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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Save the Republic; Save the game...


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Then just go? why complain and add nothing of value to anything eh? D3 will be a paytowin but i'll still play it but im sure you will whine about that to come that day...


There are good reasons why Diablo 3 is being given away for free with a 12 month WoW subscription.


1) WoW sucks these days

2) WoW's Mists of Pandaria will continue the trend of suck

3) Diablo 3 is grossly overrated and can't stand on its own

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Open World PvP has always been a false hope. I have played MMORPG's since 1997 (LegendMud by Raph Koster) and i have never tried a game, where open world pvp worked as well as battlegrounds or arenas. One way or the other open world pvp always becomes unbalanced in numbers or ends in guard-hugging by one side and camping by the other.


In which game do you think open world pvp was great?


The closest one in my opinion with successful open world pvp game was DAoC, but it still had many flaws also.


My point being: Stop kicking the dead horse (open world pvp) and focus on the things that actually work.

Edited by Apoxie
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Ill be the first to say balance in pvp is important but evil sides look cooler and always seem to have more players then the "good" guys.. I personally loved Warhammer but chaos was dominant on most servers including mine. Annoying absolutely, but I still had some fun with it.

Its when they take things from the pve elements that it starts bothering me. I don't care if people want to pvp. that's not even the issue . I do care when they nerf pve for pvp sake.


Im not so sure on the looks part a fully decked out vanguard looks pretty sexy something about that stock strike sound as it hits your foe in the face is very comforting.

Edited by Zbus
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Open World PvP has always been a false hope. I have played MMORPG's since 1997 (LegendMud by Raph Koster) and i have never tried a game, where open world pvp worked as well as battlegrounds or arenas. One way or the other open world pvp always becomes unbalanced in numbers or ends in guard-hugging by one side and camping by the other.


In which game do you think open world pvp was great?


The closest one in my opinion with successful open world pvp game was DAoC, but it still had many flaws also.


My point being: Stop kicking the dead horse (open world pvp) and focus on the things that actually work.


Ultima Online had some pretty epic open world pvp. Before items and armor made a difference.


To the OP


I agree with you 100% and I can start the count down to when the nay sayers (mostly Imps) who say its not imbalanced will start to post.


Fact is most people enjoy the advantage the imbalance gives them. The dominate side gets there gear quicker, farms valor quicker and generally enjoys a easy time with the gear grind. Mean while the dominated side has to cope with 6v8 War Zones, weekly PvP quests lasting 2 or 3 weeks daily PvP quests lasting 3 or 4 days.


I would like to the the sides balanced. Unfortunately there are people here who do not.

Edited by Ceasaigh
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Ultima Online had some pretty epic open world pvp. Before items and armor made a difference.



Mean while the dominated side has to cope with 6v8 War Zones, weekly PvP quests lasting 2 or 3 weeks daily PvP quests lasting 3 or 4 days.


Ok, i never played UO, but it sounds like it didnt last.


Its unfortunate how BW implemented warzones/battlegrounds. Its not hard to start the match only when there is 2 full teams. Thats the great thing about small number pvp, even on a server that is 10k vs 1k you can still get small team pvp to work great. Of course you need to open the zones to same side battles - and pref. make it cross server so its pretty much instant queue.

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Population will balance itself.


There are no restrictions to making characters from both faction on same server, even pvp servers. I have 2 lvl 50 imperials, I'm leveling a republic character on the same server. I'll play whichever I feel like.


Patch 1.2 brings ability to send mail to your characters of different factions. There's already a neutral auction. This allows for synergy in many things like crew skills. It should be possible for my republic char for example will do armstech and cybertech, most of the gathering will be done by imperial characters with items sent over.


Look at the big picture. I already have a Powertech, who went through the entire bounty hunter line. I want to try Mercenary now, but I'd rather stick a fork in my eye and twist it than to go through the same story line twice. Solution is simple, roll a republic Commando. It's a direct mirror, with the exception of having a totally different story line. Eventually everyone will rub 2 brain cells together and figure this out as well.


The whole point of the legacy system is not only to encourage playing multiple characters, but to encourage people to play both sides. So in time, population will balance itself. Pretty damn clever of BW to be honest.


As to the solution of allowing people to convert.... that's ridiculous. Sure converting gear and stats is something a DBA can handle, but what about story decisions that will be missed. They don't play a huge role right now, but what about expansions later?


Pop will balance itself. Where'd you pull that one out of?

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Im in an Imperial guild on a low population server(Tarro Blood). We are primarily a pve guild but several of us enjoy pvp.


We recently started an alt guild on the republic side (not for raiding, just pvp and story) and I never realized how bad the numbers are. At peak times there are maybe 45-50 pubs on fleet, whereas Imperials have 160+ at peak. I walked onto the republic fleet and literally recognized every single 50 there from running warzones! I only know maybe half of the Imperial pvpers lol :p


I give props to the few republic that remains on our server. Eventually a few of us will be able to que with them when we hit 50 but we need a server merger or something.


200 peak between both fleets is too low as it is and 40 republic is pitiful! If Bioware wants the people on our server to continue playing, they have to fix this. The character transfer is one thing but tbh most people rolled imperial because thats what they wanted, and I know I wouldn't change for a few BM comms or even a million credits. Servers like mine need to be merged, its too late for character transfers.

Edited by Pilige
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200 peak between both fleets is too low as it is and 40 republic is pitiful! If Bioware wants the people on our server to continue playing, they have to fix this. The character transfer is one thing but tbh most people rolled imperial because thats what they wanted. Servers like mine need to be merged, its too late for character transfers.


Kinrath Spider

between 5:00 and 11:30 pm

average Pub Fleet numbers = 12-23

no idea what imp fleet is at...


I will be playing Planet Side 2.

If you want to see what Open World Pvp is ... come join... it's Free To Play...

I will remain here as well as long as it has some resemblance to StarWars,

I am hoping against hope BW turns it around.

Edited by VoidJustice
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Your lore example doesn't fit- notice how in every movie the rebels/republic are vastly outnunmbered? In this case, the outnumbering is actually only 57-43, which isn't too big.


What you should ask for is the ability for the overpopulated side to be able to switch to the underpopped- rather than making this yet another sob story for the Republic oh we should feel bad for them.

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Kinrath Spider

between 5:00 and 11:30 pm

average Pub Fleet numbers = 12-23

no idea what imp fleet is at...


I will be playing Planet Side 2.

If you want to see what Open World Pvp is ... come join... it's Free To Play...

I will remain here as well as long as it has some resemblance to StarWars,

I am hoping against hope BW turns it around.


The delusional among us will say you can't accurately portray numbers based on fleet numbers. There was a thread here on SWTOR not to long ago trying to address this very same argument.


I'm not kidding when I tell you that there are people who think that all servers are balanced Imp vs Rebel and no amount of logic can sway them other wise.


Which goes to my point. The side that dominates enjoys the advantage so why would they want it changed?

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Hello all! Everyone is well aware that Imperials outnumber Republic on most servers in orders of magnitude that will make Open World Pvp and even faction based Wz's impossible. Illium is a shining example of just this. I feel however this games mechanics and ip deserve better.


In order to create a more StarWarsy and functional Pvp game, and save Open World Pvp something drastic needs to be done.


I suggest that BW have a short term program that allows transfers from imperial to republic while retaining all gear/items/levels etc. I also suggest that those that do transfer are given multiple BM tokens or Credit equivalent at time of transfer. I feel that lesser items could be offered but only BM tokens would be taken seriously. This program should stay open untill balance is met on a server and then it should be closed without warning.


It may even be necessary to stop imperial characters from being created for a short time on servers.


I realize that many might feel this is over the top. However, given how badly outnumbered Republics are atm, becoming a Republic Player has massive disadvantages, including economic, pve and raiding. Forcing players to re-level under these circumstances is unrealistic. Untill the populations are brought into some mild sembalance of balance an aggressive free transfer with perks need to be brought to bare to address this pressing issue.


Im sure we'd all rather play a game with real Open World Pvp, better lore balanced Wz's and a more StarWarsy feel. If something isn't done then the trend of Pubs re-rolling Imperial will continue untill there is no more Republic. This is a disaster for the ip and also for Pvp.


Please support this idea before everyone is imperial.


If this is impossible Im sure all the Pubs would enjoy flat transfers of our character, no BM tokens necessary.



a very concerned republic citizen.


p.s. I don't mind being outnumbered but, 50 to 1 isn't outnumbered, it's time to re-roll or unsub.


this game never had ow pvp, go play tera for that, Its got hutball and resolve

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Kinrath Spider

between 5:00 and 11:30 pm

average Pub Fleet numbers = 12-23

no idea what imp fleet is at...


I will be playing Planet Side 2.

If you want to see what Open World Pvp is ... come join... it's Free To Play...

I will remain here as well as long as it has some resemblance to StarWars,

I am hoping against hope BW turns it around.


Kinrath at 7-8pm Imperial side is around 40-50.

As the night gets later, this ramps up to 80-100 during the week.


We know Republic is dead on our server. Honestly, the server itself is dead. Any server that doesn't consistently hit 'standard' load by 8pm local server time is a failure.


I can't wait to get off of the server via transfer. Bioware needs to take 100 of their 170 servers and merge them into 50.

Edited by islander
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The delusional among us will say you can't accurately portray numbers based on fleet numbers. There was a thread here on SWTOR not to long ago trying to address this very same argument.


I'm not kidding when I tell you that there are people who think that all servers are balanced Imp vs Rebel and no amount of logic can sway them other wise.

Which goes to my point. The side that dominates enjoys the advantage so why would they want it changed?


Because I joined the Empire to kill Repubs, not my own. I'd love to see balance on the server.

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Because I joined the Empire to kill Repubs, not my own. I'd love to see balance on the server.


Hey I joined to kill imps!!!! lol...

no offense islander!


I also went Pub to help balance sides... silly me.


in reality I love our imps... you guys make the games great! :D


had some epic pvp lately...


Of course Im never going back to Illium lol...




see you in q... cause you def know me then

as there's so few of us in q anymore!

Edited by VoidJustice
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Because I joined the Empire to kill Repubs, not my own. I'd love to see balance on the server.


I would as well. It benefits everyone to have a healthy faction balanced servers. The economy is better the PvP is better Open World PvP is better Pve is better.



Edited by Ceasaigh
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Hey I joined to kill imps!!!! lol...

no offense islander!


I also went Pub to help balance sides... silly me.


in reality I love our imps... you guys make the games great! :D


had some epic pvp lately...


Of course Im never going back to Illium lol...




see you in q... cause you def know me then

as there's so few of us in q anymore!


is that your character name, or what is it? Mine are obv listed below.

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Which goes to my point. The side that dominates enjoys the advantage so why would they want it changed?


Because ques against the republic are getting more and more rare and when they do que its the same people everytime (though they are all very well geared).


Nobody who likes pvp wants to dominate, they want to compete.

Edited by Pilige
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I would as well. It benefits everyone to have a healthy faction balanced servers. The economy is better the PvP is better Open World PvP is better Pve is better.




Open world is what I want. The lack of balance and as such good open world PvP is my greatest disappointment with the game.


I don't care if it's 90% on Ilum, I only started doing warzones 2 months ago because Ilum was dead. I'd go to do Ilum battles 4 times out of 5 over canned warzones.

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If you want to solve the issue "technically" yet not wait on, or hope, that people will change factions, I say introduce "dynamic balancing" or "dynamic handicapping". I'm not going to get on a soapbox and say "I have __ years in IT and know it can be done", but this is something I think MMOs (with PvP) should have been doing from the beginning.


1. BW (SWTOR) knows how many people (both factions and theirs stats) at any one given time on a server, on Ilum.


2. If there are 20 Imps and 10 Pubs do an average of both sides (HP, ARMOR, etc) subtract the difference, then apply that "buff" automatically to the side with the smaller amount of players.


3. Remember it's dynamic, so as Imps or Pubs arrive or leave, the buff is constantly changing. It can all be done in the background. Maybe at best add a little box in a corner showing that amount of buff you (or the opposing faction) is getting.


This could be the case for open world PvP or WZs (even though WZs should only be equal in the first place or off by one)


By having this method, there would never be a need to do an elaborate faction migration, or balance the classes with nerfs, it would automatically keep it fair at all times.


Keep in mind I do believe those with better ratings/gear should keep what they've worked for so that should factor in. For example 20 BM imps should STILL have the advantage over 10 noob Pubs (or vice versa).

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Too bad they didnt do what they talked about at first, and make your alignment change the way your skills looked. Instead they decided to make it restrict your crystals and give you veins.


Would it really be that hard to put in a bit of code that says if your AC X, and your alignment shifts towards opposite of what your class would be if canonized, you get your mirrors effects. Dark side consular would toss lightning instead of rocks, jk would choke instead of stasis, etc. Sure, some skills may be weapon specific, but just like legacy ability choices, do what makes sense.

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i just played 5 straight games where it was 6v8 or 7v8 the whole game because there isn't even 8 players on the republic side queuing.


can't wait for diablo 3, anything is better then this farce.


Diablo will fail like duke nukem failed. It isn't even the same Blizzard that made those games. It was Blizzard north not the garbage Blizzard we have now.

Edited by Knockerz
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I don't think this is a good idea. The game relies on those that doesn't care, or doesn't know any better or wants a maddening challenge to provide WZ entertainment to the other side, so I think it's very unlikely that BW would allow faction swap.
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Hello all! Everyone is well aware that Imperials outnumber Republic on most servers in orders of magnitude that will make Open World Pvp and even faction based Wz's impossible.


i wouldnt worry about world pvp


its gonna be dead in 1.2 and beyond anyway,cuz honestly? by the time they "fix" ilum.no one will probably be playing that really cared anyway


bioware had there shot at world pvp,and they obviously failed at it

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Hello all! Everyone is well aware that Imperials outnumber Republic on most servers in orders of magnitude that will make Open World Pvp and even faction based Wz's impossible. Illium is a shining example of just this. I feel however this games mechanics and ip deserve better.


In order to create a more StarWarsy and functional Pvp game, and save Open World Pvp something drastic needs to be done.


I suggest that BW have a short term program that allows transfers from imperial to republic while retaining all gear/items/levels etc. I also suggest that those that do transfer are given multiple BM tokens or Credit equivalent at time of transfer. I feel that lesser items could be offered but only BM tokens would be taken seriously. This program should stay open untill balance is met on a server and then it should be closed without warning.


It may even be necessary to stop imperial characters from being created for a short time on servers.


I realize that many might feel this is over the top. However, given how badly outnumbered Republics are atm, becoming a Republic Player has massive disadvantages, including economic, pve and raiding. Forcing players to re-level under these circumstances is unrealistic. Untill the populations are brought into some mild sembalance of balance an aggressive free transfer with perks need to be brought to bare to address this pressing issue.


Im sure we'd all rather play a game with real Open World Pvp, better lore balanced Wz's and a more StarWarsy feel. If something isn't done then the trend of Pubs re-rolling Imperial will continue untill there is no more Republic. This is a disaster for the ip and also for Pvp.


Please support this idea before everyone is imperial.


If this is impossible Im sure all the Pubs would enjoy flat transfers of our character, no BM tokens necessary.



a very concerned republic citizen.


p.s. I don't mind being outnumbered but, 50 to 1 isn't outnumbered, it's time to re-roll or unsub.


Um, I just asked a week or two ago about possibly switching just the names of two of my toons on the same server. At this time they cannot do things even that minor (or just possibly unwilling). So not to take a dig at BW, but if they can't do that then how can they switch toons to the other faction?


Once server transfers are finally here (end of april in my prediction) then yeah I can see the switching faction thing.

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