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The definitive word on end game itemization in 1.2


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As weeklys have just reset today, a lot of people are wondering if they need to hold off on completing them till after the patch. Could you please elaborate on how this will be handled for both the HM raid weekly and the 150 armaments (ilum) weekly? Will the rewards be changing (or just simply having the quest vanish in the case of ilum's)? Will there be a new weekly added for the new operation? Thank you.
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Well im glad to see i was right about the pvp why i hadnt bothered with warzones b/c you guys had your head in the sand and post this at the last minute.


So all the people who put in the hard work to become battlemaster is meaningless now?


Thank god for gw2 maybe in 6 months you guys will get the sand out your ears.


Btw george my bh still needs an interupt. Do you play this game? your afreaid bh's would op if they had an interupt lmao.I dont even know what to say to you to get u to understand how ridiculous this is In the least why not give everyone a interupt across the board on both sides? if everyone had a interupt no one could complain but we didnt think of that did we...


So i see were gonna still launch this with new gear looking god aweful eh? Why even take that poll about how it looks?


Best pvp team you say eh james?

Edited by Zilrota
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Why are crafters making BiS gear once the schematic is obtained?


I don’t like the fact orange gear will be required from a min / max perspective.


Any word on being able to add augment slots to purple ops obtained items without the need to RE / go through a crafter.


This is unprecedented in any MMO I’ve played, and it feels dirty...

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Battlemaster Gear


Battlemaster Gear, as of 1.2, no longer requires a 60 Valor rating and is acquired straight through Warzone commendations at the Battlemaster PvP vendor on the fleet.


As of 1.2, Battlemaster gear features an increased budget of expertise and an update stat distribution on a small subset of items on some classes.


These changes to the stat distribution are a result of issues fixed with the original Battlemaster set of mods. As mentioned before, we will automatically update your Battlemaster items to the new version when you log into the game the first time after 1.2 has been deployed, provided that the items still contain their original mods. Reinserting these mods into the existing gear will suffice for this purpose.




-- Georg


Hi Georg,


Thanks for answering this thread. Can you clarify\confirm if the changes are the ones we saw on the PTS several weeks ago now for the Battlemaster gear?



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First off, some colors of expertise crystals are crafter only - the schematics and materials are obtained through the PvP vendor.


We've added a low level and endgame version of the magenta crystals, with the schematic available through a number of sources in game (not just Operations).


The crystal vendor from 1.1.5 was removed and several of the crystals are now exclusive to artifice. See the complete 1.2. patch notes for details.


Thanks for the reply, awesome news!

Guess you didnt get my edited question, so just a quick one more.


New orange gear:

Will there be new designs besides the pvp and fp gear?

Where will they be? Dropped on marked or available for crafters to buy at the synthweaver vendor?

And finally, will there PLEASE be more male like cloth for light armor? :(

I dont want my shadow to run around looking like a drag-queen :rolleyes:

I have found ONE pair of pants for him, muse-leggings.

And that took me ages to find, on Quesh.


Keep up the great work.

Edited by DecanAndersen
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So there are schematics for the BM and WH appearances - are there schematics for the WH pieces that require rating to purchase? For instance, the rated chest piece requires 2200 to purchase - this is a prestige item and offers a different appearance, but if it doesn't either come with an augment slot automatically or have a means through crafting to acquire one, then what exactly is the point of it being in the game at all?


Just to purchase but never use since you'll essentially be gimping your stats? I understand in PvE the justification is that augment slots put you ahead of gear curve and isn't exactly required (which is a debatable subject), but in PvP, the extra stats will always serve purpose.


So, is there a way to have an augment slot on the gear that requires rating to purchase?

Edited by Sixthy
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Hi Georg,


I think the white crystal is being removed for 1.2, can you, or someone else confirm this?


Also, will the white crystal be bound to legacy or bound to character?


I bought the white crystal and love it. I wont have the time to level my 3rd alt to 5o (or 47) before 1.2, and I don't have the credits right now.


I think it would be a cool feature to have rare color crystals bound to legacy so we can use them with alts!


What do you think?

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Any more questions? I'll be monitoring this thread for a while and try to clarify what I can.


-- Georg


Yes ... why do I need to buy 8 extra pieces of battlemaster gear to get the mods that are good for my class and spec? I play a Sith Warrior, Juggernaut, Rage tree .. the class was designed (by you guys) so that Crit Rating is not needed. Yet, there is this useless Crit rating stat all over my gear. I don't want it. Yet you force me to replace mods (on the moddable parts) or just plain wear gear with stats i dont want (ears and stuff).

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What about the Champion Gear appearances? I much prefer the Champion Commando coloring (white with black and red) over the Battlemaster one (pale blue-ish). Are there Champion appearance schematics?

This is a very good question. Right now there are very limited (about 12 sets per weight/type)

orange schematic options compared to the model/skin combinations in the game as green/orange/NPCs. You say there are "more", does that mean we will finally get some real variety?


I also have to say, as someone who likes the look of the BM gear better than the new stuff, I don't like having to trade it away to get the WH stats. At least give us schematics so we can get a set made.

Edited by XavinNydek
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So wait, am I only one that noticed this little bit of fail?


"As a side note, we will allow trading of Warzone commendations into ranked Warzone commendations at a ratio of 3:1."


Are you serious? So any random can afk through normal wzs and buy rated gear? BW are you really that clueless?


Rated wz comms = Rated wzs ONLY PLEASE

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So wait, am I only one that noticed this little bit of fail?


"As a side note, we will allow trading of Warzone commendations into ranked Warzone commendations at a ratio of 3:1."


Are you serious? So any random can afk through normal wzs and buy rated gear? BW are you really that clueless?


Rated wz comms = Rated wzs ONLY PLEASE


Considering at 99 comms a win \ daily completion.


If you had full BM right now, it would take 289 "wins\turn ins"


Take that number x 3. Assuming 15 minutes a game not counting Q times, thats 225 hours of AFK. That is some serious AFK'ing.

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So to sum this - rakata gear is not going to change so we shouldnt bother changing enhancements back to the original ones


BM gear will change so we have to change the enhancements



As a side note, we will allow trading of Warzone commendations into ranked Warzone commendations at a ratio of 3:1.

-- Georg


Because you cant gurantee ppl will have ranked WZ ques on the dead servers (cause u cant find a solution to the mess you guys created by opening so many of em) you are actually going to allow ppl to buy WH gear for normal commendations - ***!!!!!!!


o wait i forgot we got that mixed que **** so i guess it doesnt matter that much.



See the complete 1.2. patch notes for details.


When are we actually going to see those patch notes you guys promised us pages and pages of just the crafting patch notes, but we keep getting few lines here and there on random pts patch notes.

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So wait, am I only one that noticed this little bit of fail?


"As a side note, we will allow trading of Warzone commendations into ranked Warzone commendations at a ratio of 3:1."


Are you serious? So any random can afk through normal wzs and buy rated gear? BW are you really that clueless?


Rated wz comms = Rated wzs ONLY PLEASE


You might be right, there could be a flood of harvest bots.

But BW claims to have it under control though.

We have had very very few of them, and their accounts has been closed very very quickly after they have been reported.

So i hope BW is ready to face even more account closing in the future.

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Considering at 99 comms a win \ daily completion.


If you had full BM right now, it would take 289 "wins\turn ins"


Take that number x 3. Assuming 15 minutes a game not counting Q times, thats 225 hours of AFK. That is some serious AFK'ing.


I think we cannot afk in 1.2, if we dont have like 4? medal, we get nothing from the match.

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Hi Georg,


I think the white crystal is being removed for 1.2, can you, or someone else confirm this?


Also, will the white crystal be bound to legacy or bound to character?


I bought the white crystal and love it. I wont have the time to level my 3rd alt to 5o (or 47) before 1.2, and I don't have the credits right now.


I think it would be a cool feature to have rare color crystals bound to legacy so we can use them with alts!


What do you think?


Please someone...

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Considering most of the changes seem to involve appearance to a degree, those questions could be fair game as well:


1. Will we ever see black hooded robes for marauders?

2. Will there be masks under hoods again like back in the beta?

3. Just out of curiosity, why did you not go the route of free coloring armor sets (i.e. dyes or a color wheel even?) Given the color schemes of the new endgame armor, some people might want to change the colors but keep the model. This should be technically possible (correct me if I'm wrong of course) but with match to hue only, we're stuck with the palette we get, will this change at some point?



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I'm thoroughly disappointed. This is about as bad as Trion not itemizing Plate gear right for warriors and leaving Leather gear BiS for several slots because they don't know how to properly budget stat weights.


Seriously... you guys had a chance to turn it around and fix it...


And you failed.


Yes, I used to play Rift, too.


Used to.

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Men and boys.. Ladies and girls,


If you don't like a game don't play the game. Mr. Z isn't begging you to play. Do you think it's possible to ask a question without the negative comments?


I for one have waited patiently for 1.2 and I like most of what I have seen. Yes I too played WoW for 7 years (sadly). Do I expect everything some other game has? No. This isn't THAT game.


People I think forget everything that has gone into this game. A LOT.


Believe me I have cussed late into the night on our 10th attempt on SOA hardmode because of bugs and horrible design. But guess what I was happy when we killed him and my mates got gear. Not to mention yup, I was back the next week to do it again.


So.. please he asked us if his post brought up any questions and he'd be nice enough to monitor them.. he didn't say b*tch some more and he'd let you cry on his broad, manly shoulders.


Peace out. MTFBWY.



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Considering at 99 comms a win \ daily completion.


If you had full BM right now, it would take 289 "wins\turn ins"


Take that number x 3. Assuming 15 minutes a game not counting Q times, thats 225 hours of AFK. That is some serious AFK'ing.


The point is rated wzs comms need to be EXCLUSIVE to rated wzs. Why should a player afk/derp his way through normal wzs and still be able to buy rated gear, with no ramifications?


Participating in rated wzs affects your rating depending on whether you win or lose, so there is a risk/reward metric for actually participating. In Normal wzs, there is absolutely no risk and you can still gain the same rewards, albeit at a slower pace. Where is the accountability?


This needs to be removed before 1.2 goes live, it totally invalidates any progression players make from participating in rated wzs.

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All Campaign gear can also be reverse engineered for a chance to learn the associated schematic. For armor, this means a chance to learn the custom (orange) appearance of item, for implants, earpieces, mods, etc. This means learning to craft the item itself. All of these may be crafted critical for an additional augment slot or, in case of a mods, additional resulting items.

What about PvP implants, earpieces, mods, etc? Can we learn shematic with Reverse Engineering?


'Schematic boxes' on the PvP vendor at PTS contains only Head, Body, Legs, Hands and Boots.

Edited by bodr
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I think we cannot afk in 1.2, if we dont have like 4? medal, we get nothing from the match.


AFK kick penalties are only in rated WZs, and with all the new medals you dont rly need to do much to get 4 medals


Considering at 99 comms a win \ daily completion.


If you had full BM right now, it would take 289 "wins\turn ins"


Take that number x 3. Assuming 15 minutes a game not counting Q times, thats 225 hours of AFK. That is some serious AFK'ing.


200 hours is now considered seroius lol .....


this is suppoused to be the best PvP gear for months untill the next patch


Ppl will afk get it in a week and a half - if they are on a server that actually has ques of course. Thats some serious hardcore grinding there - a week afk.

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The point is rated wzs comms need to be EXCLUSIVE to rated wzs. Why should a player afk/derp his way through normal wzs and still be able to buy rated gear, with no ramifications?


Participating in rated wzs affects your rating depending on whether you win or lose, so there is a risk/reward metric for actually participating. In Normal wzs, there is absolutely no risk and you can still gain the same rewards, albeit at a slower pace. Where is the accountability?


This needs to be removed before 1.2 goes live, it totally invalidates any progression players make from participating in rated wzs.



The rated WH gear requires a PVP Rating which you can not get from regular WZs.


They've changed the reward mechanics so if one, "afk/derp" a regular WZ they will get little to no rewards. Thus they'll have no WZ Comms to convert.

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