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FULL resolve yet still getting pulled into fire, getting


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When you have swathes of people saying that they are seeing the same thing, then there tends to be a really good chance that something ain't right. And to just blindly say "I didn't see it, it didn't happen!" is just ridiculously naive. Are you going to tell me next no one landed on the moon becasue you didn't see it in person or they didn't FRAPS it? :rolleyes:


Technicaly it was "Frapsed"


And alot of ppl claim they've seen ghosts, mermaids, ufo's, lochness etc.


Just saying.

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When you have swathes of people saying that they are seeing the same thing, then there tends to be a really good chance that something ain't right. And to just blindly say "I didn't see it, it didn't happen!" is just ridiculously naive. Are you going to tell me next no one landed on the moon becasue you didn't see it in person or they didn't FRAPS it? :rolleyes:


ok, I will bite and answer again


1. They actually "frapsed" landing on the moon, you know? And maybe you know that Russians "fake-frapsed" their landing? (this is offtopic ofc with a bit of joking)


2. I already said to you - amount of people who dont know even a little bit how resolve works and stating that they seen it not working is amazing. In most such topics, usualy already in the opening post there is a proof that poster dont know what he is talking about. You say you know how resolve works and I believe you. But those "swathes of people" mostly dont have the clue. What they think they saw is not a proof or indication for anything, besides their belief that they should not be CCed at all because it is not fun (again, a bit of sarcazm here).


3. One of the posters above mentioned that your attack can be resisted or dodged (depending on type) - maybe this is what happened? I dont know and regardless of your job history, I dont believe you are able to notice every single little detail of situation, we are all humans and we may miss something. Inability to accept that leads to failure. I have never seen resolve not working, but it does not mean it is impossible. This is a reason why I ask for video - not only because I have never seen that, but to be able to analize sistuation, confirm that it is a bug, report it, check if it is random or easily repetable and hopefuly make BW fix it ASAP, because IMO working resolve is one of the most important things in SW TOR pvp - it affects everyone.

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SO yes I am very much aware of people who are rooted can't be pulled/pushed. I am aware that there are some clipping issues where the target won't get pulled all the way back to you. I didn't say that. I said where they are shrugging it off as if it didn't happen, which implies that there is no reason that they should be able to shrug it off yet they do. And leaving the only logical answer being "the resolve system has yet again proven its worthlessness."


Say what?? Rooted player can't be pulled or pushed? Oh, if they have resolve active they cannot be pulled/pushed by the enemy, but that has nothing to do with being rooted.

If you can't be bothered with presenting evidence to support your claims please don't bother us with your nonsense claims. Kaarsa did bother to test how resolve works and find values for most CCs so maybe you should go check that out. You'll find that your great situational awareness is enriched with some knowledge that you are lacking right now.

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I just don't feel roots should operate outside the resolve bar. I know Sever Force does and I'm not 100% but I believe other classes do as well. Snares are fine but if your character cannot fully operate I think it needs to be reflected ont he resolve bar. Granted I think roots should be LOW amount wise maybe 1/4ish.


Curious everyone's opinion.


Also Force Choke going outside Resolve. I dunno.


I also have an issue with Force Leap still allowing the Jugg/Guard to leap and root me when I pop Resilience. If I resist the ability it should put it on cooldown and negate it entirely. I can't Force Pull, it just blows a 45 second CD. Not sure if I can Sever Force on a Resilience'd target either but that should fail as well.



Probably gonna get flamed for that but whatever I think everyone should operate under the same mechanics.


All roots are outside of resolve mechanic. Force choke is part of resolve mechanic (I tested this personaly, force choke without set bonus gives 600 resolve, as 3 sec stun should, and is blocked by white resolve).


Force leap is considered (from what I know) as phisical attack, so it is not stopped by resilience/force shroud. Sever force on the other hand probably (I dont have a sage/sorc at all, so I may be wrong) is considered force attack, so it is probably blocked by resilience.


Now, should roots be part of resolve? In my opinion no, for 2 reasons.


1. It would break force charge/jet charge - without root on those abilities, target may just run away, negating gap-closing funcionality of those skills (you leap to the point where your target is in the moment of pressing skill button, not to the target itself)


2. In Huttball, tank-ballcarrier would be incredibly harder to stop, scoring would be easier and IMO this WZ would be much less fun (ofc, your opinion may vary)



Say what?? Rooted player can't be pulled or pushed? Oh, if they have resolve active they cannot be pulled/pushed by the enemy, but that has nothing to do with being rooted.

If you can't be bothered with presenting evidence to support your claims please don't bother us with your nonsense claims. Kaarsa did bother to test how resolve works and find values for most CCs so maybe you should go check that out. You'll find that your great situational awareness is enriched with some knowledge that you are lacking right now.


Actually, target that is rooted cant be pulled, you get error message saying something like "target cannot be moved" or something like this, never paid attention.

Edited by Kaarsa
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I'm pretty sure that I can knock back rooted players. About pull I very well may be wrong so, I stand corrected, sorry for the misinformation. In my defense I don't play an AC that can pull still ;).


*makes a note* Try to test if you can knockback rooted player...May be difficult, because my friends sorc is not lev 50, so we cant spec him full madness to have root in something else than knockback;)

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1. It would break force charge/jet charge - without root on those abilities, target may just run away, negating gap-closing funcionality of those skills (you leap to the point where your target is in the moment of pressing skill button, not to the target itself)


2. In Huttball, tank-ballcarrier would be incredibly harder to stop, scoring would be easier and IMO this WZ would be much less fun (ofc, your opinion may vary)


That's funny haha those are two reasons I WANT them to be governed by Resolve.


No offense but you should be able to leap to the target but they should not be rooted if they are full resolve. It just feels like there is no reason a Guard or Jugg would ... NOT ... want to leap to a target. It doesn't feel right that such a power tool should not have a small pitfall placed in there. Just feels like there should be some "thought process" behind the choice to Leap.


And isn't the point of filling a resolve bar to then allow the person to get away? Whats the point of Resolve if you think a class should be able to stop people OUTSIDE those bounds.


Also in regards to resilience I resist the Leap. You sure the ability is physical in cast? I'll have to test more but I'm not so hung up on this TBH. I can deal with it.


and in regards to #2. If you've ever been in a VERY competitive Huttball both teams RARELY score. It has almost always come down to which team has the ball cause the score is tied.

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That's funny haha those are two reasons I WANT them to be governed by Resolve.


No offense but you should be able to leap to the target but they should not be rooted if they are full resolve. It just feels like there is no reason a Guard or Jugg would ... NOT ... want to leap to a target. It doesn't feel right that such a power tool should not have a small pitfall placed in there. Just feels like there should be some "thought process" behind the choice to Leap.


And isn't the point of filling a resolve bar to then allow the person to get away? Whats the point of Resolve if you think a class should be able to stop people OUTSIDE those bounds.


Also in regards to resilience I resist the Leap. You sure the ability is physical in cast? I'll have to test more but I'm not so hung up on this TBH. I can deal with it.


and in regards to #2. If you've ever been in a VERY competitive Huttball both teams RARELY score. It has almost always come down to which team has the ball cause the score is tied.


I am not 100% sure about force leap, lets say 99%. It does white damage after all.


Resolve is not here to prevent being CCed, resolve is here to prevent being incapacitated (ie. unable to take any action). Even if you are rooted in the fire pit, you can still pass. It is a simple conclusion from the resolve design - it only stops things that prevent you from taking actions or force movement on you. Devs decided that being unable to move =/= being unable to act. I think it is working fine as it is.


There is already thought process in regards of using force leap - can my target immidiately reopen the gap (by for example knocking me off the ledge)? Do I have another way to close the gap? Will I be able to do anything after charging or will I be focused by 5 people and die in seconds? Or maybe I actually want to get focused by them, I will use my defensive CD and make them waste 10 seconds killing me while my team scores? Saying that there is no reason to no leap is not doing any good to your creditibility.


You say that currently huttball between even teams ends in 0-0 often. I say - very good, this is how it should be!


As I said, you are free to disagree, I just state my own opinion:)

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Whether or not Resolve is working as intended, it fails to make any significant contribution to PvP.

SWTOR PvP is a total stun-fest, the plethora of stun/root/snare effects is just ludicrous.


Freshly soaked sea monkeys could design a PvP system with greater insight and capability than BW have achieved.


Yeah, the 12 seconds you can stay stunned in this game is OUT OF HAND i tell you.


Unlike, say, WoW or Rift where you can spend 30+ seconds not in control of your toon via rotating CCs and Diminishing Returns systems.


Resolve works fine. And it's FAR better thant he competition.

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I am not 100% sure about force leap, lets say 99%. It does white damage after all.


Resolve is not here to prevent being CCed, resolve is here to prevent being incapacitated (ie. unable to take any action). Even if you are rooted in the fire pit, you can still pass. It is a simple conclusion from the resolve design - it only stops things that prevent you from taking actions or force movement on you. Devs decided that being unable to move =/= being unable to act. I think it is working fine as it is.


There is already thought process in regards of using force leap - can my target immidiately reopen the gap (by for example knocking me off the ledge)? Do I have another way to close the gap? Will I be able to do anything after charging or will I be focused by 5 people and die in seconds? Or maybe I actually want to get focused by them, I will use my defensive CD and make them waste 10 seconds killing me while my team scores? Saying that there is no reason to no leap is not doing any good to your creditibility.


You say that currently huttball between even teams ends in 0-0 often. I say - very good, this is how it should be!


As I said, you are free to disagree, I just state my own opinion:)


Yeah I don't disagree that bad. I don;t think it requires even it's own post you know? Just something I had some personal feelings on haha.


I need to hear the other sides of an argument before I'm satisfied my own is justified. BW decided it and I guess we need to bow their their decisions.


I secretly would love a root haha. But we have enough NERF Shadow/Sin threads from the baddies.

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ok, I will bite and answer again


1. They actually "frapsed" landing on the moon, you know? And maybe you know that Russians "fake-frapsed" their landing? (this is offtopic ofc with a bit of joking)


2. I already said to you - amount of people who dont know even a little bit how resolve works and stating that they seen it not working is amazing. In most such topics, usualy already in the opening post there is a proof that poster dont know what he is talking about. You say you know how resolve works and I believe you. But those "swathes of people" mostly dont have the clue. What they think they saw is not a proof or indication for anything, besides their belief that they should not be CCed at all because it is not fun (again, a bit of sarcazm here).


3. One of the posters above mentioned that your attack can be resisted or dodged (depending on type) - maybe this is what happened? I dont know and regardless of your job history, I dont believe you are able to notice every single little detail of situation, we are all humans and we may miss something. Inability to accept that leads to failure. I have never seen resolve not working, but it does not mean it is impossible. This is a reason why I ask for video - not only because I have never seen that, but to be able to analize sistuation, confirm that it is a bug, report it, check if it is random or easily repetable and hopefuly make BW fix it ASAP, because IMO working resolve is one of the most important things in SW TOR pvp - it affects everyone.



I'm not saying I catch everything, what I'm saying is Nefause of my training i am more situationally aware and i very much so try to remain very aware of what's going on especially with things like the ball carrier heading towards my goal. If it was a one off thing I'd caulk it up to a server hiccup. It's not though, I am seeing it happen and happen often. And I'm not running a bad computer nor a bad Internet connection to account for lag issues (12 Meg service). And seeing the number of people accounting for the same issues to include other members of my guild who are avid and rather rabid for that matter PvP players.


Even still my point still stands, just because someone didn't record it doesn't mean it doesn't happen and to blindly argue that it doesn't happen and that they are wrong without know who or what they are doesnt mean the system isn't A) doing exactly what is being reported to do and B) torqued and in need of a change.

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Say what?? Rooted player can't be pulled or pushed? Oh, if they have resolve active they cannot be pulled/pushed by the enemy, but that has nothing to do with being rooted.

If you can't be bothered with presenting evidence to support your claims please don't bother us with your nonsense claims. Kaarsa did bother to test how resolve works and find values for most CCs so maybe you should go check that out. You'll find that your great situational awareness is enriched with some knowledge that you are lacking right now.


Go back and reread what was said. People who don't have full resolve bars and do not have other abilities up to stop said attacks are shrugging off pushes and pulls as if they were never cast. No one is saying that someone with a full resolve bar isn't or should t be immune to that. Alternatively the other argument being made is then people with full resolve bars are being chain stunned, rooted, mezz'd etc to the point where they are not able to do anything what so ever. Hence the overall argument of "the resolve system is screwed up" is being made. It's working when it shouldn't and not working when it should. Now who knows, with the onset of more and more people tweaking and messing around with client side files this may be an issue of people cheating on my server, but until that is determined to be the case the only othe logical assumption is that the resolve system is torqued.


We clear this time?

Edited by Hyfy
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I really wish people would stop lying about resolve.


It really does make you all look very silly.


I see no reason to lie about it. What benefit does it do me? But, like Hyfy has said, because "you" and all the powers you and the others hold, haven't seen it and it hasn't been recorded to date means it doesn't happen.


No really, we got your points guys thanks for being superior.


A bit snarky ya, but to completely dismiss what people are saying because you haven't seen it is fool hearted to say the least. A past example of this, "the world is flat". I suppose you guys don't have a denomination either and think everyone that has a religion is simply lying to themselves and others.


Again, stating what I have seen does me no benefit what so ever. Why would I lie about it? I'm not the best PVP'er, but I am far from the worst. There is no "I get paid for gaming cause I am pro" for me or even in this game... So give me one legit reason why I would lie about it?


And to the guy telling me to get a better internet connection. I have 18 down and a 2up though I generally run 2.5 up. Should I upgrade? :rolleyes:

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And same thing all over again


"I have great comp and internet connection, I see resolve bugged often and I am going to tell everyone around it is bugged but I refuse to make a recording because it is below my level to actualy provide an evidence to my claims. Suck it up"


Well, I refuse to suck it up. I think YOU are in possition of claiming that earth is flat. Prove it. Provede a video, not for me or any other forum poster, but for BW to help them fix possible bugs you encounter. Otherwise, I will always point you here:




For the record I know you dont care. I dont do it for you, I never did. But your reports and claims confuses toher people who may read them and this can increase disinformation and whinning about resolve system.


Bring me video.

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And same thing all over again


"I have great comp and internet connection, I see resolve bugged often and I am going to tell everyone around it is bugged but I refuse to make a recording because it is below my level to actualy provide an evidence to my claims. Suck it up"


Well, I refuse to suck it up. I think YOU are in possition of claiming that earth is flat. Prove it. Provede a video, not for me or any other forum poster, but for BW to help them fix possible bugs you encounter. Otherwise, I will always point you here:




For the record I know you dont care. I dont do it for you, I never did. But your reports and claims confuses toher people who may read them and this can increase disinformation and whinning about resolve system.


Bring me video.





Wait wait wait, what happened to "I'll test it out tomorrow and come back and post?" I don't need to link your thread because you did already in which not only did you say it there, but you said it here. Because you have a friend that would help- you etc etc etc.


Now it's bring me video...


To the guy above you, I have NEVER said that I was getting rooted, snared etc and complained about it when my resolve bar was full. My experience has been with Op's and Scoundrels that have stunned me while my resolve bar was white and ticking down and wanting an explanation for it. Nothing more, nothing less.


Though the general concensus out of a couple of you is, 'OMG your a noob who hasn't hit 50 playing on a commador 64 and dial-up". Come on......

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I'm not saying you're lying about it. I'm saying you're blind to what's happening to you and don't know what you're talking about. :rolleyes:




Knowledge is power, so yes, people who know what they are talking about > those who don't




I suppose I should believe in religions like Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, and even Satanism since there are plenty of followers of those beliefs. Also, there are thousands of people who think they've seen the loch ness monster, hundreds that have claimed to have seen a UFO and dozens who say they saw a ghost. Guess those are all real too, since there's so many eye witnesses with no evidence besides their word.



Never quoted your post saying that "you" said I was lying did I? And do you really want to get into a ghost proof story? No need for me to post video, I'll just give you a link. http://www.travelchannel.com/tv-shows/ghost-adventures/videos 22 pages of video proof for you, but hey call it what you will. These guys have submitted their videos to video analysis experts to prove that the videos haven't been tampered with. But we can chalk all the evidence up to that Flying Spaghetti Monster you were referring to.


EDIT: To clarify something for the "na" sayers. I have had the resolve bar stun happen to me 8-10 times (round about). I'm at valor rank 65 atm. If you think about all the matches and all the people I have faced it's rather obvious this isn't an "all the time" occurrence.

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Wait wait wait, what happened to "I'll test it out tomorrow and come back and post?" I don't need to link your thread because you did already in which not only did you say it there, but you said it here. Because you have a friend that would help- you etc etc etc.



I will test it. I remember about it. I dont have op/scounder myself and we have a holiday time now, so some forum dwelling is all I spend on gaming now, family is more important, both to me and my friend. I dont get your "you said you will check and you didnt' attitiude. Some guy in that thread of mine promised me a video, I am not stalking him around forum asking to hurry up. Again, I will check, and again, not for you. For me, because if you are right, this is valuable info.

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And same thing all over again


"I have great comp and internet connection, I see resolve bugged often and I am going to tell everyone around it is bugged but I refuse to make a recording because it is below my level to actualy provide an evidence to my claims. Suck it up"


Well, I refuse to suck it up. I think YOU are in possition of claiming that earth is flat. Prove it. Provede a video, not for me or any other forum poster, but for BW to help them fix possible bugs you encounter. Otherwise, I will always point you here:




For the record I know you dont care. I dont do it for you, I never did. But your reports and claims confuses toher people who may read them and this can increase disinformation and whinning about resolve system.


Bring me video.




Bwahahaha, you think I posted about my computer and Internet connection for your sake? Man you are just full of yourself aren't you? I posted that to parry the inevitable comments from others like you who will try to claim such as they try to feign indifference. So, so far you have apparently as a previous poster pointed out said you were going to make video of such, not done so, then try to call someone out because they refuse to play your stupid game of "if I didn't see it then it didn't happen". I'm under no obligation to prove anything, which seems to be your biggest misunderstanding here. And my posts "confusing others with misinformation"???? I'm sorry but what misinformation have I given out exactly. Hmmmmm that's right none! I have given up my observations on a broken system and refuted your rose colored glasses approach with my own experiences. I'm still missing the part where I gave out misinformation.....hmmm maybe you should record it on video because obviously if it ain't there then it didn't happen.



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Never quoted your post saying that "you" said I was lying did I? And do you really want to get into a ghost proof story? No need for me to post video, I'll just give you a link. http://www.travelchannel.com/tv-shows/ghost-adventures/videos 22 pages of video proof for you, but hey call it what you will. These guys have submitted their videos to video analysis experts to prove that the videos haven't been tampered with. But we can chalk all the evidence up to that Flying Spaghetti Monster you were referring to.


EDIT: To clarify something for the "na" sayers. I have had the resolve bar stun happen to me 8-10 times (round about). I'm at valor rank 65 atm. If you think about all the matches and all the people I have faced it's rather obvious this isn't an "all the time" occurrence.


You're now defending the existence of ghosts. Forgive me for dismissing anything you have to say. About anything. Ever. Good day.

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EDIT: To clarify something for the "na" sayers. I have had the resolve bar stun happen to me 8-10 times (round about). I'm at valor rank 65 atm. If you think about all the matches and all the people I have faced it's rather obvious this isn't an "all the time" occurrence.


I find it interesting that, because it's happened to you 8-10 times, you'll take so much time on the forums to try and convince people it's a real problem. Yet, you haven't spent time collecting videos to post as hard proof. Please, do yourself a favor and stop posting "Omg guys please believe me!", and get a video of it happening to you.


If it's happened 8-10 times in the fairly short v65 grind, I'm sure you'll claim it will happen again soon. Next time, please have fraps running. Until then, I can reassure you that you will sway absolutely no one to your cause, except for people who have 0 understanding of the resolve bar and use their CC break on the first stun.

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You're now defending the existence of ghosts. Forgive me for dismissing anything you have to say. About anything. Ever. Good day.


lol Wow. Some people simply amaze me. Nothing like holding your hands over your ears and yelling "na na NA NA NA NA, I can't hear you". Grow up.

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