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Quite Simply One of the Best MMOs I've Ever Played


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I was a hardcore hater for this game once before. i'm totaly in love with playing the game. pre-release i never got the chance to continue a few days before release. I wish i had now.


My friends are coming to the game with the free 7 days trial and they love it. it's good to play a game were mostly adults play. my server is booming with people who have had nothing but good things to say about the game.


plus being gay I can't wait for same sex romances to be added since i feel strange playing the straight story arcs.



Awesome work BW!

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It's a data from his server. I see the same on mine.


It is one data point. My server, which routinely shows up as Standard (i.e. not Heavy or Very Heavy) typically has 100-120 on fleet during peak. I have no problems finding groups. In fact, I ran a whole bunch of 2+ and 4 heroics this weekend, on Tatooine, Belsavis, and Hoth.


So, my data point just canceled out your data point. Do you now see the problem with arguing in the absence of representative data?


We've heard from pre-launch about how the game is dying...there is a bit of a credibility gap growing.

Edited by Kthx
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It is one data point. My server, which routinely shows up as Standard (i.e. not Heavy or Very Heavy) typically has 100-120 on fleet during peak. I have no problems finding groups. In fact, I ran a whole bunch of 2+ and 4 heroics this weekend, on Tatooine, Belsavis, and Hoth.


So, my data point just canceled out your data point. Do you now see the problem with arguing in the absence of representative data?


We've heard from pre-launch about how the game is dying...there is a bit of a credibility gap growing.


It canceled nothing. Your server is your server. My server is my server. I don't need "representative data" to talk about my server - I see how its population changes every day.


I don't understand why you keep ignoring the fact that two month ago 200 players during peak time was a usual for most servers, and now only few of them can brag of it.

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Why do dark side users get physically corrupted over time? Look at Sidious. He's about as dark-side as they come, and he pulled off a normal look until having his face hosed up by his own reflected force lightning.


Because unlike a lot of these window licking "Sith Lords", Palpatine did not look directly into his lightning every five minutes.


Seriously, I went to Korriban last week and was asked by a Sith Warrior which end does he hold his lightsaber.


Curse the Emperor and his No Sith Left Behind program.

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It is one data point. My server, which routinely shows up as Standard (i.e. not Heavy or Very Heavy) typically has 100-120 on fleet during peak. I have no problems finding groups. In fact, I ran a whole bunch of 2+ and 4 heroics this weekend, on Tatooine, Belsavis, and Hoth.


So, my data point just canceled out your data point. Do you now see the problem with arguing in the absence of representative data?


We've heard from pre-launch about how the game is dying...there is a bit of a credibility gap growing.


My "Standard" server right now, has 40 people in fleet Imperial side... half that Republic side.

Edited by Gungan
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Personally I hate super-crowded worlds, which is why I absolutely loathe going through Coruscant and Dromund Kaas, because there's always 50+ people on a good day, with 120+ on a bad day. Everyone is camping spawns, stealing mobs and dueling each other, thus slowing down the framerate. I enjoy grouping with other players occasionally, talking to them in general, sometimes even a flashpoint. But until I need you, kindly stay out of my way. I know and don't care that that statement seems selfish, that's how I play my game. Don't like it? Sorry we have different views.


Couldn't have put it better: A big turnoff to WOW for me were the constant crowds of Level 85 types requesting a duel with my Level 15 character and having to maneuver through huge crowds of folks just hanging out to get from Point A to Point B. Then I'd have to wait while the thing I was supposed to get or kill respawned, hoping some goofball didn't jump in front of me. No thanks.

Edited by GreySix
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Couldn't have put it better: A big turnoff to WOW for me were the constant crowds of Level 85 types requesting a duel with my Level 15 character and having to maneuver through huge crowds of folks just hanging out to get from Point A to Point B. Then I'd have to wait while the thing I was supposed to get or kill respawned, hoping some goofball didn't jump in front of me. No thanks.


been there a bunch. Spent a whole day trying to get some rare flying mount from a rare flying dragon. Flying constantly, never saw another person the whole time. Then all of a sudden, dead dragon and still no one around. I think that was the last week I ever played.

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Not sure what mmo the OP is playing but this is one of the worst out there...


Wrong. I'm loving it. Therefore it's one of the best games ever.


Isn't this fun?


Today's learning point: "Your opinion" is not the same thing as "objective truth."

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1-3 had Jedi in plain brown robes. Sith in plain black robes. I dont understand what you mean.


Thank you for admitting the games greatest short coming.


I understand the gripe about jedi robes... but this is a completely different kind of sith. Yes, i know that its nothing like the movies, i get it. but this isn't the movies. You are playing in the expanded universe, where the sith are very regal and almost feudalistic.


IMO, something really needs to be done about the bounty hunter look... basically every single thing i've seen (except for high end purples) looks stupid.

Edited by LexiCazam
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Game is fun while levelling one character per faction - subsequent characters are brutally repetitive.


However, it is possibly the easiest game I've ever played to the point where I watch TV simultaneously, and I find myself bored in flashpoints because they're simply too easy, and require no strategy.


That's assuming I can find a group to tank at all on my dead server.

Edited by Gungan
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I watched my brother play WOW a lot and never got what all the fuss was about until I played Fallen Earth. Which was the only MMO I've played besides SWTOR. I enjoy this game probably too much. I wish the crafting part of the game was more involved as that is my favorite thing to do in these games it seems. But I assume it will get better. I love the space missions too. It's a nice change of pace when you just want to blow stuff up similar to FPS games that I am used to. I have reached my legacy on the test server and already I see welcome changes in the works to an already great game. I can't wait til this next patch comes out! Edited by TooFastLX
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Wrong. I'm loving it. Therefore it's one of the best games ever.


Isn't this fun?


Today's learning point: "Your opinion" is not the same thing as "objective truth."



Thank you for making this point. I enjoy this game a lot....fact.....I enjoy it so it's the best thing ever made..... Is a subjective opinion.


I really love playing this game, others don't..... I'm ok with that, just like I'm ok with the fact that tend not to enjoy sandbox games...doesn't make them bad, just makes them something I don't enjoy.

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We know what's coming in 1.2 and I'm fairly impressed thus far however most current MMO players will not be. MMO players these days have their patience measured in weeks, not months.


I really hope Bioware understands that if 1.3 isn't an expansion level content upgrade(lvl 50 content & endgame) their subscription numbers are going to drop big time. It doesn't bother me much since I'll be here enjoying the casual routine and questing but they really need to get their act in gear because these people simply won't wait around.

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People do other things rather than sit in fleet, perhaps they are levelling alts because the like the story and levelling, rather than griding heroics?


Every planet is the same- 5-10 people. Now granted that may change after 1.2 patches and people return to the game. But for how long? And how long will BW keep trying to write code as fast people can complete it?


It's a losing proposition. You need a wide open game where people create their own content, otherwise they just get bored ad log off. Doing dailies just doesn't cut it.

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