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Too many cc abilities- world record in mmo history


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I play a maradeur and i have to say im done with warzones not because i dont do well but is extremely,extremely anoying those milions cc abilities ,push backs,slows roots sleeps etc etc .i never played a mmo game with so many like swtor have . i dont wana say for empire side warzones is just about hutball 90% of the games where those ccs are even worse. i like the game but honestly how much love i need ,to keep playing with so many bs.i know there is many threads about that but this game pvp look like was made it by completely unispired team. sorry (sory im not native english speaker).




Polymorph -> 8 secs

Polymorph -> 4 secs

Deep Freeze -> 5 secs

Impact Stun -> 2 sec

Fear -> 8 sec

Fear -> 4 sec

Death Coil -> 3 sec

Polymorph -> 8 secs…


Not counting novas/silences.


WoW is the worst offender in that regard. Swtor is a softy, no CC can be spammed and resolve affect almost every form of CC (strangely, not immobilize.. =/).


The only thing I wish they could do is make stuns build resolve AND have some kind of diminishing return, since it doesn't break on damage. Being chained stunned to death is one of the worst thing in this game (but it's never fun in any game).

Edited by lpsmash
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CC is needed in pvp but honestly there's just too much CC in this game. Nothing is more frustrating then closing the gap only to get knocked back off the ledge or into the fire to insta die.

I understand ranged classes need knockbacks and roots so they don't get zerged by melee but if you have 3-4 players knocking back everyone the moment someone gets in melee range something's wrong.

I mean I don't mind getting kitted by good players but if a trash clicker knocks me back and kills me before i can make it back to the bridge something is seriously wrong.


This kind of post makes me despair.


Here's an idea, don't use your gap closer to open with, use your legs. You get knocked back? Thanks fine now I'm going to leap into your face again and theres nothing you can do about it.


Alternatively learn to position yourself better after you close the gap, those lamp posts, crates, walls all act as a nice little knockback prevention system. To be honest if you are getting pushed into the fire you have no one to blame but yourself.


Do I hate it when a Jugg leaps up to top balcony in Huttball, knocks me back perfectly onto the ledge near goal-line (refreshed Leap CD), leaps on to me while I'm getting up and walks in while immune to CC? Yeah I goddamn hate it. But I blame myself for having given him the opportunity and to be honest when this is well executed its just plain well played. Instead of crying about the game mechanic think about what you could have done to prevent being outplayed, its what makes PVP exciting.

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Mezzes are fine since they break on damage.


Roots not affecting Resolve is....grml.


30 yard pulls are annoying.


Everyone having AoE knockbacks on a 20 second cooldown is silly.


Getting focus-stunned for up to 8 seconds, incapable of action while being beat-down by an angry mobs is just infuriating.


That's my take on it.


CC would be fine if it actually required some thought and coordination, but it doesn't. It's just way too abundant.

Edited by Sireene
use of retarded - PM'd
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I literally laughed when I read this.



Oh, but it's true! Being a defensive powertech sucks so much! I really wouldn't recommend anyone try playing a class that can charge into the middle of a bunch of republicans, use a few abilities to sabotage their hitrate and damage, soak up a hell of a lot of damage while your pet dps assassin or whoever you decided to guard runs around nearly unnoticed, and maybe even survive the pummelling.


(Add in a huttball and things get even more fun. ...I mean sucky. Powertechs suck. Really. Don't play them.)

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This. While resolve is very much a mechanic up for debate, there is no evidence that it does anything except work as described. I'm quite sick of claims to the contrary, as thankfully are others in this thread.




I honestly very much doubt that. On live, I absolutely see characters die within that timespan at times.





In theory, the answer is the same as in this game: for properly chosen classes and cooldowns, forever. In practice, this is a stupid question to ask. Obviously, a resolve bar stops indefinite chain mezzes. Equally obviously, the few stuns available to most classes, can, if chained, result in an almost guaranteed death. If you get stunned in WoW, trinket it, get stunned again, that stun will likely be about 2 seconds, three at the most. Get stunned a third time, and we are talking on the order of a second at most. That's a lot of stuns being brought to bear, and now you are immune to them. Here, whether you trinket the first effect that stuns you or the one that fills your resolve bar, you are stunned for a more significant amount of time. Additionally, other types of CC, such as a root, allow you to be absolutely wailed on, where they would break on damage in WoW.


most roots dont break on damage in WoW - only the druid root spell, that i can think of, though i havent played since the first tier of cata raiding. Charge root definitely does not, Druid immobilize from bear charge doesnt, Mage novas dont.


They also last longer than SWTOR roots - which last 2/5 seconds - 2 seconds where damage wont break them and the remaining 3 seconds where it will be broken by a single point of damage. No root in this game "lets you get wailed on". They all break after 2 seconds if you're getting hit.


in WoW, if you get stunned (not that those are only forms of CC that allow you to be beat on without responding - Death Coil from warlocks springs immediately to mind since i played one), you're going to eat 6/3/1 from most classes - 10 total seconds. even if you break the opening stun as fast as human possible, you're eating 5-6 seconds of stun, total. Well call it 5 just for shizzles.


In this game, stuns are 400 resolve/second. Two four-second stuns will immediately fill your resolve bar. So you eat the first 4 second stun and immediately break the second - you've spent about.. 5 seconds stunned, just like WoW.


Only difference is in WoW the damage is a lot higher.... and anyone with a brain isnt' stunning you anyway - theyre stunning your healer to keep him from healing you while they burn you down. That's a lot less feasible in this game because of resolve - a lot of CCs splash (mezzes) meaning it might be hard to get your healer locked out when he needs to be.

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I have qq'd about this as well. The fact that there is a "resolve" system speaks volumes. PvP is now "cc strategy" instead of actual damage or group dynamic. As a maurauder I have also spent whole matches frozen with no recourse. It doesnt help that resolve is broken.
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The problem is that there aren't enough counter-ccs in the game, as well as the imbalance of what classes get them.



I agree.


It's frustrating to get stunned, rooted, snared, etc.. and blow your only ability to break said CC, only to be CCed instantly right afterwards. 3 second immunities would help tremendously!

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another whine about hutt ball


if u dont have force skills or harpoon pull or sumthing usefull in huttball you just become a target for eveyone (yes it is fun to pull someone on to the BBQ) but seriously annoying everysingle game


there are ways to avoid this if your carrying the ball pass it dont run over the fire.


u can score in huttball 3 passes


get the ball pass your way to a player on your team run into the pit pass up the the score line to another player pass or run over the line only thing you need to hope for is someone not pulling into the acid or the fire (Line OF sight People) they cant pull u thru the above run way. think about the obstacles and use wat u have to your advantage.


Thexremstar a lowly Scoundrel healer target in huttball who is often BBQed

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I loved the game so much on the begining. like many other ppls . but like many others il keep going forward after i finished this single player game with light sabers. i read the patch notes for 1.2. seriously this guys i think they have no clue what they doing. we understand is the first mmo for them. but its a shame ,there is lots of lil games out there beter then this one on pvp. with so much moneys on development just for those voices? like many other ppls i have now an emazing instant reflex to press "space" with light speed. they have a new world record= the bigest number of fails on the most expensive "single player" game ever . i wana be donald trump just for 5 minutes and to say to all devs team "Ur fing fired". *** ppls get fired for a lot less this days
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I hope to see more heal spec'd healers one day, they are a great asset to a team. And people really don't like to kill them either, I love watching my team, or the enemy just run past healers to attack dps classes, or tanks, because you think you will kill them while the healer heals them. Kill the healer, and the others will fall


I really had to laugh at this one. I'm a healer spec'd healer in WZ's. And as far as I can see... the enemy loves killing me :-). I get cc'd a lot. And that makes sense. Since it stops me from healing others. And that's the goal, isn't it? If you incapacitate the healer, that's a good thing in PVP.


True it is sometimes annoying to be constantly stopped, rooted, stunned, knocked back, pulled somewhere, etc... but it also is a challenge for me to figure out how to avoid it and still heal :-).

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i loved the game so much on the begining. Like many other ppls . But like many others il keep going forward after i finished this single player game with light sabers. I read the patch notes for 1.2. Seriously this guys i think they have no clue what they doing. We understand is the first mmo for them. But its a shame ,there is lots of lil games out there beter then this one on pvp. With so much moneys on development just for those voices? Like many other ppls i have now an emazing instant reflex to press "space" with light speed. They have a new world record= the bigest number of fails on the most expensive "single player" game ever . I wana be donald trump just for 5 minutes and to say to all devs team "ur fing fired". *** ppls get fired for a lot less this days


moan moan moan ***** *****. Cant make everyone happy goodtril.

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On the plus side, at least that's one less marauder to contend with in WZs


^^ This, but its just getting worse, most OP class in SWTOR getting a buff in 1.2 lawl wut, should see the starting area's, full of people making sents / mara's, nice one BW

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CC abilities should scale in diminishing order, the more you get cc's the less the duration of the stun root. As it stands right now the resolve bar doesn't protect you from roots and chokes/stasis. I have literary been frozen in one spot for over 15 seconds, unable to move or fight back. Only thing that kept me alive was a good healer.


I don't mind the cc's what I do mind is the way the resolve bar works and being chained stunned.



Another option is to reduce the cool down on the stun break or introduce a stun trinket with a longer cool down but on a different timer then the traditional stun breaker.


EXACTLY! I do not have a problem but I have with exactly the same as you are complaining about, I get stuck for seriously around 12 - 15 seconds sometimes? In one spot just getting either knocked back with the sorc's root talent, smuggler stuns, chokes, by the time its all over you are seriously thinking, *** what was that 5 stuns in a row? Thought there was resolve in this game, seriously seems to work at random (although I know this isn't the case, its just a case of some abilities not causing it or very minimum compared to other abilities with the same cause, aka class balance is way out of wack)

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I agree.


It's frustrating to get stunned, rooted, snared, etc.. and blow your only ability to break said CC, only to be CCed instantly right afterwards. 3 second immunities would help tremendously!


Rule #1: Do not use your break until your Resolve bar is white.

There are no corollaries or exceptions to this rule. Period.

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CC in this game is out of hand. I'd like to see resolve work better. I'd like to see animations shorter across the board. I'd like to see Jesus. I don't think bioware understands how to make resolve more balanced.


Stupid things like a full resolve bar on death carrying over yet being trapped behind a door until it wears off. Or speeder rides till its gone. Or just about anything regarding resolve like getting full resolve and still being cc'd.


One CC breaker. No friendly CC breakers in the heals tree. A long list of improvements much better than I could come up with have been posted and compiled to the developers since beta.


Either you l2p with the volume of cc or you don't play the game.


Hey what can I say? No one is listening.

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I play a maradeur and i have to say im done with warzones not because i dont do well but is extremely,extremely anoying those milions cc abilities ,push backs,slows roots sleeps etc etc .i never played a mmo game with so many like swtor have . i dont wana say for empire side warzones is just about hutball 90% of the games where those ccs are even worse. i like the game but honestly how much love i need ,to keep playing with so many bs.i know there is many threads about that but this game pvp look like was made it by completely unispired team. sorry (sory im not native english speaker).


i totaly agree this game has far to many and i mean far to many CC abilitys. and not only that a good 40% of them are AOE which is rediculous.


cc needs toning down and only given to certain class's.

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You can not GET stunned with white resolve bar. You can REMAIN stunned with white resolve bar. If you use your CCbreaker when you dont have white resolve bar, you need to L2P (with some situational, rare exceptions).


Another QQ without slight knowledge about what you are talking about.



This statement is true. However, There is no L2P when you use your cc break and 15 sec later you are right back to the same place with no CC break because it is on a 2 min cooldown, and the only time you see your resolve bar ticking away is while you are in the respawn area.


Either reduce the CC break cooldown alot or give DR on them. I also do not understand why snare/roots do not add to the resolve bar makes no sense to me. If the slow or stop you the should add to your RB.

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This statement is true. However, There is no L2P when you use your cc break and 15 sec later you are right back to the same place with no CC break because it is on a 2 min cooldown, and the only time you see your resolve bar ticking away is while you are in the respawn area.


Either reduce the CC break cooldown alot or give DR on them. I also do not understand why snare/roots do not add to the resolve bar makes no sense to me. If the slow or stop you the should add to your RB.


I do believe that your CC break should have it's CD reset when you die, but DR is just a lazy design that requires no skill to use (hence why it is in WoW "PvP").


I would be ok with roots adding 100 resolve per second, but snares would cause CC immunity too quickly as they get automatically applied with too many abilities.

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There's too many classes having knockbacks and roots in this game and since they all are on short CDs they can be used randomly and without planning. Now put them on 1-2min CDs and people will actually think twice before they use them the same second some1 gets close to them.


Also people who say WoW had more CC-that is true but you also had more CC breakers/immunities and only 1 class had AoE knockback and pvp in WoW wasn't one map that favors ranged dps 99% of the time.

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I play a maradeur and i have to say im done with warzones not because i dont do well but is extremely,extremely anoying those milions cc abilities ,push backs,slows roots sleeps etc etc .i never played a mmo game with so many like swtor have . i dont wana say for empire side warzones is just about hutball 90% of the games where those ccs are even worse. i like the game but honestly how much love i need ,to keep playing with so many bs.i know there is many threads about that but this game pvp look like was made it by completely unispired team. sorry (sory im not native english speaker).


Welcome to the world of the Mara, and you want a laugh, Mara's are OP too..according to some people.



I wonder if people really wonder what its like to live in world of being snared or rooted almost 90% of the time LOL...


Fact is, you have to live with it and adjust your strats... FYI some of your defense abilities can help mitigate some of that...

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There are also cast times on most CC abilities in WoW allowing for pushback and interrupts. This fact has conveniently never appeared from the 'CCs are fine, look at WoW, l2p' folks.


8 second instant AoE mez on 1m CD is enjoyed by 50% of TOR classes - that's my big issue with CC in this game - combined with resolve already fading by the time its over.

Edited by Kittster
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To be plain lets count the stun related abilities for example for Operative:


1. Pin Down

Sever Tendon has a [50 / 100]% chance to immobilize the target for 2 seconds.


2. Jarring Strike

Hidden Strike has a [50 / 100]% chance to knock the target flat on its face for 1.5 seconds.


3. Sleep Dart

Puts the target to sleep for 60 seconds


4. Flash Bang

Detonates a flash bang that blinds up to 5 targets within 5 meters for 8 seconds


5. Debilitate

Deals 312 - 344 energy damage and stuns the target for 4 seconds.

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