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Is SWtOR on pace with new MMOs?


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that information is official faction balance from bioware presentation during guild summit. he is not trolling just providing official faction population data.


i suggest you check bioware's guild summit video and see the statistics shown, before you embarras yourself further and making you stupid.. stop blabbing in forum without knowing the of so yeah if ficial data..


You don't think they count every ones lvl 1 toons that they don't use to fluff their numbers. I have all 8 classes. And I only play two. And almost everyone I know is the same. I get my numbers from what I see with my own eyes. Believing what I see. Not what the machine tells me to.

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No one wants to compare it to blizzard or WoW but WoW is it's main competition.


Heres the reason WoW is the 'top' dog... it's nto ebcause of how old they are, EQ is older, why isn't it winning? It's because they constantly grow and adjust to the current community needs and wants while at the same time maintaining the games core integrity.


Now, you get all the people complaining about WoW and how it sucks... of course you're not goign to get a lot of positive reviews of another game HERE... if they're here its cause they didn't wanna play WoW anymore or never did in the first place so the opinions are gonna be biased.


Pace aside, the only thing that matters to SWTOR right now is gameplay, keep people playing... they aren't though and the glaring issue that is slapping them around they are completely ignoring.


Half of the servers (perhaps more than that) have low enough populations that people are simply unable to actually 'play' the game as a multiplayer game. No one to do Ops with no one to do flashpoints with, insane Q's for PVP.


On most of WoW's servers, today, you can log in and get a pvp Q at any level bracket within 10-15 minutes at the longest, under 5 on some of hte med-high pop servers. And they have MANY more PVP brackets than SWTOR.. SWTOR has 2... 10-49 and 50. You can't even get a Q on my server in under 30 minutes anytime except prime time i nthe 10-49 bracket and that's pooling from every player from lvl 10 to level freaking 49.


Off peak times on my server, under 200 players total on the republic side. I'm missing the first M in MMO here.


It really sucks too because I love the game itself but without the population to support my gameplay the game doesn't matter.


I agree with this 100%...


I am huge Star Wars fan and Bioware fan, I was in denial for the last 2 months, I still hold hope, bought a six month sub, canceled it yesterday with 4 months left, I will resub, if they get a lot of things fixed... I am giving them 4 months to show me, because I want this game to do better...


Let me add one issue with this game is their in game customer support, myself and 4 other guildies have put in tickets for item related issues, tickets submitted 4-5 weeks ago, Nada, Nothing, the in game Customer Service in this game is horrible...


You can argue, but my personal experience, and several others I play with have the same experience, Zero response from an in game GM, you get automated reply, then if your lucky a request to submit more information, then Nothing for weeks...


Voiced quests is great immersion, but at the cost of some many other issues, its frustrating... I want this game to be 100% awesome, not 15% awesome...

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It was an entirely W R O N G decision to build the concept of ToR with WoW even in mind, sorry.


The settings are different, the worlds are different, WoW is fantasy and StarWars is sci-fi, there is no space in WoW and no high-tech space ships and I'm not supposed to play a stupid axe slashing comic goblin in ToR, period.


ToR could have been the most innovative new Sci-Fi MMO on the market, more than 5 years of development, 200.000.000$ budget for a worldclass team could have been the ingredients for a MMO revolution, in fact many expected that this game comes up with a new concept, taking the best ideas from genre related MMOs like SWG, Planetside, Anarchy Online and EvE, throwing in experience from the Mass Effect series and building something new around that, some unique creations and innovation.

All of that with bleeding edge technology in a state of the art engine like Unreal3 or Cryengine.


Now think about what they did: 8x good Kotor stories, but most players will only play a maximum of 2 since the planets are repetitive, mobs are dumb, engine lacks behind in every aspect, worlds are static and player numbers are frustratingly low on many servers and we got a gigantic amount of voiceover files many will never hear.


Is there any sane person who really believes that WoW + SW Skin + 8x Kotor story = massive success ?

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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I can't stand this ridiculous comparison of 2012 ToR with 2004 WoW. This is so incredibly stupid.


If a game is not competitive on the current 2012 market it's their problem. If I'd decide to start building smartphones I wouldn't design a prototype with specs from 2004.

If the game were attempting to compete directly with WoW this would make sense, but that's not the case. The developers recognize it's impossible to compete effectively at such a level right out of the gate, and if that's what you're looking for in an MMORPG, well, you might as well go back to WoW. You're never going to find a game with seven years of polish at launch.


You're right that SWTOR has to be competitive in the current market. Compare it with the rest of the market, and you'll see that this is the case; SWTOR may not be able to copete with WoW at the moment, but it does hold its own in the current MMORPG industry. Additionally, if it continues to be successful it can begin to challenge WoW directly a few years down the line.

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It was an entirely W R O N G decision to build the concept of ToR with WoW even in mind, sorry.


The settings are different, the worlds are different, WoW is fantasy and StarWars is sci-fi, there is no space in WoW and no high-tech space ships and I'm not supposed to play a stupid axe slashing comic goblin in ToR, period.


ToR could have been the most innovative new Sci-Fi MMO on the market, more than 5 years of development, 200.000.000$ budget for a worldclass team could have been the ingredients for a MMO revolution, in fact many expected that this game comes up with a new concept, taking the best ideas from genre related MMOs like SWG, Planetside, Anarchy Online and EvE, throwing in experience from the Mass Effect series and building something new around that, some unique creations and innovation.

All of that with bleeding edge technology in a state of the art engine like Unreal3 or Cryengine.


Now think about what they did: 8x good Kotor stories, but most players will only play a maximum of 2 since the planets are repetitive, mobs are dumb, engine lacks behind in every aspect, worlds are static and player numbers are frustratingly low on many servers and we got a gigantic amount of voiceover files many will never hear.


Is there any sane person who really believes that WoW + SW Skin + 8x Kotor story = massive success ?


Well considering that it's a continuation of the KoTOR story and it's actually a great spiritual successor, as a sane person I have to say yes. It is a success.


Raven, you are still under the illusion that this was meant to be Galaxies 2. It was never intended to be that. This is KoTOR and it shows. People who say this is WoW are usually the ones who have played WoW so extensively that any MMO feels like WoW with the endgame and gear and PvP. WoW debuted, people said it felt too much like EQ. It's just over exposure that makes you feel that. You'd most likely feel the same with GW2 or Secret World.

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Best pre-end game mmo to date, without a question. More FPs, WZ, Operations than any other pve focused game this early on.


Only things missing are fluff things, or things that tend to take months or years to get into games- xfers, stuff like that.


Rated pvp within a third of a year.


More content every few months. Varied classes.


Hitting generally good class balance with awful nerfs and buffs that make no sense and imbalance pvp (not a good thing, but it does follow in the footsteps of WoW and Rift!).


Customizable gear for endgame in 1.2 that'll be BiS- you can look how you want to.


Achievements, stats tracking, more pets/mounts in 1.2.


UI customization is coming a tad late- but 4 months after launch isn't terrible- and, the base UI still looks better than any other game's base UI.



So what's still missing exactly that is a must have? Modding isn't a must have, there's as many arguments for as there are against. Macros the same- sure, convenient, but they're also EZ mode.


Seems like people have that one or two systems they can't live without because their first mmo had it, and will consider any game without to be a failure.

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Is there any sane person who really believes that WoW + SW Skin + 8x Kotor story = massive success ?


While I think there is lots wrong with TOR


Ill say more thought WOW + SW Skin + 8x kotor story = massive success




SWG2 = any success at all


Fact is both TOR and SWG were done poorly but TOR is repairable!

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Best pre-end game mmo to date, without a question. More FPs, WZ, Operations than any other pve focused game this early on.


Oh man, how much more wrong can you get, best you actually apply basic math and count.:D

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I can't stand this ridiculous comparison of 2012 ToR with 2004 WoW. This is so incredibly stupid.


If a game is not competitive on the current 2012 market it's their problem. If I'd decide to start building smartphones I wouldn't design a prototype with specs from 2004.


ToR is leader in storytelling MMOs with voiceovers, but featurewise/technically it's years behind in every area if you compare to titles which will be released in a couple of months.

They need to act quickly.

There's that comparing thing again. And why do they need to act quickly? Because the game will die? Oh puuuuleeeeease. Trade up for a chew toy. There isn't a problem with people leaving ... especially the right kind of people. I mean, does it matter whether TOR lives on with 1M subs or 10M subs? Of course not. The game will thrive regardless and we (the core subscriber base) will continue to be here to help it along. Though I admit that 10M would make for a much larger party, as well as bring about more (and more frequent) improvements. (Stopwatch is out and waiting for the first griefer to cry fanboy ... biodrone ... <insert nerdrage pet name here> ... ) Edited by GalacticKegger
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Well considering that it's a continuation of the KoTOR story and it's actually a great spiritual successor, as a sane person I have to say yes. It is a success.


Raven, you are still under the illusion that this was meant to be Galaxies 2. It was never intended to be that. This is KoTOR and it shows. People who say this is WoW are usually the ones who have played WoW so extensively that any MMO feels like WoW with the endgame and gear and PvP. WoW debuted, people said it felt too much like EQ. It's just over exposure that makes you feel that. You'd most likely feel the same with GW2 or Secret World.


It´s fine in the tradition of KoTOR, no doubt about that (only played part 1 though and liked it a lot).

I also played Galaxies, with all the flaws which I found out came after the "NGE" (didn´t know the game before), but I couldn´t compare, for me it was fun and somehow it was soaked in Star Wars atmosphere, the crafting was unique, the game was very social and if you wanted you could simply hang in your spaceship and focus on the flightsim part, mine asteroids, fight space battles and explore star systems. You were able to choose your path, becoming a Jedi was a big mystery at the beginning and a lot of grind, I never went that path. All in all the game had a certain cosy feeling, somehow it felt real in a way - had a little house in the outskirts on Tattooine where I kept some collectable stuff. It was a nice place to visit from time to time. But it was already an old game when I started, graphics and technology have aged and simply were outdated, the ground combat was average and felt outdated too. Then it was shut down because auf the "new shiny SW MMO".


I did not follow the development of SWTOR, if I had I would have been shocked. So my shock and disbelieve is relatively "fresh". NO design elements from SWG, seriously? Instances everywhere and small planets? No housing, no space combat, no crafting which makes you look for rare pieces all over the universe?

BW just threw the SWG baby out with bathwater, went the WoW way of huge income expectations but they expect the remaining SWG crowd to play "the new SW MMO". Does not compute.


In the meantime I had the luck to check out the TSW beta with a friend and I also saw several videos and read a lot about GW2.


- Both titles represent current gaming technologies. Technically both titles are ahead of TOR hands down.

- Investigation missions in TSW are exactly what I´m looking for.

- TSW lead designer does not like instancing and tries to prevent it throughout the game, and I tell you it works.. great. I played it. The world just makes sense in terms of "alternate reality". Travel is seemless, I saw not a single loading screen.

- World Events in both TSW and GW2

- TSW is in a modern setting which I prefer over GW2.



I just think SWTOR will need to stick more to what "Star Wars" is at its core, and SWG was the closest thing to that feeling. The concept was not made up to fit into a "type" of MMO, they simply thought how the world and gamepay needs to be, to create the most Star Wars-like feeling, and they captured that pretty damn well.


The best parts we have now in TOR (voiced class story, fast paced action warzones and flashpoints) should have been combined with the best parts we had in SWG (big open worlds, space combat in an explorable universe, meaningful crafting, housing - if you want in a crowded city or if you prefer, somewhere alone in nowhere land in the desert of Tattooine).


If TOR wants "to rule the galaxy" (pun intended) they have a lot to do to please other audiences than the usual WoW crowd - SWG set the bar for immersion into the Star Wars universe and many have good memories of the game.

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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So, like some1 already said, if i launch a smartphone right now it will have iPhone 1 specs and I'll tell people to wait several years for me to develop it? Think for a second. It's 2012! There are minimal requirements which SWTOR just doesnt have. It was launched way too soon so EA would get more money because if they had delayed the game it would have been launched too close to Diablo 3 and Guild Wars 2.


Some Facts:


- You can't even invite or whisper people from guild chart. I've reported this since day 1 and no fix yet. Act1 Imperial Agent final quest has been bugged since launch and no fix yet. SOA has been bugged and no fix yet.


- I've reached valor 60 on my main for almost 2 months now and I've reported every single day since then that I didn't get my Battlemaster Title. They always said they had forwarded it to a development team and no more answers since then.


- The devs are so clever that they developed a system on which you need to be lucky to get Battlemaster Commendations. I'm valor 70 and I'm not even half BM geared yet. I oppened 31 bags in a row without a single commendation and a friend of mine who is valor 64 is full BM geared. Seriously, having to rely on luck to gear urself? 0 reward for the time you invest? Over 2 weeks without a single new item?


- Worst game engine ever? I can run every game in the market on maximum specs without any FPS problem except for SWTOR? Everytime I play SWTOR for a long period, when I quit the game I have to restart the PC because it gets slow as hell.


- Launching the game without 1 single legacy future? Just winning levels? Are you serious?


- Not rushing server merging or LFG system? It should already be available. It should be #1 priority. Just because some of you play on Fatman or a few other servers, you can't say the game population is fine, because it isnt. It's terrible. People who put some hard effort for months are now on ghost servers, without people to PvP of do OPs and FP's with. Even I, playing on one of the top EU servers, feel the lack of people. PvP queues are getting really long. I recall getting almost instant queues till almost 4 AM. Atm, past 11 pm its so hard to get a group to a HM and the PvP queues are so long. My friendlist used to be full of online people, 20+. At the moment I have no more than 2, sometimes 3 people online. Fleet had over 300 people at peak time, Now it never goes over 120 (TOP EU SERVER).


So all the fanboys stop blindly defending the game, Bioware and EA. I used to love the game, I still hope it will get back. My sub is almost over. I wont renew it will 1.2. When it comes online, I'll come back and try the game again. When GW2 comes out I'll 110% sure try it and if it's any better (which it will be for sure) I'll have to leave SWTOR for good. And I'm not happy. I did put some effort in this game. I really loved it at the beginning, I had high expectations, really deep inside, I still hope it will succeed, because I'm a Star Wars and Bioware fan, but tbh, I can't see any bright future for this game. BW please, prove it that I'm wrong.


Sry for the long post and all the typos and grammar mistakes.

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I'm pretty pleased no one has used the term "slap in the face" in thsi thread so far.


Anyway, to the fellow who mentioned 1m subs vs 10m subs. Will it survive on 1m? Yup, will it 'thrive' on 1m? No.


Heres the thing, theres a base level of money it takes to run an MMO of any size, I'm not talking about developement costs yet, I'm talking about just to keep stuff 'going' base infrastructure, support, etc.


As the population goes up the costs of that infrastructure also go up but not by much. A game with 1m subs costs X but a game that suddenly has 2m subs does not cost X*2 because the majority of the costs are based around the initial infrastructure and scaling that upwards is relatively cheap (i used the term relatively on purpose).


So, a game with 10m subs will have a much higher level of flexible income to spend on... developement, support, etc. This is why a game like WoW can crank out rediculous amounts of content at the rate that it does and it's why you have smaller games getting less frequent upgrades and those ugprades are generally smaller in total content.


SWTOR has got A LOT going for it, some mistakes have been made but they are fully fixable and while I don't believe they are 'losing subscriptions' I know for a fact there are a lot of people who may be paying but aren't playing and it's only a matter of time before those people stop paying as well. My guild is PVE focused (I'm the black sheep, pvp guy) and on non raid days 4-5 people online, on raid days that jumps up to the teens usually otherwise they simply aren't playing. They have no reason to.


I ask people from my friends list (almost exclusively people I've met in WZs) mostly they just sorta stopped showing up so when I see some one I havn't seen in a whlie I ask em if they're on an alt or something the answer is almost always the same. "Nope, got tired of waiting on Q's all the time, I've been doign X" and X is always something other than playing SWTOR.


Log into my server, if som eone from my guild is on, ask them how much I'm into this game. I played almost every day for a couple of months, multiple hours a day with the occaisional 8-10 hour bender. I've been working on crewskills and leveling a couple of characters, pvping when I can. But as I get my other guy up to 50 I'm getting to the "multiplayer" heavy part of the game. I'm wanting to try an Ops, run a few flashpoints, and obviously pvp more and I can't with the population the way it is.


A number of people stopped playing for whatever reason, whether they were bored, didn't like the game, went back to another game, etc, but now people are leaving the dead and dying servers that actually really like this game and 'want' to play but simply can't do any of the stuff they want to do.


I'm going to use the term 'fanboy' here but I'm using it in the way it was intended, a non negative context so don't get your undies bunched please.


This game 'can' survive on the fanboys. The hardcore starwars fans who are here cause theres a lightsaber and that's all that matters. The people who stuck it out with SWG even though that game was a freaking trainwreck by all sensible standards. Yes, they will keep the game 'going' because the subs will sustain the company enough to run the game but it will not 'thrive' it will not progress and evolve at any decent clip compared to an MMO with a more vibrant and full community.


No MMO launches with 'enough' content for anyone so I won't judge SWTOR on that, I give them mad props for letting PVP be a semi viable leveling method and the companion system, the single player experience, and a number of other factors. But the community management and the stuff that you 'need' to do right to have a succesful MMO.. they're not getting top scores on those things.


They need to fix the population issues.


They need to communicate with the community better. When the community lights up over an issue you have to respond to it. Is there gonna be drama... yes, thats part of it, deal.


They need to remember the M's in MMO, right now the multiplayer aspect of the game is suffering hard and many MMO players are here for that reason. I want hte game to succeed, thats why I post in the threads I do, thats why I come ont he forums in the first place.


To offer actual feedback and share information that I feel is needed to help the game succeed. I'm not threatening to quit because I think a tantrum will work, I'm expressing that without being able to play the parts of the game I'm interested in, it's no longer worth my money and I'm far from alone in that sentiment.

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Im not sure about what alot of people are refering to as keeping pace, if its by numbers of people subscribing then its ahead of pace and only behind one competitor at this moment in time and i can see it staying there and probably getting to a max of about 5 mil subscripers in its lifetime in the western and oceanic market.


Obviously i could be totaly wrong on the number but thats just a guess. If it launches in china and brazil etc who knows where the numbers could finally go BUT people need to remember one thing.


Bioware do not care if the subscription base comes from within the already existing mmo playerbase throughout the world, they would be quite as happy building the game for people who only ever used to play wii mariocart and never touched an mmo before.


The only people who seem to care that the subscribers come from another mmo title is a select few of the playerbase.


And if its putting development into the game then Bioware are doing a cracking job at the moment for adding things that alot may think should have been in at launch, maybe it should have but these are the cards we have been dealt.


Once they get all the ground work into what they want via game features then the rest is easy compared to what there doing now. Adding ops etc is alot easier then fundamental game changing game features.

Edited by Shingara
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Why would you even bring this up, SWTOR isn't even on Blizzard's level when it comes to patches and updating the game. Sure, 1.2 will contain Legacy but who will be able to celebrate it if roughly 25% of the servers are dead and 10 - 20% are dying?


Blizzard releases patch every 6 months prettty much, how is swtor not even on blizzard level? Patch 1.1 came out mid january, patch 1.2 is set to come out next week or the week following regardless it will be slightly more or slightly less than 3 months, they have also stated that the time between 1.2 and 1.3 will be less than the time between 1.1 and 1.2. They are set on a schedule to release a patch every 2-3 months, sounds pretty good to me.


I agree with the server part though, and that was completely their fault, they made a huge mistake at launch adding 80 or so servers and then a few weeks down the line doubling the max server population on all servers to eliminate queue's, if they hadnt given in on day 1 to the huge QQ about all servers having queue's we wouldnt even be having this discussion right now, if they had just let it be and got on releasing the increase in the max server pop most servers would be at least half full right now with many others being heavy to full. Its a mistake that they themselves created and that they better get on remedying soon.

Edited by Samborino
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why would you even bring this up, swtor isn't even on blizzard's level when it comes to patches and updating the game. Sure, 1.2 will contain legacy but who will be able to celebrate it if roughly 25% of the servers are dead and 10 - 20% are dying?



amen... This +9000!



fix the damn game so people can at least play at a descent framerate



then worry about content and extra crap!


Last time i checked.. MMO meant more than solo play out in the middle of BFE so you could run smooth enough to move.. PVP is a freaking JOKE in this game.. 2-3 fps in some.. 12-15 fps in others.. i mean.. seriously...

Edited by trueanimus
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I'm pretty pleased no one has used the term "slap in the face" in thsi thread so far.


Anyway, to the fellow who mentioned 1m subs vs 10m subs. Will it survive on 1m? Yup, will it 'thrive' on 1m? No.


Heres the thing, theres a base level of money it takes to run an MMO of any size, I'm not talking about developement costs yet, I'm talking about just to keep stuff 'going' base infrastructure, support, etc.


As the population goes up the costs of that infrastructure also go up but not by much. A game with 1m subs costs X but a game that suddenly has 2m subs does not cost X*2 because the majority of the costs are based around the initial infrastructure and scaling that upwards is relatively cheap (i used the term relatively on purpose).


So, a game with 10m subs will have a much higher level of flexible income to spend on... developement, support, etc. This is why a game like WoW can crank out rediculous amounts of content at the rate that it does and it's why you have smaller games getting less frequent upgrades and those ugprades are generally smaller in total content.


SWTOR has got A LOT going for it, some mistakes have been made but they are fully fixable and while I don't believe they are 'losing subscriptions' I know for a fact there are a lot of people who may be paying but aren't playing and it's only a matter of time before those people stop paying as well. My guild is PVE focused (I'm the black sheep, pvp guy) and on non raid days 4-5 people online, on raid days that jumps up to the teens usually otherwise they simply aren't playing. They have no reason to.


I ask people from my friends list (almost exclusively people I've met in WZs) mostly they just sorta stopped showing up so when I see some one I havn't seen in a whlie I ask em if they're on an alt or something the answer is almost always the same. "Nope, got tired of waiting on Q's all the time, I've been doign X" and X is always something other than playing SWTOR.


Log into my server, if som eone from my guild is on, ask them how much I'm into this game. I played almost every day for a couple of months, multiple hours a day with the occaisional 8-10 hour bender. I've been working on crewskills and leveling a couple of characters, pvping when I can. But as I get my other guy up to 50 I'm getting to the "multiplayer" heavy part of the game. I'm wanting to try an Ops, run a few flashpoints, and obviously pvp more and I can't with the population the way it is.


A number of people stopped playing for whatever reason, whether they were bored, didn't like the game, went back to another game, etc, but now people are leaving the dead and dying servers that actually really like this game and 'want' to play but simply can't do any of the stuff they want to do.


I'm going to use the term 'fanboy' here but I'm using it in the way it was intended, a non negative context so don't get your undies bunched please.


This game 'can' survive on the fanboys. The hardcore starwars fans who are here cause theres a lightsaber and that's all that matters. The people who stuck it out with SWG even though that game was a freaking trainwreck by all sensible standards. Yes, they will keep the game 'going' because the subs will sustain the company enough to run the game but it will not 'thrive' it will not progress and evolve at any decent clip compared to an MMO with a more vibrant and full community.


No MMO launches with 'enough' content for anyone so I won't judge SWTOR on that, I give them mad props for letting PVP be a semi viable leveling method and the companion system, the single player experience, and a number of other factors. But the community management and the stuff that you 'need' to do right to have a succesful MMO.. they're not getting top scores on those things.


They need to fix the population issues.


They need to communicate with the community better. When the community lights up over an issue you have to respond to it. Is there gonna be drama... yes, thats part of it, deal.


They need to remember the M's in MMO, right now the multiplayer aspect of the game is suffering hard and many MMO players are here for that reason. I want hte game to succeed, thats why I post in the threads I do, thats why I come ont he forums in the first place.


To offer actual feedback and share information that I feel is needed to help the game succeed. I'm not threatening to quit because I think a tantrum will work, I'm expressing that without being able to play the parts of the game I'm interested in, it's no longer worth my money and I'm far from alone in that sentiment.


Is everyone living in a parralel universe where Wow is cranking out regular patches every 2 months with large amounts of content? Because they have only released 3 major content patches since the launch of Cata over a year and a half ago and i noticed the raids they have been releasing since Cata have been getting smaller as well, gone are the days of 10 boss raids. Not to mention as far as i know at least, they usually only release new battlegrounds through expansions, not major patches. So aside from new seasons PVP players rarely see new content through major patches.

Edited by Samborino
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