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No MMO has come close to SWG's community-orientation


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I agree completely. However to all of you who have said you miss towns from SWG did you not see the giant post the devs had a few days ago pertaining to Guild Capital ships? That's basically a floating metropolis.


I liked SWG for it's time. I also liked PlanetSide for it's time. SW:ToR is hopefully going to redefine a story in an MMO. I hated the rediculous fetch quests in all MMOs. Granted there are still quite a few of those only now you can be a snarky little **** or an upstanding citizen and you can't reload. So I like SW:ToR for it's time.


To me though these threads are pointless. How about we stop worrying about the past and build a new community better than the ones to come before. There are some spectacular ideas being put forth here lets try and give the devs the support they need instead of trying to get old systems back in.


Guild capitol ships I guarantee will not be anywhere near as immersive as SWG's player cities that provided PvP / PvE Missions / Shuttles / Vendors / Cantinas / Hospitals / etc.


However the capitol ships and player ships are definitely a great step forward compared to most MMO's and I highly approve of it.


We SHOULD think of the past, because it is what we should learn from. It has almost been 9 years since I was in the beta for SWG and back then the worlds were much larger, huge immersive environments such as player cities - all something that contributed to the best part of SWG which you'd think after 9 years some new MMO's would of improved on. And honestly I think the graphics of the landscapes were better in SWG than many of the new MMO's.


It's like too how Crysis released in 2007, it's nearly 2012 and no game has even come close to giving Crysis's game engine a run for its money.


It's just sad and imo mostly to blame on the game consoles, which due to their limitations and how much money are still going into them - have the public used to a certain standard for graphics and likewise the PC game companies many of whom produce games for the consoles as well don't feel motivated to make improvements and lure people away from the more popular consoles.


It's like how Crysis was just for the PC and had incredible graphics and for Crysis 2 the engine was highly de-tuned to be made into a console port.


I just miss MMO companies especially being innovative and bringing completely different/new games to the table.


SW:ToR is pretty much the most different thing to come out in a long time, but the only thing they've really brought into the MMO that's new is voiced story. Unfortunately due to that development I feel they really did not put enough effort into the environments. I just feel like I'm playing a multiplayer KOTOR, which for some is perfect. But I'd rather have Kotor 3 than that.


Either way I love SW:ToR - just may have been a bit over hyped. But I'll probably play a few characters to 50 before I cancel.


I just miss the Community aspect of SWG. WoW had a good community in vanilla and through BC. In wrath it pretty much died. However SWG was a different type of community, it completely immersed you and required you to be immersed to make really any headway in the game.




SWG community was cool and immersive, SW:ToR has some good ideas - hopefully they follow through.

Edited by Clinical
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SWG king of community orientation? Not a chance. That would be EVE.


who said it was king?

Eve is a completely different game in that sense, it's more of a strategic MMO, while SWG still is the average avatar/being character-based MMO. Two completely different games.


SWG is much more related to the MMO's of today.

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Go play SWG then.


You have no clue do you? Let me help you, SWG, is dead and gone. They shut the game down. And the oper has some good points. I really wanted this game to have the player housing SWG had. I too remember spending hours at a time decorating my house. It was a lot of work, but when it was done you felt incredibly proud of your work. And the ooos and awwws I would get from my friends always made it worth it too. Also I remember the pride some of the guilds I was in had for our cities. We really took the layout pretty seriously sometimes right down to creating streets and naming them. Was all really good fun 'cause you knew others would be like o wow these guys went all out with their city. We even created shopping centers with all are vendors in there. And the guild hall always had guild bank were we would make stuff that others could have for free. And it was good stuff too not just some junk we didn't want. We watched out for each other and made our gaming fun. Don't get me wrong though, the guild I'm in now is a great community of gamers and we hlp each other too. Just be nice to have some of the features SWG had in this game. I too think this game is great. It just could have used some of the great features SWG had.

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The one thing I think every new MMO lacks is the sense of community that I loved in pre-nge SWG.



PLAYER CITIES/housing/guild halls/etc


The player housing/city system was simply astounding, and they had the ability to fully function with mission terminals, factional bases, cantinas, shuttleports, med center, etc.



LotR:O has it!

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I just wish tor's crafting was like swg. I loved there crafting.


I would love the crafting like SWG,

only thing are all those harvestors all over,


they could still use that system in place already,

by using your companions to gather resources,

they could "crit" better resources, hence better crafted items.


You don't need a house to sell your stuff,

there could be an option to "list" your wares (as a vendor in the GTN????

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I totaly agre whit you - there is STIL no game to day that is even close to the old SWG and I totaly cant understand it ?? wy is it so hard to make a new "SWG"


Because the old SWG, as much as I enjoyed it, didn't sell that well. What did SWG cap out at, about 350K subscribers?

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You have no clue do you? Let me help you, SWG, is dead and gone. They shut the game down. And the oper has some good points. I really wanted this game to have the player housing SWG had. I too remember spending hours at a time decorating my house. It was a lot of work, but when it was done you felt incredibly proud of your work. And the ooos and awwws I would get from my friends always made it worth it too. Also I remember the pride some of the guilds I was in had for our cities. We really took the layout pretty seriously sometimes right down to creating streets and naming them. Was all really good fun 'cause you knew others would be like o wow these guys went all out with their city. We even created shopping centers with all are vendors in there. And the guild hall always had guild bank were we would make stuff that others could have for free. And it was good stuff too not just some junk we didn't want. We watched out for each other and made our gaming fun. Don't get me wrong though, the guild I'm in now is a great community of gamers and we hlp each other too. Just be nice to have some of the features SWG had in this game. I too think this game is great. It just could have used some of the great features SWG had.


Another person that actually admits to wanting SWG 2.0 for this game. Sigh, SWG wasn't good and it didn't sell well.

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this is SWTOR, why is I always see a post talking about SWG, I liked swg but this is a "real" MMORPG, the player run comminuty was a double edged sword, it was nice however as the population of swg dropped drasticly you couldn't get a damn thing because the traders were gone. RPGs are like books to me they have a storyline and a main charcter however in both it feels like i am the hero i am reading about and is a great way for me to escape the harsh mistress we call reality. i liked SWG but it is gone now and nothing but an emu can bring it back, how about all of you come to terms with it being gone and stop ************ about it, i pity all of you for the world changes everyday and you must be in constant pain if you can't accept it.
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I never played SWG but after reading about it on the web i see that its doom was that game was to sophisticated,thats why you cant see any new mmo that is nearly like swg.People wants to level fast,get epics and have fun.SWtor is a game apealing to everyone who likes mmos with touch of star wars.
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Another person that actually admits to wanting SWG 2.0 for this game. Sigh, SWG wasn't good and it didn't sell well.



What the hell are you talking about? I didn't say I wanted a SWG 2.0. Did you even read my post? There were many reasons I quit playing SWG. One of the major ones being that it just wasn't Star Warsy; something this game does not lack. NPCs like meatlumps that you can't find any where else in the EU threw me off completely. But SWG had many revolutionary game mechanics that others didn't and still don't today. One example being the crafting that no other game today can compare to. And this thread was about the community that SWG had, and that's what I was talking about. This thread has nothing to do with the game as a whole and is not talking about how this game needs to be more like SWG. No, plain and simple. I love this game as is and plan to continue to play even though I know they will never add the player housing that SWG had ( Also something

that this thread is actually about). Even though that sucks a bit, it's not like I'm crying on the inside about it.


Why don't you try to read peoples' posts and get the gist of what the thread is about before you make asinine remarks about other posts.

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What the hell are you talking about? I didn't say I wanted a SWG 2.0. Did you even read my post? There were many reasons I quit playing SWG. One of the major ones being that it just wasn't Star Warsy; something this game does not lack. NPCs like meatlumps that you can't find any where else in the EU threw me off completely. But SWG had many revolutionary game mechanics that others didn't and still don't today. One example being the crafting that no other game today can compare to. And this thread was about the community that SWG had, and that's what I was talking about. This thread has nothing to do with the game as a whole and is not talking about how this game needs to be more like SWG. No, plain and simple. I love this game as is and plan to continue to play even though I know they will never add the player housing that SWG had ( Also something

that this thread is actually about). Even though that sucks a bit, it's not like I'm crying on the inside about it.


Why don't you try to read peoples' posts and get the gist of what the thread is about before you make asinine remarks about other posts.



I quoted the wrong person. I meant to quote Clinical. Who said we should add Lots of Social Features from SWG to this game. And such. I made a mistake.

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What is with all the people who do NOT read the posts at all or understand the point at all? I swear comprehension is at an all time low. I'm not asking for SWG 2.0, just that MMO's should after near 10 years should be able to incorporate some of the better features of old MMO's like SWG had into new games. People can argue its in development, but **** you should shoot higher in 2012 rather than shooting to meet games that launched years ago.


I quoted the wrong person. I meant to quote Clinical. Who said we should add Lots of Social Features from SWG to this game. And such. I made a mistake.


Social features yes, SWG 2.0 as you originally stated no. So many people like you in this thread keep putting words into my mouth to make your argument better.


Last thing I want is SWG's combat system/grind system

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What is with all the people who do NOT read the posts at all or understand the point at all? I swear comprehension is at an all time low. I'm not asking for SWG 2.0, just that MMO's should after near 10 years should be able to incorporate some of the better features of old MMO's like SWG had into new games. People can argue its in development, but **** you should shoot higher in 2012 rather than shooting to meet games that launched years ago.




Social features yes, SWG 2.0 as you originally stated no. So many people like you in this thread keep putting words into my mouth to make your argument better.


Last thing I want is SWG's combat system/grind system


SWG 2.0 Is a bit of an exaggeration. I'm saying people shouldn't ask for anything from SWG. This game is running a complete different path and it is almost completely different from SWG. Having multiple ships violated canon, though I do believe our ships need more customization options.


SWG failed. Utterrly, and I know you said it but allot of things people liked, were actually really bad. The PvP system was nothing like it should have been.



a near-total lack of immersive engagement or rich content resonant with the Star Wars universe

a weakly developed or contradictory incentive structure for gameplay

a skill and profession system that remains broken or meaningless in many cases

a messy, unenjoyable system for player-vs-player combat that creates gameplay that bears absolutely no resemblance to the conflict between the Empire and the Rebellion in Star Wars

a muddled and often undifferentiated combat system

a viciously boring system for character advancement

poorly managed development process (including the poor quality of communication to players and use of feedback supplied by players).


The social abilities in the game were terrible. Player-Cities and Guild Ships and such violated Canon. And therefore we would never see it, considering BW is all about Canon. And you'll notice that as you play.


And people think SWG's launch was a whole better than this one. SWG had a whole lot more bugs and glitched and issues. The game was really rushed out when it first arrived.

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I agree with the OP completely, I loved SWG, played from beta to end :(

SWG was revolutionary, and no other game will ever be like it. One set of armor in SWG was harder than any boss in WoW or any other MMO out there.you DEPENDED on crafters, they wernt a backdrop for a select few who wanted to wear crafted armor or use crafted weapons. Everyone in SWG, wore crafted armor, used crafted weapons, houses, mounts, spaceships, everything.

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SWG 2.0 Is a bit of an exaggeration. I'm saying people shouldn't ask for anything from SWG. This game is running a complete different path and it is almost completely different from SWG. Having multiple ships violated canon, though I do believe our ships need more customization options.


SWG failed. Utterrly, and I know you said it but allot of things people liked, were actually really bad. The PvP system was nothing like it should have been.

I guess this is why opinions are opinions, SWG was a very successful MMO for its time.

Perhaps you're forgetting but in the prime of SWG, it was uncommon for MMO's to reach over 1 million. It wasn't until WoW that people now have this mindset/standard that if it doesn't have millions of subs it isn't successful.


People can ask for whatever they want, especially of things that were great ideas. It's the whole idea of progressing/advancing in the industry - take stuff that worked and use it/improve on it.


SWG was hard to get started in, but once you were started it was a lot of fun. It lost a ton of possible players due to how sophisticated and complex of a game it was. Young people make up a huge portion of MMO players and it was a game that saw few younger people willing to take the time to learn and understand the game.





The social abilities in the game were terrible. Player-Cities and Guild Ships and such violated Canon. And therefore we would never see it, considering BW is all about Canon. And you'll notice that as you play.


And people think SWG's launch was a whole better than this one. SWG had a whole lot more bugs and glitched and issues. The game was really rushed out when it first arrived.

There were no guild ships. How in the hell did player cities violate canon? Every possible game of something will violate canon in one way or another more than likely. SW:ToR must violate canon since my lightsaber doesn't one hit kill people on a successful hit.


I never said SWG was bug free on launch, it was still a smooth launch though aside from the horrible corpse running and no mounts.


Social abilities of the game being terrible?... wow really? Did you even play the game? I've never seen a more socialized MMORPG..


But again opinions are opinions, and you and me + most of the people who legitly played SWG Pre-CU have very different ones.


What to you constitutes good social abilities in a MMO aside from a general chat, trade chat, and basic grouping.

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Housing i would love to have as long as it is instanced and not taking up the planet surface or at least give people apartments or something on the main city planets, that cold works as well. Player cities is a bad idea in the long run, if they were implemented it would take away the population of the main cities in the game and i don't like that, plus to alot player cities are basically a popularity contest.
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no i don't feel this way , you have a better replacement for a dated mechanic housing. i am thrilled we don't have urban trash physically littering and messing up quests etc.


*ships is better period, go play SWGemu

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Urban trash littering the place? If anything it made it feel a lot more realistic.

Honestly i rarely had issues with player buildings interfering with missions, it's true in NGE they did because SoE were tards and didn't plan better for releasing all the new quests.


Keep in mind this thread is primarily about pre-cu SWG. Pre-CU SWG missions were very good about not glitching inside buildings, the only issue was mobs sometimes running inside buildings which there were ways to pull them out, primarily just using aoe.


I'd rather have player buildings here and there in the huge worlds of SWG rather than be constantly walled in very specific paths that make me feel like I'm playing a regular KOTOR game with co-op.

IT MOST CERTAINLY WAS NOT. SWG launch, by all accounts, was a complete and total train wreck.


You played it? Enlighten me, because I thought it was a smooth launch aside from some missing features added later such as vehicles & removal of corpse running. I remember the main *****-fest being the slow spawn of mobs in starting zones on the forums.

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