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Feedback request from James Ohlen - "Your Star Wars fantasy"


Which [I]Star Wars[/I] fantasy excites you the most?  

3,019 members have voted

  1. 1. Which [I]Star Wars[/I] fantasy excites you the most?

    • Full 3D space battles
    • Vehicle combat (eg, AT-ATs)
    • Pod/speeder racing
    • Capital ship battles

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I'll have to go with what looks like the least popular option at the moment, vehicle combat.


Especially in a Warzone setting, though I'd like for most planets/areas to be more dynamic when it comes to such things.


As in having more walkers, fighters etc. interact with the storylines and terrain in general. For a concrete example, why are there no walkers on Balmorra, or fighters doing attach runs.


The models seem too cool to just be standing still in the terrain.

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Full 3D Space Battles for sure! There's a legacy to fulfill with x-wing, tie-fighter and JtL.


Capital Ship Battles is EVE's playground and nothin's ever gonna beat that.


And even tho I'd loved to have vehicles in PvP, there's so many issues in the PvP system

adding yet another feature to it won't make it any better.


Except for maybe some capture the vehicle mechanic, but that would just seem like strapped on when ya talk about vehicle combat. On the other hand, if ya don't mention that, it would be a nice addition to warzones' objectives.


Vehicle combat suggest that you can fully control and move the whatever means of transportation freely about the battlegrounds. A moving, albeit scripted path following ATAT would be neat nonetheless.


Think there was another option, but forgot what it was. Guess that's a statement.

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I'd say the first and last options can/should go hand-in-hand. If the game were to have 3D space flight and more robust space combat, I'd like to see capital ships (guilds) going at alongside players in starfighters.


3D space flight and combat are a must.

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I actually hadn't thought about ground-based vehicle combat before but I love the idea of it. Possibly a series of pre-set war scenarios where you pilot different vehicles and such... I like the sound of it. Too bad it has such a little slice of the vote-pie.
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I voted, though My "fantasy" would be to be able to live a redemption/betrayal store line. Sith redemption or Jedi Fall type thing.


The light side Sith/Dark Side jedi options just don't do it for me.


One thing I was surprised about was the fact that I would have seen this game as alot more exciting if you started off Force Sensitive and your actions in game factored your course.. Take Anakin for example.. he started off as a Jedi.. his choices however dictated his future...


Would have been cool to see that idea implemented..

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The X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter series of games were some of the most popular Star Wars games ever made - and with good reason! People still play them today, even though they are a decade old. Adding real 3D combat to SWTOR would be a huge boost for the game!




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My opinions (know that I voted for the fourth):

The first (Full-3D space combat) has already been done to great extents in previous games, and are games of their own. May I add Star Wars games, and the last were less than stellar IMO. You'll have too many ways to do it badly or wrongly to each player, don't go this way, and it will render what you have now (on-rail shooter) obsolete, which would be kinda sad.


The second, Ground Vehicle Combat (AT-AT...) has very few occurences in the films and even in the EU, at least with the common heroes being at the commands, it's no part of any SW saga (if you stay with the saga thing theme for TOR). Even in the Clone Wars... flying things are much better, and Rogue Squadron did that a long time ago.


The Pod/Speeder Racing would be okay, but like the 3D space, if I want to have that, I would play Star Wars Pod Racer, not a half-baked version here. Else you could do what mini-games were in Kotor...


The fourth, however, the capital ships battle, would be a first, and personnaly, that's a rare thing in the gaming universe, at most it's a side game. So go for it, hop on the crazyness wagon, and go full-featured, make them customizable, guild-owned if need be. Though I must warn you, if it's not in a lot of games, it's because of a reason. It's hard to do it well ! May the Force be with you !

Edited by ShalashaskaP
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as long as 1 and 4 aren't on rails, they should be what you focus on for the future. (You know, what was said all throughout Beta, general forums since this forums creation and of course when the game hit Live.)


I honestly think people would stay subbed to this game JUST to have X-wing vs Tie Fighter again. That's how great they were.

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id just like to point out that "Full 3D space battles" and "capital ship battles" should really be grouped together.


to be able to have some people controlling the capital ship, and then some launch fighters/bombers would be the ultimate star wars experience.


maybe turn it into a 16v16 warzone? some people man that capital ship guns, some man the fighters/bombers. objective would be to disable the opposing cap ships shields, then board the ship and capture some objective. if thats not star warsy and iconic, idk what is

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I said 3D Space Battles, but honestly, I'd love to see any of them.


As long as they're Player-vs.-Player. Can we have less single player in our MMO? Thanks.


Agreed, more PVP. We love MMO's that you can interact directly with others playing! :D


oh and 3D space battles I would like to see next ala Sony's SWG

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I voted vehicle combat.


From the options given, the one thing that stands out for me is the battle on Hoth in Empire Strikes Back. The giant AT-ATs and little 'chicken walkers' slowly marching on the Rebel base just stood out for me when I was young.

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I am voting for Full 3D Space Battles, but I am doing so on the assumption that they are going to be PVP in nature as well.


If we're not talking about Full 3D PVP Space, then I would change my vote to Capital Ship battles instead.


Vehicle Combat (like AT-ATs) would be a close 3rd place.


With Pod Racing coming in at #4.


But this is awesome. I love where the Devs are projecting for this game to head in the future.


And to those saying things like "Dungeon Finder" first, you obviously haven't listened to a thing any of the developers had ever said about how this process works. Just because they are pointing lead teams in new directions does not mean they don't have a team still working on the dungeon finder, and that such team is not qualified to do so. Sheesh.

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Star Destroyers vs. Mon Cal Cruisers. Nothing more exciting than watching two massive ships close in on each other with hundreds of lasers covering the scene.


I can smell those Pubbie vs. Empire capital ship battles now.

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Except that 'none of the above' is valid feedback. None of the options listed remotely interest me, none of them are my "Star Wars fantasy," and none of them are something I personally would want valuable development resources spent on. There are other issues I'd rather see dealt with, and other features I'd rather see added. So, none of the above.


Your "other issues" are already being dealt with. The above is being considered for a separate team than the ones currently working on your precious "other issues".


Good gawd, people, it's not rocket science. BioWare has more than one team of developers. I thought that was a no-brainer, but I stand corrected...

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3D Space Battles without question. If you need guidance, look to SWG, it's the only thing that game did right post CU/NGE. In addition to being an integral part of Star Wars lore, it also opens a lot of possibilities to link space with the rest of the game. Crafters can create ship chassis, components, color/paint schemes to use on your fighters/freighters/capitol ships, asteroids can become resources to be harvested, some ship models could be FP/OP rewards.


Space itself opens up what could be a whole game in itself with PvE and PvP content, giving people with fully kitted characters something else to do if they choose to. I would be especially excited to see some kind of guild v. guild space matches where two capitol ships and dozens of fighters duke it out, multiple maps could even have fighting in empty space, asteroid fields or even perhaps a space station between the two where some players could dock, get out of their ships, and fight on foot. Yes these are pipe dreams, but I just think there would be way more options to expand the game through space combat than through pod racing.

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Voted for vehicle combat


I'm not a fan of space combat. Whilst I love watching the space combat in the films, my experience of computer games and space combat is it either feels boring (freelancer, star lancer, eve etc) due to lots of empty space and travelling around, or it feels like another mini game, too restrictive.



1. Vehicle Combat:

My theory in going for vehicle combat is that it might get the devs to "open up" the game world. TOR is too linear, the zones are narrow funnels from one quest to another, even the open planets like tattooine and hoth feel that way to me. Vehicle combat, if done right, should require epic, open world and thats what I want from TOR.



2. Podracing

I very nearly voted for podracing. I loved the pod racing game for N64 but tbh, I can't see how pod racing would benefit anyone other than those who liked pod racing. Would be awesome if the pod racers occured on the actual planets, players competing against players so that if you were out in the world you'd actually see people flying past and stuff.


Capitol Ships

Capitol ships is third on my list. I imagine an implementation of this to be like the space battles in Star Wars: Battlefront 2. Basically, two capitol ships opposite one another, goal is to fly from one to the other with space combat in the middle, destroy stuff on the outer ship, then land in their hanger bay, capture points and blow up their ship. Basically, an epic warzone.


I'm all for such a thing and I do think it would be fun, but it has to be guild versus guild with real consequences. Put a player cap in place, say 20 people / 30 people per guild. The ships you use are your own (but, you'd have to expand player ship customisation). If you lose (say, 30minute timer), your guild's ship gets blown up. To launch a fight, guild gets together, boards capitol ship, then basically flags itself for pvp (queuing...). You should have the ability to accept/run away from fights based on opposing guild, but running away should cost, say, 500k credits from the guild bank.


Such a feature, in my mind, would be amazing. It would stir such great inter-guild rivalry, encourage community, benefit guilds whilst preventing uber guilds dominating through sheer numbers etc. But, its also extremely difficult and somewhat risky, hence its my third choice.

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I would absolutely love to be in control of my own republic flagship. it wouldnt even have to be in space battles (but that would be amazin), id be ok with walking around on the bridge of my cruiser...

"General Hydrobuzzed, the enemy ship is attempting to hail us for surrender."

*bring up light/dark side options*

Destroy them, Captain.

*you gain 200 dark side points*

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