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Feedback request from James Ohlen - "Your Star Wars fantasy"


Which [I]Star Wars[/I] fantasy excites you the most?  

3,019 members have voted

  1. 1. Which [I]Star Wars[/I] fantasy excites you the most?

    • Full 3D space battles
    • Vehicle combat (eg, AT-ATs)
    • Pod/speeder racing
    • Capital ship battles

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I'm interested how you got to see BioWare's stock numbers when it's in-house only? As in private?


You seem to be going by EA's only, which is incredibly fail... LOL! EA's can drop while BioWare's rises, you do realize this, right?


Would be very interested to see any evidence/road you have for investing in BiowEAr that does not involve purchasing EA stock...


edit- would likewise be VERY interested in why you would be intersested in selling Bioware stock interests separate from EA stock interests...

Edited by shepardcomander
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Would be very interested to see any evidence/road you have for investing in BiowEAr that does not involve purchasing EA stock...


Who's talking about investing? We're talking about your attempt to compare Sony's stock to BioWare's when there is nothing to compare since we don't know BioWare's stock prices.


Even if you were actually comparing all of Sony's to all of EA's with the intent to somehow divine the impact of JtL vs. TOR, you can't. Sony's stock includes console, MMO, TV, hardware, and various other products. EA's is nearly as diverse.


You can't even see SOE's stock, it's private, too.


Thus, attempting to use the overall stock as some sort of indication or impact of something specific in one game is not only inconclusive, but downright misleading. There's a reason why the stocks are like that. Specifically so that things like JtL does NOT impact the stock except negligibly at worst, usually not at all.

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Who's talking about investing? We're talking about your attempt to compare Sony's stock to BioWare's when there is nothing to compare since we don't know BioWare's stock prices.


Even if you were actually comparing all of Sony's to all of EA's with the intent to somehow divine the impact of JtL vs. TOR, you can't. Sony's stock includes console, MMO, TV, hardware, and various other products. EA's is nearly as diverse.


You can't even see SOE's stock, it's private, too.


Thus, attempting to use the overall stock as some sort of indication or impact of something specific in one game is not only inconclusive, but downright misleading. There's a reason why the stocks are like that. Specifically so that things like JtL does NOT impact the stock except negligibly at worst, usually not at all.




I presented the facts and then allowed individual readers the opportunity to decide for themselves. If you do not wish investors/gamers such opportunity I only assume you do so for selfish reasons...

Edited by shepardcomander
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Felt I had to vote for vehicle battles over full 3D space combat for the very simple fact that full 3D space combat doesn't itself mean what many probably assume it means and doesn't directly mean open space sectors with multiple players co-existing like in SWG.... but rather it just means the same instanced space content but no longer a roller coaster.


So when comparing singular instanced full 3D space combat, which is just an evolution of an existing feature already present in the game and would still suffer from its limitations to an feature that doesn't remotely exist in the game yet and could enhance the overall StarWars experience of the game...


Got to go with the latter. :)

Edited by Tikigit
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Since I believe space is vital to Star Wars and an interesting varied experience is vital to any MMO, my vote had to go for the only space option available in the poll.


Multiplayer in different ships, multiplayer on same ship (manning turrets/guns), co-op play, encounters depending on light/dark/neutral reputation, controlled flight, customizing inner and outer appearances, first person view ... all options worth having.


And that's not even mentioning the "full 3D" given as part of the poll choice.


tl/dr: Freelancer trumps Tempest.

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I get the feeling the 'feedback' Bioware will get from this poll will be rather vague and probably something they already knew and perhaps wasn't what they were after with this poll.


The space option seems to be interpreted in a whole number of different ways to what was actually stated in the poll option for example... in part due to the vagueness and indirect presentation of the options.


Full 3D does not mean a open multi-player space environment in itself, it just means full freedom of movement through the environment which can easily still be private instanced space encounters like are already in the game... any further meaning applied to it is entirely self-made. It doesn't mean SWG, or Freelancer or anything else like that.


If the question was presented much more directed with less room for voter misinterpretation and association, the result could easily turn out rather different.

Edited by Tikigit
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I get the feeling the 'feedback' Bioware will get from this poll will be rather vague and probably something they already knew and perhaps wasn't what they were after with this poll.


The space option seems to be interpreted in a whole number of different ways to what was actually stated in the poll option for example... in part due to the vagueness and indirect presentation of the options.


Full 3D does not mean a open multi-player space environment in itself, it just means full freedom of movement through the environment which can easily still be private instanced space encounters like are already in the game... any further meaning applied to it is entirely self-made. It doesn't mean SWG, or Freelancer or anything else like that.


If the question was presented much more directed with less room for voter misinterpretation and association, the result could easily turn out rather different.


freelancer > far greater than what we have now. Even without Daniel Ericson's " dicking around" straw man argument...

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Since we're talking fantasies: Something meaningful (i.e. not just grind credits or do dailies) to do solo at max level - my guild has become a ghost town because the raiders only log on one night a week to raid. (And PvP is not really my thing, at least not in a progression-based MMO)
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Would be very interested to see any evidence/road you have for investing in BiowEAr that does not involve purchasing EA stock...


edit- would likewise be VERY interested in why you would be intersested in selling Bioware stock interests separate from EA stock interests...


Don't get me wrong, I *HATE* the current rail-shooter. Also, my all-time best MMO experience happened in JtL. I want this 3D space combat to happen. The devs have already stated when this game launched that they have an entire team dedicated to completely revamping space combat, including space PvP.


I just don't want to see that sabotaged by such well-meaning misinformation as those stock numbers...

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Space Battles would be good. Even just some sort of (optional) free form flight so travelling places actually feels like travelling rather than teleportation. Of course that'd get boring fast if there wasn't something in space to see/shoot.
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Actually, that's not true. I was a part of JtL beta, as well as familiar with the devs working on it. JtL was not, at ALL, done by June of '03. They weren't done with the coding on it (enough to start beta) until about August of '04.


And because they waited, as well as implemented our feedback during JtL beta, it DEFINITELY was better for it. I was there, bud. You can't snow me...


Oh, well I will agree with you over the SOE team saying that it was done and they wanted to release it six months after launch so players could get used to the other content. You where there easily trumps SOE's statements. I could care less about what snow job you think i'm pulling on you. JtL was not that good.


Not that I care, all I care about was JtL was fun for a month, but it did not stem the loss of subs, or increase subs. You could fly through endless space and do very little for hours. Dueling took seconds in space(missiles for the win)


JtL was alright, but I would in no shape or form want the exact same game here. JtL was small scale as far as battles where concerned and really only a means to crafting. JtL was ok, not good, and definitely not great. Hell the space combat in starwars battlefront was much more fun.(also sold alot more)


Fly through empty space and destroy pirates that spawned in groups over and over. Typical mmo grind. Whats your adventure in space? I grind RE parts from npcs for hours on end or mine asteroids(ooh exciting!!!)


Hopefully Bioware does not follow much if not anything set by JtL's standards and instead developes something fun. Don't get me wrong, theres some JtL things I liked(picking up new players at the starport to man your turrets), and i like the variety of customization for ships, but after that, I would rather have guild capital ship combat with fighters and bombers playing a big roll in the fight, or boarding and what not.

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I'm quite surprised that some folks prefer the Capital ship battles on the default "rails" over the 3D space. Since it clearly states "Capital ship battles" and not "Capital ship battles in 3D space", not to mention having it's own selection as well. A brief description on what the intentions were for some of those might have helped people make a more concise choice. It will be interesting to see what comes from all of this.







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Eat your shoe. Because none of this is in game yet, so they can easily make the capital ships in question not guild-only. After all, there are many different classes of capital ships. For example, the guild-only capital ship could be the "Dreadnought" classes, and the other smaller capital ships used in battles.


After all, watch Episode V. Vader's flagship saw very little battle, while the smaller Star Destroyers were battling all the time.



haha, not gonna eat shoe until BW says to, not even simon says.


Guild ships, devs said they are gonna get them in. BW will give guilds something less than a capital ship? Really?


My friend counting the different sizes of capital ships, my friend referring to the movies, even name drops Vader.


I will not (after all) watch "episode V"

I already did when it wasn't outdated, to watch it now is the same as watching a sci-fi movie from the 1950's with flying saucers hanging from strings. A better reference would be something more up to date, like the RETURN trailer.




This is a mmorpg I cannot think of any Triple A mmorpgs that do not have daily or weekly Guild Battles that consist of capturing an opposing guilds "castle, turf or ship" or while defending the home teams "castle, turf or ship". Seperate from the daily open world pVp, or instanced warzones.


NPC Capital Ship Battle is hardly MMO, you can get that on co-op xbox live, playstation or wii lol.


Capital Ship Battle only consisting of firing broadsides is guaranteed to capture all the attention that Collicoid war games does lol.


That would certainly put the "mini" in minigame


Whether 3d space battle, pod racing, vehicular combat (eg AT-AT's) or Capital Ship Battle gotta go huge, less is more doesn't really apply here.


Any of these things, if done well, would be a pillar of this game, people would log in just to play them, a game within a game, within a game. Each of these things could stand alone as a game, and have.

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haha, not gonna eat shoe until BW says to, not even simon says.


Guild ships, devs said they are gonna get them in. BW will give guilds something less than a capital ship? Really?


What? That's not what I said at all. I said that BW will give guilds the BIGGEST capital ships, a la Vader's flagship. All the smaller ships that were doing the fighting? Those were capital ships, too, but a different class of capital ship.


My friend counting the different sizes of capital ships, my friend referring to the movies, even name drops Vader.


I will not (after all) watch "episode V"

I already did when it wasn't outdated, to watch it now is the same as watching a sci-fi movie from the 1950's with flying saucers hanging from strings. A better reference would be something more up to date, like the RETURN trailer.




This is a mmorpg I cannot think of any Triple A mmorpgs that do not have daily or weekly Guild Battles that consist of capturing an opposing guilds "castle, turf or ship" or while defending the home teams "castle, turf or ship". Seperate from the daily open world pVp, or instanced warzones.


NPC Capital Ship Battle is hardly MMO, you can get that on co-op xbox live, playstation or wii lol.


Capital Ship Battle only consisting of firing broadsides is guaranteed to capture all the attention that Collicoid war games does lol.


That would certainly put the "mini" in minigame


Whether 3d space battle, pod racing, vehicular combat (eg AT-AT's) or Capital Ship Battle gotta go huge, less is more doesn't really apply here.


Any of these things, if done well, would be a pillar of this game, people would log in just to play them, a game within a game, within a game. Each of these things could stand alone as a game, and have.


With the rest of this, it's abundantly clear you didn't read my post. I said that the guild capital ships do not have to be involved with fighting, nor should they. Smaller capital ships, player controlled smaller capital ships, can be.


Hell, when I said to watch Episode 5, you really didn't even have to. Here, I'll show you:


Darth Vader's Flagship, the Star Destroyer Executor is the huge one in the middle. It is the Executor-class Star Destroyer. Think "Guild Capital Ship".


Now, do you see all the smaller Star Destroyers around it? Those are the Victory-class Star Destroyers. Think "Capital Ship Battles", like we're discussing here. That Executor-class did very little fighting. All the smaller Victory-class ships did pretty much all the fighting, besides fighter skirmishes. The same is true when the Republic showed up at Endor in Episode 6 with all their capital ships. Executor-class in that fight? Nope. They were Victory-class.


Beyond that, there are even a few more classes of Star Destroyer, even in this timeline, that fits all patterns here. Thus, Guild capital ships do not have to be the same as the capital ships used in the battles spoken of here.


Do you get it yet? Are ya with me now?

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Hello James and thanks for the opportunity to give our input.


I think that Star Wars is characterised by several distinct things - for me Space battles is the definitive one. The addition of a more free form space roaming/questing/PvP would be a welcome addition I believe. Watching those movies as a kid, yeah the saber battles were great the characters were cool, but it was watching the X-Wings and Capital ships engage. Watching the Millennium Falcon engage in combat, escape and the asteroid field chase - all amazing stuff. Space content doesn't always have to be - blow up this ship here, it can be about navigating asteroid fields or running blockades.

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Hello everyone! James Ohlen, Game Director for Star Wars: The Old Republic, is on the hunt for direct feedback once again. This week, he's asking for feedback on a general topic that I think you'll all have an opinion on!


James takes feedback directly via his Twitter account, but if you're not on Twitter, we're going to reproduce his question here and would love to get your feedback here too - as well as your votes on a poll.


As always, we ask you to limit your feedback to the question at hand and keep your feedback constructive as well as on-topic!


Here is James' question for this week:


Which Star Wars fantasy excites you the most? Full 3D space battles, vehicle combat (AT-ATs), pod/speeder racing or capital ship battles?

You can vote in the attached poll. Obviously each of these fantasies are big, enormous ideas, so we're sure you'll have plenty of feedback to give!


You can follow James on Twitter @JamesOhlen; you can follow our main account @SWTOR.


I seriously thought Pod / Speeder Racing and AT-AT's in combat's would already be apart of this game yet another thing that wasn't, but looking back now I'm not really surprised, so many things shoulda been in this game that aren't and people got bored instantly and left, sure the hard core fans (or new comers) are still around, I'm really pushing myself to stay (since my server is dead, I've made pretty much 1 of each character already, 3 of those have hit 50, tried rolling Republic and their storylines just are REALLY lame so cant put myself through that, and they are not entertaining for me) it actually is the fastest MMO that has got boring for me the fastest, not just me though my friends I all started with agreed and have left also (and we are all huge star wars fans) only reason we bought this game, mostly all of us bought collectors to we were looking forward to it that much :(

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I voted capital ship battles, but let me clarify:


I think a PvP system with two capital ships duking it out would be amazing, but with the added nuances:


1. You can choose 1 person to captain the bridge of the capital ship a la Star Trek Online, which has great space battles. This person basically "drives" the ship and fires its weapons at the other capital ship


2. You pick a few people to pilot fighters, which attack other fighters or the opposing capital ship in a 3D space battle system


3. Once the enemy ship becomes damaged, you have a few players board the other ship and fight their way to the bridge through enemy players


4. If your ship becomes damaged, you get a defensive team together to protect the bridge


It would be a multi-phased massive pvp slug-fest requiring tons of coordination and strategy to succeed... along with being massively epic.


If you can do this Bioware, you win, and can take ALL my money.


EDIT: Also, pazaak. You already have Pazaak Cantina, how hard is it to translate that into the game??

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Who says you can't put all of that into the game?


It was said that in this game, the player would be able to do most anything they wanted to do that they saw in the movies.


But we can't really, not technically.


You need to put all of those things listed, into the game. It's a lot of work, and perhaps, nigh impossible, but DO-ABLE.


Take a risk and make people able to do in this game what they could only dream in other games.

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Out of all of the things the developers should be working on, I believe some sort of server merge between the light population servers should be a high priority. having 10-20 people on any planet at prime time, and only around 50 on the fleet at prime time is insane. I recently rolled a character on a higher population server and at a slow time of day there were 150+ people on the starting planet and 400'ish on the fleet, now I would love to just stay and keep playing there, but seeing as I have 2 50's and guildmates, friends, etc on my origional server, this wouldn't make much sense, and the general consensus on my server seems to be this exact same thing. Reset legacy names if you have to, if i dont get my #1 preferred legacy name, so what, at least there will be more people to play with, and it will actually feel like an mmo for once for the light population servers.
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Out of all of the things the developers should be working on, I believe some sort of server merge between the light population servers should be a high priority. having 10-20 people on any planet at prime time, and only around 50 on the fleet at prime time is insane. I recently rolled a character on a higher population server and at a slow time of day there were 150+ people on the starting planet and 400'ish on the fleet, now I would love to just stay and keep playing there, but seeing as I have 2 50's and guildmates, friends, etc on my origional server, this wouldn't make much sense, and the general consensus on my server seems to be this exact same thing. Reset legacy names if you have to, if i dont get my #1 preferred legacy name, so what, at least there will be more people to play with, and it will actually feel like an mmo for once for the light population servers.

You do know they have about 600 people on their team right?


And that within that team they have teams of 10-12 working on different things?


One team is already working on transfers and possibly mergers.


Edit: Its like saying "they shouldn't focus on server mergers! they need to make better PVE first!"


editedit: Do you really think the guys who would be working on something like server integration would be designing the space shooter? Come on. Think.

Edited by metalgearyoda
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I would like both Capital Ship fights and 3-D space Battles- the 3-D space battles are a little more important to me, but i would love for both to eventually be in the game so i gave my vote to emphasize the importance of the less-voted for one


the funny thing is- i like the space system currently in place- the cinematic railed space battles are awesome- and a tad more realistic (military space operations would have predetermined flight paths after all, mostly) but i think the ability to mix both- particularly with the potential for co-op space and space pvp would be great


throw capital ships into those battles- and i think it could be lovely- also i wouldn't mind seeing space combat worked into raids somehow if we got more ship customization/space detail.


Space has always been a big part of the star wars fantasy for me- and the ability to do more with it- make it a fleshed out part of the game would be pretty sweet


but yeah- love what's come before and super excited to see where the space game might go!

Edited by The-Magic-Sword
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