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Play without a companion?


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Is it feasible to play without the companion? I mean, we're supposed to be powerful Sith (or Jedi) and yet, we have to rely on a helper?? I get it for the Bounty Hunter and Smuggler classes, but the Sith/Jedi classes really shouldn't NEED them to play.
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No one said you need them, if you are capable of fighting mobs alone then have fun. Jedi are known to have entourages, just look at Revan. Even Masters at least have padawans that follow them and support them during missions.


Sith have their apprentices and more often than not servants.


Maybe your Jedi is amazing at everything, but companions have their purpose(s). Its just how this MMO is, being a tank Guardian I need a healer so I bring Doc. Your lore-sense doesn't mean your Jedi is invincible, it doesn't work that way.

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Is it feasible to play without the companion? I mean, we're supposed to be powerful Sith (or Jedi) and yet, we have to rely on a helper?? I get it for the Bounty Hunter and Smuggler classes, but the Sith/Jedi classes really shouldn't NEED them to play.


Certain quests are balanced around you having a companion with you. Though you certainly could outlevel the content and solo it, you'll find that some fights are difficult to impossible without your companion when you're at the "appropriate" level.

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Depending on my goals, sometimes I wont use a companion. If I am doing quick, in and out missions, I wont pull them out, or if I do, I leave them to be the attraction and just knock out the chests or cache's as needed. :D


Some of this game will require that needed assistance though. Think of it as an instant buddy to help you get through. :D

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No one said you need them, if you are capable of fighting mobs alone then have fun. Jedi are known to have entourages, just look at Revan. Even Masters at least have padawans that follow them and support them during missions.


Sith have their apprentices and more often than not servants.


Maybe your Jedi is amazing at everything, but companions have their purpose(s). Its just how this MMO is, being a tank Guardian I need a healer so I bring Doc. Your lore-sense doesn't mean your Jedi is invincible, it doesn't work that way.


You do NEED them. To progress through the story/game at the proper level area you have to have a companion. Kind funny you would cite Revan as an example, seeing as he was born in a video game as well, that was developed around you having a group. I can even buy into the Jedi characters having someone along, you playing the padawan the "companion" being your master and teaching you along the way. However, the Sith do not keep "companions", servants are one thing, but they wouldn't be tagging along on missions with the Sith. Sith are meant to be solitary, they vie only for their masters approval, and to rely on a "servant" to assist you on your mission would be considered a weakness, and most likely get you and the servant killed.


At most, they should be optional, and not required to get through missions, or progress through the story/game as a whole.

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The game is balanced for one player with one companion (after the starting planets, which are balanced without).


Therefore if you are doing content equal or higher to your level (and some what more importantly the level gear you are wearing), then yes you need a companion.


If however you are doing lower to your level content, then no a companion is not required (once NPC's grey out to you they can do very little to no damage to you, except champions and higher).


And of course if you find ways to kiting things and other "cheating by exploiting game rules" methods then sure you can get by too.


Currently before 1.2, the easiest method to soloing (without companion) the game is level via Warzones and Flashpoints only, then do the story and side quest content once you hit 40-45ish, which is enough to clear the story (and what crappy exp you do get should eventually push you to 48-50 by the end).


However after 1.2 comes out this will seemingly no longer be viable, as Warzone credit rewards are getting seriously nerfed making it impossible to buy appropriate gear/abilites leveling this method.

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The game is balanced for one player with one companion (after the starting planets, which are balanced without).


Therefore if you are doing content equal or higher to your level (and some what more importantly the level gear you are wearing), then yes you need a companion.


If however you are doing lower to your level content, then no a companion is not required (once NPC's grey out to you they can do very little to no damage to you, except champions and higher).


And of course if you find ways to kiting things and other "cheating by exploiting game rules" methods then sure you can get by too.


Currently before 1.2, the easiest method to soloing (without companion) the game is level via Warzones and Flashpoints only, then do the story and side quest content once you hit 40-45ish, which is enough to clear the story (and what crappy exp you do get should eventually push you to 48-50 by the end).


However after 1.2 comes out this will seemingly no longer be viable, as Warzone credit rewards are getting seriously nerfed making it impossible to buy appropriate gear/abilites leveling this method.


Then i say the game is balanced wrong. I shouldn't have to skirt the rules, or kite mobs, or out level the content just to play without the companion. I'm not quite sure where Bioware got the concept that having a companion was the way the star wars universe worked, but basing all classes off Han Solo and Chewbacca's relationship seems a bit short sided. Jedi and Sith characters shouldn't have to rely on a companion to survive. Their only assistance should be from the Force, not some filthy tag along.


But, by the responses i am getting, it would seem i am alone in this opinion...ah well

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You are free to keep your companions dismissed and play without them, just know that the game is designed for them being present, so it may be more difficult.


I understand why you think they are unnecessary lore-wise, but I guess I don't understand why it bothers you so much. Yes, Jedi Masters and Sith Lords are supposed to be incredible powerhouses on their own, but it's just game mechanics. It's the same reason lightsabers don't one-hit-kill everything they touch; it might be correct in the lore, but it would really screw with the game.

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You are free to keep your companions dismissed and play without them, just know that the game is designed for them being present, so it may be more difficult.


I understand why you think they are unnecessary lore-wise, but I guess I don't understand why it bothers you so much. Yes, Jedi Masters and Sith Lords are supposed to be incredible powerhouses on their own, but it's just game mechanics. It's the same reason lightsabers don't one-hit-kill everything they touch; it might be correct in the lore, but it would really screw with the game.


If it's going to be more difficult to play without the companion present, then no i am not free to keep it dismissed. This is less about lore, and more about the companions acting stupid. They tend to pull stuff i am trying to avoid, they pull off my Inquisitor when i am supposed to be spec'd as a tank (yes, i turn off their taunt/threat generating abilities, but that too handicaps me and them) and yet they still pull mobs from me. They are normally more of a nuisance than they are a help.


Bioware, you need to make these companions optional. If someone wants to play without them, they should be able to. They were great for Knights of the Old Republic, it made sense to have someone with you seeing as you didn't have any recollection of your Force connection and by the time you start getting your Force abilities you have built a relationship with them, so it wouldn't make much sense to ditch them at that point. This game, however, you start out as an Apprentice and learn to be self-sufficient for the first 10 levels, and then all of a sudden you're just not strong enough to handle those big baddies on your own?



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They are optional, group with other players. :p


While that's certainly true and by definition any MMO is a multiplayer game... However, I noticed a couple things since joining this game recently. 1) There are a ton of servers available to choose from which probably is spreading the available player base pretty thin, I haven't seen many other folks on the server I'm on. 2) And this has been mentioned by some players in any MMO that I've been on, some of us play weird hours outside of the more popular busy times and it's not always easy to find folks to team up with at those times. Solo'ing is more of a way of life for some of us who play, not necessarily because we want to but because most of the time that's the only option. :) Just sayin'....

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While that's certainly true and by definition any MMO is a multiplayer game... However, I noticed a couple things since joining this game recently. 1) There are a ton of servers available to choose from which probably is spreading the available player base pretty thin, I haven't seen many other folks on the server I'm on. 2) And this has been mentioned by some players in any MMO that I've been on, some of us play weird hours outside of the more popular busy times and it's not always easy to find folks to team up with at those times. Solo'ing is more of a way of life for some of us who play, not necessarily because we want to but because most of the time that's the only option. :) Just sayin'....


Playing with other players is an option, my brother plays and we're normally on at the same time, but it shouldn't be the only option. I just want to play the game without some pathetic tag along, not to mention that it's difficult to really gear the companion as you're leveling, let alone all of the companions you end up with. I saw on another thread talking about gearing companions, and the only suggestion i saw was just get to 50 and do dailies for credits to buy the companions gear....is that really the option? It shouldn't be this difficult to gear something that we are required to have in order to progress through the story/game. As i play this game more, i am seeing some glaring issues with it.


Don't get me started on the Legacy system coming up....Pure Blood Sith in the Jedi Order? REALLY? Chiss Jedi?? It's one thing to keep a lightsaber from delivering one-shot kills so the game makes sense, but to throw the lore out completely for a bit more customization?


Beginning to fear that my friends i left playing Warcraft were right, it may not be worth playing this lame Star Wars knock-off after all.

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If it's going to be more difficult to play without the companion present, then no i am not free to keep it dismissed.


I'm not so sure you understand what "optional" means. It's different from "has no impact on your combat effectiveness".


It's also more difficult to play if you don't spend your skill tree points, or equip a weapon, or choose an advanced class, or upgrade your abilities. But you don't have to do those, either. Complaining that the single-player content is tuned to be played with a companion is like complaining that the single-player content is tuned with the expectation that you choose an advanced class. You're welcome to your opinion, but demanding that Bioware rewrite their game because you'd prefer it to be different is kind of... silly.


Also, some people consider it a badge of honor to do things that make games harder. e.g., making it all the way to the final boss of the NES Legend of Zelda without picking up a sword.

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Shouldn't this be in General Discussion?


First of all it's optional. That doesn't mean it won't be hard. If you want, go do PvP to level 50 and then go to the planets to actually do all the quests. You won't need a companion. That sound good? You'll be the almighty OP Jedi who can kill by just looking at the mobs.


Second, you're either using the wrong companion or you suck at tanking. If you are a tank, don't have a tank companion with you. Play with a damage dealer.


Third, you can't understand why jedi have companions? THERE'S A GUY CALLED LUKE SKYWALKER!!!!!!! He had a droid called R2-D2, who tagged along everywhere he went.


Fourth, about the legacy system. If your father was Asian for example how would you look like? The same thing here, You're father was a "Sith Pureblood" (and don't start me on this one, they aren't even pureblood) so you also have the features of a "pureblood". It makes sense when you think about it.


Fifth and final. BioWare will never remove or change how companions work. That is one of the Core elements of the game and it will never happen. But you have your opinions and I have mine and others have theirs and we're free to express them etc.


If you're not having fun, then this is obviously not the game for you. So, stay if you want or leave. In any case good gaming! :D

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Then i say the game is balanced wrong. I shouldn't have to skirt the rules, or kite mobs, or out level the content just to play without the companion. I'm not quite sure where Bioware got the concept that having a companion was the way the star wars universe worked, but basing all classes off Han Solo and Chewbacca's relationship seems a bit short sided. Jedi and Sith characters shouldn't have to rely on a companion to survive. Their only assistance should be from the Force, not some filthy tag along.


But, by the responses i am getting, it would seem i am alone in this opinion...ah well


If you do not want to use your companions, don't use them. However...


Han Solo (with Chewbacca);

Luke Skywalker (with R2-D2);

Leia (with Han, Lando or C3-P0);

R2-D2 (with C3-P0);

Qui-Gonn (with Obi-Wan);

Obi-Wan (with Anakin);

Jango Fett (with Boba Fett);

Palpatine/Darth Sidious (with Anakin/Vader);

Kyle Katarn (with Jan Ors);


plus many more partnerships, including from this game...

Darth Malgus (with Eleena Daru);

Ven Zallow (with T7-01).


would care to disagree with you. Star Wars is a space opera, where the partnerships between characters and their traveling companions define many of the major story elements.

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I saw on another thread talking about gearing companions, and the only suggestion i saw was just get to 50 and do dailies for credits to buy the companions gear....is that really the option? It shouldn't be this difficult to gear something that we are required to have in order to progress through the story/game. As i play this game more, i am seeing some glaring issues with it.


At 50 you're not progressing through the story anymore, so I'd suggest what you were reading wasn't about gearing companions for progression.


If you're having problems gearing out your companions then you aren't looking hard enough. I'm always getting gear dropped that is no good to me but has the right stats for one of my companions. Some quests even give you a choice of reward, with either option being at item for a particular companion. Say a part for T7 or a leg item for Kira. You choose.


As for your main gripe about companions, that they do more harm than good and get in your way then I humbly suggest you are not playing very well. IF you've turned off their taunt ability (which you say is somehow gimping the play?!? If you want your companion to taunt and grab agro then leave it on, if you want to tank and agro then turn it off), and you can't hold agro on yourself then you're not doing enough damage to maintain their interest. The basic taunt also has a fairly quick cool-down so can be used again if you are stuck with low-dps compared to your companion.

Some companions go even further and have an ability that actively lowers their threat (thinking of T7 here) so make sure you're using that if you solely want the agro on you.


I think your frustrations would be better spend learning what you are doing wrong rather than trying to change a game-system that only you seem to have a problem with. You started by saying it was because it breaks lore, but when pushed reveal it is because you're having problems using the system. Learn the system and accept that it is a part of the game. If you really don't like it then you've been given some options, but continuing to be annoyed about it (rather than leaving and finding a game you like) only hurts you, not us.

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This is less about lore, and more about the companions acting stupid. They tend to pull stuff i am trying to avoid, they pull off my Inquisitor when i am supposed to be spec'd as a tank (yes, i turn off their taunt/threat generating abilities, but that too handicaps me and them) and yet they still pull mobs from me. They are normally more of a nuisance than they are a help.



Choose your route through enemies you want to avoid more carefully then.

Or mount up so your companion is not even out ... maybe you'll find then that sometimes it is you triggering a pull and not them.



Just to restate, if you don't want your companion to taunt then how is turning taunt off handicapping you? The whole idea is that you set up and use your companions how you want to play. If you want your companion to taunt and grab agro off you then leave their taunt ability on. If, as you seem to want, you DON'T want them to grab agro off you then turn it off. How is that handicapping when it is doing exactly what you want?

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My Inquisitor has levelled to 23 without the use of a companion, who's always away on crew skills. I'm now starting on Nar Shaddaa.


You get all the tricks you need early on to survive calculated attacks. You get stuns, knockbacks and slows (as an inquisitor).


It is very much possible to do it without companion. It's more difficult but manageable.


What I hear is that you DO have the option to dismiss the companion, but you DON'T want to have the challenge.


Go play Crash Bandicoot... Oh wait, that mask will follow you...ZOMG I WANT TO BE ALONE!

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Then i say the game is balanced wrong.


and you would be wrong. this game has been designed from the beginning with companions in mind. the devs have said from day one that, yes, you can play without your companion, but you will be seriously gimped.


you have a join date of 2010, there is no way you went into this game without that knowledge.

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Is it feasible to play without the companion? I mean, we're supposed to be powerful Sith (or Jedi) and yet, we have to rely on a helper?? I get it for the Bounty Hunter and Smuggler classes, but the Sith/Jedi classes really shouldn't NEED them to play.


I'm pretty sure Qui-Gon got his butt kicked when pathing issues caused his companion to get stuck on the other side of a door.


Joking aside at 50 in end game gear there isn't much you wouldn't be able to do solo.

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Is it feasible to play without the companion? I mean, we're supposed to be powerful Sith (or Jedi) and yet, we have to rely on a helper?? I get it for the Bounty Hunter and Smuggler classes, but the Sith/Jedi classes really shouldn't NEED them to play.


If you're a sentinel you can't.

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I mean, we're supposed to be powerful Sith (or Jedi) and yet, we have to rely on a helper??
I'm a non-force user, so I don't really know much about Sith. However, most of the NPC Sith that I have run into, especially the more powerful ones, generally have several apprentice Sith hanging around (or military friends).
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I'm pretty sure Qui-Gon got his butt kicked when pathing issues caused his companion to get stuck on the other side of a door.


Joking aside at 50 in end game gear there isn't much you wouldn't be able to do solo.


That made me giggle quite a bit.


But really, why wouldn't you want a companion? Makes things faster if dps, basically a mobile hot if a healer, and can tank if you cannot. There is literally no downside.


If they are aggroing pats or mobs, its not the companions fault. Its YOUR fault for not controlling them better. Companion pulling aggro? Your fault, as a tank, for not generating enough threat, and/or not targeting them properly.

Edited by Verg
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Then i say the game is balanced wrong. I shouldn't have to skirt the rules, or kite mobs, or out level the content just to play without the companion. I'm not quite sure where Bioware got the concept that having a companion was the way the star wars universe worked, but basing all classes off Han Solo and Chewbacca's relationship seems a bit short sided. Jedi and Sith characters shouldn't have to rely on a companion to survive. Their only assistance should be from the Force, not some filthy tag along.


But, by the responses i am getting, it would seem i am alone in this opinion...ah well




The game is balanced around you + comp.


Making a flame bait thread about not using companion and dumping such remarks in it in order to flag people is a game too often played on those forums.

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Is it feasible to play without the companion? I mean, we're supposed to be powerful Sith (or Jedi) and yet, we have to rely on a helper?? I get it for the Bounty Hunter and Smuggler classes, but the Sith/Jedi classes really shouldn't NEED them to play.


Haha, nope ... welcome to Pet Wars.

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