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10pm downtime? Really?


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I understand downtime. I have no issue with it.


What I do have an issue with is:


1) West Coast constantly getting the shaft on downtime, and this time around, getting it even worse.


2) We were told we'd have 3 days notice of 1.2. Apparently, that was a lie.



Heck, if they would have gone with the patch at Midnight, AS USUAL, then maybe I'd have not posted at all.


You may resume your trolling now.


How is going down at midnight pdt screwing the west coast people. I usually log out at 1am, so I log out an hour earlier, then when I get up the servers are up, no waiting around. Nothing screwing us over. The only ones that it might is the ones that play late at night, which is a very small population.



Also we are given the notice on Tuesday which is day one, and the downtime happens on a Thursady. so Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, I count 3 days only one flinging the Bull around is the QQ'ers and you seem to be leading them.

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Oh look, the Americans are whining. I believe each and every one you told us EU players to stop whining, it's only a day etc when we got downtime that lasted till 5-6pm. The tears.... they are sweet. Oh and "stop whining".


actually from what im reading it's only 1 American that is whining ,witch kinda surprises me there aren't more lol i do belive OP you are in the minority on this one

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♫ Yesterday was Thursday, Thursday

Today i-is Friday, Friday (Partyin’)

We-we-we so excited

We so excited

We gonna have a ball today ♫


o wait, it's wednesday...


♫ Tomorrow is Thursday

And Friday comes after...wards

I don’t want this week to end


Thursday Thursday

Gonna get the patch on Thursday

Everyone is looking forward to the patch day ♫


Everyone except you.

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So tired of reading the crap on these forums today, massive news, great news, and people are still throwing stink fits.


Honestly, you people need a life asessment, you make me physically ill.


These forums are the most convincing argument against Democracy you could ever have.

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actually from what im reading it's only 1 American that is whining ,witch kinda surprises me there aren't more lol i do belive OP you are in the minority on this one


The op was too sweet for me to read any other posts. My mistake. :)

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And straight after 1.2 is live the forums will be full of people complaining about 1.2.


Starting with how long it takes to dl/install. Incidentally, it's the same exact people who cry for more content.

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Oh look, the Americans are whining. I believe each and every one you told us EU players to stop whining, it's only a day etc when we got downtime that lasted till 5-6pm. The tears.... they are sweet. Oh and "stop whining".


First of all, he's from New Jersey, that's not in America, it's a separate entity!

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That was redacted.


Then, on Twitter this morning, Stephen Reid specifically said 3 days notice.


But, as I've said countless times, I'm not as concerned about the short notice.


I'm concerned about the continously eroding up-time for West Coast and Oceanic servers.


At this point, it's officially a trend, and unless people speak out against it (as I am doing here) then it will continue and we'l lose even more!


Actually, going from his twitter the *DIRECT* quote that I believe you are referring to was


"As a general rule of thumb we often give at least three days' notice. Generally..."


so, i believe that you misread into it a bit too deeply (granted on twitter with 140 character limit, i am not expecting novels)

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Actually, going from his twitter the *DIRECT* quote that I believe you are referring to was


"As a general rule of thumb we often give at least three days' notice. Generally..."


so, i believe that you misread into it a bit too deeply (granted on twitter with 140 character limit, i am not expecting novels)


Man, people see what they want to see and hear what they want to hear. Nothing on Earth is going to change that.


I have to say, this thread has been entertaining on a morbidly curious level. All the QQing made the Forum soggy... and I do believe it was only the OP and maybe one or two others that were doing the QQing.

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whne the people in europe couldnt play it was cool tho right? as long as it didnt affect you?? are you really that selfish? give it up or quit the damn game, really its only one day for something awesome...let it go.


Nope. When the people in Europe couldn't play I said Bioware should split up the maintenance times.


You know what? They still should. I'm willing to bet the number of people inconvenienced by downtimes when they'd like to play is far greater than the number of people who play on different servers in significantly different regions and would be inconvenienced by out-of-sync clients for ~8 hours or so every so often.


Yes, I'm resigned to losing 2 extra hours of playtime. I'll probably play Witcher 2 or something. Not really that big a deal to me.


'Course, I also tend to be a solitary player, so it's not like I have regularly scheduled guild events or anything.

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Man, people see what they want to see and hear what they want to hear. Nothing on Earth is going to change that.


I have to say, this thread has been entertaining on a morbidly curious level. All the QQing made the Forum soggy... and I do believe it was only the OP and maybe one or two others that were doing the QQing.


Yeah totally. It is what it is. Thursday is the patch day, and that is what we agreed to let them have the freedom to decide. I don't see where the QQing is coming from really. We all clicked on 'Agree' before we even created our accounts. :cool:

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HMMMM wonder if OP is married or planning to be... just hope the **lucky bride isn't fashionably late for the big day... can just hear the argument now...


This is not the what was contractually agreed...luv

You said Saturday at 11am... It's now 11:10am... you lied!!!


But, but.... its ...


NO buts... you realise that by being 10minutes late I dont get to MY reception on time, I probably wont get to log into SWTOR until 12:10am now.... that means primetime for me is 10mins less ... You just dont realise the effect this will have on my relationship with you, my Guild, the Forums...


But, but.....


NO! You just never considered my feelings did you... ITS OVER!!


But, But.... Oh thank my lucky stars... you sad excuse for a West Coaster :p

And btw... I've been having an affair with ya best man, and guild officer .. deal with it!! :D

Edited by Bloodstealer
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There's a difference between a patch day and maintenance time. Is this your first MMO?


If you can't go a single day without playing because they're ADDING CONTENT, you need to really, really, really get a hold of yourself and pull your head out. Go outside. Go to work. Go watch a movie. Go read a book. Go try and get a girlfriend. If you fail at all of those, then just get out of my game and never come back. In fact, never play any MMOs ever again because you're nothing but an albatross around everyone's neck.

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Why the sudden change to 10pm as a downtime? You've already alienated the West Coast, New Zealand and Australia in the past, by shutting down at Midnight, now, you gotta screw over the West even more, and go at 10pm?


The downtime is 8 hours, same as every other downtime. Why the early shutdown? Why move it more into primetime?


Oh, and @StephenReid....3 days notice? Looks like about a 1 day notice to me, but then again, they didn't teach them new fangled math-e-ma-matics at my grade school, high school or college.




What if you was on the East Coast and wanted to play a hour or so before going to work? With the time set for it as is...those of you on the West Coast can. East Coast players tho servers donot come back up until 9am..:p Allways going to be someone who will not like the times. Deal with it and move on. Life is never consistently convenient. :cool:

Edited by Valkirus
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First of all, he's from New Jersey, that's not in America, it's a separate entity!


Unfortunately we can't lie to ourselves. It is part of our country. We just try to keep it covered like a skin disease even when we go to the beach.

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Sigh, you wanted the release date now you have it now you QQ about downtime


Could care less about 1.2. It's all Carebear garbage fluff for the most part.


I do care about the 10 p.m. PST downtime though. That's effing annoying and cuts directly into my prime gameplay time. It's bad enough that every maintenance run hits us at Midnight while we are playing as well. 10 p.m. is garbage.


I was sick last week and logged in to play some SWTOR in the early morn (9 a.m. PST). There were 14 people in Fleet at the time. Why can't they just push the maintenance into the early morn. Definitely were less peeps playing early morning than the 40 peep average in Fleet at Midnight.

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Could care less about 1.2. It's all Carebear garbage fluff for the most part.


I do care about the 10 p.m. PST downtime though. That's effing annoying and cuts directly into my prime gameplay time. It's bad enough that every maintenance run hits us at Midnight while we are playing as well. 10 p.m. is garbage.


I was sick last week and logged in to play some SWTOR in the early morn (9 a.m. PST). There were 14 people in Fleet at the time. Why can't they just push the maintenance into the early morn. Definitely were less peeps playing early morning than the 40 peep average in Fleet at Midnight.


I can tell by the tone of your post that you do not understand this, but it isn't about satisfying you. They pick a downtime that effects the fewest amount of players across the globe.

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Go watch a movie or something? Go to sleep early, or go pester some senior citizens for some candy? Surely you must have something else you can do for one freaking evening?


Servers aren't localized down the street from every player, so as a consequence, they can't satisfy everyone's playtime preference. Is that so hard to understand? Or would you rather the servers were localized, because I can guarantee then that they would be even more dead than they are now!


Common sense. Get some.

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