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People who leave WZs when they're losing...


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i agree or there just annoyed that they are good and a lot of there team isnt. it happens, though annoying, it will never stop happening. at least in 1.2 they are adding things to make people stop leaving (15 min of not being able to que again.)



Can't wait for that.

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lol @ 15 minute penalty thats nothing. considering on most dead servers it takes 10 min for a que pop anyways oh noes not the 5 minute wait what shall i ever do.:o Edited by warkat
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So if I stay in a warzone where no one is trying to do what they should do, for example a hutball match where 6 of the players don´t giive a **** about the ball but try to zerg (andf are not even good at that), if I stay in such a warzone that makes me good?

honestly I´r rather say that would make me a masochist

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That would be good, problem would be how to seperate quiters from disconnecters and game crashers.

Edited by Macce
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So if I stay in a warzone where no one is trying to do what they should do, for example a hutball match where 6 of the players don´t giive a **** about the ball but try to zerg (andf are not even good at that), if I stay in such a warzone that makes me good?

honestly I´r rather say that would make me a masochist


Well, in that scenario it would probably take you more than 1 or 2 minutes into the game to figure out that that is what your team is about. So, you can either stay in the last 13min and at least get some credit towards the armaments daily/weekly plus some valor, or quit, get nothing and wait 10 min for another game (depending on your server) where you might end up with another team just as bad if not worse. To me, that second option seems more masochistic.


Besides, if you stick around and try, no matter how bad your team sucks, the other team will notice your effort. I know when I happen to be playing against a team like you described, I always make note of the few people actually trying, because to me, that's one of the signs of a good PvPer.


Even though it's only a video game, I'd rather been known as the guy that tries no matter what, than the guy that gives up the moment things start to go wrong.

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I take the approach whenever I enter a losing warzone and take someone's spot that quit out... that maybe I can be the person who turns it around. Its all a matter of how you view things. I never understand why people quit out when they should just grit their teeth and try harder.
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i agree or there just annoyed that they are good and a lot of there team isnt. it happens, though annoying, it will never stop happening. at least in 1.2 they are adding things to make people stop leaving (15 min of not being able to que again.)


Although the 15m wait will only apply to leaving a rated the main bonus will be that everything will cost commendations... and the dailys will be based off medal gains and the more you participate the greater your rewards...

The main reason people left was because of the daily/weekly being based off wins.

So those that leave a losing one in 1.2 will get absolutely nothing and so will actually gear up slower now :p


I however will still ragequit the occasional WZ lol... however when i am annoyed enough to do that I just log off entirely and go do something else so I'm not hopping.

Edited by theangryllama
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I was quite surprised when I rolled on a pvp server after leveling 2 50s on a pve. The frequency of leaving on the pvp server is at least 10 times as bad (both factions - no exaggeration). I guess the theory that you can find real pvp on pvp servers is just a myth after all.
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i agree or there just annoyed that they are good and a lot of there team isnt. it happens, though annoying, it will never stop happening. at least in 1.2 they are adding things to make people stop leaving (15 min of not being able to que again.)


Like ppl don't have alts to just log for 15 min and que on those lol

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When I'm forced to pug if my guildies are offline, I leave warzones every now and then.


When I know I'm in a group with dumb pugs, that refuse to work togheter / care about anything besides their medals I mostly leave once the game turns on me.


If the enemy manages to score 5-0 in 2-3 minutes and then decides to farm us I simply say NAY !


You can hate and bash leavers all you want but face it, sometimes it's better to leave than to attempt the impossible.


1 player can't make a difference if he's surrounded by 7 retarded teammates.


This isn't sparta.

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lol @ 15 minute penalty thats nothing. considering on most dead servers it takes 10 min for a que pop anyways oh noes not the 5 minute wait what shall i ever do.:o


yeah but seeing as he cant queue until the 15 mins is up, his queue is now 25 - 30 mins instead of 10-15.


tbh though this seems to happen less since the valour and comms were updated

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If you join a game where your team isn't trying to win, just chasing 1v1 duels at your endzone, you have no choice but to chase medals your self. If you try to stay on the objective, you're not going to gain many if any medals. So, there's really no point in spending 15 minutes for nothing, it almost makes more sense to just leave and hopefully spend a few minutes in queue for another game.
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I have never, ever left a WZ.

I don't understand leavers. You get comms and valor even if you lose... by leaving you LOSE anyway, but you also don't receive any recompensation of your time spent in WZ.


I always lol when someone rage quits huttball at 0-1 :D The best laugh is when we ultimately win 5-1.

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I'll leave the second I see that my team does nothing to win the warzone, but are just hunting around like a bunch of tards.


Rather have a 30 min debuff than waste 15 mins in the same warzone as rtar.ds


If its a good game with good effort on my teams part then I can live with a loss if we're getting outplayed.

Edited by upzie
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I dont even wait till the game starts to decide whether to leave a pugged warzone. As soon as everyone is in the starting zone, I just say a friendly "hi" in the ops chat tab. If no replies, or at the very least, a plan of action from the ops leader, I quickly leave and join the next ops group (usually about 2 minute wait), rinse and repeat until I find a group that wants to have some fun and play to win. So far has a 90% success rate and makes my pvp experience so much less frustrating overall.
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If anyone on my team abuses anyone else on our team, I leave immediately. And the abuser gets put on my ignore list. Yes, I've left war zones where we were winning. I'm too old to put up with that nonsense.


Also, if it's clear to me that our team is simply being farmed, I'll leave.


Otherwise, yes, I'll persevere in a losing effort. That's part of being a team. :)

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There are good players who leave losing games; that has no baring on their skill. They're simply spoiled and weak-minded.


cant be that good if the their teams losing. most people on my server leave if one team gets 2 turrets and scores 595-595

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