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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Snipe Should Be Interruptable


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After some horrendous experiences today in Huttball against a team with 4 snipers, I have some to the conclusion that snipe should possibly be interruptable. The fact that I cant stop a channeled ability that regularly hits for 2.5K and higher AND can hit me from across the catwalks (one side to the other), I feel it only fair that it be interruptable...I mean hell, from the perspective of a Sith Warrior, I'm already screwed enough as is by the cover mechanic preventing charge, and having a snare that is applied when they shoot you...It's rough.



Edited by rweiowjerwei
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I agree, Maybe they should also loose the whole "cover" thing as it stops you using force charge? The devs clearly werent thinking about your feelings when they designed a class that can beat you in a group of 4.
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Well, looks like a nice bunch of trolls here...


Sniper snare proc? This should be an entertaining thread~


Fairly certain they have one. Seems every one that I face has a way to lock me in place while they snipe me to hell.


I agree, Maybe they should also loose the whole "cover" thing as it stops you using force charge? The devs clearly werent thinking about your feelings when they designed a class that can beat you in a group of 4.

I wasnt saying to remove cover, I was just stating that it was hard enough to get to them as a warrior, and no, I wasnt 4v1ing...


Op failed to use LOS and play the objectives.


D- see me after class.


I use LoS and play objectives. Your argument is invalid.


Got 4v1'd, nerf plz.


As stated before, I was not 4v1ing.

Edited by rweiowjerwei
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Honestly you are the troll and if anyone responds to you seriously, they are probably wasting their time. If you played against 4 bounty hunters you would complain about tracer missile I'm sure.


The warzone was over saturated with snipers. It happens. They have to suffer through broken cover mechanics, damage mitigation, and if PTS results are true, they are actually the lowest dps dealers out there.


While you, the supposedly best 50 bracket pvp class out there, wants to lower the dps of them further, when they are specifically designed to take out medium and light armor targets.


It's uninformed people like you that are causing the balancing fiascos.

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Honestly you are the troll and if anyone responds to you seriously, they are probably wasting their time. If you played against 4 bounty hunters you would complain about tracer missile I'm sure.


The warzone was over saturated with snipers. It happens. They have to suffer through broken cover mechanics, damage mitigation, and if PTS results are true, they are actually the lowest dps dealers out there.


While you, the supposedly best 50 bracket pvp class out there, wants to lower the dps of them further, when they are specifically designed to take out medium and light armor targets.


It's uninformed people like you that are causing the balancing fiascos.


Everybody makes assumptions about what I would do in different circumstances, all of which are wrong. I looked at it objectively based on my own experience from the warzone, and came to the conclusion that it was something I should seek further opinions on. My post didnt say WHAT I SAY IS TRUTH, hence the reason I asked for people's thoughts...Everyone replying and calling me stupid and whatnot doesnt show any sort of discussion that I was looking for. Everything I stated in my post I am more than willing to form a different opinion on - I'm not some blabbering window licker like everybody seems to think.


Thanks though...

Edited by rweiowjerwei
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Snipe IS interuptable if you use the correct skill. I cannot for the life of me remember the name of it (I play a commando, we don't interupt) but one of my alts (sorc I believe) has an instant cast spell that interupts a spell and locks it out for 4 seconds. It gets cast on my Grav Round a lot. It should work on their snipe as well.
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Even if they did give you the ability to inturupt snipe, as someone noted, it can be an instant shot, if specced. Also you blow your inturrupt on snipe, that leaves you screwed for when he winds up ambush. If you dont like snipe, trust me, ambush hurts more and has a 10m knockback with a root.


A well played sniper will pair with another ranged usualy. Even if they dont, they got so many kite tools you end up either looking a fool chasing them or dead.


legshot, snipe, the explosive probe thing + instant shot, your on them at last, shiv, ambush, snipe, oh you got back on him, explode cover, snipe, maybe your alive still, flashbomb, snipe, finishing shot> you is dead. In that hes still got a melle def cd, a small self heal and energy recovery and another small damage reducing cd.


Trying to go for a sniper 1v1 who is prepared for you, he will kill you while laughing at your rage. Personaly, ill leap at one once I see someones hit him with a cover disruption or I have seen he has used his cover knockback. Failing that if i have a pocket healer then I will go get him, hopeing my initial hits plus dots get him down. The other thing is to look at his energy bar, if its low, you got a good chance of ripping him apart as he wont have the energy to sue half his tricks. If theres 2 snipers, I look for something else to hit.

Edited by Gruntcruncher
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Snipe IS interuptable if you use the correct skill. I cannot for the life of me remember the name of it (I play a commando, we don't interupt) but one of my alts (sorc I believe) has an instant cast spell that interupts a spell and locks it out for 4 seconds. It gets cast on my Grav Round a lot. It should work on their snipe as well.


Snipers in cover are immune to interrupts.


They're not immune to stuns, though. Cover can bite you in the butt when you're up on a rampart and think you're immune to charge. Then a tankassin stuns you and pulls you down and you're like "oh crap." Also, I've seen snipers up there thinking "I'm immune to force leap, I don't have to worry about letting players platform off me" and then they get stunned and leapt to.

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cant remember but i do think commandos do have something they can lob at a sniper that breaks their cover which kills there ability to snipe.


Think its similar to snipers own smoke bomb which does the same, lasts 6 sec iirc.


Pretty sure I said "they're not immune to stuns."

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LOS is your friend.


I play a sniper.


Ambush is probably what you are talking about, and I think it's a 2.5 second cast time. Doesn't hit for crap if it doesn't crit.


Armor mitigates all of our damage.


We are a turret and can do little to no damage while moving (at least in my spec).


If you think having 4 snipers in a game is bad, try having 4 geared smugglers in vent together. I pretty much stop playing.

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Smoke bomb and its equivilent isnt a stun smartarse. Its a disruption only and forces the sniper out of cover, leaves them free to run around and shoot still.


You're thinking of a Gunslinger's "diversion".


And.. honestly, if you're a Jedi Knight going up against a sniper, here's a tip: Don't.


Wait for them to come to you, and actually play smart. You run head long at a sniper, yeah, he's going to burn you down before you can even get to him.

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LOS is your friend.


I play a sniper.


Ambush is probably what you are talking about, and I think it's a 2.5 second cast time. Doesn't hit for crap if it doesn't crit.


Armor mitigates all of our damage.


We are a turret and can do little to no damage while moving (at least in my spec).


If you think having 4 snipers in a game is bad, try having 4 geared smugglers in vent together. I pretty much stop playing.


haha, I get crit constantly for 4k as a jugg. I love it when snipers claim their damage sucks and is so punished by armor.


Snipers are extremely powerful in the hands of a skilled player. They are not overpowered and don't need to be changed in anyway.


They're annoying as hell though. :D

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haha, I get crit constantly for 4k as a jugg. I love it when snipers claim their damage sucks and is so punished by armor.


Snipers are extremely powerful in the hands of a skilled player. They are not overpowered and don't need to be changed in anyway.


They're annoying as hell though. :D


Oh, I never claimed my damage sucked my friend. If you leave me unchecked I'll destroy you. Good teams don't leave the sniper unchecked.


All I said was LOS is your friend, if you know a sniper is hitting for god sakes move behind a wall. It can be hard to take down a target with high mitigation though, trust me.

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And.. honestly, if you're a Jedi Knight going up against a sniper, here's a tip: Don't.


Wait for them to come to you, and actually play smart. You run head long at a sniper, yeah, he's going to burn you down before you can even get to him.


BUT. . .they're so squishy. . .if/when you can get to them

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Smoke bomb and its equivilent isnt a stun smartarse. Its a disruption only and forces the sniper out of cover, leaves them free to run around and shoot still.


The commando ability you referred to is a stun, "smartarse." Nobody cares about an ability snipers can use on each other--not in the context of this thread.

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