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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server population is dropping...


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If internally the system can tell the difference from the legacy name from player to player it would be fine.


I agree the most fair thing to do is let ALL the players with duplicate names effected know, and tell them when/where they can do the rename. Then it will be "first come first serve". You never know, maybe the guy with your name was one of the folks that quit playing in the first place (which ironically is the reason they are consolidating the servers in the first place). So if he unsubed, or just doesn't play, then too bad for him, you get the name.


I think that the 1st part and the 2nd part go hand in hand with each other.... of course, without knowing how their database is set up, Standard Code Rant applies.

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I have four level 50s, multiple 30s. I have millions spread across my characters and I already bought up speeders and crystals that are going to be patched out in 1.2.


I am legacy 30 and saved up enough space comms to buy the main part of my black Imperial Space Suit once I figure out what Bioware is doing with Social Gear.


So I have to give all that up just to play the game? No, I am going to quit and never look back.


My friends are all planning to move to Fatman or another server. Once that happens I'll just cancel my TOR sub instead of moving.


As a side note to names, this can easily be fixed by adding invisible Server Names to anyone transferred. Give everyone a "Server" title which they can actually use on their name.


Darth Vader of "Kaas City"


In a similar situation myself along with a few friends, in addition though we actually have maxed our Legacy level to 50. We've played together these months actively and have several alts as well.


Moving to another server for us is not an option at all, not to mention looking at the EU servers they are extremely low populated over all except the 1 server, which has queue's. But my point is as yours, they need to do something about the populations, we shouldn't have to move.

We've spent countless of hours working on our characters and legacy and now in 1.2 when the legacy actually will mean something, we should just drop everything according to some people? No thanks. We pay to play a game, not to reroll and try every server there is and waste time, not to mention rerolling the same class for a 3rd time isn't fun at all.


So in short, I agree with you. If they don't do anything about the server populations, I can't see myself and my friends staying much longer.

Edited by Nemonia
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If internally the system can tell the difference from the legacy name from player to player it would be fine.


I agree the most fair thing to do is let ALL the players with duplicate names effected know, and tell them when/where they can do the rename. Then it will be "first come first serve". You never know, maybe the guy with your name was one of the folks that quit playing in the first place (which ironically is the reason they are consolidating the servers in the first place). So if he unsubed, or just doesn't play, then too bad for him, you get the name.

The server pop imbalance came when BW flinched and added way too many new servers at launch in response to all the login queue complaints during early access. If they had stuck to their plan then this would not be an issue right now - because they had it worked out in less than a month. As for consolidation, uh ... not so much. However character transfers are coming soon once they've fully tested the Legacy implications.


James Ohlen's response to the character transfer question from PAX East:

"That is one of our #1 priorities right now. I walk into our programmer’s office and ask them everyday if we can get that feature out faster. So yes, it is coming soon. We need to make sure when you xfer over that it comes with everything like legacy, guild and all that stuff. It is not as easy as it might seem."

Edited by GalacticKegger
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I think people are somewhat exaggerating how few players are playing on the lowest of low server.


I checked out a few and the lowest I have seen was about 100 people in all for the republic on that server.


I would recommend grouping up about 40 servers into bundles of 3s and slamming them into the standard realms.


Problem solved.

Did you check Anturi Reach republic side? At 8:25 PM server time tonight there were 4 players in fleet including me. There were 82 total players on the server with 4 level 50s online. This is no exaggeration and I used /who to make sure I got accurate numbers.

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I think it is rather funny how some people continue to say we are exaggerating by saying we are playing on a dead server. What would you have us do, take screen shots to prove it?


Again. People are not saying the game is dead (although one could argue why are the lower populated servers low in population). We continue to say over and over again that many of the listed servers are having trouble during prime time due to low population. More so if you play Republic. There is no economy. Flashpoints are difficult to do. It is difficult to do just about anything that requires more than a single person. And it isn't just tied to the fleets.


Go planet hop and you will see just how bad it is. Single digit subscribers in a zone isn't healthy for any MMO. And if you don't believe us go play on one of the servers and give it a whirl. Let me know how you enjoy it because you won't.


This isn't a subscriber issue nor should "THEY" be forced to move. Argue all you want about how easy it is but maybe other subscribers have a harder time, or less time to devote to it. Maybe they have too many alts. Maybe they don't want to have to collect more money, etc. It is a real pain in the rear to pack up and move...


This is BioWare's issue, not ours.

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There was only me and some other guy on Tott Doneeta. I logged, and if he did the same there would be zero. Stop new people joining high pop servers and send them to mine :mad: A merger needs done ASAP! who really care if you have to take legacy off of the under pop server in order to do it. You can always reset their lvls which I'm positive will be logged, and let them choose the same or a new name........


Fix this numbskull's.

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Every MMO loses player pop during the spring and summer months,every mmo vet knows this and usually it doesnt mean they quit for good,colder months and they'll be back,happens every year and it happened every year the 6 years I played wow and other mmo's
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mergers are a bad word to them so i can guarantee they will not do it. I'll just have another paperweight if this game goes down the *******. They need to swallow that pride of theirs and just freaking do it already.


im sure when the only servers they see with a population are high population servers,they'll merge servers

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pro tip


playing world of warcraft for years doesnt make you a mmo vet


Fact !


WoW is like LoL ... a childs game full of clickers....please stop compareing decent programming to junk.


Yes...WoW is junk...but the bible is still the greatest scam of all

Edited by Febibi
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Every MMO loses player pop during the spring and summer months,every mmo vet knows this and usually it doesnt mean they quit for good,colder months and they'll be back,happens every year and it happened every year the 6 years I played wow and other mmo's


What you are saying has no relevance to the current topic. Many of the servers have low population and something needs to done about it now, not October when "people" will be back. The longer Bioware takes to fix this problem the more people leave and others become invested in the Big 4 servers. Take long enough and all the transfers in the world wont be able to get people to leave high population sever not will there be enough positive PR to make people try a game with so many dead servers.

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Yep, something needs to be done now. Bioware clearly made a mistake with how many servers were available at launch....I'm sure many people are simply unsubbing instead of rerolling on a different realm...especially when they don't see their legacy bar on the new server. It will only get worse as more people unsub or reroll onto the fatman or harbinger...no one wants to play an MMO on a dying server. FIX IT Bioware.
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moved to a busier server, getting bord with making new charactors. Had the ones I wanted built, no one to pvp with. Started again, losing intrest building up again, pvp is more active but I've already done this stage of the game. 3 month script is almost up, looking to see if there will be some sort of transfer <they offered it to the ausi folks> b4 I buy more. might lay low or look into something else. Short span of attention... Look! shiny thing!!.....
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"You have 7 days of play time remaining. When your play time runs out, you will no longer be able to play."


No mergers, too many empty servers and now a queue on the only "real" servers with players because everyone still paying re-rolled on them. Essentially this game is running on one server EU and one in US, I'd say the numbers are indeed dropping. Pre-ordered GW2, done with this madness here.

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Bioware needs to do something or i ll cancel my subscribtion at the end of the month: around 15 lvl 50 on the imperial fleet on Sunday evening with around 10 doing PVPers only. It is simply not possible to build a group to do HM. I am stuck with 2 lvl50 on an server without beeing able to play PVE-group. Please fix quick or byebye. Simply marge low/medium population servers, allow players to change names if already used. That is easy to fix.


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Just a question on the legacy system, if there was a server merge would i loose the name of the legacy? or if that legacy name isnt taken i will keep it? bit confused on how this works.


Also, why have the servers dropped in population so rapidly? cause i cant see much wrong with the game that would cause such a thing. Where are all these millions of subscribers gone to?

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Just a question on the legacy system, if there was a server merge would i loose the name of the legacy? or if that legacy name isnt taken i will keep it? bit confused on how this works.

The only information we have is that transfers are coming eventually and that mergers are not an option. That is all that they have said.

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funny cuz world of warcraft was the only one i played were i noticed people playing less during the summertime
No, it happened in EQ as well; it's a bigger difference for casual players, so it was more noticeable in wow unless you ran a casual guild in EQ like I did. Edited by ferroz
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It's a sad story to see such a highly anticipated MMO go from having full server queue issues, to standard/light server populations within a few months. My server is the Ravager and we have no more than 30 people on the Republic Fleet at peak times, and the Imperial fleet doesnt do much better either.


Leveling alts feels extremely lonesome, especially on planets with less than 5 people on it. Ilum is almost abadoned by the Republic now, and all I ever see there is the occassional desperate band of reps fighting from the base, or trying to take control of the center for armaments.


I gave up with Ilum dailys a week or so ago, because no matter how many reps there are on Ilum, it's such a struggle to get at least 5 kills within an hour. My guild like almost every guild in the server now only have at best 5 people online, and to have no ops or flashpoints organised, its starting to feel like a single player game. Yet for an MMO, that just seems ridiculous.


I dont know too much about previous MMO's, but I feel that having everyone in their own fixed servers is wrong. I think it should be like Runescape, where you can join any world (their servers) and your character will be excactly the same on any world. If that happened on SWTOR then at least if servers do get less populated, then everyone can join similar servers and group up there. That way, people like me who play on extremely quiet servers can at least still enjoy the game.


Of course like I said, I dont know much about how MMO's work, so I dont know if that would be possible on this game, but its still a thought.

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The only information we have is that transfers are coming eventually and that mergers are not an option. That is all that they have said.


They've also said pretty much said that this is their highest priority other than 1.2, which puts things in perspective. At least for those who are patient.

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Already pre-ordered Tera and GW2!


Can't freakin' wait for them :)) So excited!


p.s. On a different note, I was really hyped for SWTOR! I played this game for almost 4 months!


My first toon was a worked toon (rank 73, 4/5 rakata, 25 legacy lvl etc) and I had to abandon it so that I can move to TOFN server due to my first server being dead empty.


Oh well, this and other bad aspects of this single player game they call MMO!

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They've also said pretty much said that this is their highest priority other than 1.2, which puts things in perspective. At least for those who are patient.


They could still be addressing the issue, as would be expected from any self respecting team. I've seen no official statement regarding what they are currently doing to resolve this, and I'm sure that most of everyone hasn't either whether there is in fact such a statement?


Everyone, Join the movement. Put in reason why you cancel.


Your subscription has been cancelled.


You have 12 days of play time remaining. When your play time runs out, you will no longer be able to play. Please sign up for a recurring subscription plan or redeem a Game Time Code.

Edited by DiabloDoom
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I'm on Mind Trick, which is supposedly one of the heaviest server of Rep op on US-East, and there is 80-90 people on Rep side fleet at peak


Is this game breaking ? I don't think so Eredar, my WoW server, have at peak hours around 300 Alliance, and it's a old and supposedly ''dying'' server.


This said...




1)TOR need 20% less people per dungeon


2)People are indeed more helping than in WoW


3)TOR does seems less time consuming than WoW. I play TOR one or two nights (a 3-4 hour session top) per week. It's not a bad thing, really, and I find it's worth my 15$.





1)On the other hand, in WoW, there are LFD and LFR.


2)The world and chat feel dead, dead, dead...

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