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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

is this right? QQ about sith operatives


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And the same goes for other servers where Operative came out in second or third.
So you admit they weren't even the best? At something that you claim is their main strength (Which, BTW, isn't even important in warzones)? Yet they are overpowered?


My mind boggles.

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But, hulkweazel, there are times, and we both know this, that solo guarding is necessary. Still, that is beside the point. The point I've been trying to make is that operatives have the potential to wreck (kill) a player without the player having a chance to fight back.


When the best and only advice is "never fight a player who picks their fights on their terms, one on one" I kind get the feeling that you agree with me that operative mechaincs are a bit out of line - you just don't realize it.


soooo basically since you deem it necessary to "solo guard" nodes ops MUST BE NERFED because they can win 1v1 fights. don't adjust your team play at all, dont use your cc break or any other cooldown, dont use stealth scans or aoe just take the beats and die. Only answer obviously is to just nerf ops?


If you think getting rolled by one op is bad just wait till ranked matches start and solo node guards will get eaten for breakfast regularly, prepare for even more epic QQ

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Need more details about the fight.


Is this the 50 bracket or the 1-49 bracket?


Is your gear up to date? Because of how bolster works, if your gear isnt up to date anyone you fight whose gear is up to date will crush you. For example, a level 20 in all level 20 blues and purples will kick the snot out of a level 49 in mixed level greens.


If it was the level 50 bracket, are you brand new? Was he in BM gear?


We need more detail to determine what is going on.


Also, just a piece of advice, correct your spelling, dont use things like "b4" otherwise alot of people will just pass over your post or not even read it. If you want help from people at least be courteous enough to write out a coherent post. Complete sentences help too.

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So you admit they weren't even the best? At something that you claim is their main strength (Which, BTW, isn't even important in warzones)? Yet they are overpowered?


My mind boggles.


Wait, what?


I am taking about a 1v1 versus a Mara/Sent. I never said they are OP. Stop putting words in my mouth thanks!

Edited by JustinxDuff
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soooo basically since you deem it necessary to "solo guard" nodes ops MUST BE NERFED because they can win 1v1 fights. don't adjust your team play at all, dont use your cc break or any other cooldown, dont use stealth scans or aoe just take the beats and die. Only answer obviously is to just nerf ops?


If you think getting rolled by one op is bad just wait till ranked matches start and solo node guards will get eaten for breakfast regularly, prepare for even more epic QQ


Could you please read and comprehend the second paragragh? Thanks.


The only advice to holding your ground against an good operative has been "don't be bad" and "don't fight one operative while you're alone". You don't see any issues with that thinking?

Edited by Vudu
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why are we talking about civil war, ops are sooo much more OP in HUTTBALL! with all our insanezor utillity skills


the 5 or 6 nerfs we already got dosn't cut it! ops need to be nerfed until they are as effective at 1v1 as a ship driod

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Pretty obvious the OP is not lvl 50. Bad players are just bad players.


I have a lvl 22 sniper that I WZ with. Had one 40's ops trying to gank me constantly (plenty of bad players playing snipers means snipers = easy target). ALL I have to do is debilitate him back and, here's the secret part, walk 16 meters away and he's rendered useless. When he breaks my debilitate and his resolve bar isn't filled, I throw flash. If it IS filled, I legshot. 16 meters is all it takes people. SIX. TEEN. Or one KB off a platform.


Most impatient and bad players think killing another player is the only way to win anything; this is why you see so many terrible terrible players being drawn away from doors and turrets - because they think they need that kill to 'win'. Well, you don't have to kill an ops to utterly defeat him. In fact even if you tried, there are only two reasons an ops ever dies: because he was too stupid or too ambitious (<-- related to first reason). You people have no idea how bad of a failure it is for an ops who cannot kill his chosen mark because he gets outplayed by a better player or better mechanics. It's worse than getting killed as a non-stealth class. ALL it takes is 16 meters. 5 meters to avoid ALL his melee.


Whenever I play my Vanguard, I dedicate my cryo grenade for ops/scraps that pops out of stealth with their opener on a friendly; that nullifies his entire class and everything his class is designed to be. If CG is unavailable I'll harpoon. I'll go out of my way every time to do this when I hear/see an ops/scraps opening on someone. If your entire team is made of baddies that don't help each other like that, then that's not the ops/scraps fault. I mostly save my interrupts for healers and charge for running the huttball or reaching a defense point; it's all the name of the game and how you use your skills.


After being the ONLY class to be nerfed (and continously at that) up until now, if you're still complaining about getting killed in a stun duration then you should just quit playing MMO's altogether; as your flat-out refusal to adapt and learn will only be a detriment to the industry. I promise whatever you have to do to adapt, good ops players had to adapt 10x more than you.

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If you are good at your class, you shouldn't be worried about the nerfs. The only ones worried about the nerfs are the ones who are not getting their kills without dying ... 40+ times per warzone.
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Could you please read and comprehend the second paragragh? Thanks.


The only advice to holding your ground against an good operative has been "don't be bad" and "don't fight one operative while you're alone". You don't see any issues with that thinking?

No, I don't see any issues. You should not be fighting 1v1 anyway, against any class. Doing so means you aren't paying attention to objectives. Even if you are solo-defending a node, you are not 1v1ing. You are holding off the other player until reinforcements arrive.


There is NEVER a time in any warzone where you REALLY need to 1v1.

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Could you please read and comprehend the second paragragh? Thanks.


The only advice to holding your ground against an good operative has been "don't be bad" and "don't fight one operative while you're alone". You don't see any issues with that thinking?


k reread it and you still seem to be QQ cuz the big bad ops own you. You can fight ops alone till the cows come home for all i care, if you cant kill them then it might be time to adjust your gameplan. Not call for nerfs just because you can't win in a certain situation.


i see zero issues with good advice my friend. PVP is not a solo activity, use your team and prosper or just keep running in solo expecting different results, dosn't mater to me

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Pretty obvious the OP is not lvl 50. Bad players are just bad players.


Most impatient and bad players think killing another player is the only way to win anything; this is why you see so many terrible terrible players being drawn away from doors and turrets - because they think they need that kill to 'win'. Well, you don't have to kill an ops to utterly defeat him. In fact even if you tried, there are only two reasons an ops ever dies: because he was too stupid or too ambitious (<-- related to first reason). You people have no idea how bad of a failure it is for an ops who cannot kill his chosen mark because he gets outplayed by a better player or better mechanics. It's worse than getting killed as a non-stealth class. ALL it takes is 16 meters. 5 meters to avoid ALL his melee.


I agree with all of that. Also, you're the first one posting here that had anything worthwhile to say in reply, regarding countering operatives.

Edited by Vudu
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k reread it and you still seem to be QQ cuz the big bad ops own you. You can fight ops alone till the cows come home for all i care, if you cant kill them then it might be time to adjust your gameplan. Not call for nerfs just because you can't win in a certain situation.


i see zero issues with good advice my friend. PVP is not a solo activity, use your team and prosper or just keep running in solo expecting different results, dosn't mater to me


Well, I'll reply in kind ... enjoy your nerfs.

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Well, I'll reply in kind ... enjoy your nerfs.


were going to take a hit to our outgoing dps (oddly burst is buffed and sustained is nerfed) but our heals will actually get slighter better, so we will be harder to kill. The bads will reroll and the good players, the ones giving you trouble now, will adjust and find a way to make it work.


i agree ops is a broken class, try to dps as one in nightmare mode vs any other dps class


but to say that a burst damage glass cannon is broken because it has burst damage i do not agree with

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I will. Bad players will always be bad, and I will still be able to own them regardless.


You never did tell me if you're on Jung Ma and what your toon's name is, if you are. Are you on Jung Ma?

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You never did tell me if you're on Jung Ma and what your toon's name is, if you are. Are you on Jung Ma?


what's the average fleet pop on the jung round prime time? just curious as it seems my servers pop is really dieing out?



back on topic, how do you feel about ops giggling? was the giggle really that op that we get it nerfed too?

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what's the average fleet pop on the jung round prime time? just curious as it seems my servers pop is really dieing out?



back on topic, how do you feel about ops giggling? was the giggle really that op that we get it nerfed too?


Prime time on fleet is around 180-200 for republic. Imperials, I've heard, have a larger population. I could check it sometime, though, and let you know their population at prime time.


I dislike pyrotechs laugh more 8)- It's kind of sad they're removing the giggle, annoying as it was. I think I'd miss C2-N2's incessant chatter if they removed it, too. Even though I want to launch him out of the escape pod that he saved for my sole convenience.

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If you are good at your class, you shouldn't be worried about the nerfs. The only ones worried about the nerfs are the ones who are not getting their kills without dying ... 40+ times per warzone.


you realize ops get less kills then other dps classes on average?

you know,by having no gap closers and having to position themselves right to get max output?

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you realize ops get less kills then other dps classes on average?

you know,by having no gap closers and having to position themselves right to get max output?


On average, yeah. But, I'm not talking about average. I'm talking about the utility a class has at full potential. That potential could be realized by the average, in which case, no one would disagree that it's overpowered. Thankfully, most people aren't able to realize and effectively reach that potential or the game would be spy versus spy.

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On average, yeah. But, I'm not talking about average. I'm talking about the utility a class has at full potential. That potential could be realized by the average, in which case, no one would disagree that it's overpowered. Thankfully, most people aren't able to realize and effectively reach that potential or the game would be spy versus spy.


So anytime a good player beats an average or bad player, that means the class is OP and needs to be nerfed?


Correct me if I'm wrong, that's just what I'm reading above.

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So anytime a good player beats an average or bad player, that means the class is OP and needs to be nerfed?


Correct me if I'm wrong, that's just what I'm reading above.


I'll try ... I never said it was about a good player beating a bad or average player. It's about the mechanics of the class and it's potential. No other class can open from stealth with high burst, heal, stealth and reopen with high burst to finish.


Are you an operative? How much damage can you do on your opening rotation? 7k? 8K? 10K? Now, you can stealth and repeat that opener, am I right? All of this in less than 10 seconds on a single target. So, the first KD, stun, hit hit, stealth, KD finish.


What am I missing?

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Uhm, i didn't know you could CC someone and still do damage to them?

Isn't CC = Crowd Control?


Crowd control is about controlling something without doing damage to them, whenever you do damage to them the CC will break.


Everytime i died during CC i thought it was because so many people used CC at the right time, not because CC doesn't break during combat?


CC should always break if doing damage to the target, lol, anyone knows that.


Are you being purposefully and willfully ignorant because you think its cute or are you actually this dense?

Edited by maticlandarr
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