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Best Group PvP Class


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I'm the type of person that knows I have trouble sticking on one toon, but I am determined to do it on this game. The only problem with this so far has been the fact that I am unable to choose between my Marauder and Powertech because I lack knowledge of high end PvP. So my question is this:


TL;DR - What is the most useful and effective PvP class at maximum level PvP? I need to know because I plan to enter ranked combat once they add it.

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A good healer can have the most impact on war zones the most followed by a tank. With that said, it can be broken down further by the type of war zone, but that is just a general statement. Sure arguments can be made differently.
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I really enjoy my Ironfist specced Vanguard.

Its a teamplay spec (I interpreted your groupplay that way), that has an ok dps output, can actively debuff the incoming damage via taunts and guard and has a good mobility via charge. The interrupt has a small CD in that spec so you can keep a tracerspamming merc completely shutdown or harass healers.


And if you dont like that role, you can change to Assault, dish out heavy dps while still taunting- you just lose guard and mobility that way.

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I really don't enjoy playing any of the current healing classes, I'd prefer to stick to tanking and dps. What tank/dps can make the largest impact in a warzone?


Commandos, because everyone on the other team will drop everything they are doing to come murder you. You can be the distraction while your team wins.

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Since all the pvp matches are objective based, and if your goal is to win matches. Then I would say any of the Space Wizards (Sorces / Sages) have the most utility. They have a nice mix of CC, KB's and speed, which is essential for controlling area, which is what objective based PVP is all about.


If however, you just want to go out and get kills and scoreboard glory, I would go with a Annihilation or Rage Marauder. They are lots of fun but have but tend to not make great objective attackers or defenders. Rage a little less so, cause they're AOE focused, but rage tends to be the less desirable of the raiding builds.

Edited by Mrtheox
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I'd go with either of the characters you currently have rolled up. Though Powertechs are slotted to be weakened in 1.2 and Marauders are slotted for a sea of buffs. If that influences your decision go Marauder, but either is fine.
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Imho it´s easier if you think of PvP not as one game but two different levels of play:


1. Random unorganized pvp ("The Zerg")/"low skill mode"


2. Organized pvp/"medium and high skill mode".



Some classes are efficient and dangerous against players from group 1.


The same classes are far less efficient against players (or teams) from group 2.


The "best" overall (non healing) class against players from group 1 is maybe the sith sorcerer/jedi sage.


The "best" overall class for group 2 is much more difficult because skilled teams can turn a lot of of things into decisive elements to win a warzone.


I´d go for Shadow/Assassin and Guardian/Marauder as the "best" overall non-healing classes.

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I run a full heal Spec Commando, and a mostly Balance spec Shadow. For overall utility my Shadow is the best. I can grab lots of DPS, protection, a little healing with FIB, and also take out folks solo for objectives if need be. Obviously the Commando is awesome for healing, but it just seems like the Shadow serves so many more purposes. It kind of depends on the group you are rolling with at the time from what I have noticed.


But overall I feel both are very fun and well suited for group pvp. Especially organized groups.

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I'm the type of person that knows I have trouble sticking on one toon, but I am determined to do it on this game. The only problem with this so far has been the fact that I am unable to choose between my Marauder and Powertech because I lack knowledge of high end PvP. So my question is this:


TL;DR - What is the most useful and effective PvP class at maximum level PvP? I need to know because I plan to enter ranked combat once they add it.


Out of the 2 choices PT tank. Often is a match changer. It may not be obvious in the rank board, but your premade or skilled players of the team would know.

Edited by Aetideus
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I'm the type of person that knows I have trouble sticking on one toon, but I am determined to do it on this game. The only problem with this so far has been the fact that I am unable to choose between my Marauder and Powertech because I lack knowledge of high end PvP. So my question is this:


TL;DR - What is the most useful and effective PvP class at maximum level PvP? I need to know because I plan to enter ranked combat once they add it.


tank > healer > dps in terms of impact on the fight. (healer is only infront of dps because dps without heals is useless)


tank > dps > healer in terms of skill ceiling. theres little to no skill required to heal in this game. dps atleast takes a bit of class knowledge. (yours and the one ur fighting) u need to know when to burst, what to kill, how to not overextend while still keeping up the pressure etcetc. the difference between a crap player on a tank and a very good one is insane. a crap tank isnt even worth taking over a dps while a good one wins fights on his own.

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