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Let´s be honest. SWTOR is pretty solid MMO arround.


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Well first off, a MMO is suppose to make you feel like you are playing with "massively multiplayer online". Does it do that in this case? Somewhat. Maybe on the fleet, that's about it.


Everything is instanced so it seems more like an instanced game. Alot of instanced Heroics, instanced class quest, instanced spaceport, I mean really? Do I really need to load 4 times just to get to another instanced planet? I mean heck, there are 20+ planets, and ALL of them are instanced, which are filled with 4-20 players on each. Instanced PvP, no world pvp. Everything is instanced. Feel like an MMO to ya?


Well. I actually play on Fatman.Sso it´s like the game was meant to be played. When I go to Fleet I found 300 people there in the peak time. When I travel to Dromund Kaas I find 200, and on all other planets arround 120-190.


So yes, it looks like MMO for me .

Edited by Ivanblood
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Yeah cause every game should rediscover the wheel to be innovative. Do you realize that the reason so many MMO's have similar, if not identical, systems is because they just work and are easy to implement new things on top of?


The mantra that it's not enough MMO is silly. It's as MMO as the players want it to be. I have no idea what happened, but no one WANTS to group anymore and no amount of forcing people to do so would change that. In fact, people hate it so much that they would simply stop playing if they were forced to group with others. This isn't BWs fault, it's the players fault.


The irony is that the same people then whine that they can't get groups when THEY deem it convenient for them. It's like they expect people to appear at their command or need and at the same time, hate to interact with others.


The reason YOU don't find it a multiplayer is because you don't put ANY semblance of effort into making contact with other people. It's not a match lobby that makes people appear out of a que when YOU feel like it.


However, the game lacks any and all guild oriented goals and activities. Currently, there is 0 reason to be in a guild. You can't have guild cities, no ranks, no perks for having a strong guild. It's just a volunteer list of names. A pool of players. That's what is killing guilds. When you have nothing to achieve as a community you have 0 reason to be one.

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Well first off, a MMO is suppose to make you feel like you are playing with "massively multiplayer online". Does it do that in this case? Somewhat. Maybe on the fleet, that's about it.


Everything is instanced so it seems more like an instanced game. Alot of instanced Heroics, instanced class quest, instanced spaceport, I mean really? Do I really need to load 4 times just to get to another instanced planet? I mean heck, there are 20+ planets, and ALL of them are instanced, which are filled with 4-20 players on each. Instanced PvP, no world pvp. Everything is instanced. Feel like an MMO to ya?


^^sad but true...

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You say that there is no end game content!?!?

2 8 man ops (3 difficulties each) 2 16 man ops and what... 9 HM FP's? (correct me if im wrong on that number)

Think about it. SWTOR Launched with MORE endgame content than WoW Has NOW! an impressive feat. With more to come in 1.2



Stupid people are Stupid.


And those 2 ops are stupid easy. Boring mechanics, only challenging thing about them is there are so many bugs that causes you to wipe.


FPs? Whats the point? You can just pvp and gear up and go straight to HM OPs. When I want to do a Flashpoint, it would take me hours to even try to put a group together. I don't because I don't like spamming LFG in general chat and look dumb.

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SWTOR is a good single player game, however its a mediocre at best MMO. Certainly not living up to the pre-launch hype of a innovative next generation MMO that will last years.


First sentence is pretty accurate, second sentence is not so accurate. Yes, they said it would be innovative, and to me it is. Yes, they said it will last, and for me it will (playing 5-10 hours/week). But what they didn't ever say is that it will last for years if you are a hardcore MMO player. In fact, they were pretty clear this is KoTOR 3 the MMO, which you can pretty much infer won't appeal to many hardcore MMO players.

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Yeah cause every game should rediscover the wheel to be innovative. Do you realize that the reason so many MMO's have similar, if not identical, systems is because they just work and are easy to implement new things on top of?


The mantra that it's not enough MMO is silly. It's as MMO as the players want it to be. I have no idea what happened, but no one WANTS to group anymore and no amount of forcing people to do so would change that. In fact, people hate it so much that they would simply stop playing if they were forced to group with others. This isn't BWs fault, it's the players fault.


The irony is that the same people then whine that they can't get groups when THEY deem it convenient for them. It's like they expect people to appear at their command or need and at the same time, hate to interact with others.


The reason YOU don't find it a multiplayer is because you don't put ANY semblance of effort into making contact with other people. It's not a match lobby that makes people appear out of a que when YOU feel like it.


However, the game lacks any and all guild oriented goals and activities. Currently, there is 0 reason to be in a guild. You can't have guild cities, no ranks, no perks for having a strong guild. It's just a volunteer list of names. A pool of players. That's what is killing guilds. When you have nothing to achieve as a community you have 0 reason to be one.


Stop contradicting yourself. How can we even put a group together with lack of players online, and no guild.

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And those 2 ops are stupid easy. Boring mechanics, only challenging thing about them is there are so many bugs that causes you to wipe.


FPs? Whats the point? You can just pvp and gear up and go straight to HM OPs. When I want to do a Flashpoint, it would take me hours to even try to put a group together. I don't because I don't like spamming LFG in general chat and look dumb.





When the bugs are fixed yes, they will be stupid ez i agree. however dealing with the bugs is what makes you a raider. seperate good from great and get the titles as well.

Beyond that HM FP's are unnecessary yes, but for those of us that almost never pvp they are great.

And im on a Light server, never have to LFG for more than 5 minutes, most of the time all the runs are all guildies. you should not have to LFG if the guild is solid. i still do the HM FPs and im full rakata except mainhand (the darn thing wont drop for me ever)

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Stop contradicting yourself. How can we even put a group together with lack of players online, and no guild.


I don't know... ASKING other players if they want to do a flashpoint or a heroic? You know, like... whisper them? Your computer won't explode, I promise.

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Yeah cause every game should rediscover the wheel to be innovative. Do you realize that the reason so many MMO's have similar, if not identical, systems is because they just work and are easy to implement new things on top of?


The mantra that it's not enough MMO is silly. It's as MMO as the players want it to be. I have no idea what happened, but no one WANTS to group anymore and no amount of forcing people to do so would change that. In fact, people hate it so much that they would simply stop playing if they were forced to group with others. This isn't BWs fault, it's the players fault.


The irony is that the same people then whine that they can't get groups when THEY deem it convenient for them. It's like they expect people to appear at their command or need and at the same time, hate to interact with others.


The reason YOU don't find it a multiplayer is because you don't put ANY semblance of effort into making contact with other people. It's not a match lobby that makes people appear out of a que when YOU feel like it.


However, the game lacks any and all guild oriented goals and activities. Currently, there is 0 reason to be in a guild. You can't have guild cities, no ranks, no perks for having a strong guild. It's just a volunteer list of names. A pool of players. That's what is killing guilds. When you have nothing to achieve as a community you have 0 reason to be one.


it is this mentality has caused mmo's to STAGNATE! GW2 is proof enough that you do not need to be a standard hotkey mmo to actually do well! heck even DCUO is a ton more fun then TOR or WoW! only reason it failed was do to devs and soe being *******!(no seriously game itself is probably deeper then most mmos out there as far as combat goes). Games need to evolve... WoW has caused the genre to stagnate because everyone wants to take wow's spot as the best so copy there design! fact is why would i play a game is like WoW when already invested 7+ years in the same game with a differant coat of paint...


TOR gets away with it because its sci-fi game, and well starwars! but genre in and of itself has to evolve! is why i really want to support tera! because i think it is a step in the RIGHT direction! even though its questing is terrible... and got alot of old school elements it at least tried to be something unique it tried to be its own game!


Problem with TOR is it tried to be WoW in space...


Problem with WAR was it tried to be WoW with warhammer coat of paint...


Problem with WoW is it tried to be EQ for casuals...


is a reoccuring trend and needs to stop! mmos should try to be own unique game and stop trying to copy each other! fine to have some common elements like, raids, quests, ect but do something is your own thing! especially when comes to the combat.

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When the bugs are fixed yes, they will be stupid ez i agree. however dealing with the bugs is what makes you a raider. seperate good from great and get the titles as well.

Beyond that HM FP's are unnecessary yes, but for those of us that almost never pvp they are great.

And im on a Light server, never have to LFG for more than 5 minutes, most of the time all the runs are all guildies. you should not have to LFG if the guild is solid. i still do the HM FPs and im full rakata except mainhand (the darn thing wont drop for me ever)


I'm glad you're in a good guild. But majority of us was in a good guild, and then that guild number died down. To the point that guildies just logs on and then log off.


But dealing with bugs don't make you a raider, dealing with the mechanic of the raid does.

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I'm glad you're in a good guild. But majority of us was in a good guild, and then that guild number died down. To the point that guildies just logs on and then log off.


But dealing with bugs don't make you a raider, dealing with the mechanic of the raid does.



True the mechanics are a huge part of it, but being a raider also boils down to letting nothing stop you, even bugs and things you cannot control, still completing the ops. People that no longer raid due to the bugs are not true raiders, if its not perfect they run away.

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People don't like it because the devs lied about much of the content and there are too many missing features.


Can you please cite, with sources, where the devs lied?

Edited by Kthx
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Ok, I saw a claim about how it isn't Star Wars at all. Umm...not sure I see that. Someone want to clue me in on what they are using as their basis for it not being Star Wars? Maybe I don't know all the EU information but until I see something backing it up...this game says immersive SW to me.

And as far as Gungan's comment about the game lacking soul? I'm sorry but I played single player games because every other MMO I've played had no soul except at the point of initial launch or an expansion. Even then it was NPCs that had soul. My experience with SWTOR is that it has soul, it has storylines that for the most part throw your character out of their comfort zone to make you either sink or swim. Yeah, there are some people will say are duds, but that's preferences.

I don't think we're gonna end up with any thing genre redefining, because there are things in the genre that work. So for me, yeah it has some work to do but I'd rather have solid and staying power than utterly innovative and gimmicky.

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I don't know... ASKING other players if they want to do a flashpoint or a heroic? You know, like... whisper them? Your computer won't explode, I promise.


Sorry I guess I am to blame for this then. I don't like opening /who 50 and then go down the list and ask every single players " Hey LF dps/heals/tank for HM EV".


I don't know, I guess it works for you but does not cut it for me. Typing LFG in general in a smarter way to do it instead of "whispering", try it your computer won't explode, I promise.

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True the mechanics are a huge part of it, but being a raider also boils down to letting nothing stop you, even bugs and things you cannot control, still completing the ops. People that no longer raid due to the bugs are not true raiders, if its not perfect they run away.


I agree with you, but if you read my previous post. I said I stopped raiding because it was really easy, not because of bugs. Also I'm almost full Rakata, and just too much work to LF a full 16man Operation now.

Edited by heikaze
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TOR isn't a bad game...just doesn't do anything unique...


1:dialogue options: ripped from ME series... with multi-player random roll added still just a copy and paste system.


SWTOR didn´t rip anything. From this point, every game is copying something from existent ones. The dialog options existed since the dawn of PC gaming. What innovation did you expect ? Voice recognition ?

2: combat is pretty much standard hotkey style, mixed with some Champions online features doesn't really do anything all its own.

Well. It´s true. But becuase it works. And all upcoming MMOs will keep using that system: GW2, Terra, Secret World, all them. Well GW2 and Terra has an avoid acction, but 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 will stay for long. Noone invented a better form for multiple abilities invocation. Maybe Wii controls may change the situation...


3: talents are pretty universal in mmos now days

Yep. In all MMOs arround.

5: operations, hard modes, loot tables. ect ect ect we've done this before in alot of mmos...

Fact is most people are sick of old hotkey(WoW style) mmo style of games and are a ton are just looking for something new and fresh...unfortunatly while TOR does what it does rather well(bugs aside, and tuning aside) doesn't stand out from other mmos out there.

Games like...


are setting themselves apart from other mmo's out there in some unique way is not just story, and dialogue choices. Which as cool as those are! and lets face it TOR does that really well and story is great! it takes something more then that to KEEP players interested in there game!


Nothing new is comming. GW2, Tera will use the same mechanics plus some additional features, rename some stuff, but the core will be the same.


The hyped new feature that GW2 and Tera present is an avoidance move. With spacebar you can roll to avoid the attack.



People constantly say things like! " BUT VOICE ACTING! TOR ONLY MMO TO DO IT" or " tor first mmo to be fully voice acted!" and " but TOR's voice talent is best out there!" and i want to slap you people so hard! First off! yes TOR has good cast of voice talent, but DCUO came before TOR, it had better voice talent, it is fully voice acted so all of these claims are false... people that use this as an excuse as to why TOR should stand out are wrong! TOR is #2 in this area...you can not beat Voice acters like MARK HAMIL and ADAM BALDWIN! just impossible!


But DCUO proved that good story, interesting characters, big IP, and amazing voice actors do not make a good game...it takes something more! but at least DCUO tried to be unique... TOR on other hand played it safe, and while does what it does well... it doesn't stand out to me. Is nothing really jumps out and says " HEY I DO THIS AND OTHER MMOS DON'T! " when comes to actual gameplay... thus i personally only play TOR because my friends do... and while i love the story i've played all storys at this point so whats left? end game? its terrible... pvp? its badly done and poorly balanced...


TOR is a medicore game, and while i feel i've gotten my moneys worth of it...certainly not what they boasted it to be.

Well. Voiceovers matter. It´s better have them than not. In this aspect SWTOR is AAA game.


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Ivansblood, you made me smile. I honestly misread the end of your post and thought you said that this was an AA game, like Alcoholics Anonymous. I know that's not what you meant but my brain had a brief field day with it. You just got me out a week long emotional funk.
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SWTOR isn't a bad game, it's not a great great game (yet) so I think it's somewhere between average and above average. MMORPGS are vastily inferior to single player games story-wise so people totting the story that makes this an amazing game are just fooling themselves. The class mechanics are good but it just needs some more MMORPG stuff weaved in and this game could really take off. It's faultering atm, with the next 2 big patches going to decide its fate. Cheers.
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Oh my mistake I thought all the talk from the devs about how innovative story, companions, and game play meant that the game would be innovative. Its apparently also my mistake I thought the game would last long considering EA claimed this game would last at least ten years and have multiple expansions.


You Bioware fanbois are beyond hope.


let me introduce you to advertising its used to get you to buy stuff. Its a crazy concept but try and keep up


they never promised anything out side traditional WoW mechanics. (for combat and stuff, infact they said they were borrowing heavily from WoW) yes they trumped up the story because its a huge deal, no one has done it to this extent before that is by deffinition innovation. Companions are something while basically pets is not a common thing for MMOs so yes that could be consider innovation.


this is what happens when you listen to fanboys for advice on buying games instead of doing your own research. now, pissed off that he bought a game he doesn't like he looks for someone or something to blame. naturally he blames the Devs and EA but really he should blame no one but himself. It was and has been made clear since the game was announced what it was going to be. it was only the fanboys that ever made claims like the ones your trying to pin on Bioware. Lesson learned though right? don't trust the internet and dont take its advice when it comes to buying games

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Ivansblood, you made me smile. I honestly misread the end of your post and thought you said that this was an AA game, like Alcoholics Anonymous. I know that's not what you meant but my brain had a brief field day with it. You just got me out a week long emotional funk.


At your service :)

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Oh my mistake I thought all the talk from the devs about how innovative story, companions, and game play meant that the game would be innovative. Its apparently also my mistake I thought the game would last long considering EA claimed this game would last at least ten years and have multiple expansions.


You Bioware fanbois are beyond hope.


Ill agree I am a fanboy because it was exactly what they said it would be. I love this game. So yes I'm a fanboy and not afraid to admit that. So if that remark was to insult me it didn't!

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Originally Posted by Orrow

Oh my mistake I thought all the talk from the devs about how innovative story, companions, and game play meant that the game would be innovative. Its apparently also my mistake I thought the game would last long considering EA claimed this game would last at least ten years and have multiple expansions.


You Bioware fanbois are beyond hope.


What they said was they are planning to support SWTOR for 10 years. Multiple expansions will appear along that 10 years. Nobody said you there will be content so you can play all 10 years without a break.


The general scheme is you play for 6 months, you wait for an expansion, play for 6 months, you wait for an expansion...

Edited by Ivanblood
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