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Killing geared heals


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I am annihilation spec’d. Have like 680 expertise (almost full BM gear). Against comparably gear healers, I have a hard time killing them solo. I do the healing debuff, interrupt every time it’s up, use force choke & aoe fear (if on cooldown) to interrupt further. I’ll also pop relics/adrenal for a DPS boost to turn up the pressure. What am I missing? Good healers can plant their feel and heal through most of this.
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I am annihilation spec’d. Have like 680 expertise (almost full BM gear). Against comparably gear healers, I have a hard time killing them solo. I do the healing debuff, interrupt every time it’s up, use force choke & aoe fear (if on cooldown) to interrupt further. I’ll also pop relics/adrenal for a DPS boost to turn up the pressure. What am I missing? Good healers can plant their feel and heal through most of this.


Stop using your healing debuff unless you really want to cover a dot. Stop using your interupt every time its on CD and instead interupt key abilities. Make sure you're using your relics at a point of which they can't recover what you do. And if a healer doesn't need to kite you, you need to rethink your career choice.

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yeah makes sense, but if we're basically acknowledging that a sorc, for example, gets their hot, bubble, and channeled heal, and we’re not going to use the heal debuff since it can be purged, I’m not seeing how they’re easy to kill. Im thinking this is only true on scrubby healers.


For me, healers are stupid easy to kill up until a certain point where they’re geared enough to outlast the burst, then it’s like treading water.

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twist interrupts -> distrupt ->0m force leap (don't try to sell me on the 5 meter force leap horse manure) -> disrupt -> force choke -> disrupt -> force leap -> disrupt -> intimidating roar


stack debuffs -> crippling slash -> deadly throw


trigger adrenal and relic


stab them in the face

Edited by HBninjaX
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I wouldn't worry too much about it since with 1.2 they won't be able to purge our trauma debuff. There is no reason that a healer should be able to out heal a dps that has them locked down in a 1 on 1 situation with even gear. As a marauder our counter class is op/scoundrel or a well-played sniper.


And honestly if you are pvp specced you should be able to interrupt EVERY channeled heal by the casters b/c its on a 6 sec cd with subjugation. As annihilation you should think about 2/2 in close quarters as another interrupt ability, giving you that, disruption, intimidating roar, and force choke as your interrupts. If you can't kill a healer 1 on 1 with all these tools...

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I'm not big into theory crafting, but this is my philosophy:


If I can pressure a healer, get him off his guard, force him to heal himself while neglecting his team, and even if lives and runs away then I've won that encounter.


If he dies, all the better.

Edited by Blankchild
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I shouldn't? Then I must be doing something game breaking because I do all the time...


Shhh.. Marauder's can't kill healers dummy..


We're doing such a good job of making our class sound underpowered on the forums we get nice surprises every update.. don't ruin it bruv!

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This thread has so much fail advice it's hilarious.


1, use your healing debuff..next to your interrupts it's your strongest move vs healers (even stronger in 1.2)


2. Each healing class has a big heal and a small heal and many have a channeled heal as well. learn what they are called. Don't waste time on the smaller 1.5sec cast heals as you can dps through them..but make sure to interrupt the channeled heals and the big 2.5~sec cast ones else you'll never kill anything.



Sorc healers are the easiest to kill, there's nothing really special you need to do for them.


Merc healers can be tough once they pop their cooldowns..but w/ deadly throw and good burst they aren't a problem. The issue is that most of the time they can outlast you until help arrives which can sometimes be a pain.


Op healers are a pita...I don't even want to go there.

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I kill almost any healer I run into. Sometimes it takes a while, but healers scale well with gear. Plus, if they are skilled they can make killing them a full time job. One of the key things I've learned is to save your stun breaker. Healers always wait til about 20% to use their long stun so they can heal back to full. So hold onto that stunbreaker and use it when they are almost dead. Its like clockwork.


Edit: Also remember, healers are getting nerfed in the upcoming patch for a reason. They are too powerful right now. Maras are getting buffed, if you cant kill a healer after the patch then there are problems!

Edited by AGSThomas
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I'm not big into theory crafting, but this is my philosophy:


If I can pressure a healer, get him off his guard, force him to heal himself while neglecting his team, and even if lives and runs away then I've won that encounter.


If he dies, all the better.


This. Emphatically.


The more you can occupy a healer with himself, the better. If you make him spend 60 seconds fighting you off, you win.


As a sorc healer myself, situationally I'll actually LET myself get killed. If I think it gets me to the action closer. Spending time after a certain point allowing myself to survive in some cases is counterproductive overall.

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Stop using your healing debuff unless you really want to cover a dot.


Not true.


Against a Sorc healer, you want to layer your snare, healing debuff and two dots at a consistent rate, preferably more often than he can cleanse them. If you keep the Sorc or Op healer occupied on cleansing every 4.5 seconds, that is valuable time and resources he isn't spending on healing.


One of the better ways to handle the healing debuff is to time it's initial application as they are casting a heal in which you cannot interrupt. Interrupt - Charge - Interrupt - Healing Debuff. For the next two casts that he will get off, it'll be under the healing debuff, then he will cleanse it, you repeat your rotation, and re-apply half way through his next to-be-successful cast.


A fully geared BM Sorc vs a fully geared BM Marauder will be a time consuming battle. He will find a pillar to LOS hump, and rotate his stun, knockback, mez and boost to obtain 1-2 interrupt-free casts, but if you keep debuffs layered on him and manage your cooldowns properly, he will die after 1-2 minutes of un-interrupted combat. As soon as backup arrives and he has even 1 extra stun or knockback to help peel you off of him, you will not be able to kill him without assistance.


IMO, healers need some more toning. The Merc/Sorc nerfs in 1.2 should help, but i'm still worried that healers will be effectively un-killable in Rateds.

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if you are anni spec dont even bother killing a sorc healer. he will just cleanse away your dots


They are one of the easiest targets for a mara sent as they rely so heavily on cast times..


The more you can occupy a healer with himself, the better. If you make him spend 60 seconds fighting you off, you win.


And not really, if the opposite teams dps is actually successful in making kills while you're off chasing the dragon then what good have you done?

Edited by Houdii
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And not really, if the opposite teams dps is actually successful in making kills while you're off chasing the dragon then what good have you done?


in not like they would be running amok racking up the kills


if they arent getting heals they will die much faster, occupying a healer is always a good thing, if your teammates cant take advantage of that then you need some better teammates

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