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is this right? QQ about sith operatives


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Sever Tendon has a [50 / 100]% chance to immobilize the target for 2 seconds.


2. Jarring Strike

Hidden Strike has a [50 / 100]% chance to knock the target flat on its face for 1.5 seconds.


3. Sleep Dart

Puts the target to sleep for 60 seconds


4. Flash Bang

Detonates a flash bang that blinds up to 5 targets within 5 meters for 8 seconds


5. Debilitate

Deals 312 - 344 energy damage and stuns the target for 4 seconds.


hidden strike+debilitate=full resolve bar

sleep dart=full resolve bar

your post is pointless

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You don't understand what is going on in PVP. If you're being killed by operatives with such ease, it's because you don't teamplay, which in a team PVP game, means you're bad.


Thanks for the opportunity.


Have you ever solo guarded a turret in civil war? Yes, no? How long does it take for an operative to kill someone? Maybe 10 seconds at most? Sometimes they succeed, sometimes they don't. That doesn't matter. What does matter is that they have the potential to kill someone without that person even getting a chance to fight back.


So, I guard a turret for my team and an operative sneaks up and wrecks me in less than 10 seconds. My bad for not being a team player.


Really, do you even pvp? You make some assertions that things that happen all the time in warzones never happen unless someone is bad?


Are you on Jung Ma?

Edited by Vudu
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It doesn't matter which I want to be. I'm just giving an opinion based on what I've seen through reaching mid 60s valor on 3 different toons. It's not just me who can get completely destroyed by a well played operative. I've seen it happen to plenty of, what most would consider, great pvp'ers. The only except are the healing classes. They can heal though what anyone, one on one, does to them.
^^Sign of a bad player.


You can either say "I keep getting owned by <Class>, what can I do to counter that?" Or you can say"I keep getting owned by <Class>, it's obviously that class that's overpowered."


Good players learn. Bad players just QQ. Thanks for pointing out which one you are.

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^^Sign of a bad player.


You can either say "I keep getting owned by <Class>, what can I do to counter that?" Or you can say"I keep getting owned by <Class>, it's obviously that class that's overpowered."


Good players learn. Bad players just QQ. Thanks for pointing out which one you are.


Lol, to you all that want to cast around "good player bad player" ... what server are you on? I play on Jung Ma and welcome the opportunity to enlighten you 8)-


Seriously, unless your name is Matron, Gorgolok or Swarna, you really don't have much to say to me about my skill in pvp.


Sorry for not including any republics that are good at what they do.

Edited by Vudu
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Have you ever solo guarded a turret in civil war? Yes, no? How long does it take for an operative to kill someone? Maybe 10 seconds at most? Sometimes they succeed, sometimes they don't. That doesn't matter. What does matter is that they have the potential to kill someone without that person even getting a chance to fight back.


So, I guard a turret for my team and an operative sneaks up and wrecks me in less than 10 seconds. My bad for not being a team player.


Really, do you even pvp? You make some assertions that things that happen all the time in warzones never happen unless someone is bad?


Are you on Jung Ma?


Thanks for confirming. You didn't need to but glad you went the extra mile.

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I play both an operative on empire side and scoundrel on republic side. I average 200k+ healing with both of them pretty easily, and 150k+ damage in the same games.


I actually group with a few very good smugglers sometimes. It just seems there are a lot of good agents out there. Grass is greener and all that jazz probably :)

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Lol, to you all that want to cast around "good player bad player" ... what server are you on? I play on Jung Ma and welcome the opportunity to enlighten you 8)-


Seriously, unless your name is Matron, Gorgolok or Swarna, you really don't have much to say to me about my skill in pvp.

"Enlighten me?" how? 1v1s?


If you think that's a showcase of PvP skill, you will certainly be in for a surprise come rateds.

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"Enlighten me?" how? 1v1s?


If you think that's a showcase of PvP skill, you will certainly be in for a surprise come rateds.


If you have a toon on Jung Ma, just tell me its name. I can confirm from there.

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Why even discuss? We will get nerfed this thursday anyway. Eveything is cool though :cool:


Oh wait. They buffed our burst damage. Guess thats kinda bad for solo defenders.

I'm sorry for you guys. :)


But they took out the cheap double/triple opener, so it will likely even out.


Hopefully the forum QQ will lessen to a dull roar, but I doubt it.

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But they took out the cheap double/triple opener, so it will likely even out.


Hopefully the forum QQ will lessen to a dull roar, but I doubt it.


Actually I don't need that bug to kill someone in 10sec except it is a tank ;>

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just done a wz, civil war - got killed by a sith operative without even managing to fire back or anything. reason, he killed me b4 and i managed to escape, throw flash nade, but he still caught me and killed, didnt have much of a chance as in the first few secs of combat he took nearly 75% of my health away


now when i ressed i went bk to the turret i was gaurding, he came out of vanish, completly stunned me for like 10 secs, and during those 10 secs he killed me without me getting any kind of shot against him


im asking is this fair??? - one of the reasons i quit wow was becasue the rogues in that game were just to powerful at pvp, and it looks like the sith operative is going the same way


why should any class be allowed to have that many stuns available to them!!

how should any class be allowed to be able to vanish for that amount of time!!! - fyi, sith vanish from there spawn point in civil war and can run to what would be the right hand turret for them without losing vanish





My team screwed me in a wz leaving me all by myself on a side turret, an operative came out of stealth and kicked my fail, not paying attention, or calling for help ***. I was soo mad i went back and once again couldn't find him and he pwnd me again.


Please cry less about the class and more about your inability to learn what class are: Sith Operative? and what they can do. Once again outside of opener we are squishy as all hell and getting nerfed again. please **** and go post something constructive.

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Personally, after their initial nerf, Operatives have never been too much of a threat on any of my 3 50's (Sniper, Merc, Assassin). I've read some pretty obvious falsehoods in this thread (Stunlocked for 10 seconds... nope). There are many counter to an operatives opening attack, and after that (if you're in team pvp) if you didn't stall him/her and call for help, then you've failed your team.


Generally your CC breaker shouldn't be used unless you have full resolve but it will instantly cancel out the knock down animation after their inital attack. Then, depending on your class (and since many times you will automatically turn to face as casting) you either return stun, knock back, or pop a defensive cool down. Even if they stun you again, you've bought enough time to alert your team or heal yourself enough to return fire (medpacs are insta cast and across the board).


This is an imperfect way to counter (as using your CC breaker while guarding a node without full resolve is dangerous) but it is still a posibility. If you're dying without a chance to fight back, you need to check your gear, or blame it on lag. The latter usually helps keep your ego intact.




This is not to discredit Operatives/Scoundrels who have the potential to be dangerous. Merely that if they kill me, it's not from their opener. Rarely do I fight 1 vs. 1 for extened periods of time, but if during so they kill me it means their skill level was greater than my own. Haven't ran into many, but they're is a few. Repeat: It's because their skill is greater than my own, not because of unfair class mechanics.

Edited by Doomsdaycomes
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Actually I don't need that bug to kill someone in 10sec except it is a tank ;>


Depends how they're geared, what they do, and where their cooldowns are. I've never gone down in 10 seconds after being jumped by another op (there was, I think, one time I was jumped in Illum by a BM when I had crap gear), unless there was focused fire involved or I started with my health is down. If they panic, yeah, they're screwed ... but that's true of any fight. /shrug


The OP sounds like he's keyboard turning (reading between the lines on "takes two seconds to recover from a debilitate"); that a recipe for being rolled right there.

Edited by SableShadow
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^^Sign of a bad player.


You can either say "I keep getting owned by <Class>, what can I do to counter that?" Or you can say"I keep getting owned by <Class>, it's obviously that class that's overpowered."


Good players learn. Bad players just QQ. Thanks for pointing out which one you are.


Just curious ... what can I learn from getting killed while stunned for 75% of the fight? That one move I can use to delay the inevitible? Stun the operative and call for help? How about, stun and choke them? That gives me 5 extra seconds to call for help. At this point, I have around 3-5k health and the oprative has 12-15k.


Anyway, like I said before, a few times, it doesn't always happen that way. It's not about the good players versus bad players. It's about the mechanics of the class that allows them to slaughter someone before they have a chance to fight back.


A good operative has their bases covered. So, stunning, choking, pushing, et al only delays the inevitible ... by a very short time.


I understand that there are classes better suited to fighting certain classes and I'm fine with that ... it's why I have three different toons at battlemaster level. The thing is, all three will get owned by one class and one class only - operative. But, it's not all operatives. It's the operatives that use the classes mechanics to its potential, which is a bit out of line and needs a slight adjustment.


But then, I do feel bad for the operatives that don't know how to use the class's potential. They'll be really bad off.

Edited by Vudu
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Just curious ... what can I learn from getting killed while stunned for 75% of the fight? That one move I can use to delay the inevitible? Stun the operative and call for help? How about, stun and choke them? That gives me 5 extra seconds to call for help. At this point, I have around 3-5k health and the oprative has 12-15k.


Anyway, like I said before, a few times, it doesn't always happen that way. It's not about the good players versus bad players. It's about the mechanics of the class that allows them to slaughter someone in before they have a chance to fight back.


A good operative has their bases covered. So, stunning, choking, pushing, et al only delays the inevitible ... by a very short time.


I understand that there are classes better suited to fighting certain classes and I'm fine with that ... it's why I have three different toons at battlemaster level. The thing is, all three will get owned by one class and one class only - operative. But, it's not all operatives. It's the operatives that use the classes mechanics to its potential, which is a bit out of line and needs a slight adjustment.


But then, I do feel bad for the operatives that don't know how to use the class's potential. They'll be really bad off.


It's just terrific how perfectly you fit the profile of a bad PVPer who doesn't realise he is bad.


Honestly, you need to watch the video below and think hard about where you fit in:


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It's just terrific how perfectly you fit the profile of a bad PVPer who doesn't realise he is bad.


Honestly, you need to watch the video below and think hard about where you fit in:



I think it says more about you, that you pointed it out, than about me who suffered through watching half of it to see if there was a point to it. So, the question is answered ... but it wasn't the question you were asking.


I know where you fit in 8)-

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