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About the Emperor *spoilers*


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So we just killed the voice of the emperor and not actually the emperor ?


My reason for checking is at the end of the sith warrior story line it is mentioned a Jedi Knight killed the true voice of the emporer and I have read the book description from Revan and that is not even close to how the emporer is described, especially as he did not have the right eye colour.



Edited by LordKyrone
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For those of us who haven't played the Sith Warrior (and don't mind spoilers) can you post (in spoiler tags of course) what happens during the Sith Warrior storyline exactly? I'm curious as to what is going on here :)




In the SW story line(end of chap 2 i think), you get betrayed by your master. He leaves you to die, but after you survive you get confronted by the emperors hands(guys who answer directly to the emperor). They tell you that you are to become the emperors wrath, which is basically the right hand guy, and only answers to the emperor also. They tell you that your master, the one who tried to kill you, is posing as the emperors voice. Which is bad news because the emperors voice is the one who the dark council answers to since the emperor is like in hiding. The council doesn't know that the jedi knight killed the real voice, and that your master is a fraud. Thats like a basic version of it.



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In the SW story line(end of chap 2 i think), you get betrayed by your master. He leaves you to die, but after you survive you get confronted by the emperors hands(guys who answer directly to the emperor). They tell you that you are to become the emperors wrath, which is basically the right hand guy, and only answers to the emperor also. They tell you that your master, the one who tried to kill you, is posing as the emperors voice. Which is bad news because the emperors voice is the one who the dark council answers to since the emperor is like in hiding. The council doesn't know that the jedi knight killed the real voice, and that your master is a fraud. Thats like a basic version of it.






Your master betrays you and tries to have you killed when you get too powerful and become a threat. His new apprentice leaves you to die, but the Emperor's Hands find you. They explain that your old master is masquerading on the Dark Council as the Emperor's Voice, and send you off on a quest chain to take him down. Turns out, your old Master, very cleverly lured and trapped the Voice on Voss a long time prior in preparation for his charade. You are forced to find and kill the True Voice to release the spirit of the Emperor so he can find a new Voice. It is revealed in an in-game mail message from the Hands after completing the Class quest that a new Voice has been found and is gaining strength, and to be ready for his call. Followed a day or so later by (paraphrasing here because the message was deleted from my inbox) "Bad News... a Jedi Knight has slain the True Voice in a daring surprise attack before he was able to attain his full power and was still vulnerable... But only a minor setback, the search is on for a new Voice. Stay tuned."


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So that means the emperor we kill as a Jedi knight is only the Voice And not the real emperor?


JK was the first story I finished, and even without knowing anything else about the others I pretty much assumed that it couldn't have been as easy as walking in there with your droid and killing the all-powerful Emperor in 20 seconds.

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I skipped the spoilers In this thread... but based On the few class/companion quests that come after the "Main JK story" i assumed that somewhere in the near future this was going to come back around... The "Current emperor" may be dead(maybe not like i said skipped the spoilers).... but somehow his voice still infects the minds of the Sith and The "Sith empire" still exists... so somehow this is not over yet.
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The thing that stands out most is, the part where JK confronts the Emporer the first time, he looks exactly how he is described in the book. When you actually engage him the second time he looks...like a man. Now I don't know if they changed the first appearance since I did it, but if its the same...hint-hint.
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Which, in my opinion brings up a rather big, or at least unaddressed plot issue with Lord Scourge's vision.


Scourge didnt forsee the knight killing "the voice" of the emperor, Scourge's vision is in no uncertain terms that the Knight kills THE Emperor and then offers his crown (power) to the jedi.


It stands to reason that if this group of hands knows the difference, then Lord Scourge who has been the Emperors Wrath for 300+ years has the most intimate knowledge of him... certainly enough to know the difference between what transpired at the end of the Knight's act 3, and what was in his vision.


Perhaps the plan is that down the road as the story progresses the Knight will actually fulfill the vision, but as it stands now it just doesnt make sense for Scourge to not realize what happened.

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Which, in my opinion brings up a rather big, or at least unaddressed plot issue with Lord Scourge's vision.


Scourge didnt forsee the knight killing "the voice" of the emperor, Scourge's vision is in no uncertain terms that the Knight kills THE Emperor and then offers his crown (power) to the jedi.


It stands to reason that if this group of hands knows the difference, then Lord Scourge who has been the Emperors Wrath for 300+ years has the most intimate knowledge of him... certainly enough to know the difference between what transpired at the end of the Knight's act 3, and what was in his vision.


Perhaps the plan is that down the road as the story progresses the Knight will actually fulfill the vision, but as it stands now it just doesnt make sense for Scourge to not realize what happened.


To me, what Scourge says at the end of the current story might be deemed as a clue as well.

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Your master betrays you and tries to have you killed when you get too powerful and become a threat. His new apprentice leaves you to die, but the Emperor's Hands find you. They explain that your old master is masquerading on the Dark Council as the Emperor's Voice, and send you off on a quest chain to take him down. Turns out, your old Master, very cleverly lured and trapped the Voice on Voss a long time prior in preparation for his charade. You are forced to find and kill the True Voice to release the spirit of the Emperor so he can find a new Voice. It is revealed in an in-game mail message from the Hands after completing the Class quest that a new Voice has been found and is gaining strength, and to be ready for his call. Followed a day or so later by (paraphrasing here because the message was deleted from my inbox) "Bad News... a Jedi Knight has slain the True Voice in a daring surprise attack before he was able to attain his full power and was still vulnerable... But only a minor setback, the search is on for a new Voice. Stay tuned."


This is the correct version. You'll have to read the in-game mail message.

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Meh, I think I just fell victim to "clicking too fast on spoiler" lol. My own fault of course, I forgot what the main focus of this thread was about. I did close it quickly, and am ordering my brain to forget.
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Which, in my opinion brings up a rather big, or at least unaddressed plot issue with Lord Scourge's vision.


Scourge didnt forsee the knight killing "the voice" of the emperor, Scourge's vision is in no uncertain terms that the Knight kills THE Emperor and then offers his crown (power) to the jedi.


It stands to reason that if this group of hands knows the difference, then Lord Scourge who has been the Emperors Wrath for 300+ years has the most intimate knowledge of him... certainly enough to know the difference between what transpired at the end of the Knight's act 3, and what was in his vision.


Perhaps the plan is that down the road as the story progresses the Knight will actually fulfill the vision, but as it stands now it just doesnt make sense for Scourge to not realize what happened.

That's if you truly think he's telling you everything. Yes Scourge did have a vission, but we do not know if he is being fully truthful.

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What does he say? I can't remember.


It varied slightly depending on which choice you picked during the conversation, but essentially they all pretty much said:



Scourge explains he is staying around with you for a while longer to make sure everything he saw had actually come to pass--that the emperor had not left any surprises.


Edited by Onyx
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