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Player-built cities?


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I wonder if anything has any info on BioWare even thinking about adding player-built cities to the game, similar to what Star Wars Galaxies did? I think this would add a whole new social element to the game as guilds compete to build the best cities out there.
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They do not and I don't think this is at all consistent with the plans for this game. In fact, I think they have been pretty clear that this game is not and will not be like Star Wars Galaxies.
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I'm not talking about an SWG clone, just more social content which allows players to shape they server's galaxy. Just fighting and working to get more gear to fight can get a little old after a while.


and no, I'm not leaving. Running around with a lightsabre is still great fun.

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I wonder if anything has any info on BioWare even thinking about adding player-built cities to the game, similar to what Star Wars Galaxies did? I think this would add a whole new social element to the game as guilds compete to build the best cities out there.


You do realize this is EA. Think long and hard about the question you're asking and then ask yourself "would EA ever implement this?"

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I feel confident speaking for BW when I say they have no plans to introduce sandbox features from SWG.


I do believe, however, that it is possible that after a few years they might add a planet with some sandbox gameplay to pull in more players. This is just a guess as sandbox games(or games with a few sandbox features) seem to have renewed popularity these days. This is by no stretch a current plan or intention and I'm really just guessing that it might possibly happen in the future.

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Player-built cities I think at the moment would be very difficult to introduce into the existing game design..... there just isn't any kind of environment to introduce them into unless you have all cities instanced and accessed from a single cave carved into a mountain, or some underground bunker in the side of a sand dune.


It's one of the areas where ToR really does limit itself for the time being, however so far I get the impression that Biowares sights for player-built/shared assets are firmly set on instanced ship environments.

Edited by Tikigit
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I'm not talking about an SWG clone, just more social content which allows players to shape they server's galaxy. Just fighting and working to get more gear to fight can get a little old after a while.


and no, I'm not leaving. Running around with a lightsabre is still great fun.


Except that you are asking for a purely SWG feature...not a feature of Star Wars. Nothing in Star Wars suggests player created cities. Had SWG never existed, you wouldn't think twice about asking for player cities in SWTOR.


And, by the way, player cities were cool and functional social hubs for about a year before each one of them became a ghost town. Player cities spread out the population, so instead of having one central area in which people gathered, you had little pockets of people everywhere.


There's better ways to design social content.

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I wonder if anything has any info on BioWare even thinking about adding player-built cities to the game, similar to what Star Wars Galaxies did? I think this would add a whole new social element to the game as guilds compete to build the best cities out there.


No one is even sure if they are thinking about adding non-Star Fox space fight, so I doubt it.


In fairness though nothing in SWTOR is built for this, maybe they could doa LOTRO style house zone though.

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This all pivets upon if bioware wish to create minimal content planets with no quests simply for player housing on this scale, on if they would create 2 planets or one shared planet, the resources that would have to go into creating the diverse structures and possibly a political system ingame for players.


The alternative and much easier option is for phased space zones with guild/alliance space stations or improvemnts to playerships as real player housing.

Edited by Shingara
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Except that you are asking for a purely SWG feature...not a feature of Star Wars. Nothing in Star Wars suggests player created cities. Had SWG never existed, you wouldn't think twice about asking for player cities in SWTOR.


And, by the way, player cities were cool and functional social hubs for about a year before each one of them became a ghost town. Player cities spread out the population, so instead of having one central area in which people gathered, you had little pockets of people everywhere.


There's better ways to design social content.[/QUO


Raids and battlegroungs are features from other games too player cities gave a feeling of emersion into the world that you are playing and gave people something to do. I don't think they will ever add it in this game evr I would like some type of sandbox features because with them killing world pvp there is nothing to do while waiting forever for pvp ques.

And bw stated before launch that they knew what sandbox features were and thegame would fall in the middle but I see none

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While Player-Made cities are probably not going to happen...I am a proponent of more social, role playing-esque things that would add to the game other than doing quests, PVPing, or raiding.


But there just isn't enough space on a given world for cities and there be enough room for everyone.

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