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why be a pure DPS when DPS tanks do more damage


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I'm a Tanking Vanguard and I'm always topping the damage charts. My secret? AOE damage. Pulse Cannon, Explosive Surge, Sticky Grenade, and Mortar Volley give me a huge volume of AOE damage at my dispense.


I honestly -- despite having the best gear -- cannot match the damage that a pure DPS can put out. My biggest critting abilities only crits for 2-2.5k and my spammable abilities are around the 1-1.2k range.


Defensive stats aren't amazing either as most classes completely ignore them with their special attacks. More or less were 3/4th's your dps, 1/4ths better survivability.

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DPS tanks to as much or more damage in WZ then pure dps. The main reason is that they still have several tank abilities and some natural defense and can sill out dps a dps class. this might not be much but a well played dps tank is better in so many ways to pure. Why be a pure dps.



All you trolls that want to explain this as ae vr single target and all kinds of other bs I run with dps tanks that hit 500k damage regularly.


They dont out DPS, they out damage per warzone...ever think that maybe because they dont die...just maybe...they will do more damage since dps die quickly. If dps could stay up the whole wz their damage would be insane.

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DPS tanks to as much or more damage in WZ then pure dps. The main reason is that they still have several tank abilities and some natural defense and can sill out dps a dps class. this might not be much but a well played dps tank is better in so many ways to pure. Why be a pure dps.



All you trolls that want to explain this as ae vr single target and all kinds of other bs I run with dps tanks that hit 500k damage regularly.


I have never seen this, and I dont ever recall a "tank" doing more damage than me. Maybe i was in the wrong WZ. I am not bragging, just giving my observation.

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Generally speaking, tank / healer teams are out of control. Versus a DPS team they win every time. A combo that can stay alive indefinitely will always win out.


Generally speaking, most people don't have a clue as to how to handle tank/healer combinations.


Besides, tanks and heals are special utility. It is only natural to assume that any side holding such special utility will be greatly advantaged, as opposed to the side that does not.


There's nothing 'out of control' about it.

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Generally speaking, most people don't have a clue as to how to handle tank/healer combinations.


Besides, tanks and heals are special utility. It is only natural to assume that any side holding such special utility will be greatly advantaged, as opposed to the side that does not.


There's nothing 'out of control' about it.


Ah. So another "dps shouldn't be able to kill anything" proponent.


Good idea Chuck.

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DPS tanks to as much or more damage in WZ then pure dps. The main reason is that they still have several tank abilities and some natural defense and can sill out dps a dps class. this might not be much but a well played dps tank is better in so many ways to pure. Why be a pure dps.



All you trolls that want to explain this as ae vr single target and all kinds of other bs I run with dps tanks that hit 500k damage regularly.


firstly, there are very few 'pure' anything in swtor. marauders being about the only pure dps i can think of off the top of my head, and a marauder has more survivability options than a rage specced juggernaught.


secondly. a rage specced juggernaught is not a tank. it is dps.

likewise with other classes/advanced classes that have multiple roles available to them. when they spec for one role, they are not another role. what few abilities they might have related to that other role are significantly weaker when not specced for it.


lastly: hybrids. do not get the best of both worlds. they ussualy sacrifice a portion of the effectiveness of one role to increase the effectiveness of another. the result may be an increase in over all effectiveness.

eg: a tank/dps hybrid will live longer than a dps and do more damage than a tank. it wont do the same damage as a pure dps. it will struggle to kill anything solo if there are heals around. it will live longer, so the time available for it to put out damage is longer. hence bigger scoreboard numbers. however its killing blows will be lower as it lacks the damage to seal the deal.

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Generally speaking, tank / healer teams are out of control. Versus a DPS team they win every time. A combo that can stay alive indefinitely will always win out.


2 tanks 2 healers will lose against 1 tank, 1 healer, 2 dps.

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Ah. So another "dps shouldn't be able to kill anything" proponent.


Good idea Chuck.


Actually, I'm a proponent of "A well balanced team composition should be more ideal and favored, than a lopsided, imbalanced team with just one functionality."




Heals are conceptually "extra health", as in a 15k HP character that lost some health, and then receives a 3k heal, is essentially the same thing as 18k HP. The more consistently and regularly a heal is cast upon damage, the more that "extra health" stacks up.


As long as the heals are coming, and as long as the tank successfully protects the healer, the DPS without any healers on his side is effectively facing an enemy with an HP that can grow to any amount like 30k... 40k.. even 50k.. or even a million - as long as the heals are coming.


Otherwise, if DPS can simply dish out such a high damage at such a high rate that it easily outpaces the amount of healing done to the target being attacked, then there is no reason for anyone to play a tank, or a healer. Simple measure of economics and efficiency.



Any side that has a healer should be advantaged to a very noticeable extent, and rightfully so.

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^ you my friend have been chumped


any tank rage spec jugg with smash aoe can hit 500k CMON NOW BRAH



Oh dear doesn't know the difference between Jugg specs......prob thinks once you choose AC Jugg you are automatically tank.

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I dunno what u thinking about, but when my sniper get jumped by geared darkness assasin wearing DPS items, it is no real difference with being jumperd by geared operative.


Oh yeah, darkness assasin does not need to stunlock me, he just melt me during his CC immunity.


Why u really think they can not kill things quickly if they actually can?

Edited by BambulaGTS
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DPS tanks to as much or more damage in WZ then pure dps. The main reason is that they still have several tank abilities and some natural defense and can sill out dps a dps class. this might not be much but a well played dps tank is better in so many ways to pure. Why be a pure dps.



All you trolls that want to explain this as ae vr single target and all kinds of other bs I run with dps tanks that hit 500k damage regularly.


Strangely the only DPS classes worth a damn in PvP has as good suvivbility as a tank.


Basically if you want to pvp; play a healer, any tank class or a mara.

Edited by da_krall
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I dunno what u thinking about, but when my sniper get jumped by geared darkness assasin wearing DPS items, it is no real difference with being jumperd by geared operative.


Oh yeah, darkness assasin does not need to stunlock me, he just melt me during his CC immunity.


Why u really think they can not kill things quickly if they actually can?


They dont have CC immunity;


they have interupt immunity on their force lightning - you can still KB or stun

they have a defensive CD that gives them between 3-5 second immunity to tech and force attacks (many CC is tech or force true)


Its jsut a case of using the right CC at the right time

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Assassins, Juggernauts and Powertechs are not tanks.


They can spec into it.


If you see a 500K dmg player, he was not tank specced.


Also, voidstar dmg meters can be overinflated with AOE, so they don't matter.


A sorc wiht 700k dmg on voidstar just tells me he was the most usless player spamming his AOE from afar.


Pure DPS also have more tools, and a trauma debuff (soon to come for snipers), which is gonna be the name of the game in focusing down players.


Again, with me now:


You're not a tank because you chose a certain advanced class. You are a tank when you spec or/and gear for it.

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Strangely the only DPS classes worth a damn in PvP has as good suvivbility as a tank.


Basically if you want to pvp; play a healer, any tank class or a mara.


So basically, what you're saying is to be anything other than Agent/Smuggler or Sorc/Sage dps. lol.

Edited by Varicite
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why be a pure DPS when DPS tanks do more damage


SS or it didn't happen.


I've never seen a guardian, vanguard or shadow out dps me. While every other class has been able to do it at some point or another.

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my dps/tank hybrid pt (as in a spec that goes halfway down the tanking tree and halfway down the dps tree) does easily 30% less dps than full pyro, so im pretty sure pts are exempt from this "tanks outdpsing dpsers"


People like the OP think that total damage done at the end of a match is the same thing as dps.


It's still not.

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People like the OP think that total damage done at the end of a match is the same thing as dps.


It's still not.


true, damage done is vastly different from dps.


in pve, damage done is generally more important, but useless as a tool to evaluate your performance.


course thats a whole other can of worms when talking about damage done and dps in either pve or pvp.

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Because they don't actually do more damage per fight.


And since you think that anyone trying to explain reality to you is a troll, I won't bother.


Damage numbers on the scoreboard don't mean jack.



So you argument is the only factual numbers available for an analysis don't mean anything?



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Ah. So another "dps shouldn't be able to kill anything" proponent.


Good idea Chuck.


No, you need to learn to focus fire. Your not supposed to be able to solo a guarded healer. This is working as intended.

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People like the OP think that total damage done at the end of a match is the same thing as dps.


It's still not.


Damage per second might not equal Damage per match, but tank/dps hybrids consistently out DPSing pure DPs classes is a valid argument.


Anyone playing pure DPS is playing at a disadvantage.

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Pyrotechs are not tanks. And I am talking about pure ones. None of this hybrid business.

Until next patch, my pyro does average 400k-600k a warzone. Which is way more than any tank. Then again, very few people on my server seem to be good DPS.


The only other competition I have is another Pyro, an assassin, and a marauder.

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Damage per second might not equal Damage per match, but tank/dps hybrids consistently out DPSing pure DPs classes is a valid argument.


Anyone playing pure DPS is playing at a disadvantage.


What you said makes no sense.


There is no tank in this game that can outdps a pure dps class.


Not Tankasins, not Powertechs, not Juggernauts. Not one.


Tankasins can have a high overall damage done at the end of a match, but this is nowhere near the same thing as "outdpsing a pure dps class".


That is just spamming weak AoE on multiple targets and not dying.


So you argument is the only factual numbers available for an analysis don't mean anything?




Your argument is to take a screenshot that doesn't even show all of the WZ stats themselves, let alone even begin to tell the whole story of what happened, and to take them WAY out of context in order to build a flawed-from-the-start argument about tanks doing insane damage.


Nothing about the OP's argument holds any water, because the "factual numbers" aren't being analyzed anywhere even approaching correctly.


In other words, stop bringing up numbers when you can't do math. The numbers are NOT in your favor.

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