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why do people get so angry with each other in warzones?


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do you know what will solve this ask the team at the start do they want to win or do they want to play for fun the answer you get back will tell you what type of team you have :)


every year in sports our coach asked this every year the answer was the same we play for fun and winning was only a bonus sure we got upset when we lost so we each looked at our mistakes improved on that aspect and came back a stronger player next game but fun should always come first before another persons ego :)


p.s to some people pvp is a sport please be mindful of that.

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I think everyone forgets one simple thing and that is alot of people are just terrible human beings. they could never do anything wrong and are so much better then everyone else. That and nerds are possibly the touchiest people and the slightest thing will set them into a rampage.
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If no one had that online anonymity in online games, things would be quite different. Imagine if everyone had to use a unique online tag which identifies your real self in every online games you play.


Personally, I always act as if the other players were in the same room than I.

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If no one had that online anonymity in online games, things would be quite different. Imagine if everyone had to use a unique online tag which identifies your real self in every online games you play.


That does not solve the anonymity problem. Who's to say the the so-called real life identity is the actual real life identity, considering the vast amount of ID theft that is already out there? Just because there is a real name attached to an online avatar doesn't make that person seem any more real. The issue is not in anonymous names, the fact is that being online and not seeing someone else face to face is what creates the anonymity.

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I do get mad if somebody does something really stupid.

Like if I'm capping a turret in civil war and instead of trying to cc new enemies coming off a speeder some idiot starts trying to cap the turret aswell.Same thing for Voidstar.

Or in Huttball when we have the ball and are attacking,instead of running infront of the balll carrier and offering support you see 3 guys miles away from the ball trying to kill one imp..

At 50 pvp yeah,theres not really excuses for making mistakes like that and you deserve to be raged at.But thats just my opinion:cool:

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That does not solve the anonymity problem. Who's to say the the so-called real life identity is the actual real life identity, considering the vast amount of ID theft that is already out there? Just because there is a real name attached to an online avatar doesn't make that person seem any more real. The issue is not in anonymous names, the fact is that being online and not seeing someone else face to face is what creates the anonymity.


I understand what you mean but I'm talking about a real place where every gamers would have to go to register, take a photo and get a unique ID number for the rest of his gaming life. It'd be some kind of gaming passport you'd have to use in every online games. Anyone in the gaming community would be able to scan that passport and see your real life photo / name / age / sex. That system wouldn't be perfect but right now I don't find a better solution. Sure, there'd be ID thefts but I don't think there'd be a vast amount of it.

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If no one had that online anonymity in online games, things would be quite different. Imagine if everyone had to use a unique online tag which identifies your real self in every online games you play.


Personally, I always act as if the other players were in the same room than I.


same as the guy above me posted get what u mean but you should watch the movie Gamer one day its quite interesting to watch while completely fiction does raise some questions and shows will show you the loopholes in your system :)

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Well, I don't call it out in chat (usually :p), but I get frustrated with people not having a basic concept of tactics. An example, assume my team holds the center and the other team holds the left and right turrets. If 4-5 of my team begin attacking the left turret, I will instead attack the right. My logic is that more than likely there are 6 defenders defending the left. If I attack the right, that almost guarantees only 1-2 defenders (depending on if they want to also attack middle). If I can get one person or perhaps at the most 2 to join me, we have a good chance of taking the right.


However, once the left starts dying to the large mass, instead of holding the defenders at that spot, my team starts deploying to the right where I and others are at. This frees up the left to come defend the right, usually just as we've beaten the few defenders. So we don't get the cap.


This frustrates me, because you need people to split the opposing force. Divide and conquer. It does no good if you bring 6 people to kill 2, but then the other team sends 4-5 and just prevents you from capping.

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What is entertaining to me is when I tell the people yelling to calm down "it's only a game" and they start trash talking me. I have let myself get too upset like occasionally but usually I try to keep the attitude of "win some, ya lose some" We cant be winners all the time.
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I understand what you mean but I'm talking about a real place where every gamers would have to go to register, take a photo and get a unique ID number for the rest of his gaming life. It'd be some kind of gaming passport you'd have to use in every online games. Anyone in the gaming community would be able to scan that passport and see your real life photo / name / age / sex. That system wouldn't be perfect but right now I don't find a better solution. Sure, there'd be ID thefts but I don't think there'd be a vast amount of it.


I understand the meaning behind your idea, but I am vehemently against it. We don't need to be registered. What we need is to encourage people to be polite and respectful of each other, and that begins at home, continues on into school and follows along into our daily life with our interactions we have each and every day.


Forcing people to register themselves is not the solution.

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So because he is TRYING to have fun other 7 or X players should ''suffer'' a loss?


Gz on logic...


When you play in a team towards OBJECTIVE you SHOULD favor TEAMWORK > your fun


If you cannot SUBMIT to TEAMWORK you should not play TEAM BASED GAMES!


Your attitude is exactly the type of thing that leads to " if they are not good enough , ban them"


Your not in the superbowl, there is no ring to win, stop acting like the loss at a video game now and then should be vented on the weak link.


Listen to the words in your post, so 7 others should suffer the loss because one guy is doing the best he can and he isnt as good as you?




Ill come right out and say this to YOU I had a stroke 2 years ago, am half blind, and I know you care not, but I have both blown matches by mistake, and won them, I have been voted mvp more than once, but I didnt just start good, I had to work at it, and I would'nt want some guy like you putting me down because I am trying to have a good time, entertaining myself with a video game, that I paid for just like you.


Get over yourself

Edited by Rotton
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It can be aggravating when you've done pvp for a very long time and what seems like basic guidelines to you are completely alien to newer players.

That's where all of my rage comes from.


I really only get mad in Huttball, and occasionally voidstar.

Voidstar I only get annoyed when I'm capturing an objective and rather than use roots and knockbacks to keep people from me, my teammates run up and click on the door as if it will make it go faster having more people do it. That's always a telltale sign of a newbie.



The rules of thumb in huttball are what really drive me crazy.

The most obvious ones are the ones I see violated the most:

Don't run through the fire

Don't be a ball hog.


Countless times I've seen people running through the fire with the ball in hand, thinking it'll be ok. And countless times I've been perched above the ball carrier who is getting whaled on by five enemies while I keep repeating "Pass," but all he does is continue trying to run and jump a little. Unnecessary jumping is also a telltale sign of a newbie, because it slows you down.

I cannot stand ballhogs in huttball. Passing the ball is SO advantageous, but often people just don't do it. I once was waiting on the goal line while the ball carrier was being mauled by three or four guys, but he refused to pass the ball to me, which resulted in a lost goal.

So that incurs my rage.

Edited by Dylancholy
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I do get mad if somebody does something really stupid.

Like if I'm capping a turret in civil war and instead of trying to cc new enemies coming off a speeder some idiot starts trying to cap the turret aswell.Same thing for Voidstar.

Or in Huttball when we have the ball and are attacking,instead of running infront of the balll carrier and offering support you see 3 guys miles away from the ball trying to kill one imp..

At 50 pvp yeah,theres not really excuses for making mistakes like that and you deserve to be raged at.But thats just my opinion:cool:


Just to point something out to you guys, my guild, and myself, did not start pvp till after lvl 50


We felt it would be better to be viable because it wasnt understood with us all that it would be better to pvp all along, we were more interested in the pve/story side of the game.


From my understanding this is NOT wrong, but from others standing, it is, and its stupid....is that it?

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oidstar I only get annoyed when I'm capturing an objective and rather than use roots and knockbacks to keep people from me, my teammates run up and click on the door as if it will make it go faster having more people do it. That's always a telltale sign of a newbie.


Actually it's a good tactic for 2 person to start capping the door. Some people use only basic attacks to interrupt so only one person is interrupted and other caps. Happened to me couple of warzones ;)

Of course if only 2 people are at the door then the second person should focus on defense of the capper.

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calling each other names etc when the game doesnt go their way....


I wondered this very thing myself. I am a firm believer that if you are against something vote with your wallet and dont purchase it. A lot of people disagree with this concept and would rather belittle, antagonize or just be plain outright cruel to those they disagree with. The OP is right there is no reason at all for the hostility or bashing. First and foremost this is a GAME ! Not a job or a source of income in any way ( players that is ) this is entertainment. If the masses think TOR is such an epic fail, they should play something else ( I hear pandarains are interesting enough .. )


Bashing the game continuously isnt productive it is whinning and crying like a 2 year old child that isnt getting their way.. As for the slamming people and being cruel and mean to others try to remember this ..


Treat others like you want to be treated !

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I personally don't have that many outbursts, I'm usually trying to rally everyone in one direction or another. But I don't have a problem lighting someone up for underperforming. I don't care about hurting others feelings. To be honest I want to make everyone stronger and if I could I would devote time to helping people get their pvp armor and work on their specs and rotations. But... what we have is pugs. Fresh 50's to BM games is not fun. I just got a vanguard to 50 yesterday and boy does he suck. I understand that and I'm not all butthurt when the other players hate on him. I do my part though, I throw stuns, grapples and do what dps I can to support the objectives. However, some people just don't get it. And those are the people you don't want around if you want to win. And guess what, winning is everything. There's 2 quests where the objective is winning. I like to win. And If there's some peabody trying to stand in acid while healing himself for free medals I will berate him and hopefully hurt his feelings so badly that he won't come back ever. I am the same person online that I am in real life. The main thing is I want whats best for my TEAM not me. Because what's best for my TEAM is what's best for me. I guess that's the distinction.
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Having tried PvP here, and won easily in Open World, I can say that it's a joke, and a bad joke at that.


And that is why I don't PvP here. If I want PvP, I'll go to a game where the PvP is at least challenging, and the players are mature enough to handle losing. :p

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Because everything is always someones fault, someone other than you to be precise and no one else knows how to play the warzone, ever. Additionally, healers never heal anyone and if they knew how to play, the 2 healers would constantly be within range of everyone, everywhere. True facts.


Too true.

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