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10pm downtime? Really?


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i don't know why your hung up on this 3 day thing. they never said we would get 3 days. they said 3 days would be enough. and they only said that to dispel the 2 week rumor started by trolls trying to dishearten ppl. so what they were trying to say is you have no longer than a 3 day wait for 1.2 after the release date is announced.


i bet they're having a rigt old laugh at this. not in their wildest dreams could they imagine pp; would QQ about what was sposed to be a pleasant surpised

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Why the sudden change to 10pm as a downtime? You've already alienated the West Coast, New Zealand and Australia in the past, by shutting down at Midnight, now, you gotta screw over the West even more, and go at 10pm?


The downtime is 8 hours, same as every other downtime. Why the early shutdown? Why move it more into primetime?


Oh, and @StephenReid....3 days notice? Looks like about a 1 day notice to me, but then again, they didn't teach them new fangled math-e-ma-matics at my grade school, high school or college.




I haven't read any post other then yours OP so I don't know if this was mentioned yet, but the logical reason is probably so that if it runs later then 8 hours, it's not eating too far into the morning of the 12th. 1.2 is obviously a larger patch then the ones between 1.1 and 1.2, even the ones that ran 8 hours. They are just covering their bases.


Anyway, no matter what time they pick, SOMEONE will be inconveinced somewhere. I don't think their intention is to alienate anyone. :p I'm IN the Pacific timezone so I'm in one of the areas you claim will be "alienated". :p I can handle that the game will get pulled down at 10pm, and yes I often do play past 10pm Pacific time. But then again I don't assume that a MMO with a fairly large player base is going to base everything on my personal schedule and needs either.

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Why the sudden change to 10pm as a downtime? You've already alienated the West Coast, New Zealand and Australia in the past, by shutting down at Midnight, now, you gotta screw over the West even more, and go at 10pm?


The downtime is 8 hours, same as every other downtime. Why the early shutdown? Why move it more into primetime?


Oh, and @StephenReid....3 days notice? Looks like about a 1 day notice to me, but then again, they didn't teach them new fangled math-e-ma-matics at my grade school, high school or college.




Go outside. Its fun.

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My guess is that they are trying to leave as much room as possible for delays and potential glitches that could crop up. Shutting down a little "early" is way more preferrable than the PR backlash if the game were not playable by the next afternoon. This gives them time for a second shot if there is a big problem.
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I love watching people dissect if it was 3 days notice or not... Hour by hour. Lol


glad to know I'm not the only one here!


This thread in general is pretty entertaining. Can't wait til the servers are down, I'll stay up all night on the forums to watch the QQ

Edited by Malvorno
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This thread in general is pretty entertaining. Can't wait til the servers are dow, I'll stay up all night on the forums to watch the QQ


If there only was a way to access the General Discussion forum from within the game, they wouldn't need any other minigames.

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glad to know I'm not the only one here!


This thread in general is pretty entertaining. Can't wait til the servers are down, I'll stay up all night on the forums to watch the QQ


Not me. My lady and I have a... ahem..... date planned for when the servers go down. ;)

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If there only was a way to access the General Discussion forum from within the game, they wouldn't need any other minigames.


EVE's ingame web browser gets this site just fine. Helps relieve the boredom when I'm pulling guard at the Wormhole entrance, and I can still hear if someone enters the Wormhole. Lets me react quickly. And when I was in there last night while some of the guys in the Corp were running Sleeper sites, I was LOLing about this thread. After the run was over, posted the more outlandish QQs for them in chat. :D

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EVE's ingame web browser gets this site just fine.


Eve Online = the only MMO I've played that felt like having a second job. Glad you found a way to keep yourself entertained. I used to listen to Eve-radio stations.

Edited by Kthx
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Bioware is making adjustments to the game to make it better but it conflicts with my gaming schedule? TO THE FORUMS!






Go outside. Have dinner with your family for a change. Call your friends and let them know you are still alive.


The game will be here for you when you get back, I promise.

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Really? At what point did I say they got 3 days notice?
It's implied in the leading sentences.


Ok then, if a business day is 9 till 5. There are the equivalent of exactly 3 business days in one 24 hour day. So if there was 1.4111 there was the equivalent of 4.2333 days notice.
Actually, there are exactly 0 or 1 business days in each 24 hour day. Business days are days of the week excepting Saturday and Sunday and public holidays.


For each individual, time accounting for the business day lasts from 9am to 5pm for their given timezone. So for the op (who's pacific time), it's ~1.5 business days of notice.


My point was that argument was irrelevant, silly and pointless.
If you'll note, the first term is the one I ascribed to your argument as the correct label. You should have used one of those terms rather than pedantic (which is an incorrect label). Edited by ferroz
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glad to know I'm not the only one here!


This thread in general is pretty entertaining. Can't wait til the servers are down, I'll stay up all night on the forums to watch the QQ


Yep. I loved the post where someone broke the 3 days down to decimals staring from the exact time they told us the date.

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Sigh, you wanted the release date now you have it now you QQ about downtime


when does it stop


because the OP is the one doing all the complaining? i hate how ppl like you take 1 persons opinion and bash then cause of what others have said. and they have a valid point we were told we would have notice, every other patch has been on a tuesday why bring this one out of left field and release on a thursday?


and as a person who lives on the west coast this does piss me off, i usally go to bed around 12-1 now im gonna be sitting around watching old tv shows or movies. and to anyone that will say "get a life" only a few of my friends go out that late and they go to bars. i dont drink and i only have an M1 liceanse so cant be the driver.

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Eve Online = the only MMO I've played that felt like having a second job. Glad you found a way to keep yourself entertained. I used to listen to Eve-radio stations.


So do I if I don't have to listen for the hum of someone jumping into the WH. Ahh, sitting 35 klicks off the WH entrance while cloaked up and my mouse cursor hovering over the Bomb Launcher. Good times. :D

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Yep. I loved the post where someone broke the 3 days down to decimals staring from the exact time they told us the date.


And people wonder why Bioware does not provide information until it is cast in stone, and just before release.


It is what this community demands, regardless if they are aware that is what they are demanding.

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Not me. My lady and I have a... ahem..... date planned for when the servers go down. ;)


Eeewwwww spare us anymore... we get it.. SWTOR servers go down, another game server goes up..... nuiff said ... ENJOY your up/down time and we'll see back over on the flipside :D

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Seriously? I've played a couple MMO, and several other games that as always have large patches coming out and i think this is the first time i've seen a "QQ I CANT PLAY" thread BECAUSE of downtime...


Get a life, go do something else instead of complaining that you always get screwed on downtime!

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