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To all the pro forum QQers about gear in PvP


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I dont understand why people are crying about gear issue in this game.


I dont understand why people say that its ''hard'' to get pvp gear in SWTOR, Its very very very fast and easy. I'm a casual player and I was at 400+ expertise like 3 days after I hit 50.


I know a full BM vs a 200+/- expertise with 12k hp isnt a fair fight at all. but I'll tell you a secret... YOU ARE PLAYING A MMORPG.


In mmorpg there is two big categories of players. The pve players and the pvp players.


The pve players want to get to best gear so gear grind is one of the biggest part of pve imo


PvP players want to dominate the other players and have fun while loosing or winning.But why are you playing a mmorpg if you dont want to have gear to grind for? I mean atm I have some BM pieces and I have a ''proud'' of it (if I can say that)


Basicaly, 2 things are making mmorpgs interesting/fun to play. Instances and rewards. PvE gear is the reward for flashpoints and PvP gear is the reward for Warzones.


Acording to the fact that the level 10-49 bracket is not gear dependant at all(its more about the level) You can get 1000k of each commendation b4 50(easy 300 expertise that give you the gap to support your team,not enough to solo those war heroes but enough to be a decent/good player)


That being said, if you keep crying about the PvP gear gring you are lazy or stupid, ur choice. If you are not happy with how easy and quick the way to get pvp gear is in SWTOR, go play Aion and see what happen.



So please, stop crying about gear ''issue'' in a mmorpg. If you want a game based on skills only go play League of Legends. But guess what, if you cry about gear in SWTOR you'll cry about a hero being OP in LoL.


Sorry for my bad english, this was my public QQ of the month.

Edited by Philelectric
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I dont understand why people are crying about gear issue in this game.


I dont understand why people say that its ''hard'' to get pvp gear in SWTOR, Its very very very fast and easy. I'm a casual player and I was at 400+ expertise like 3 days after I hit 50.


I know a full BM vs a 200+/- expertise with 12k hp isnt a fair fight at all. but I'll tell you a secret... YOU ARE PLAYING A MMORPG.


In mmorpg there is two big categories of players. The pve players and the pvp players.


The pve players want to get to best gear so gear grind is one of the biggest part of pve imo


PvP players want to dominate the other players and have fun while loosing or winning.But why are you playing a mmorpg if you dont want to have gear to grind for? I mean atm I have some BM pieces and I have a ''proud'' of it (if I can say that)


Basicaly, 2 things are making mmorpgs interesting/fun to play. Instances and rewards. PvE gear is the reward for flashpoints and PvP gear is the reward for Warzones.


Acording to the fact that the level 10-49 bracket is not gear dependant at all(its more about the level) You can get 1000k of each commendation b4 50(easy 300 expertise that give you the gap to support your team,not enough to solo those war heroes but enough to be a decent/good player)


That being said, if you keep crying about the PvP gear gring you are lazy or stupid, ur choice. If you are not happy with how easy and quick the way to get pvp gear is in SWTOR, go play Aion and see what happen.



So please, stop crying about gear ''issue'' in a mmorpg. If you want a game based on skills only go play League of Legends. But guess what, if you cry about gear in SWTOR you'll cry about a hero being OP in LoL.


Sorry for my bad english, this was my public QQ of the month.


Crying is definately annyoning, but coming to the forums offering nothing more as a suggestion than "stop crying" is not bad English, it's bad manners. You indicate that you're a troll in your forum signature, then cry about people crying in the forums.


I feel that you're contributing to the "problem" of people complaining about gear and offering no tangible solution to it.


Posting a gear guide and encouraging people to learn how to effectively gear up in PVP is the solution in my opinion.

Edited by Nukor
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Go ahead...Post a Gear guide


I am not QQing about the generals QQers on the forum, I am QQing about the people that QQ about gear issue on the forum because they think its hard to get pvp gear in this game.


Forums are based on Questions and QQs


And bad manner? lol what???


Getting a F in reading comprehention is not nice uh?


I like ur signature btw

Edited by Philelectric
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They're crying because they're not PvPing to grind gear and dominate, they're PvPing to have fun, because PvP in this game is non-competitive, and is only just that. Fun. And it's not fun to get dominated so unfairly. Level 10s getting dominated by 40s is now where near as bad as a fresh fifty by a bm... trust me... going from 100 to 0 in 3 seconds at 10m range isn't even as bad as the operative pre the first nerf.


They basically don't want to grind at all because what's the point of grinding? Getting better gear? It all cancels out in the long run, so you see no real progression except higher numbers when you hit C... just mod the client to see higher numbers.


What people really want is to see their Epeen grow beyond the recommended 6 inches by 4 shotting new 50s, because that's the only place PvP gear makes a difference.


PvE gear? That's a different story, but if PvP is actually Player vs Player and not Gear vs. Gear, then for competitive PvP, all gear statistics must be thrown out the window, OR allow all people to instantly and without cost of any kind get pvp gear of equal caliber (And of course budget and tweak the mods and stats inside to fit their play style, as long as the initial tier of the gear is equally the same throughout every player) gear.


Personally, it really isn't fun at all to grind (Thus they call it grinding), so they're not PvPing for fun, which means it's either:


A job,

Epeen Flexing,

Or to compete.


If it's a job, they're not in the right place, if they want a job, they should go out and finally get one, because it makes money.


If it's for epeen flexing, at least I see why they want to do it (Although I wouldn't do it, nor do I think it's right)


If it's for competition, then I must lol at them:


Competition = Strategy/skill

SWTOR PvP = Gear

Gear =/= Strategy/skill




SWTOR PvP =/= competition.


So yeah that's why they whine. You might want to read my post again, because you probably forgot what it was about due to the offtopicness of it.

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They're crying because they're not PvPing to grind gear and dominate, they're PvPing to have fun, because PvP in this game is non-competitive, and is only just that. Fun. And it's not fun to get dominated so unfairly. Level 10s getting dominated by 40s is now where near as bad as a fresh fifty by a bm... trust me... going from 100 to 0 in 3 seconds at 10m range isn't even as bad as the operative pre the first nerf.


They basically don't want to grind at all because what's the point of grinding? Getting better gear? It all cancels out in the long run, so you see no real progression except higher numbers when you hit C... just mod the client to see higher numbers.


What people really want is to see their Epeen grow beyond the recommended 6 inches by 4 shotting new 50s, because that's the only place PvP gear makes a difference.


PvE gear? That's a different story, but if PvP is actually Player vs Player and not Gear vs. Gear, then for competitive PvP, all gear statistics must be thrown out the window, OR allow all people to instantly and without cost of any kind get pvp gear of equal caliber (And of course budget and tweak the mods and stats inside to fit their play style, as long as the initial tier of the gear is equally the same throughout every player) gear.


Personally, it really isn't fun at all to grind (Thus they call it grinding), so they're not PvPing for fun, which means it's either:


A job,

Epeen Flexing,

Or to compete.


If it's a job, they're not in the right place, if they want a job, they should go out and finally get one, because it makes money.


If it's for epeen flexing, at least I see why they want to do it (Although I wouldn't do it, nor do I think it's right)


If it's for competition, then I must lol at them:


Competition = Strategy/skill

SWTOR PvP = Gear

Gear =/= Strategy/skill




SWTOR PvP =/= competition.


So yeah that's why they whine. You might want to read my post again, because you probably forgot what it was about due to the offtopicness of it.


I understand your point of view but I'll tell you my secret again. You are playing a MMORPG

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Ive never said mmorpgs are about gear, I said: its normal to have to grind for gear in mmorpgs and since its the only real material reward in SWTOR its normal to have to grind for it.


I'll take the troll title in game XD Troll JohnDoe Legacy name XD

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So this is my take on getting gear in this game


  • Prior to the champion bag change you were at the mercy of the RNG so depending on your luck, it was either easy or very frustrating
  • Again, prior to the champion bag changes only getting 3 centurion commendations made getting the 1st tier gear very slow
  • After the change no more RNG just a time based grind which made it stupid easy to get centurion gear and easy to get champion gear
  • Now batlemaster bags....I dont know what to say on this other than another RNG system, I know war heros who still do not have a full set, with getting 4k warzone commendations for 1 BM commedation is nice but can take a few days to get and thats non stop pvping, so difficult for the casual player like one who may only be able to play 2 or so hours a day


In review, tier 1 and 2 can be more easily acquired and BM gear can be frustrating for some and "easy" for others



just my 2 cents

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Ive never said mmorpgs are about gear, I said: its normal to have to grind for gear in mmorpgs and since its the only real material reward in SWTOR its normal to have to grind for it.


I'll take the troll title in game XD Troll JohnDoe Legacy name XD


grinding for gear is normal, but there are a few things about swtor that are highly abnormal.


1. the gear difference between a new level 50 and bm is something you would expect after a game has been out for YEARS with multiple new teirs of armor introduced. to put it in wow terms, its about the difference between a new player and someone in pvp gear 4 seasons ahead.


2. the gear grind was atrocious. at LEAST 125 hours (more like 200-250) to get full BM before the many changes. now, i do think they are going a bit far in the other direction.

Edited by Ryotknife
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Hello everyone,


We are closing this thread. While we understand that players can be frustrated with the community at times, please understand that threads like this (even when made with good intentions) tend to result in flame wars and have little room for constructive discussion. In the future, we encourage you to create threads that foster constructive discussion and not ones which criticize the community.


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