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Watchman Rotation Reduced to 1 Macro Ownage


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So you and another random run to a turret in CW - it's being guarded by 1 person, while heading over you notice a defender coming from mid. Killing the guy probably won't be fast enough to get off the cap. The random that ran up with you immediately gets on the turret, you jump on the defender to distract with some opening damage (in case he didn't quite notice the other person hopping on the turret to cap) - at this point you realize that he knows the person is capping.


You hit him with stasis to bait his CC break early, hoping that the scrub panics - he does. You immediately awe to secure the cap.


Your overload tick and cauterize tick just broke the awe, he stops the cap. Nice macro. Nice control you have with your rotation since you're going to overload/cauterize every single time regardless of your possible future intentions.

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Why would I not use one of my best damage mitigation tools as much as possible in pvp? Honestly, anyone who is not using rebuke every time it's up and they are in combat is failing miserably as a sent. It lasts 30s on a 1m CD... use it as much as you possibly can!


You're the sent that jumps on me in huttball and immediately rebukes - I immediately awe you and watch you like an idiot. You probably CC break that and then I immediately force camo. I watch your rebuke fall off and then lay into you with 20% more damage. Keep on keepin' on.

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This thread is hilarious. Before you jump on me like you did to the OP, I play a Watchman Sentinel and enjoy it very much The guy manages to find a way to simplify a class that has too many abilities for its own good, and you all jump on him like he killed you're family.


The guy bought an advanced game board that's at least 80 or 90 dollars to simplify a class that has almost too many abilities to hotkey properly. He deserves to make a bloody macro out of whatever the hell he wants.


I use a regular mouse and a regular keyboard, and I'm not looking to make a macro and do the same thing he did; but more power too him. You all are just butthurt and clearly angry out of jealous because you don't have or can't afford the real life technological advantage that he has.


Grow up.

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I hadn't really thought of making any hardware macros, though I have both a programmable gamepad and 12 button mouse. This thread got me to try it.


I created 3 macros. The first is "leap", which casts force leap, inserts a .3 second pause, then casts overload saber.


The second is "attack", which executes overload saber -> relic -> rebuke -> cauterize -> dispatch -> merciless slash -> zealous strike -> strike


The third is "slash", which executes slash -> zealous strike -> strike. I suppose it should have overload saber, relic, and rebuke in it as well, but right now it doesn't.


I used the following algorithm while running HM EV last night: open with leap | attack whenever focus bar is around 60% full or less | slash whenever focus bar is more than 60% full


Obviously this isn't as optimal as paying attention and doing things in the correct order. However, for all the current PVE Ops content, I think it's reasonably good. I am not a perfect player, so I don't always hit my relic the exact second it's up, or hit rebuke the moment it's available, or nail overload sabers at the earliest possible opportunity; so for me (and almost everyone else), there's some gain in terms of casting important abilities as soon as they're available, which should at least partially offset the hit of not doing things optimally.


I'm looking forward to testing on the test dummies when 1.2 drops, and comparing this system to my best "perfect conditions" manual rotation.


I found the experience of running HM EV to be more enjoyable last night using the macros. I was able to watch the action rather than my quickbars a noticably higher percentage of the time. I was able to call out instructions on vent more often. I still had more than enough to keep me occupied: my interrupts, zen / inspiration, saber ward / force camo / guarded by the force, attack / slash, valorous call, positioning; honestly, it still felt noticably more involving than playing my mage in WoW ever did.


I don't know if I'll stick with them, but it was a reasonable and illuminating experiment. I was aware of how much of my attention was focused on my quickbars looking for the cauterize reset proc and tracking cooldowns, but I don't think I realized how much more enjoyable it is to actually see my character swinging his lightsabers. :)

Edited by andrew_b_gross
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To answer someone's earlier post my macro atm looks something like this:



Zealot Strike




then the force generating attack


I put overload first because I like to cast in mid air after a leap. If I don't have any force then it goes automatically to zealot strike then to overload saber then cauterise. I'm at work atm so I can't look to be sure but this is really close if not the identical macro rotation I use.


Riposte is useless. If you insist on using a macro put merciless slash in there once you get it. I still think you're gunna get owned trying to use this macro in 50 wz's, especially ranked. But good luck and have fun.

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Why would I not use one of my best damage mitigation tools as much as possible in pvp? Honestly, anyone who is not using rebuke every time it's up and they are in combat is failing miserably as a sent. It lasts 30s on a 1m CD... use it as much as you possibly can!


Now I must lulz! It doesn't last for 30 seconds and I hope this is a troll.


My problem is everytime I use it (when someone is actually hitting me) I kill the person too fast so it falls off before I get my full use of it. You should get 12 seconds on it for getting a kb! Ofc my last voidstar I had 77 kills no deaths and we had zero heals so I guess its workin fine :p.

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Not one macro can achieve this. You need atleast 2. Slash is not good to use untill you have atleast 5-8 focus. Spamming this will usually get in the way of your meciless slash. but your right 2 macros can cover the basic rotation.


You are incorrect. IF you use Zealous Strike it automatically generates 7 focus. You can put a complete rotation on 1 macro if you wanted to.

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Riposte is useless. If you insist on using a macro put merciless slash in there once you get it. I still think you're gunna get owned trying to use this macro in 50 wz's, especially ranked. But good luck and have fun.


I plan on using 2 macros at 50. Care to elborate on why you think I will get owned? I'm not understanding the logic here. If you push these buttons manually or in a macro in the same priority how is it any different? Right now I am destroying people 2-3 at a time, albeit I know it's not 50 wz's. I have a 50 shadow. I know what 50 wz's are like and I know I will be competitive. I have every dps ability that I will have at 50 except merciless at the moment. So I'm just curious why this is going to fail so hard?

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Not one macro can achieve this. You need atleast 2. Slash is not good to use untill you have atleast 5-8 focus. Spamming this will usually get in the way of your meciless slash. but your right 2 macros can cover the basic rotation.


Well, if you want conditions, you can use autohotkey instead of G13. You'll still have more than one button (you're not macroing fleet pass to combat, are you?), but it'll be pretty close.

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You're the sent that jumps on me in huttball and immediately rebukes - I immediately awe you and watch you like an idiot. You probably CC break that and then I immediately force camo. I watch your rebuke fall off and then lay into you with 20% more damage. Keep on keepin' on.


And you still end up losing because hey, guess what, I have awe and force camou too... and I'm better than you. So when you pop your rebuke, I do the exact same thing to you... only by this time you're mostly dead because you foolishly waited too long to even use rebuke, saving it as some holy grail of moves on a 1 min. timer like an idiot. Keep up the good fight, someday you'll be a good player.

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Now I must lulz! It doesn't last for 30 seconds and I hope this is a troll.


My problem is everytime I use it (when someone is actually hitting me) I kill the person too fast so it falls off before I get my full use of it. You should get 12 seconds on it for getting a kb! Ofc my last voidstar I had 77 kills no deaths and we had zero heals so I guess its workin fine :p.


Reduces all damage taken by 20% and deals 134 energy damage to attackers. This effect cannot occur more than once every 1.5 seconds. Lasts 6 seconds. Rebuke refreshes to its full duration when attacked, but this effect cannot last more than 30 seconds in total. Care to act like any more of an idiot?


No it doesn't always last the full duration obviously, but I'd rather use it and waste 5-10s of it than save it and end up dead. And lol at 77 kills no deaths with no healers. Everyone's such a tough guy when they can make up any numbers they want. Congrats, you won the internet!

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Picked up a Logitech G13 and keyed in my rotation in Watchman spec and melted faces. Our rotation can be summed up in one macro.


Before you say omg bad player I use my other abilities as well I interupt, I still use crippling throw, and I still slow if needed but the damage rotation is a priority system so it's uber easy to pwn with a push of one button. Skills :) No more Watchman is soo hard to play even though it never really was.


You are a disgrace to face melters everywhere!

How can you adapt your combat tactics if you condense your rotation to one static spread? I bet you are one of the morons that use leap as an initiate and then waste resources when you get shoved back =p

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Why would I not use one of my best damage mitigation tools as much as possible in pvp? Honestly, anyone who is not using rebuke every time it's up and they are in combat is failing miserably as a sent. It lasts 30s on a 1m CD... use it as much as you possibly can!


Better question... is it better to use it on cd when no one is dealing damage to you (attacking a healer) or to have it up for a clutch moment where you need to stay alive (eg stopping a cap until respawns happen)? Use it right away when that poorly geared tank is beating on you, or save it until you're getting doubled up on?

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This thread is hilarious. Before you jump on me like you did to the OP, I play a Watchman Sentinel and enjoy it very much The guy manages to find a way to simplify a class that has too many abilities for its own good, and you all jump on him like he killed you're family.


The guy bought an advanced game board that's at least 80 or 90 dollars to simplify a class that has almost too many abilities to hotkey properly. He deserves to make a bloody macro out of whatever the hell he wants.


I use a regular mouse and a regular keyboard, and I'm not looking to make a macro and do the same thing he did; but more power too him. You all are just butthurt and clearly angry out of jealous because you don't have or can't afford the real life technological advantage that he has.


Grow up.


"Almost too many abilities to hotkey properly"?

I bought a Razer naga gaming mouse back when I was still playing WoW and so far the only change I've had to do to hotkey these abilities properly is to make some ctrl binds...


Besides, if you just want to melt face, like he claims his intention with the macro is, all you need is the standard damage rotation, CDs and interrupts (I count mezz and channeled stuns here, even though they are CC/utility as well)


The real skill demand comes from knowing when to hit what, and no keyboard macro can accurately predict things like that.


He basically just uses a macro that turns his character (which is one of, if not THE most self reliant class out there, into a cheap burnbot.


The fun that comes from playing a watchman sentinel lies in correctly executing skills at the proper time and marvel at your amazing energy balance and fluid gameplay. Adding a macro to that both makes the class easier to counter for anyone who knows what they are doing as well as killing any fun beyond the popping of damage numbers.

Edited by Morticoccus
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Better question... is it better to use it on cd when no one is dealing damage to you (attacking a healer) or to have it up for a clutch moment where you need to stay alive (eg stopping a cap until respawns happen)? Use it right away when that poorly geared tank is beating on you, or save it until you're getting doubled up on?


we have so MANY other utility tools that I think it's kind of pointless to try and save rebuke. Personally, I'd rather save saber ward and gbtf for the situations you are talking about. As for stopping a cap, force camou is amazing for this. Leap in, AoE to stop all cappers, throw up as much defense as you can, start running. When you're close to death, use your CC break if needed, then throw on force camou and move out. If they still try to cap and no one else respawned yet, leap>AoE>awe>run. Still trying to cap after ALL that? Leap > gbtf > AoE > eat the death and save keep them from capping.


All told, I can keep up to 3-4 players from capping by myself for about 30s. If they all focus fire me it might be a tad less, but still significant.

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The real skill demand comes from knowing when to hit what, and no keyboard macro can accurately predict things like that.


He basically just uses a macro that turns his character (which is one of, if not THE most self reliant class out there, into a cheap burnbot.


I don't think you understand how to use macros. Even with a macro you still CAN use the abilties without it. It does not remove the rest of the keys from your keyboard. It does remove repetitiveness, and reduces the number of keybinds you have to actively use.


In addition to the rotational macro that he mentioned, for example, you can also macro 2-3 mutually exclusive abilities to the same button. When you hit this button, you know *exactly* which one of the 2-3 abilities will be used.

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Picked up a Logitech G13 and keyed in my rotation in Watchman spec and melted faces. Our rotation can be summed up in one macro.


Before you say omg bad player I use my other abilities as well I interupt, I still use crippling throw, and I still slow if needed but the damage rotation is a priority system so it's uber easy to pwn with a push of one button. Skills :) No more Watchman is soo hard to play even though it never really was.


you are laaazzzzzyyyy

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you are laaazzzzzyyyy


Perhaps.....or another word that could be used is efficient. While you are staring at all of your cd's I will be paying attention to whats going on around me. Alot of you guys are fooling yourselves if you don't think that alot of other people are doing the same. good players do what they can to streamline things and make them a littler easier; thinking about these things and doing them is what sets people apart from the norm's.


Commence the 500 responses, "Im the best player on my server and I don't use anything to help me play at all. I'm uber elite."

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You haven't even gotten to Merc Slash. You aren't experienced enough in PVP or even PVE for that matter to have any sort of bragging right's. I'm sorry but go into a pre-made warzone and watch your macro fall to pieces.



Perhaps.....or another word that could be used is efficient. While you are staring at all of your cd's I will be paying attention to whats going on around me. Alot of you guys are fooling yourselves if you don't think that alot of other people are doing the same. good players do what they can to streamline things and make them a littler easier; thinking about these things and doing them is what sets people apart from the norm's.


Commence the 500 responses, "Im the best player on my server and I don't use anything to help me play at all. I'm uber elite."


ANY good Sentinel has played his class enough to actively know when his abilities are ready. I never ever look at my bar unless my ability does activate, which is rare. My perifs are more than enough to know when my cooldowns are up.


Not to mention common knowledge on how things should flow and a rough idea of how much focus you have.


Stop bragging, you're fooling no one here. You aren't at a high level of play and I congratulate you on making your low level PVE experience more enjoyable. Have a good day

Edited by Stalzy
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You haven't even gotten to Merc Slash. You aren't experienced enough in PVP or even PVE for that matter to have any sort of bragging right's. I'm sorry but go into a pre-made warzone and watch your macro fall to pieces.





ANY good Sentinel has played his class enough to actively know when his abilities are ready. I never ever look at my bar unless my ability does activate, which is rare. My perifs are more than enough to know when my cooldowns are up.


Not to mention common knowledge on how things should flow and a rough idea of how much focus you have.


Stop bragging, you're fooling no one here. You aren't at a high level of play and I congratulate you on making your low level PVE experience more enjoyable. Have a good day


I'm not bragging. All I'm saying is thing can be done efficiently with a macro. That's it...plain and simple. If you disagree so be it. As far as not having merciless slash you are correct. I will concede for now....not because I agree with you but I don't want the excuse you are not 50. I will return again at 50 and let you know my findings.


Ma'at out.

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I'm not bragging. All I'm saying is thing can be done efficiently with a macro. That's it...plain and simple. If you disagree so be it. As far as not having merciless slash you are correct. I will concede for now....not because I agree with you but I don't want the excuse you are not 50. I will return again at 50 and let you know my findings.


Ma'at out.


Meh, don't mind him. People have the need to feel superior to others, and he does that very well. He just doesn't understand how macros can be used


Macros work very well at all levels. Just at higher levels you may need a few more of them, and you will need to know when to use direct abilities instead of macros. I'm sure by then you will know that. Point of them is that it's much easier (and to many people, more pleasant) to use fewer keybinds than 20-30, leaving you to actually enjoy the game.

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Perhaps.....or another word that could be used is efficient. While you are staring at all of your cd's I will be paying attention to whats going on around me. Alot of you guys are fooling yourselves if you don't think that alot of other people are doing the same. good players do what they can to streamline things and make them a littler easier; thinking about these things and doing them is what sets people apart from the norm's.


Commence the 500 responses, "Im the best player on my server and I don't use anything to help me play at all. I'm uber elite."


But I'm the best player on my server and I don't use anything to help me play. I'm uber LEET.


...in all seriousness, if it works for you that's awesome. I can't see that system working for me because it's extremely rare once a pvp match starts that I will be using much of a set rotation for anything. I use the skills that are available and will best allow me to kill someone the fastest and with the most ease. For me, using a macro would only slow me down, but if it works for you, have at it.

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I can't see that system working for me because it's extremely rare once a pvp match starts that I will be using much of a set rotation for anything.


This is where you are going off track. Setting up a macro in now way changes your ability to use your abilities on demand. I have a macro bound to my Strike hotkey that looks something like this:


Overload Saber>Cauterize>Merciless Strike>Zealous Strike>Strike


I had Dispatch in there at the beginning at one point, but found that it threw off the activation timing too often.


This is basically a fail-safe system, where if you should miss a CD ending you will not use a GCD on a Strike unnecessarily.


I also have a macro bound to my Slash hotkey:


Riposte>Master Strike> Slash (I swap in a similar macro with Rebuke and Pacify added if I playing against a melee heavy team)


I had Blade Storm in there between Riposte and Master Strike but found that it made the timing slip too often for my tastes.


Again it's a backup and consolidator, Riposte fires if it is active, if not I either Master Strike (if I am not moving and it is off CD) otherwise I Slash.


All abilities are still independently bound and I can activate whatever I want whenever I want. Rotational mistakes are all but eliminated.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mark my words, a major discussion on this topic will emerge again in the future - especially after ranked wz's go live. Most likely something like, "macro's ruined this game! yadda yadda"


Macro's are insanely powerful if you use them correctly. All the ignorants in this thread that say otherwise are, well, ignorant. It is an ego thing, the thought of something semi-automated outperforming these insecure megalomaniacs must be unbearable.


And its not a lvl thing, low bracket, 50 bracket, it doesnt matter - you will have a major edge if you use macros, the argument about so many things being situational is moot. I am not even gonna go into details, but being able to almost disregard the status on quickbars, move seamlessly while having a constant reaction time of around 100ms between up-status check for an ability, adrenal, relic - will have me performining at least 30% better over the course of a 10-15 min wz.


I have several 50 toons levelled solely through pvp, which means hundreds of wz's in the low bracket and many more to get them their BM gear. They outperform same or mirror classes by a huge margin all the time.


Now the 50 brackets are more challenging, since there usually are an elite group of hardcore pvp'ers on every server that really knows how to play. But that does not defeat the argument that if you give a skilled player the knowledge of intelligent macro creation, you will make him/her at least 30% better - lvl 50 or not.


Now before the flaming begins, let me remind you that macro's are not against the EULA. Therefore it is a choice, and if you think I am a poor player for using this tool - thats fine. Just as I think that players that use 3rd party communication software are giving themselves a massive advantage - that is not necessarily available for their opponents and not included in the game, but somehow this is more accepted...

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