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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Witty Imperial Agent names?!


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Agent Romanoff


and yes, I made her look the part as much as I could, just missing the leather outfit.


sadly, I made a sniper, should have been an operative, then make a Sniper called Barton, I'll do that on another server I suppose. what can I say, I'm a Marvel freak.


having looked through the 18 pages here, there are very few names that are what you call, original. names I made after my first 3 50's have been goofy ones, a Chiss Marauder called Bluewaffle for example :)

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Agent Romanoff


and yes, I made her look the part as much as I could, just missing the leather outfit.


sadly, I made a sniper, should have been an operative, then make a Sniper called Barton, I'll do that on another server I suppose. what can I say, I'm a Marvel freak.


This makes me want to snag a Summers legacy on some server where it isn't already taken. Scott the Miralukan Guardian, Alex the Inquisitor...hop universes to roll Buffy the, I don't know, Agent or something. Or Smuggler for the one-liners.

Edited by bright_ephemera
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Aren't those names the wrong way around?


Undacovabrotha fits my op well, he's a tall black guy. And Supersneeki fits my sniper, because the way I play him involves kiting the ever loving crap out of attackers. I take very little damage with him and dish out pain. By sneaking in the shadows and making you regret targeting me. :D

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I took my name from that TV show Person of Interest and named him Mr-Reese although it says Mr-reese


I still do not know if i wanna go sniper or operative. I am on the fleet in front of the trainer now like for a week trying to decide.

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It doesn't really go with the Agent title, but I'm ChuckFinley, Sam Axe's consistant alias from Burn Notice. I considered MichaelWeston, but he's not really a bad guy, so I didn't think it suited. Sam is not a bad guy, but he does often pretend to be as Chuck, and besides, the good guy equivelant of smuggler isn't really a spy. I made him the slim body type 2, when I probably should have gone for 3 or 4, but I didn't think it really suited the character who is sneaky and stealthy to be carrying that extra weight. I do love someone's earlier post of Lardo Calrisian.

And I kinda wish I'd gone for Smith, cause he's just so awersome and bad***.

Only Hugo Weaving could make the phrase "And you help your landlady carry out her garbage" sound so sinister.

Edited by buffysithslayer
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