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Snipe Should Be Interruptable


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There's not enough people playing sniper to have 4 in one WZ.


Haha there are on my server. I have played with 4 snipers and 2 OPs in one WZ match. Some nights there are just a lot of IA's in the warzones.

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Haha there are on my server. I have played with 4 snipers and 2 OPs in one WZ match. Some nights there are just a lot of IA's in the warzones.


Yeah... on this one PvP server I play on (Kinrath Spider), I swear there's at least two GS/snipers in a game! on the PvE server I dabble in (Dreshdae Cantina), you're lucky to find snipers (Although the numbers have been rising!).


Oh yeah just got Orbital Strike. This, plus 3 second Frag grenade, plus Plasma probe


Time to troll voidstar. Yeah!

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After some horrendous experiences today in Huttball against a team with 4 snipers, I have some to the conclusion that snipe should possibly be interruptable. The fact that I cant stop a channeled ability that regularly hits for 2.5K and higher AND can hit me from across the catwalks (one side to the other), I feel it only fair that it be interruptible ...I mean hell, from the perspective of a Sith Warrior, I'm already screwed enough as is by the cover mechanic preventing charge, and having a snare that is applied when they shoot you...It's rough.




Since I had the time to type this story line, I will break it down for him and those who don't realize what to do if they see a Sniper.


Snipe shouldn't be interruptible because of the nature of the class being stationary and being weak as it is.


Let me put it this way, I quit my Sniper at lvl 50 long ago when i noticed how easily other classes and in particular a jaug destroyed me 4x in a row with the same gear as me, and being a hardcore PvPer as much as I tried within my ability, using years of PvP experience to my advantage my class was simply useless and weak. Simply said the class is a total fail at 1 on 1 PvP and needs a complete makeover.


Snipers only shines in situations where your group is "dominating" and has control of the surrounding. Only and only then you can sit in your little cover and try to shoot at anything that A) doesn't run behind and LoS the second you shoot at him/her and B) Doesn't turn around and $%# on your face.


You have to take into account that most of the Sniper class dps is "Weapon/Ranged" and some kinetic VS 80% of other classes in this game that have total Hybird Dps, meaning they come with a ton of force/tech and kinetic damage or Dot. ( Force/tech or DoT damage can't be negated like weapon or kinetic can ).


Snipers suffer due to not having much tech damage, so going up against heavy armor equipped classes their total damage drops drastically, especially if they got any Dodge/Deflect, Shield and Absorb on.

I don't mean any offense to you or anyone, but from personal experience you can't justify a class being unbalanced because you fought against 4 of them in a WZ or you failed to grasp the mechanics of how to defeat them. The Sniper class is a very weak and flawed class to this day and further will be in 1.2. Exp: Sniper Vs Sorc, all the Sorc has to do is Dot you, and LoS till u die in fact any class with a single Dot can cheese you out. They can even go head to head and if their low on health LoS and by the time the sniper tries to run all the way behind the wall sit down and start channeling the Sorc/operative/mercenary is back to full health or even use LoS as means of luring you into their claws.


If you come across a Jaug or god forbid a Sentinel/Marauder with 50X damage reduction abilities and insane burst, you will literally do no damage to them, and they will literally burn you in within 10 seconds. I'm not talking about your average Joe running in WZs without a clue trying to get his/her dailies done, I'm talking about putting Two very experienced players head to head. One with a Sniper class and another with any other class. One on One the Sniper will "W I L L" "((( LOSE )))" least 80% of the matches VS all the other classes in this game.


There are a lot of mechanics in this game to use to destroy a stationary turret. Maybe if you're having trouble and can't charge a sniper in cover try stunning/Force choking him out of it, Forcepush and then charge him.

Your class has enough utility to easily destroy Sniper classes. Try Saberward, to negate 50% of his attacks and cut the damage if any get past by 25% not to mention you are using heavy armor and you negate around 35-40% of their regular and "special" abilities damage passively, yes FT is weapon damage along with SOS, Snipe, TD, Ambush and Orb is kinetic so GG. I'm pretty sure by the time your Saber wears off the guy is long gone if you are experienced with your level 50.


Worst case scenario if none of this makes sense I can make you a video, recording few of the best Snipers on my server vs other classes within the same skill level. I don't play the class anymore but I believe they do deserve more tech abilities and more survivability.


Btw here is a link to my recent PvP video on my BH, go to 2:14 and see how easily I destroyed the sniper 1on1 two times in a row. In fact i would have done it a 3rd time if it wasn't for a 2 on 1 situation, also to further support this conversation, the top Sniper on my server died three times in a row VS my Dps Powertech and we did the duel his way, no line of sight.


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Btw here is a link to my recent PvP video on my BH, go to 2:14 and see how easily I destroyed the sniper 1on1 two times in a row. In fact i would have done it a 3rd time if it wasn't for a 2 on 1 situation, also to further support this conversation, the top Sniper on my server died three times in a row VS my Dps Powertech and we did the duel his way, no line of sight.



Sniper is full Marksmanship. Probaly the worst PvP spec you can be in right now. It's great for levelling, but in one vs one you get annihilated as the video clearly shows. It's hard to take his entire tactics down, since the video is accelerated, but to give you an example: somewhere at 2:48 he used Cover Pulse (A Sniper's knockback with an applied root, which is of course critical. Not only because of the knockback, but as well because of the root). But it had no effect, because he already wasted so much CC on you that your resolve bar had already filled up.


That being said, your spec, the Carolina Parakeet, or something similiar, if Im correct, is probaly the worst matchup for a Sniper. Why? You have the highest in-game burst AND you're in your tank stance. With his Marksmanship spec his damage is mitigated already a lot and then that...


I can take down anyone in a 1v1 as long as I'm in cover (then I just Entrench and those 20s of CC immunity are more than enough to finish him off). The only classes with which I have difficulties are Powertechs/Vanguards or a well-played Operative/Scoundrel. Currently I'm an Engineer/Lethality hybrid, having 3 decent DoT's the simple 'DoT and LoS' tactic won't work with me. Because I will finish you faster. My burst is nearly equal to that of a full Pyrotech and in the average WZ (Yes, I am 50), I hit 300k-600k damage, depending on how much I got focused.


However, like you said somewhere aswell, it truely shines if your team is in control. Sniper is the best in maintaining that control, and if you get focused by the entire other team with no Healing/Tanking back-up you will get finished rapidly.


A lot of people, including you probaly, will disagree. With which is fine with me actually. The more people that fail to see the true potential of a Sniper/Gunslinger, the more I will have fun.

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I like how the OP is whining about snipe, which is really only used to proc followthrough or the faster ambush proc (both for marksman). If someone is using it, it should (primarily) be with the insta-cast proc on entering cover. Otherwise, it's damage is pretty much garbage for the energy and 1.5 sec channel.


If you're going to complain about snipers, at least complain about how one of their good skills is wrecking you.

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