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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

To the write who created Quinn


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Whoever you are I tip my metaphorical hat to you....


You've managed to create a character that is definitely one of the most memorable and controversial characters in the game. I would hazard a guess that no other companion has sparked as many threads as our Quinn. I'm pretty sure no other character has incited as much wrath either.


I wonder if you are happy with how he turned out or if you'd tweak the story a bit in answer to some of the points made by the playerbase. Are you happy with how we endlessly debate the story? Are any of the justifications made by the players close to how our Quinn really is?


Anyone who has played a Sith Warrior has pretty definite feelings on him and I wonder if you are pleased.

Edited by Shaynae
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the character itself is boring, it's just that one part of the story that makes people rage on the forums, 95% of the posts just want an option to drop him and get another healer. So many people talking about that is not really talking about him as a great character or memorable character, it's more about how they went with "choices matter" and then baby cyberjesus blows up the galaxy... no wait... that was somewhere else. What I'm trying to say is: A lot of people being pissed off about something does not equal having done a good job because anyone would trade him to a standart healing bot with no voiceouput in the blink of an eye if iven the option.
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Quinn is my fav after Jaesa. Crisp, businesslike, resourceful and respectful.



Yeah man, he respectfully backstabbed you and then, to repay this kindness, the game respectfully took any kind of punishment option away from you.



Honestly, I like some companions and I don't like other companions but Quinn is one companion that I absolutely hate and even if there was a point in the game that I had a choice of either take Quinn and breeze through it or take Jaesa and cry in pain because of absurd difficulty, I'd go with Jaesa. And it's not because Quinn's personality but because of how the devs railroaded me (I didn't like Quinn from the start but after Voss I lost it and want nothing more in this game than to fit him with Vette's collar and shock his face to kingdom come).

Edited by gibmachine
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Yeah man, he respectfully backstabbed you and then, to repay this kindness, the game respectfully took any kind of punishment option away from you.



Honestly, I like some companions and I don't like other companions but Quinn is one companion that I absolutely hate and even if there was a point in the game that I had a choice of either take Quinn and breeze through it or take Jaesa and cry in pain because of absurd difficulty, I'd go with Jaesa. And it's not because Quinn's personality but because of how the devs railroaded me (I didn't like Quinn from the start but after Voss I lost it and want nothing more in this game than to fit him with Vette's collar and shock his face to kingdom come).


Come on....this spoilerwarning was like an invitation to click on it....

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I like Quinn, i enjoyed the story arc where he arrives and he's a great healer.


I think one of the bigger gripes is the other healer companions tend to be more interresting, especially Mako, who is one of the best companions the game has imo.

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i love quinn. tried jessa, but i don't like downtimes, and even if i have to keep an eye on him on big pulls, he's still the best choice. Geared up nicely, he's a great healer and i rarely have to take a breather... oh, and those are mostly for cooldown reasons. about the spoiler bit, i think some ppl are just too passionate about it. Its one episode and thats that... as long as im not forced to get light points like the fluffy-puffy-good-dooer jedi, then im all good. And don't forget we're sith, and sith are no saints when it comes to scheming, plotting and conspire...
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I just started leveling a Jug (lvl 25 currently) so I'm looking forward to exploring his companions. However, I did level a Sniper up to 50 and unless you've experienced Kaliyo and have read the threads about her, I would be hesitant to call any companion as controversial as she is.
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The reason that Quinn is so raged about is because the story becomes completely forced.


Currently I have Quinn at 10k affection and I believe finished all his dialogue options which has him saying he wants to stay with me and make my legacy great. Excellent, but I know he will



Betray me



desite all this. What makes this stupid is that there is no way round it. Nothing I do or say no matter picking the option that Baras kept him on Balmora and then cares nothing for his future matters. That I



allowed him to kill his nemis Moff



Is completely forgotten, the numbers of times I have lept across the fight to save him form being killed is all ignored.


So if I take anything from the Quinn story its that the story was written in such a way that just forced this confrontation upon you. The you all act like it never happened. Good writting would have ment previous actions would have been taken into consideration and an alternative quest would have been offered. I would like to ask the writer if they think just forcing aspect into the game like that make no sence with what has gone before is good writing?

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The problem here is that class story completely disconnected from affection (companion) story. And since it's the most useful and mostly used companion (and LI for female characters) Quinn gets all his dialogs and love stories finished before his betray. Therefor his behavior looks ridiculous and not believable. Add on top of it absence of logical reaction from siths (!) (no slightest punishment for mortal crime) - and you get your well urned rage. Edited by Mirandel
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Most of the companions I've experienced have been well-written and well-developed. Characters such as Quinn and Doc qualify here, but in both cases my characters couldn't stand them (even though I personally like them). This is not a slight against the companions, but a testament to their uniqueness and their authenticity. It's like someone you'd meet in real life who has a defined personality, but you simply don't LIKE that personality.


I think if I rolled another Sith Warrior (Juggernaut this time), I'd play the sort of character that would get along with Quinn (and DS Jaesa). I can imagine a certain hard-nosed patriot getting along well with him.

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Whoever you are I tip my metaphorical hat to you....


You've managed to create a character that is definitely one of the most memorable and controversial characters in the game. I would hazard a guess that no other companion has sparked as many threads as our Quinn. I'm pretty sure no other character has incited as much wrath either.


I wonder if you are happy with how he turned out or if you'd tweak the story a bit in answer to some of the points made by the playerbase. Are you happy with how we endlessly debate the story? Are any of the justifications made by the players close to how our Quinn really is?


Anyone who has played a Sith Warrior has pretty definite feelings on him and I wonder if you are pleased.


It is so weird how I can have feelings for someone who doesn't even exist...and by the sound of it, I'm not alone. :o

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Whoever you are I tip my metaphorical hat to you....


You've managed to create a character that is definitely one of the most memorable and controversial characters in the game. I would hazard a guess that no other companion has sparked as many threads as our Quinn. I'm pretty sure no other character has incited as much wrath either.



This is off topic, but there are definitely more topics on Ashara Zavros, I'd say. Not because she's a better companion than Quinn, but because she is, as anyone who has her on one of their characters can tell you, the poorest, most unfinished (both technically and storywise), and nonsensical companion in the game.


On topic: The Sith Warrior gets some of the best companions by far. Depending on your personal character, your crew may be completely different (excluding Pierce and Broonmark)


Vette you can either choose to keep a slave or to make her your ally.

Jaesa can either be the psychotic/evil apprentice or the sweet/light apprentice.


Quinn however, was a missed opportunity. I understand that Bioware had to get rid of the "kill companion" option, seeing as they would easily get 1000+ tickets a day saying "I want my healer back, RESTORE QUINN PLEASE," but the punishment for his betrayal should have been harsher


It should have been

1)Keep him as your ally.

2)Degrade him/Strip him of his military rank/make him your slave/etc (but keep him around)


Instead it was

1)Keep him as your ally

2) Keep him as your ally


Which is, to most dark sided SWs, complete bull crap. Hence, Quinn went from potentially best companion character to a frustrating waste.

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This is exactly why I wonder whether the writer is satisfied or would tweak it if s/he could.


I guess I'm just curious at how it works for the writers. You do what you do and then the game comes out and perhaps the players react in a way you never expected. Or perhaps you did expect it and you are happy with people just reacting strongly no matter whether they like it or hate it.


I just hope there is some continuation of the companion stories in the future. Whether they redeem Quinn or not.

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This is off topic, but there are definitely more topics on Ashara Zavros, I'd say. Not because she's a better companion than Quinn, but because she is, as anyone who has her on one of their characters can tell you, the poorest, most unfinished (both technically and storywise), and nonsensical companion in the game.


On topic: The Sith Warrior gets some of the best companions by far. Depending on your personal character, your crew may be completely different (excluding Pierce and Broonmark)


Vette you can either choose to keep a slave or to make her your ally.

Jaesa can either be the psychotic/evil apprentice or the sweet/light apprentice.


Quinn however, was a missed opportunity. I understand that Bioware had to get rid of the "kill companion" option, seeing as they would easily get 1000+ tickets a day saying "I want my healer back, RESTORE QUINN PLEASE," but the punishment for his betrayal should have been harsher


It should have been

1)Keep him as your ally.

2)Degrade him/Strip him of his military rank/make him your slave/etc (but keep him around)


Instead it was

1)Keep him as your ally

2) Keep him as your ally


Which is, to most dark sided SWs, complete bull crap. Hence, Quinn went from potentially best companion character to a frustrating waste.


Don't even get me started on Ashara -.-; one of more interesting characters goes to waste... i was severely jealous of my marauder buddies apprentice and xalek was just... not overly interesting and more of a brute...how is he an assassin again? he was far more a juggernaut style character...


but i digress...back on topic! Quinn was an amazingly well done character i cant understand why anyone would hate him. He pretty much why i wanted to do an agent seeing that sort of super intelligent character... that said i agree that finale with him was poorly constructed.

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This is exactly why I wonder whether the writer is satisfied or would tweak it if s/he could.


I guess I'm just curious at how it works for the writers. You do what you do and then the game comes out and perhaps the players react in a way you never expected. Or perhaps you did expect it and you are happy with people just reacting strongly no matter whether they like it or hate it.


I just hope there is some continuation of the companion stories in the future. Whether they redeem Quinn or not.


A bit of an answer to whether Quinn is sort of redeemed...



On Corellia, if you didn't drag Quinn around everywhere you went like I did, there's come cutscene dialogue that indicates that he saves Darth Vowrawn while facing certain death and there is an option to I guess forgive him for the betrayal or not. Unfortunately, I tended to drag him around with me everywhere soooo.. I missed out on that bit of dialogue.


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Someone summed it up quite well. The problem is just that you aren't allowed to make Quinn suffer consequences for his betrayal. His character/writing is fine in my book up to that point.


My friend and I both played a Sith Warrior up to the much debated point regarding Quinn. My brother isn't there yet and we haven't told him about it. I tried to subtly convince him to focus on Vette when he first got Quinn, but like most Marauders he liked the stability of a healer better. Ended up leveling an Op healer with him for a few planets now so he may be focusing on Jaesa more by the time he gets there.



I played my Jugg dark side (his self given title is "The Tormentor") and found a few choices here and there, that the story allowed, to be quite enjoyable for his particular outlook (a few to many kill you dead or let you get away scot free options, though), even if the game didn't always recognize my intent in letting people live at times. Quinn decided to betray me? Okay, I can accept that. He was deep undercover for Baras. Not the first agent Baras has had undercover for a long period of time. Hell, he has you kill a few of them. Quinn's learned the ways of the Sith? I don't buy it, but whatever (and generally if you fail to overthrow your master in the Sith you get dead, not forgiven). My friend leans more light side than dark with his character. He opted to choke Quinn just like I did after the fight. The most frustrating part for both of us was that the Sith Warrior refused to make the damn fist and finish Quinn off when choking him.


I used Quinn from the moment I got him on my Juggernaught until that quest, on the basis that other companions would take the kills away from my character (aka, enemies should endure a slower, tormented, inevitable defeat). His "professional" Imperial approach was perfectly acceptable (likely in part because the Imperial way is essentially "do whatever the hell the nearest non-scrub Sith tells you to do"). After that quest I immediately switched to using Pierce (because he's cool) before realizing the way he plays mechanically didn't work for me. Pretty sure I died over a dozen times doing Belsavis dailies the first time (what I did first, before Corellia), though I was sub 50 as well. Tried Broonmark since he'd be easy to gear but he didn't work either. Then tore oranges/gear off Quinn and gave it to Vette, who hadn't received a gear update since Balmorra and she's working out quite well now after a few rounds of Belsavis dailies/trips to the GTN. Quinn is currently standing on my ship wearing no pants (Vette's old pants were specifically for her, so couldn't swap 'em).



If the game/devs won't let me fire/kill/replace Quinn, I want the ability to put someone else (like Pierce) in charge of the ship. I want to put Vette's old shock collar on Quinn and have an option to use it whenever the hell I want. I want to make him the janitor of the ship and if Vette or Jaesa wants to wear some slippers at night, Quinn is the ***** that goes and gets those damn slippers.


Given what your title is (officially recognized by the Council, at that) at the end of the story quest, the Sith Warrior should have absolutely no problem demoting Quinn down the ranks of Imperial Military to whatever the hell he wants his new rank to be. Hell, the military should be wanting to execute him (if they learned about it) for essentially going against the will of the Emperor.




As for my friend? He geared the ship droid to be his new healer. THE SHIP DROID. I'm thinking of following suit.

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Yeah man, he respectfully backstabbed you and then, to repay this kindness, the game respectfully took any kind of punishment option away from you.



Honestly, I like some companions and I don't like other companions but Quinn is one companion that I absolutely hate and even if there was a point in the game that I had a choice of either take Quinn and breeze through it or take Jaesa and cry in pain because of absurd difficulty, I'd go with Jaesa. And it's not because Quinn's personality but because of how the devs railroaded me (I didn't like Quinn from the start but after Voss I lost it and want nothing more in this game than to fit him with Vette's collar and shock his face to kingdom come).


wait you rolled sith and didn't expect your companions to betray you? really? thats like going to russia and expecting a topical paradise.

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In addition to being a backstabber he's also the most interesting character in the Sith warrior's lineup. Why can't anyone focus on that fact instead of going all "He betrayed me and now I want him dead, rawr!"


I mean really, it's not like it isn't in line with his character.

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