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That's because 1.2 has ruined PvP. Bioware shot themselves in the foot with this patch.


They aren't that concerned with PVP in this game.

The epic PVE story arc / Fourth Pillar are what this game was designed around. It is what the game was advertised for.

If you bought SWTOR strictly for the PVP, you bought the wrong game.

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Hm. I am on Kai-Kan and it is completely dead. This is not an mmo anymore. So if you want an mmo and you don't want to start SWTOR all over again - go TERA, go GW2 :D - 1.2 is nothing but a polished coffin to bury this game in. Character transfers could have saved it!
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Tera is just more grindy asian mmo crap, but it has great graphics.

GW2 might be decent, but there's no sense in hyping it up as the next great thing. You have to remember this game was also hyped up to be the next big thing in MMO space.

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They aren't that concerned with PVP in this game.

The epic PVE story arc / Fourth Pillar are what this game was designed around. It is what the game was advertised for.

If you bought SWTOR strictly for the PVP, you bought the wrong game.


PvP has never been WoW's strong point either. My goodness, I have read more raging about PvP on the WoW forums than anything else. Class imbalances like the Frost Mage are the best, assuming they are still OP.


PvP in themeparks like WoW and SW:TOR are just glorified sub-content in a predominantly PvE game. They'll never receive as much attention as PvE.


And I don't know if a PvP based MMO will sell well. Warhammer Online tried to do that but it didn't work. I know League of Legends surpassed WoW in terms of number of active players, but is it strictly due to PvP?

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Warhammer online didn't fail because it was a PVP centric game.

It failed because it was a terrible game. And EA reused the team behind WAR on this game too. Many of the same underlying game mechanics are present. They even made many of the same mistakes.

SWTOR isn't even a WoW clone, it is a WAR clone, which was a bad WoW clone.

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They aren't that concerned with PVP in this game.

The epic PVE story arc / Fourth Pillar are what this game was designed around. It is what the game was advertised for.

If you bought SWTOR strictly for the PVP, you bought the wrong game.


They hyped RvR....... they've removed it now, but they still hyped it before release.

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They hyped RvR....... they've removed it now, but they still hyped it before release.


Show me one press release where RvR (or Ilum) was actually hyped as an important part of the game.


The general term 'The conflict between Empire and Republic' is not equal to RvR nor PVP. Especially not in a story driven game.


PvP in themeparks like WoW and SW:TOR are just glorified sub-content in a predominantly PvE game. They'll never receive as much attention as PvE.


I actually have another theory about PVP in Themepark MMO's. Seeing they are all gear-centric, PVP in games like this is for people with too much time on their hands that can grind for an advantage through gear to polish their e-peen by saying they are better than the 'noobs' with less gear.


Except for the 1% of high-end, equal grounds PVP happening in WoW's Arena's, there is no real equal grounds PVP in any Themepark MMO.

Edited by Devlonir
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Warhammer online didn't fail because it was a PVP centric game.

It failed because it was a terrible game. And EA reused the team behind WAR on this game too. Many of the same underlying game mechanics are present. They even made many of the same mistakes.

SWTOR isn't even a WoW clone, it is a WAR clone, which was a bad WoW clone.


If Warhammer Online had been released as 1.3.6 build it would have like still have many servers still running.


It was released way to early and patches and developement was way too slow.

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That's because 1.2 has ruined PvP. Bioware shot themselves in the foot with this patch.


Not only PvP, there seems to be a tremendous amount of bugs in this patch. So of course.. now that Biowares "messiah patch" really is anything but.. they come out with "wait, have a free month while we scramble like mad to try to fix this, just please dont leave"...


This is getting comical :)

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If Warhammer Online had been released as 1.3.6 build it would have like still have many servers still running.


It was released way to early and patches and developement was way too slow.


Also, Mythic completely ignored the feedback from the playerbase for over 2 years. It's a testament to how bad they are as a development team to ignore feedback from pre-beta and still have the same problems 2 years out.


If I had payed more attention to this game and had known Mythic developers were part of the creative process I would not have subscribed for 6 months or bought the digital deluxe edition pre-order.

My plans of not spoiling the game bit me in the arse.

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Also, Mythic completely ignored the feedback from the playerbase for over 2 years. It's a testament to how bad they are as a development team to ignore feedback from pre-beta and still have the same problems 2 years out.

While we are "only" 5 months into ToR, what about buggy material nodes, buggy operations, companions still missing textures, and so on thats all been there since beta.. they dont seem to be able to fix those either :)

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Before the servers was going down I made a post about the invite your friend is a call for help, next week the servers started to die and now they scream for more subs...


And this 30 days free is a slap in the face!:mad: + 1.2 was nothing special...

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Yup. But it hasn't been 2 years yet, so there's hope.

I will give this game until my 6 month sub runs out to decide if I'm going to drop it. I think that if they aren't going to bother fixing certain bugs by then, then there is no point in paying for another broken Mythic game re-skinned as Bioware.

I got burned by Mythic already with WAR.


It's tough being a nerd sometimes. 2 of my favorite game settings ruined by the same company.

Edited by theskurGe
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While we are "only" 5 months into ToR,..


Actually, it's 4 months. Counting is hard, I know.. let me help you by doing it step by step.


Let's assume, for sake of argument: Early access started December 13th, going to January 13th is 1 month, going to February 13th is 2 months, going to March 13th is 3 months and then April 13th (also known as today) makes it a grand total of 4 months, to the day.


This person might be able to help you further:

Edited by Devlonir
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Actually, it's 4 months. Counting is hard, I know.. let me help you by doing it step by step.

You'll note that i included the word BETA in there...


I dont know exactly when the "bugs" appeared (maybe they were always there, in which i could say its been 2 years already).. i am basing it on the feedback they got in the open beta weekends prior to launch (in November).

Edited by PlacidDragon
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Actually, he may have been playing in the Beta, and pre-Beta which was going on long before the pre-release early access.

If you're going to be an ***, at least be an informed one.:D


Then you may as well start counting the entire development cycle in an argument like this. Where the line you put except release date?


Sorry, but the game is 4 months old, not a day more. Beta =/= game. And beta, especially open ones, are more about determining issues than it is about solving them directly.

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You'll note that i included the word BETA in there...


Does not change the simple fact we are not 5 months into TOR but 4, very simple fact. Sorry, but you are simply wrong.




Also, open beta was end of november, 25-28. Even if you count that as an unofficial 'start' of the game because anyone who did a little bit of effort could have played it by then, it is still 4,5 months and not 5.

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Also, open beta was end of november, 25-28. Even if you count that as an unofficial 'start' of the game because anyone who did a little bit of effort could have played it by then, it is still 4,5 months and not 5.

oh boy.. you really want to be accurate on this..


Fine, its IN ITS FIFTH MONTH.. does that sound more acceptable ? :)

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Technically we are still in beta, since the game was rushed out the door early by EA. But we are paying anyway because a broken SWTOR is better than no SWTOR.


Your understanding of the word 'technically' is very low it seems. You are paying for the game, therefore it is neither technically, nor literally, nor actually in beta.


Really, factual discussion is not your strong point is it?


Sorry for being so pissy about this, but I simply dislike people changing facts to give their own opinion more weight.

When stating facts as part of your argument, at least make sure they are.. well.. factual.


PS. an advice on word choice: If you said 'practically we are still in beta', or said 'we might as well still be in beta' your point would have been a much more acceptable part of a debate.

Edited by Devlonir
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Technically we are still in beta, since the game was rushed out the door early by EA. But we are paying anyway because a broken SWTOR is better than no SWTOR.


I see someone say that about every MMO I have ever played, and it has been wrong almost every time including this one.

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