch? Many players put a lot of time and effort in to obtain this stuff....now your just handing it out. Pathetic. May SWTOR go peacefully by the wayside (the way of WoW).


To the Community:


You guys let this happen. Stop crying so much. Man up. Simply amazing...


The gear was never hard to get in the first place. Not sure why you are so upset.

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Don't worry, about 2 days after 1.2 goes live people will start complaining that it isn't fair they should have to get so many comms to get War Hero gear... Or it isn't fair that it takes 320k to buy the Recruit set cause those who play more will get it faster.


And this will all change again...

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Its only the Valor 60 requirement for Battlemaster gear, but this is being downgraded, and people will be able to just buy the sets with WZ tokens. But the gear is being depreciated, as they make room for this New recruit gear.


In a way when I was a fresh 50, I would of loved this, to put things as I thought an an even keel. I have been playing WZ's for some months now, and realise I was wrong. I have grinded my way past Battlemaster, now just to find that new green 50s can come on in, and just spend their WZ tokens to get the gear, I worked my butt off to earn.


Class nerfs was never the answer to game imbalance either, these who ask for these things, really are asking for it, because they either don't understand how to counter the class who has been attacking them, from who they want the class nerf on, or they just want to have their own class as some kind of superior class, to face roll every other class in the game, just because they feel entitled to.


I feel a really big sigh, at this update, and feels like one big kick in the stomach to me. I really wish Bioware would listen to us who are playing the game, and make the changes we have asked for.

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bunch of bads....



minus cheese.



You guys (the community) are running this game into the ground. Keep crying and everything might be free. I bet if you cry hard enough you will get a set of BM gear for having an active account.


Bro, you got to let it go, your wrong, and bad, and probably not smart, stop saying "community".


Its not "us" against "you". Its "you" against "yourself".


A gear wash is exactly what is needed, and if you think you need a gear advantage over people, well that tells me right there that your obviously not any good and need any petty advantage you can get.


i say not only give them gear real quick but let the newbies get better gear than me, they're gonna need it.

Edited by Swidgin
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Words "Hard Work" should have no place in a video game which you supposedly play to have fun. If it wasn't fun they'd be paying you to do it, as is though you're paying them. Anyway, if you treat it like a job, you'll be whining about it like you do about your job. No matter what devs do. Just how this works.


Best wishes.

Edited by KonstantinT
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Bro, you got to let it go, your wrong, and bad, and probably not smart, stop saying "community".


Its not "us" against "you". Its "you" against "yourself".


A gear wash is exactly what is needed, and if you think you need a gear advantage over people, well that tells me right there that your obviously not any good and need any petty advantage you can get.


i say not only give them gear real quick but let the newbies get better gear than me, they're gonna need it.


lol insulting my intelligence huh? Smooth move slick.


I'm not pitting myself against the community. There are plenty of people who feel the same way as I. I would even go as far as to say that the majority do. I'm referring to the gaming community. You know, the people who drive the game in the direction it goes?


A gear wash should never be the solution. It's basically BW saying they could care less about their credibility in the mmo industry, and also a big FU to those who put the effort into grinding this stuff.


I don't feel like I need a gear advantage. I do just fine as is. By the way, I'm a fresh 50. I like to earn my way...not be handed things.

Edited by Space-Guerrilla
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lol insulting my intelligence huh? Smooth move slick.


I'm not pitting myself against the community. There are plenty of people who feel the same way as I. I would even go as far as to say that the majority do. I'm referring to the gaming community. You know, the people who drive the game in the direction it goes?


A gear wash should never be the solution. It's basically BW saying they could care less about their credibility in the mmo industry, and also a big FU to those who put the effort into grinding this stuff.


I don't feel like I need a gear advantage. I do just fine as is. By the way, I'm a fresh 50. I like to earn my way...not be handed things.


And yet by your admission the game "goes" in the "direction" you do not want.


Yup, clearly the people driving the game in the direction it goes feel the same way you do.

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Not sure why anyone would complain. Personally I plan on playing rated warzones and I don't want to wait an hour for que. So the more people with gear being able to play in higher rated warzones the better.


BTW...I have 2 battlemasters, so I know the grind.

Edited by McGarnagle
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And yet by your admission the game "goes" in the "direction" you do not want.


Yup, clearly the people driving the game in the direction it goes feel the same way you do.


I have a hard time believing the players would want two sets of gear essentially deleted from the game.

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im not "insulting" your intelligence, from your original post i am simply "determining" your intelligence. Big difference.


Also can you tell me how to run my liquor business, as im sure you know nothing of the industry, you just simply "partake". So im assuming your an expert much like your vast MMO knowledge through "partaking" in playing games. NAH MEAN BRO?


Let the big boys handle the big boy thoughts, and you can just keep participating. Just dont blame me for calling you out when you over step your bounds.

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As a still fresh 50, I think these changes are great. They aren't handing any gear to anyone. It took me some painful WZ matches to finally get enough comms to get Cent gear. Once I did that, I was still pitiful against battle hardened level 50 BMs... but I held my ground and are even able to kill a few terrible BMs.


The fact is, once you hit 50 and do WZs it's painful. Those fresh 50's that buy the recruit gear are still going to have to grind, and work, and have painful matches. I have full Cent gear working on Champ/BM and it's still painful sometimes! But the fact is I now have more fun with Cent gear. I can hold my ground and actually do a little bit of damage. These changes are needed. If you want to feel elite with gear you have to work for, those options are still there. Nothing has changed. Yes, it feels a litte ridiculous that you worked hard and now others are going to have it handed to them. But in the end we all have to work hard still for BM/WarHero gear.


1.2 is a great patch, I'm glad that a lot of the stuff is now out of the way and we can really start to get this game improved. Stop being the typical MMO player by being angry a every little thing. CHANGE NEEDS TO HAPPEN IF WE WANT THIS GAME TO SURVIVE. I've played many MMOs and seen lots of patches that I initially did not like. Then I actually played the content and lo and behold I'm actually enjoying it. So take a midol and relax.

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Fun fact of the day: guy on my server did an experiment. He hit Valor rank 70ish and got almost full BM in a couple weeks. He didn't swing his lightsaber once. Yeah, gear totally takes effort.


Seriously, why do you care? There's nothing to earn, all it means is you have the highest /plaed. Grats, no one cares, you're still not a pro.

Edited by dschlan
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The gear was never hard to get in the first place. Not sure why you are so upset.


Wins not counting bug. Ridiculous droprates on the bags before readjustmenting the amount on commendations. Reps getting ilum daily/weekly done before the ilum shutdown imps getting ilum daily/weekly done if not online during rushhour before ilum shutdown. Class unbalance from launch. Yes it was really easy back then guess you weren´t there or have you forgotten. :D:D


To you all gear doesn´t matter people why don´t you go pvping in orange/blue/green gear with random enchants and 12k health if you´re so pro maybe they should remove pvp gear for good and you´d all have to do raids to be dominant in wzs oh ye no gear from wzs so you wouldn´t do any pvp.

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I have a hard time believing the players would want two sets of gear essentially deleted from the game.


Actually I'm looking forward to the gear changes in 1.2 this means I can gear up my op alt a lot faster, the new changes actually benefit the real hardcore pvp community. More gear to min max faster alt gearing for pre mades wz ranking, you act like bm gear was hard pr actually took effort to get LOL sorry to tell you but it was a joke as are you. I'm rank 80+ valor with 4 sets of bm gear who is in an actual core pvp guild not some casual pvp nobody and i embrace the changes. So to you sir good day and stop crying because at the end of the day noone cares what you think

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