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We know what 1.2 will be, predictions on 1.3?


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Big thing about 1.2 will obviously be the introduction of legacy unlocks.


Do we know yet what will be the major thing for 1.3? If not what do you think it will be or hope it will be.



Me personally, i would like the possibility to transfer my legacy from my old server which i had to abandon due to population over to my new one. That way my level 15 legacy i left can be added to my 3 legacy on my new server, so that my efforts on my first server were not wasted. OR allow free so i can get those characters onto my new server, even if it did mean forfeiting those legacy levels

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I could take a shot in the dark


All gear is traded in for nerf armor pieces, light sabers are replaced with nerf swords, ranged weapons are replaced with super soakers.


then everyone will come and complain about not being able to kill anyone, and they will only have themselves to blame.




Serious note tho.


Server transfers - would be nice

Another hutball and another voidstar type map would be nice

Another Operation

Another Flashpoint

A new 50 only planet

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Massive across the board improvements to companion healers in both throughput and AI.


After all, they'll have to do something to make up for the healers they drove off. :rolleyes:



you mean the healers the community drove off. ;)

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Massive across the board improvements to companion healers in both throughput and AI.


After all, they'll have to do something to make up for the over-powered, flavor of the month users they drove off. :rolleyes:


Fixed that for you.

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Massive across the board improvements to companion healers in both throughput and AI.


After all, they'll have to do something to make up for the healers they drove off. :rolleyes:


to be honest if you stop playing a healer based on the changes in 1.2 you were a bad healer to begin with

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James said in a PAX interview that 1.3 is going to center around LFG tools, and based on other information they have released (or was leaked, hinted at ect.) it will also contain another OP and FP and perhaps another WZ.


So more content but biggest change will be LFG stuff i.e group finder and x-server PvP (with this I assume we will also see official season 1 of ranked PvP).

Edited by Jaymanus
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1.3 - Stars Wars: Huttball Edition


- When you create your character will you will auto level to 50.

- If you pick republic you will be automatically switched to the Imperial version of that class.

- All planets removed except the Fleets.

- All content removed except Huttball.

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1.3 - Stars Wars: Huttball Edition


- When you create your character will you will auto level to 50.

- If you pick republic you will be automatically switched to the Imperial version of that class.

- All planets removed except the Fleets.

- All content removed except Huttball.



Sounds good to me :p

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