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Everything posted by Kittster

  1. Kittster

    Limited attendance

    From a pure "i-level" standpoint, 140 to 146 is not that much - I agree. From an itemization standpoint, WH gear is well above BM gear...at least it is on my 50s (Sage, Shadow, Marauder, Scoundrel).
  2. Kittster

    Limited attendance

    The irony is that people who want equal gear are generally "under-geared". Once a person grinds enough to get the gear to be on a reasonably equal playing field, that attitude changes to "I had to do it, so should you!". As for me and my three pieces of WH - I could care less. While I love a delicious 12k hp Sage, I know the feeling of futility just starting out and it is painful...for about 100-150 WZs.
  3. OUR BUNKER IS TAKING DAMAGE. WE NEED THAT ARTILLERY. How I wish I could space through that.
  4. Unfortunately, the REAL nail in the coffin will be at the end of June when the original six month subs run out.
  5. There once was a re-roll Marauder He swore that his skills were broader But then the devs ruined his day It's the same old cliche He is once again cannon fodder
  6. Kittster

    AoE Mezzes

    I just read Zaodon's guide and would like to revise my post: Every single class but mine has an insane ability to take my entire team out of the mix for 8-12 seconds with an AoE stun that never breaks. Even trinketing doesn't help. It seemingly has no cooldown, does not affect resolve, and it is ridiculous how overpowered Imperials are compared to me. I am no PvP God, but I do get Immortal practically every WZ I play, and I only queue against double premades from the best PvP guild on my server. They usually make Pub toons to whisper me about how awesome I am, but these AoE stuns are out of control. I also have a 3300 ranked naked quintuple hunter 5s in the game which shall not be spoken. I will quit if my proposed changes do not go through and I have convinced my entire server to boycott the game as well - I require a 5 second cast, breaks on anyone looking at me, and I become immune to these effects for 17 seconds. The Pub equivalent abilities are fine as is.
  7. Kittster

    AoE Mezzes

    Maybe it's just me, but I have come to despise AoE Mezzes lately for several reasons: Instant Cast Low Resolve Fill Doesn't always break on damage Only blind doesn't have a post-break animation The first two are the most infuriating I suppose - these all have low cooldowns and more often than not, I am spending my time watching a 6-8s mez tick down while glancing over at my resolve and seeing it 30% full, dropping while under the effect. Repeat. Again. And again. Low damage effects (~500 ticks) don't appear to be breaking it instantly all of the time. I can't place my finger on what in particular is not breaking it, but certainly, there are times where I'm taking some damage and still under the effect. It also feels like I lose an additional half to full GCD when a (non-blind) mez breaks due to animation delays. Anyway, just my opinion - I think AoE mezzes need a small tweak by either adding a cast time or increasing resolve.
  8. Greetings, I just dinged 50, have 2k WZ comms, and 1k Merc comms. What priority do you recommend I buy my gear? Yes, I will fill the rest with recruit gear.
  9. It still takes 3 seconds longer to get there than original civil war - it's just a slower ride, not a channeled 3s into fast ride.
  10. XP is much less than pre 1.2 - my 49 sentinel has 5 wins per bar now, and the daily awards about 8k, down from 20k. It gets progressively worse as I level - level 20 isn't as bad, but still noticeably nerfed.
  11. Pre 1.2 I could level at a slower pace than PvE, but still worthwhile for progression I could make just enough credits to self-sustain professions OR medpacks - not both - only while selling stuff I created for myself while leveling Post-1.2 I get less than half XP, which results in twice the leveling time Loss nerfs compound the above resulting in thrice the leveling time I get less than half credits meaning I cannot level and sell items anymore Bottom line - I cannot self-sustain my characters Why did you do me like this? I do not like questing by myself - I find it boring, repetitive, and far too easy. Please revert XP and credits earned for wins OR losses in the 10-49 bracket. No one will be upset. Thanks, Kittster / Sassypants / Public / Fuggles / Gravspam / Sidonna / Victim / Fertile Ajunta Pall
  12. There are also cast times on most CC abilities in WoW allowing for pushback and interrupts. This fact has conveniently never appeared from the 'CCs are fine, look at WoW, l2p' folks. 8 second instant AoE mez on 1m CD is enjoyed by 50% of TOR classes - that's my big issue with CC in this game - combined with resolve already fading by the time its over.
  13. I would post this in the PvP forum, but I'm not a big fan of posting there... In "the game that shall not be mentioned", accuracy to 4 or 5% was the number one PvP stat to hit before worrying about the others - missing was a chunk of resources / time lost / CD blown doing zero damage. More and more, I am seeing my execute parried as I literally have zero accuracy now on my gear - doesn't an increase in accuracy lead to less parries? What accuracy do you PvP pros run around with?
  14. Something does have to change in regards to rules in Huttball. Guardians and Juggs are far too efficient at cruising around the map with the ball. Sage/Sorc pull is quite nice, but nothing like someone that can just run in the pit, tank loads of damage, and have the option to either jump to ally, jump to enemy, or pass. Oh, and non-CCable with the i win shield too. The enemy pull can stay or go, I really don't care - the friendly and enemy pulls are gimmicks but not gamebreaking. A tank that can jump, jump, stun, jump across the map is.
  15. Yes, three 1.5s stuns followed by a 4 second one - it truly is poetry of motion, especially when the poor guy breaks one of the 1.5s ones.
  16. Yes, stuns are completely out of control, but resolve does work as advertised. The problem is the CC breaker is on a much longer CD than the actual stuns and can only be used once every 2 minutes while most classes can individually stun/mez you FOUR times in that span. This results in having to eat full back-to-back stun/mez many times and losing control for 8 seconds usually because your break is down. Then after you are massacred, as you are waiting to respawn, you get to watch the white resolve bar tick down and the above happens again because there is still 45 second CD on your break. As for the argument that I would have died anyway: sure I would, but certainly, it would take longer as I could use a KB, maybe sprint away, vanish, jump to a teammate, to a different enemy on a different platform, throw the ball, etc. PS - It is possible to eat 4 stuns before resolve fills - my friend and I do it to people frequently while laughing uncontrollably in vent.
  17. I know they are "working on it" but seriously....... -No choice on your random discovered schematic - really? FU customization -RE Proc chance blows big fat hairy nuts - no problem me leveling 8 levels while my guys are working non-stop without a single proc. -GTN vs RE - Sell these mats for 10k or make them into 500 credits? Why do I choose the latter over and over and over? Your system sucks.
  18. Some were justified. Some were not necessary. You have neutered Scs and Ops, I really don't care. Please Bro, just don't nerf my giggle.
  19. Must be nice. Some of us, like me, will go upwards of 50-150 REs without a proc, then finally get a Presence upgrade. 50-150 more, and get a "You already know that schematic" proc. The system is beyond infuriating, and although they are "working on it", it is still one of the most poorly thought out crafting systems. RNG is not fun. I have been making 41 implants for my Shadow non-stop since I was 36 (only through pvp) and am yet to discover a single purple. I am 42 now. Fun times.
  20. I'm talking about SW:G...........again. My Lord it was so phenomenal compared to this craptastic iteration of RNG. If you wanted to craft high-end stuff for any level, you actually had to wait for the ideal components to be available, and you had to hire people to go out and harvest these for you ( I literally milked cows for a week because it was awesome milk week ). I do like the "send my crew out" system, but it is so redundant - is bountiful available? no. is rich available? no. it's only companion gift missions. BLOW ME. Grinding 982 Avian Meat on Naboo for a $17MM contract with a deadline was immersive. Sending five people out that come back with less than one person's yield after failed REs is not. Please make crafting awesome again.
  21. Thanks for all of the replies - I appreciate the feedback and don't really plan on giving up on this guy...it was such a steep drop from king of the hill to fresh fish at 49 to 50, and when my Sage dinged 50, everyone was new, so there wasn't an insurmountable gear curve like there is today. To answer your questions, I have the level 49 purple skill armoring and artful mods with the 46 expertise enhancements I pulled out of blasters once I hit 46. I have an armormech and cybertech maxed, but I have been losing the RE game, and settled on blue augmented belt/bracer/ear - I actually replaced the belt last night as I was able to get the weekly done. The 8th medal was either defender in CW or 300k in Voidstar. I play Huttball to win, so I don't feel medals really count there, and yes, I was max valor when I dinged 50. As for PvE, I have never done anything other than a couple flashpoints while leveling. I have no idea how to even get Rakata/Columni gear. I assume these are obtained through hard mode / nightmare mode FPs? 4 mans or 8? If I do something stupid, which invariably happens when I don't know a PvE encounter, will I suffer the wrath of my group? Finally, biochem. This guy is an Armstech (purely awful) - I don't mind redoing crew skills, but I have heard rumors that reusable stims and adrenals will no longer require biochem to use...
  22. Is there a more humbling experience in this whole game? I knew I didn't want to hit 50 - while I wasn't an unstoppable force in the 40s, I surely was a serious threat and didn't fear much of anything 1v1. Not that medals mean that much, 8 was the norm, 9 was exceptional, and 10 was a very rare bird. I felt like a wrecking ball much of the time. Then I hit 50, and after a half-dozen WZs (mainly Huttball on my server), I'm probably just going to re-roll. I saved up for my six bags, picked up some pieces to complement my orange, max armor/mod gear with all 46 expertise enhancements, and queued up with my 268 expertise. I get absolutely destroyed by any class - assuming my opponent is full champ (more or less accurate), they are doing approximately 35% more damage to me than I can do to them. I see BM weapons all over the place and just hit my surrender button. I do no damage to any class - I have seen one 2.5k hit with adrenals and a centurion power relic popped - 3k-3.5k was the norm pre-50 with SF, slightly lower for BB. I'm 0 for 6 and I truly feel sorry for my teammates having to play basically 7v8. I have thought about just going healing for awhile - at least I can contribute something, but 2/3 of the games are Huttball, and I feel beyond useless in that WZ. Tell me it gets better. Give me some advice. How can I possibly compete?
  23. I'm sick of being pretty much worthless in Huttball. Sure, I can stealth past people all day and wait for my teammates to win a 7v8 battle, throw me the ball, then i get Force Jumped or Grappled from 30m, or KB, or the other countless methods to prevent me from passing and/or scoring. Since my role is to play a forward, there usually aren't many people in front of me. What do I have? Pretty much nothing. Tendon Blast should be a 30m 5s root (2s if damage is taken), Force Sprint is much more of a Scoundrel ability than Sage/Sorc, and our complete lack of gap closers (please don't say stealth is a gap closer) completely breaks the class, specifically on Huttball. Without exception, every single class has at least one ability to get into melee range or stay out of it. We get neither, other than a 10m ability that costs a precious GCD given our complete lack of defenses. And it sucks. Give me a 30m ability that allows me to appear at my target's back, 30-45 second CD is more than enough. At least I will have a fighting chance in my favorite WZ. While I am asking, can I please get Disappearing Act to remove DoTs? Consider making it a 1m CD too. Thanks.
  24. You guys make me very sad. We were so close.
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